Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Netherworld F.A.Q.


It is not possible to sense rifts through the Force from within the Netherworld.

From the Galaxy, yes. If you try to sense it from the Galaxy side, please tag me and I will... elaborate.


Disney's Princess
Where are Episodes I - III?

I'd like to start dropping some lore on my character as she travels the Nether. But to do that, I need some backstory on Akala and her moral adventures. Cheers! :D
Vulpesen said:
[member="Akala"] Since I sensed the rifts, would it be possible for me to open and go through them as well? From the Galaxy side that is.
Yes. You only need to physically walk through them, into them, etc. They're literal portals - breaks in reality.

You don't have the capability to open them, but luckily, they're already open.
Karen Roberts said:
Where are Episodes I - III?

I'd like to start dropping some lore on my character as she travels the Nether. But to do that, I need some backstory on Akala and her moral adventures. Cheers! :D
Acts I - IV of Masks of Madness = Episode I - III.

If it wasn't clear by now, this is a continuation of Masks.
the side-effect for the most recent rift: You are made aware of all other Rifts and their locations both in the Galaxy and the Netherworld.

That doesn't seem so bad...what's the catch?
Nefertari Sovint said:
the side-effect for the most recent rift: You are made aware of all other Rifts and their locations both in the Galaxy and the Netherworld.

That doesn't seem so bad...what's the catch?
No catch.

But you're asking the wrong question.
Ok so if you die you go somewhere else but a. Will you ever be able to leave? B. What if you're only injured are there consequences such as it never heals. Or its slow and painful.
Arla Balor said:
Ok so if you die you go somewhere else but a. Will you ever be able to leave? B. What if you're only injured are there consequences such as it never heals. Or its slow and painful.
Injuries are normal.

You can leave through Rifts.
(Your character experiences this as a side-effect)

You are made aware of all other Rifts and their locations both in the Galaxy and the Netherworld.​
May I ask if this is a continual effect and my character is able to constantly sense out current and future rifts, or is this more of a one-shot awareness of where the current ones are located?
Here's a question for ya I've been thinking about. I went to The Dunes. Which is supposed to be endless and empty (No other people with you). So I'm a little curious to whether the accusation of endless may be a little farfetched since it is connected to other points of the map. So is it possible to walk out?

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