Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Dominion Rules - Rebellions

Rebellion Rules

Pure chaos and anarchy has descended upon the planet as the dominant Faction struggles to maintain control. This has made the planet susceptible to changing hands to any government or group at any time, effectively making the planet a no-holds barred Battle Royale.

1. To initiate a Rebellion on a planet, the following conditions must be met by a Minor and/or Major Faction.
  • The thread must meet the requirements of a Tier 3 Dominion.
  • The faction declaring Rebellion can not be the faction that started the Dominion.
  • An OOC thread must be made in the Roleplay Discussion forum declaring a Rebellion.
2. To join a Rebellion on a planet, the following conditions must be met by a Minor and/or Major Faction.
  • A Faction joining a Rebellion that did not initiate the Dominion and/or Rebellion must post in the Roleplay Discussion OOC Thread made by the Faction that initiated the Rebellion.
3. Once a Rebellion nears its completion, the Minor/Major Faction Leaders involved in the Rebellion must convene with each other and decide on the victor. If a decision cannot be made, a Roleplay Judge must be privately contacted and he/she will make the final decision.

4. If a Minor Faction is declared victor of the Rebellion, that Minor Faction is promoted to Major and is given a new influence cloud over the targeted hex*.
*The minor faction may choose to decline, which would revert the entire hex to neutral.
Real quick, how does this apply to hexes with capital planets? Like if a faction doms a planet in the same hex as their capital, gets hit with a rebellion, and loses. They lose the hex to the winning side, but do they lose their capital, too?
Are the rules for rebellions and tiered dominions retroactive on past completed dominion threads? Cause there are several dominions with more than 110 posts that can easily turned into rebellions.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Tefka"] I just thought of a valid question with the rules of a rebellion. Can a minor fraction start a rebellion dominion?

I think this would be a good way for minors to also break into a major and employs risk factor that the could lose it to an opposition. This way a minor would get the attention for people join them on the crusade. Obviously so it's not abused some form of rules would have to be based around that. Like minimum members from the minor that initiated it and things like that to prove they are worthy of the big league.
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Tefka said:
Changes highlighted in green.

Link for the lazy:

1. Upon discovery of a Major Faction that does not meet the SWRP Staff Team's standards, a Staff member may begin a vote to demote the Major Faction to a Minor Faction and recall it from the SWRP Galactic Map.

2. A Major Faction Recall vote requires 2/3 majority vote from the SWRP Staff Team to successfully pass.

3. Once a vote has passed, the Major Faction's Administrators will be sent a Notification Of Closure.

4. Upon receiving a Notification Of Closure, the Major Faction will have 14 days to bolster activity and meet the SWRP Staff Team's standards.

5. Upon the end of the 14 days of the Notification Of Closure, a second vote from the SWRP Staff Team will be held in accordance with the rules of the first vote. Upon passage of the second vote, the Major Faction's planets on the map will all be permitted to be targeted by Rebellion threads by Minor Factions or Invasions from Major Factions.

6. Invasions against recalled Major Factions do not require negotiations to account for fairness and balance prior to the start of the Invasion.

Specifically this - The recalled Major Faction's planets on the map will all be permitted to be targeted by Rebellion threads by Minor Factions
[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Cira"]

I think what she is trying to say if Minor factions can start up 'rebellion' dominions of neutral planets and be put on the map that way. Versus putting up a rebellion dominion of an existing faction already.
Sanya Val Swift said:
@Cira @Darth Carach

What Mr carach said.
Darth Carach said:
[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Cira"]

I think what she is trying to say if Minor factions can start up 'rebellion' dominions of neutral planets and be put on the map that way. Versus putting up a rebellion dominion of an existing faction already.
No, they cannot.

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