Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [NJO] Hang Ten ~ Hydrokinesis Training


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"I once thought my dream of becoming a wife and mother was just that — a dream," Valery said and chuckled, "Then I met Kahlil and he turned my entire life in a different direction." She smiled and gave it just a bit more thought. Gushing over her family wasn't uncommon, but he really had changed her whole life.

She couldn't wait to get home and spend time with him and the kids again.

"I'm sure you can find that kind of happiness yourself." She paused and flashed a grin, "Without dating apps." Perhaps she hated them because her only experience was a friend signing her up on one as a joke, but she did struggle to see how dating apps worked out well. The hopeless romantic in her couldn't help but dislike them.

Then, she heard screams.

Kat's question barely registered, as she began to move. Valery zipped across the beach like a lightning bolt, ripping up sand in her wake and closed the distance to the water. Ayhan and Aris had both gone in to help their friends, but there still seemed to be a struggle in the salty ocean. Once she reached the water, Valery raised a hand and reached out to both Mahsa Mahsa and Ayhan Ayhan with the Force. She gently tugged on their bodies, pulling them up until they were out of the water, and then slowly levitated them back to shore.

Aris seemed calm enough with Braze, so she left him to bring the boy back without telekinetic assistance, though she kept her focus on them. It was still her son out there with one of his friends.

Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Interacting w/ Mahsa Mahsa
Tags: Uh anyone nearby lol

How, exactly, they'd manage to make it back to the shore was a mystery to Ayhan. All he knew, as Ayhan tried to tug Mahsa to shore, was that his lungs were screaming and on fire. His head burst from the water and the Firronthix sucked in a lungful of air before a wave came and filled his mouth water. Wave after wave battered him. Had the ocean always been so violent? Or had their thrashing angered it. Or maybe one of the Jedi or Padawans bore some grudge. Maybe it was the Cage following them.

Funny, that of all the things that would kill them, it wouldn't be a person, beast or machine, but the fact they'd never learned to fething swim.

Or it would have been, if they weren't suddenly lifted out of the water and into the air, pulled back to shore by some unseen force. Collapsing unceremoniously into the sand, the impact seemed to knock whatever water had snuck its way into Ayhan's lungs and expelled itself via his nose and mouth. Tears welled in his eyes reflexively, blurring his vision, but still, he reached, feeling with his hand for Mahsa.
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Location: Near Edge of Water
Objective: Suggest Everyone Get Out of Water
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Ayhan Ayhan Aris Noble Aris Noble Braze Braze Mahsa Mahsa + Anyone in Area

Valery was gone in a flash, driven by pure motherly instinct. Katarine was fast on her heels but Master Noble had it all under control. Katarine stood on the shore and watched as with one swift motion the padawans were saved. Aris was bringing in Braze and all seemed to be under control.

Her deep green eyes flashed towards Casi and she felt the padawan avoiding her gaze. Her niece needed a stern talking to.

"Maybe it's time to take a break from the training."

It was a suggestion of course. Katarine wasn't on the Council and didn't have authority over these things, but things did not seem to be going well up to this point. She wondered if perhaps they needed to offer a swimming lesson.



Aris didn't really give a smile or some sort of reassuring presence in the slightest once he caught hold of Braze. Focus, determination, they were the only expressions the boy had as he dragged Braze with him with one hand to swim through the water. Slower now, since he was pulling someone with him, but none the less faster than it should've been. He needed to get Braze out of the water, probably work on clearing his lungs. He was conscious, so did that mean Braze would be able to do that on his own?

Maybe, if he stayed awake long enough for them to reach shore.

Which, they they reached the shore. It wasn't long at all for Braze to be laid out on the sand. And, well, hopefully Aris wasn't going to have to do CPR and possibly break a few ribs.

Braze Braze

Location: Beach
Objective: OMG See if Mahsa Mahsa , Braze Braze and Ayhan Ayhan are okay and thank the adults Valery Noble Valery Noble Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

"Mahsa!!" it went from bad to worse, with Zaiya blanching of all color until she was a silvery pewter hue, shock, fear, and alarm painting a rippling pulse of daffodil silver glowing colored stripes over her face. “Braze!”

Zaiya zipped into motion, her hat flying off the top of her head as she ran down towards where Valery had set the pair down. The Lovalla teen knelt down besides Mahsa, panic rushing over her features, hands reaching out to wipe the wet strands of hair to her face. There was a tall, gangly boy also coughing and soaking wet beside her, Zaiya barely registering that he was reaching out towards Mahsa.

“Mahsa are you okay?!” Zaiya cried out, just as Aris set down Braze onto the sand as well.

“Aris is Braze okay?!!”


Thing has very quickly gotten out of hand.

Anyone left in the water was very quickly washed back to shore, as the man in charge asked the sea to bring everyone back in gently. Part of him felt guilty for all this, but he knew what it was like to be a kid.

"Alright everyone, back to shore. Let's get a fire going and we can dry off."

This had been a bit of a disaster, but no one was really hurt, and they had learned the

Tag: Everyone.



TAGS: Aris Noble Aris Noble


Total = 17 + 1 = 18
18 ≥ DC of 15
Braze latched onto Aris in a way that didn't obstruct his ability to use both arms to swim. Despite the searing pain that racked his body, he maintained his breathing technique with an iron will. Each breath was a fight for control, his consciousness stubbornly holding on. He attempted to cough, his lungs rebelling against the water that threatened to choke him.

When they finally reached the shore, a wave of relief washed over him. He mentally cursed his missing arm, though the urgency of his situation left little room for self-reproach. His focus remained on expelling the water from his lungs. He coughed violently, each spasm wracking his frame and filling his mouth with the bitter taste of saltwater.

He had never felt such desperation before, at least not that he could remember.
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Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: THEY’RE ALIVE!

The waves hadn’t felt so ferocious when she’d been walking atop their surface with the help of the Force, but it was a different story entirely once the slim barrier had been removed. Each attempt to gather a fresh breath of air was eventually foiled by another mouthful of water, and she struggled to not lose her grip on the bigger Firronthix as the waves battered them.

Her feet desperately kicked against the current, spurred by the burning in her lungs and the desired safety of the warm sands back at the shore. The thought of learning how to swim had crossed her mind after their brief field trip in Endor, and she sorely regretted not having followed up on it before today.

When the first tug came her immediate reaction had been to hold onto Ayhan tightly, afraid that another wave was attempting to break them apart, only to find herself effortlessly plucked out of the ocean that had been threatening to drown them moments before. A series of coughs mingled in with the desperate breaths the young girl started to take, her hands hastily wiping the water from her eyes as the world around them finally came into focus once more.

“Mahsa are you okay?!” A feeble nod was her response as she felt the Lovalla’s hands around her face, before she pulled away just in time to hurl a considerable amount of seawater onto the sand. "A-Ayhan…!"

Mahsa’s voice was hoarse and raspy as she called out for the Firronthix, instinctively reaching out for his hand when it bumped against Mahsa’s side. She was faintly aware of Aris arrival as he brought Braze to safety, but her attention was wholly on the Firronthix that she’d managed to burden again.

"Are you ok-kay?" A mixture of orange and black colored the usual white tips of her hair, a visible cue of the conflicting emotions swirling in her chest as she looked over the boy and the claw marks he’d endured. "I d-din’t mean to—I t-thought the shore was closer…!"

Excuses, excuses, excuses... her world distorted once more as tears began to pool inside her eyes, fistfuls of sand tightly gripped in her hands as she whispered. "I’m s-sorry…"

Interacting with Ayhan Ayhan | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Nearby of Valery Noble Valery Noble | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | Aris Noble Aris Noble | Braze Braze
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"Kat, can you comfort the girl?" Valery looked between Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah and Mahsa Mahsa and offered her fellow Master a smile. Mahsa had her friends around her, but it wasn't strange for a young girl to want some comfort from an adult. It gave Valery the chance to rush over to Aris Noble Aris Noble and Braze Braze , who had reached shore as well. She loved Aris to death, but if Braze needed CPR or any kind of medical attention, it'd be better for Valery to do it.

Aris was still a kid himself.

Valery wasn't a healer either, but she had followed a lot of first aid courses in case she'd ever need it on the battlefield, or to help her children when they needed it. Call it Motherly worry, but she took this stuff extremely seriously.

"Aris," Valery said calmly once she reached him, "Well done." She crouched down near him and Braze and looked at the young Padawan. She first needed to check if he was conscious, and if he wasn't, she was ready to help. "The water is cold, so can you get a blanket for him? Just grab a few." Aris wasn't the safest option for CPR, but he was very quick, even on sand.

And she knew he'd want to keep helping.


Anthony, on the other hand, was a healer. Grabbing his jacket off the sand he had left it on, be shook it off and offered it up. "Here, this'll work as a blanket. I can do CPR, Aris Noble Aris Noble do be a favor and bring me a towel. He'll need something warm to lay on other than sand."

The man, rather than go straight for chest compressions, felt through the force. He was a water shaper after all, and simply pulling the water out of Braze was probably easier on him than the arduous task of forcing it out of his lungs. Even if it was a bit gross. From there, he went to CPR.

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble Braze Braze



TAGS: Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun


Drawing water from his lungs was what Braze needed help with, between violent coughs of salty sea water being expelled. Once he was finally rid of it, he drew a few ragged breaths and rolled over into the sand, looking none too pleased. He was conscious, and the water was removed thanks to Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun , making chest compressions unnecessary as he heaved for fresh air, feeling relatively drained from the ordeal. It seemed he was fine now, as he shifted to sit up, shivering as his body tried to normalize itself. Once he was able to breathe more normally, he managed to offer a weak, verbalized set of gratitude to both Aris Noble Aris Noble and Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun . Suffice to say, he didn't look very happy, but he'd live. He squinted through burning, bleary eyes at the others. It seemed he wasn't the only 'problem' today.​


Location: Beach Shoreline
Objective: Comfort Padawan
Tags: Mahsa Mahsa Valery Noble Valery Noble Ayhan Ayhan + Others in the Area

"Kat, can you comfort the girl?"

"Of course."

Why hadn't she thought of that? Kat was still adjusting to life around so many Jedi. It was so different than being on her own as an investigator. She crouched down next to Mahsa, who was apologizing and coughing.

"Mahsa it's okay. Everything will be okay."

She sent calming feelings toward the girl and reached out to check her pulse. It felt strong, which was good, but she knew the girl was shaken up.

"Are you okay Ayhan?"



Aris nodded once to Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun before rushing off to get the towels requested. And caught sight of the others. More people had.. Also started to drown? Mahsa and Ayhan? He blinked in surprise as they passed by, but they were safe at least. His mom and master Ryiah would be able to help them. He rushed back to Braze's side, giving the towel to Anthony before stepping back to let the adults handle this.

And briefly glanced towards Zaiya to give her a nod. Hopefully she wasn't too upset that he just took off!

Braze Braze | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


TAGS: Aris Noble Aris Noble


Braze's eyes were glossy as tears streamed down his face. He convulsed and coughed, unable to draw breath immediately. His body shook, and he felt an overwhelming urge to purge. He did, expelling some of the saltwater that had lodged not only in his lungs but elsewhere as well. The burning sensation was awful, but finally, he gasped for air. He choked, sputtered, and drew breath again, feeling a bit more at ease and finally okay. He accepted the warm towel that Aris brought him, wrapping it about himself protectively. He rubbed his face with the small bunches of fabric, drying the remnants of his tears.

"Th... thank you, Aris," he managed through soft breaths, laced with a little bit of coughing as the back of his throat burned.

Braze was happy to call it quits here. He felt uneasy and abashed at how poorly his attempt to show off had gone.
Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: ERROR 404, NOT FOUND
Interacting w/ Mahsa Mahsa | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Tags: Uh anyone nearby lol

There was the shifting sounds of feet through sand as someone scrambled towards them, and dove to their knees in front of them. "Mahsa are you okay?!" the unfamiliar voice said, and Ayhan's head snapped towards the voice, muscles tensing as if he were about to lunge until he heard Mahsa say his name, felt his hand touch her side and her hand grasping his. The tension immediately melted away, and his vision cleared enough to look at the Kazellrian, and the muddy colors hiding the other girl from sight as she brushed Mahsa's hair from her face.

"Are you ok-kay?" Mahsa began to stutter. "I d-din't mean to—I t-thought the shore was closer…!" Ayhan's eyes fixed to her face, flitting between her eyes, the quivering lips. "I'm s-sorry…" But Ayhan's face was like stone. Tight lipped, brows knitting together as he stared at her.

Another female joined them, older. One the knights or masters. "Mahsa it's okay. Everything will be okay," she said to the Kazellrian, before turning towards the Firronthix. "Are you okay Ayhan?"
The boy couldn't do more than nod before her forced himself to stand, pulling his hand from Mahsa's and started to walk further inland.

He was soaked to the bone, black and silver hair plastered to his face, and he was cold. He hissed a he began to pull off his tunic, and the salt water irritated the gashes in his back that Mahsa's claws had left behind, the red faintly coloring the white fabric of his undershirt.

Ayhan decided he hated the ocean.
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Corellian Gold Beaches
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble | Mahsa Mahsa | Ayhan Ayhan


Things were just so chaotic. Zaiya wasn’t sure what to do now, other than let the adults handle it. Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah was tending to Mahsa Mahsa , while the other soaked teen that had gone to help Mahsa seemed to storm off in a broody cloud of irritation. Zaiya hadn’t met him yet, but he should still be thanked for trying his best.

“Thank you for saving Mahsa!” Zaiya called out to Ayhan, but likely was ignored. Aris Noble Aris Noble confirmed Braze Braze was okay, and the Half-Echani was breathing better. Mahsa appeared distraught but Master Ryiah seemed to have it handled, already watching her tend to Mahsa to calm her down. A towel was offered to Mahsa by another Padawan while Braze Braze was offered the same.

Unsure if what to do, Zaiya got up to her feet. Her bare legs were covered in wet sand and she’d lost her hat somewhere. Now her colorful hair was flying all over the place. Others seemed to want to call it a day, already seeing several people leave.

With a sigh, the Lovalla teen slowly walked her way over to Aris. A faint smile and an automatic hug. “Thank you for helping Braze. I’m glad you can move and swim so fast!”

Of course, that only got her dress damp, as he was still wet from the sea. Zaiya didn’t mind though.

“Let me grab you a towel… I don’t think they are going to try and continue the classes now.”

Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: Gone, it drowned in the ocean along with her spirit (╥ ᴗ ╥)

She was vaguely aware of the conversations happening around them, the hacking coughs that wracked Braze Braze as he expelled the water from his lungs worse than her own had been. It was impossible to miss the palpable mood shift that struck the entire class, and the words of Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun simply voiced out what everyone had already known—today’s lesson was over and done with.

None of it mattered as she tried to fight back her own tears, unsuccessful as that had been. The tightness of his lips caused Mahsa to grip his hand just a bit harder, the only anchor that tethered her to the boy, though Ayhan didn’t need to utter a single word for her to know how utterly displeased he felt in that moment.

"Mahsa it's okay. Everything will be okay."

When the brunette reached for Mahsa’s free hand she had quickly pulled it back, instinct overriding logic as the Kazelrrian shifted to high alert upon noticing the trickle of emotions that were not her own. The jolt she felt as Ayhan pulled his hand away snapped her back to reality, one where the Cage no longer existed, before the girl spared a quiet nod to Katarine as she finally allowed the Jedi to check her pulse.

Someone had draped a towel over her, the soft warmth it provided a sharp contrast to the chills crawling up her skin as her small frame shivered. She’d grabbed the edges of it before pulling it tighter, wishing it would help her disappear after the sand refused Mahsa’s silent pleas to swallow her whole.

Interacting with Ayhan Ayhan | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah
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Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Ayhan Ayhan Braze Braze

Vera blinked and looked a bit saddened. This lesson had been quite exciting, but above all else, she had hoped to meet some of her fellow Padawans and maybe make some friends. Now two of them had nearly drowned, and the rest was busy trying to calm each other down. Had this day just gone to ruin?

No, she wasn't going to let it.

"Mom!" Vera yelled, ran over and grabbed her Mother's hand, before dragging her off. She picked out some branches, put them together and squinted at her Mother.

Valery just blinked.

"Make a fire. We need to get people warm," she said with a fire in her own eyes. Valery smiled, looked down at the fire and gently waved her hand across to set the air around the wood ablaze. A small, controlled fire burned on the beach, hopefully summoning those in need of warmth to surround it.

"There, let's get people here, hm?" Valery asked, and Vera nodded along.

Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: Avoid getting sick, find warmth
Interacting w/ Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Vera Noble Vera Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble
Tags: Uh anyone nearby lol

The chill of the wind bit into Ayhan's skin, the cold of the water worsening at its touch. A voice calling to him from behind shut out the frigid wind for just a moment. A girl thanking him. Ayhan paused, looking back over his shoulder at the girl who'd called out to him with what might've been surprise on his facee. But instead of his eyes settling on a person, the air itself was awash with color. Light of different hues shone brightly as Ayhan's eyes adjusted to the spectrum of light only he could see. He'd forgotten about that glowing girl from before, and assumed she'd not marked him either. But she seemed to be only one who'd noticed.

The brilliance of color faded as his eyes adjusted, and the Firronthix schooled his face into neutrality, or at least what passed for neutral on him, which was just general displeasure, and gave the glowing one a slight nod, before continuing on away from the water.

Warmth had to be a higher priority than just putting distance between himself and water though. He was starting to shiver, the cold water and the wind combining into something worse. Ayhan had taken off his undershirt as well, the thing so soaked it was probably doing more harm than good at this point. The crackling of a fire and the scent of burning wood though drew the Firronthix back towards the water. Much to his own chagrin. The orange light beckoned though, and Ayhan continued to draw near. Two figures stood by the fire. A woman and a child. More specifically, a Jedi and a Padawan, it seemed. Ayhan recognized the Padawan from Endor at least, but the Jedi, he did not. So Ayhan stood just beyond what was an acceptable distance, as if waiting to see if he had permission to approach, or if he'd be chased off.

Braze had thoroughly embarrassed himself for one day and felt subdued, his usual confidence now shadowed by abashment. The fire looked warm and inviting, so he cautiously approached, clutching the towel he had been so graciously given. His eyes, nose, and throat still burned with the lingering sting of saltwater.

Settling into the soft sand, Braze watched the mesmerizing glow of the embers as they crackled, each pop and hiss amplifying his self-consciousness. He tried not to fidget as he rubbed his aching skin, the warmth of the fire contrasting sharply with the cold knot of shame in his stomach.

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