Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [NJO] Hang Ten ~ Hydrokinesis Training


Aris was quiet. He looked after Braze, just giving him a simple nod. Everything had gone.. Poor, to say the least. But no one was hurt. And, well, people would be fine. He was content with staying quiet and to the back, until Zaiya hugged and thanked him. He blinked, glancing to her. Then, grumbled, just a little. Smiled, but still grumbled. She'd gotten herself wet in turn, despite not having swam.

"You should've gotten a towel first, so at least you'd remain dry."

Not that it stopped him from half returning the hug regardless. Then, glanced over as he heard Vera and mom. He tilted his head before a smile formed. A bonfire? That was good. A very good idea. "Let's go sit with the others. We can dry from the heat."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Ayhan Ayhan | Mahsa Mahsa | Braze Braze

"It's okay," Zaiya replied with a half grin, wiggling her nose in amusement. She brought up her hand to fluff up his wet hair, watching how the damp silver strands spiked up when she did so. The smiling, grumbling combo was cute.

"Alright," without further ado, she returned her hand to hold his hand, fingers curling around his palm immediately. "But let me get my bag first. I have snacks in there." she told him, leading the way, before tossing a glance back at him over her colorful shoulder, "And get you that towel."

She could then check on Mahsa Mahsa and Braze Braze and see if they were both doing okay. The big gangly one seemed he would hang around, but he didn't look very approachable now.

Either way, it appeared Vera Noble Vera Noble was excited about the bonfire. Another flashing grin. So was Zaiya.

The crackling sound of wood as it was consumed by the flames caught her attention, the familiar scent of a campfire drawing the Kazelrrian out of her own head to glance at the bonfire Valery Noble Valery Noble and her daughter had started.By the time Mahsa had noticed Braze had already found a spot close to the glowing embers, while the taller figure of Ayhan lingered around the outskirts of it.

She did her best to try and rid herself of as much sand as possible after standing, the towel being a big help in that regard, though it was impossible to clear it all—not when it stubbornly clung to her wet clothes and hair. Another shiver finally convinced her to come closer, drawn to the promise of warmth the fire offered.

"H-Here…" It took a massive effort before a hoarse whisper finally left her lips, choosing to ignore the warning bells in her mind as Mahsa approached the Firronthix. "You’ll get s-sick if you don’t dry o-off."

Her towel was held and offered for him to take, dampened by her use but still capable of drying his skin and hair if Ayhan chose to take it.

Nearby Aris Noble Aris Noble | Ayhan Ayhan | Braze Braze | Vera Noble Vera Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: CORRUPTED
Interacting w/ Mahsa Mahsa
Tags: Uh anyone nearby lol

Slowly others began to near the fire, passing by Ayhan and settling in the soft sand next to the roaring flames. Seeing as they were allowed, and no warning glares had been thrown the Firronthix's way, he too began to move towards the fire when Mahsa stopped him with her approach, holding a towel out to him. The Firronthix's gaze swept over her, as if examining her. The cold seemed to disappear as he did so, some old habit to confirm she was okay resurfacing, taking precedence over his own well-being.

She was fine though. Uninjured, at the very least. And so Ayhan reached out silently took the towel, drenched clothing. "Thanks..." the Firronthix muttered quietly. The fire still beckoned though, and Ayhan glanced in its direction, then back at Mahsa. "It's cold," he said again, and walked towards the bonfire.

A fallen log, dried and white from sun-bleach lay nearby, and Ayhan laid his shirt and tunic over it in the hopes that the fire's heat would soon dry them before toweling his hair, and patting his skin dry.


Location: On The Beach
Objective: Sit By Fire
Tags: anybody

All and all the lesson had been eventful for sure. After a while there was a fire going to keep everyone warm and towels were passed around.

The padawans seemed okay but shaken up. Katarine did her best to offer comfort but they seemed to be relying more on each other for that, which all things considered was probably a good thing. It was nice to see friendships forming.

She’d done her best to keep her gaze downwards even as the towel had been offered, afraid of the expression she might find on the Firronthix’s face. She’d inconvenience him again, and that was putting the magnitude of what had happened lightly, but old habits always die hard.

Golden eyes had finally lifted enough to be in view for Ayhan as the girl gazed upwards just slightly, before they’d widened in faint surprise of what she saw. It had been a long time since Mahsa had been under that familiar gaze, the same one that had always looked over her after the trials of the day were done in the Cage.

"Mm." She didn’t trust her voice past that simple sound, a soft nod given when the boy thanked her as he took hold of the towel. Hands that were now free soon turned to the hem of the shorts she wore, the dampened fabric cold to the touch and saturated with seawater as she pinched them softly.

"It's cold." The words coaxed another shiver as it ran along her spine, reminded of her sorry state as the crackling of the bonfire softly filtered back into her ears. He was the first of them to move, heading for a dried log that laid a comfortable distance from the growing flames.

Mahsa only watched at first, her gaze quietly sweeping back in the direction of the ship that Aris Noble Aris Noble and Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti had headed to moments earlier, before the Kazelrrian took a deep breath as the warmth of the fire beckoned her closer. Maybe it’d be fine just this one time…?

Quiet steps finally closed the distance as she headed for the same fallen log that Ayhan had picked before the girl gingerly sat on the very edge of it, shoulders tensed and looking ready to bolt at the first sign of her presence not being welcomed by the Firrontix.

Interacting with Ayhan Ayhan
Nearby anyone by the bonfire.
Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: CORRUPTED
Interacting w/ Mahsa Mahsa
Tags: Uh anyone nearby lol

Ayhan set the towel Mahsa had given him aside on the log before spreading his still dripping shirt and tunic across the sun-bleached wood. With the fire at his back, the heat washed over Ayhan, warming his skin. A shadow passed over him, darkening his view as Mahsa passed by him, careful not to brush against him. His head turned to the side, following her motion, eyes immediately tracking her as she came into view and...

She sat on the log, on the opposite side from where he was. A slight pain stitched its way across his chest, and Ayhan frowned at himself. He'd made it a point to stay as far away from Mahsa as was reasonably possible of late. And maybe he'd said some things to her, enough to push her away to the other end of the log.

Ayhan willed himself to walk away. He tried to remind himself that she was happier with the Jedi, happier than he was at least. She thrived here, understood their lessons perfectly, carried out her duties flawlessly. Maybe he did resent her a little bit for that, but he didn't want to drag her down either. Better to walk away.

But Ayhan's feet refused to move. Adrenaline still lingered in his bloodstream, his fight or flight instinct still turned on. And with it-

Ayhan sat on the log next to Mahsa. Silently. Wordlessly, and let the fire warm them both.
Mahsa had been mindful as she weaved herself into a spot, the Kazelrrian careful to not overstep or infringe on the Firronthix’ personal space in any way. After all, she’d already caused him enough trouble and hardships… and she wasn’t sure if she could bear one of his angry stares today.

Still there was a comfort that only his presence could give, and perhaps that’s why she’d chosen to perch herself in the same log that Ayhan had claimed—even if it’s been in the very tip opposite to his end.

With the towel now gone her fingers had turned back to the hem of her attire, quietly playing with the edge as she gazed at the flames. The warmth provided by the fire was welcomed, even if it highlighted the cold she felt on her back.

The crackling sounds of the bonfire were a tune she was more than familiar with, the dry bark cracking and splitting as it was consumed by the flames. It was the only lullaby she’d known for most of her short life, and Mahsa hadn’t realized how much she missed it until now.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the log shifted ever so slightly, further pressed onto the sand as it accommodated for the figure that sat down beside her. She didn’t need to look to know it was him as a mixture of emotions quickly swelled inside her chest.

Lips parted for a moment, before they closed without an uttered word—a motion that was repeated two more times as the girl struggled to find her voice or the words she might want to say. They had been so close not that long ago, so why did it feel like a chasm lay between them even as the Firronthix sat so close?

"S-So—" The apology died before it was entirely delivered, her gaze still focused on the flames as she tried to ignore the heat creeping to the tip of her ears. It seemed all she ever did as of late was apologize again and again whenever Ayhan was near, and Mahsa was certain he must be getting sick of it by now.

She was always burdening him with her existence.

"T-Thank you." It wasn’t the first time he’s risked his own safety to ensure her own and, despite the hesitation in her voice and the guilt that gnawed at her insides, her gratitude was genuine.

Interacting with Ayhan Ayhan
Nearby anyone at the bonfire.



Aris tilted his head, but he didn't question it further. Zaiya pretty much always had food. He smiled warm, squeezing her hand as he took the offered towel with the other to at least start drying his hair, unknowing of just how much she'd already messed it up. He'd dry, soon enough. Especially with a fire to sit by. They'd arrive in a timely fashion and totally weren't forgotten by the writer, idly sitting near the flame so he could properly dry off.

Probably too close to the flame, but heat never bother Aris as it was.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Ayhan Ayhan | Mahsa Mahsa | Vera Noble Vera Noble

By now the sun was setting, dyeing the skies a deep indigo blue that bled into rich ambers and reds off on the horizon. One could already see the glittering sparkle of stars and distant worlds reflecting the Corellian sun, making the glimmering spots twinkle and flicker as if alive.

“Hello!” Zaiya chimed, setting down her satchel with the said snacks she’d mentioned. It had been nice to hold Aris’s hand and swing it in a silly manner as they made their way over here. The contact was broken as he sat down close to the fire, while Zaiya beamed at Ayhan Ayhan and Mahsa Mahsa .

“Feeling better Mahsa? If you are hungry and feeling okay, I have some snacks.” She offered the satchel over to the girl, before giving a glance around to see where to sit. She’d have liked to sit next to Aris Noble Aris Noble , but he was sitting too close and it would be uncomfortably warm for her.

Hmm. Her brows scrunched together as she thought, the darkening night making her color shifting more prominent as it rippled over her skin. It be only more mesmerizing if the bioluminescence were triggered with any powerful emotions.

Oh! A solution came, and without further ado, Zaiya took off her hat and plopped it down beside Aris. Only instead of joining it, she took a few steps and swiveled, setting herself down behind Aris so she could sit down and essentially, spoon him in a hug from behind.

Perfect! Delight would indeed shimmer in a faint glow of the iridescent golden bioluminescence, the Lovalla quite pleased at her solution. Arms would snake under the Epicanthix teen’s arms, curving round his flank until they settled comfortably around his bare belly.

Then, as if she were a Lothcat snuggling close, Zaiya snuggled comfortably and leaned against Aris’s back, perching her chin along his right deeply tanned shoulder so she could see the other Padawans.

“Mmm, okay much better,” she sang in a low murmur, her breath sending a tickling fan by his ear. It was like hugging Aris but better, because now she can sit leaning against him like this for longer. A deep measure of contentment would resonate as the warmth of Zaiya’s torso at Aris’s back would allow a richer emotive connection that made her belly flutter and toes joyfully curl into the sand.

“This is nice!
” She told them all, beaming a wide grin



Aris blinked slowly as he felt warmth from behind as well as from the flame. A very slow, processing blink as he practically stiffened how he was sitting. He let out a breath before glancing back over to Zaiya with a brow raised. "Is it? Why aren't you sitting beside me like you normally do?" No, he hadn't pieced together that the flame was just too hot for people normally.

One day he'd figure that out.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


TAGS: @ | Writing with and for Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken


After adjusting to the air once more, Braze gently laid his towel down and walked away from the lively chatter of the fire, moving back towards the water. He had no intention of diving deep into the surf again, but he was determined not to end his day on a negative note. As he re-entered the water, he seemed detached from the group, more interested in the solace of the waves than in socializing. He'd stepped away from them moving barely out of ear shot to find some space and let them enjoy their snacks in peace.

As Braze quietly returned to the ocean, Valor's interest was sparked by his solitary approach. He watched as Braze stepped away from the festivities, and moved to join him. "Back for more, Braze? Or did the ocean not teach you enough about where you truly stand?" Valor jeered, his voice dripping with disdain.

Braze snapped back, "Why don't you take a long walk off a short pier? The ocean's calling you more than I am," his words laced with vitriol.

Valor's smirk deepened, eyes glinting with mischief. "After your little spectacle earlier, I'd think you'd want someone to hold your hand this time—maybe Aris could play lifeguard again," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Raising the stakes, Braze taunted, "Oh, giving advice now? How charitable of you, considering I've yet to see you even dip a toe in. What’s the matter, afraid the water will ruin your perfectly groomed image?"

This challenge spurred Valor into action. With a smug confidence, he strode into the water and skillfully manipulated the waves, flaunting his prowess with a casual flick of his wrist. Turning to Braze, he boasted, "See? Easy."

Mahsa Mahsa Ayhan Ayhan Aris Noble Aris Noble

There was no mistaking how Aris's body stiffened seconds after Zaiya draped herself and said this was nice. Toss in the arched brow he shot at her direction over his shoulder and Zaiya also froze, and her belly suddenly felt as if it had dropped.

"Is it? Why aren't you sitting beside me like you normally do?"


If he's asking the question, then that likely meant that he didn't think that sitting like this and hugging him from behind was nice.

"Oh, umm." Confusion and embarrassment immediately bleed over her patterns and her rosy golden skin seemed to melth into a soft silver. Doubt arose, and the Lovalla teen immediately drew her arms away.

"Sorry, I'll move to the side," she apologized, scooting back and towards the side but father away from the bonfire so the radiating heat wouldn't burn her bare legs. Their flash would reveal shimmering constellations twinkling in corals and greys, only to be tucked under her thighs as she distracted herself by reaching for her satchel.

That was stupid, Zaiya.
Heat flushed her face in a manner that had nothing to do with the bonfire in front of her.

"I could use a snack. Anyone else want one?"

Food. Just focus on food.


Aris blinked in surprise as Zaiya retreated. He didn't want to just know how she was feeling, but, he did. Her colors made it plenty easy to figure out. He let out a sigh, looking back forward to the flame. He'd said something wrong, hadn't he? But what? He hummed, idly leaning foreword near the flame so he could dry better. Faster. Maybe it was the flame?

That could be it, right?

"I'll take some food."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Ayhan Ayhan | Mahsa Mahsa
Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: CORRUPTED
Interacting w/ Mahsa Mahsa | Aris Noble Aris Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Tags: Uh anyone nearby lol

The bonfire crackled and snapped, its flame climbing into the sky, embers riding the heated air even higher, before dancing away like fireflies in the night. It wasn't the modest pile of sticks and dry leaves that Ayhan had grown up with. The one he'd oft tended while Mahsa stole a few hours of sleep behind their makeshift walls and improvised alarms. But the roar and the crackle, and the presence of the girl beside him was familiar in a way that nothing else was. Not like the forest of Endor, which only brought the many horrific parts of their shared past bubbling to the surface. Instead it was, in a word, safety. Not true safety, as the youths had never, and likely would never be afforded that. Not in a galaxy as cruel as this. But it was safer. And that alone was enough for Ayhan's body to visibly relax, his shoulders sagging, back arching. Not enough to hide the vicious scar across his chest from Mahsa's view, but enough that his ribs pressed against the skin of his back. The flames and their dancing orange lights cast deep shadows, accentuating how thin he'd become.

Mahsa's voice started, then faltered. Then started again. The Firronthix gave no indication that he'd heard her. But he didn't move away either, despite their legs almost touching. Maybe neither realized it, or perhaps they knew it too well, but protecting her was his life's work. Literally, metaphorically. It was all but a given, and as such required no thanks.

The sense of almost-safe, dissipated as soon as their roommates arrived, and Ayhan's back straightened, his chin lifting as they sat down in the sand. Ayhan would've blamed it on Zaiya's too-cheery for near-death experiences attitude, had he been asked. Or the fact that she was cocooning herself around Aris like a Kathol kuolu. Even Ayhan couldn't help but cast a questioning, sideways glance at Mahsa. She'd have a better idea of what Zaiya was doing than he did.

When Zaiya finally shifted away from Aris, and offered everyone snacks, Ayhan raised a hand, "Please."
There was no feedback that he'd heard her and no acknowledgement towards her words, but he hadn’t moved away either, so the Kazelrrian chose to take it as a sign that her presence was tolerated… at least for the time being.


Zaiya’s cheerful voice caused a faint smile to tug at the edges of her lips, the girl waving softly as she watched the Epicanthix and Lovalla close the distance to join them by the fire. "Found everything…?" They’d been gone for a while, enough of it at least for the halter jumper that Zaiya lent her for the day to stop dripping at least.

A nod was given in confirmation of her well being, before a guilty look crossed the girl’s face as she stuttered out her next words to the Lovalla. "S-Sorry, I-I’ll get it cleaned before giving it b-back." The damp fabric was a constant reminder of the unexpected events moments earlier by the ocean, and Mahsa felt bad for not having taken better care of the clothes Zaiya was always fond of.

She was still a bit self-conscious about how much skin her attire revealed, unused to bare arms or the shortness of its—well—shorts... but another part of her liked it. The design was simple but pretty like all of the things the Lovalla teen wore, and the fabric had felt nice against her flesh… until it had been drowned in salt water, of course. Another nod was given as Zaiya offered them some snacks, before her gaze followed Aris as the boy chose to sit quite close to the bonfire…

Right, heat doesn’t affect him. The initial panic she’d felt quickly subsided as the Kazelrrian remembered that key detail she’d learned one day as they worked on a stew for the Younglings, a relieved sigh escaping her lips as her attention shifted to two figures a distance away.

Braze Braze had walked back to the shore, perhaps looking for some solitude, before being joined by a taller figure as they… conversed? They were too far out for her ears to make up the words behind their voices, and their body language didn’t clarify matters either… but surely everything was fine, right?

A wave of embarrassment flooded her chest, and it took a second for Mahsa to realize it hadn’t come from within herself. Her attention was finally brought back to her friends, just as the Lovalla unwrapped her arms from Aris and scooted back a bit. She offered the Lovalla an empathetic smile, assuming the Lovalla’s feelings were a result of her getting too close to the fire like Aris had, before her friend rustled through her things as she offered them all some snacks.

Aris was the first to accept, with Ayhan being second as the Firronthix raised a hand along with a one-worded answer, before the girl finally joined in with a nod. "Me t-too."

Interacting with Aris Noble Aris Noble | Ayhan Ayhan | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Nearby anyone at the bonfire.

Mahsa Mahsa Aris Noble Aris Noble Ayhan Ayhan

Thankfully, everyone wanted some snacks. Zaiya used that opportunity to hide her face under the wayward strands of her hair so that the embarrassed coral tint wouldn't be as obvious to others. Hands rustling in her satchel, she pulled out a few bags of crunchy Muja apple chips, a few cocoa bars, and a salty nut medley.

"Here you go. Just take whichever you'd like, " she offered, holding them out for everyone to pick and choose what they would like. She briefly caught sight of Mahsa's empathetic expression, and Zaiya gave a small nod but another duck of her head. Really, she felt as if she was being so silly, but at the same time, it had stung. It was a reminder that whatever she might find to be comfortable may not be the same thing others felt, especially Aris.

She'd keep her hands to herself more and stick to how they normally interacted from now on.

"Here is some juma and puja berry juice, too, if you want them." Out came the small cartons of juice, complete with a pop-up straw. She distributed them before settling down on her knees, sitting with her knees drawn up to her chest as if trying to make sure not a single wayward, gangly limb would inch over towards the Epicanthix. She had heard his sigh, seeing from the periphery that he even leaned forward towards the fire. In her mind, Zaiya's thoughts played terrible angsty tricks that he wanted to move even further away from her.

Despite the fire, Zaiya felt cold. No, not cold. Lost.

"Don't worry about the bathing suit, it is okay. You can keep it if you like." It was best to talk about something that was neutral, the Lovalla teen trying her best not to look over in Aris's direction and instead shined those iridescent blue eyes over at Ayhan and Mahsa.

"It does look pretty on you."


Aris just stared in the flame. He didn't understand what had changed, but he could tell something had. Zaiya had pulled away. The others were just as awkward- Wait, no. Ayhan and Mahsa were as they always were now that he thought on it. Maybe he should have a snack too? He leaned back on his hands, really mulling over his options at this point.

He didn't want things to remain awkward.

Except, he really didn't know how to help this. He grumbled softly, staring up at the stars this time as he dried off from the heat. He'd figure it out. Probably.

Ayhan Ayhan | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa
Zaiya passed out the snacks she'd brought with her, and Ayhan gratefully took some of the packed nuts from the girl, nodded his thanks to her. She moved on and and then returned as quickly as she'd left, juices in hand. Ayhan selected the juma juice, of course. The nuts were good, with just the right amount of salt, and the juma juice was...well juma juice, and Ayhan loved it.

Mahsa and Zaiya's voices faded into the background slowly. Not for any particular reason other than Ayhan had stopped paying attention as he quietly nibbled and sipped on his snacks. Whatever it was they were talking about, Mahsa's swimsuit he thought, didn't concern him. And Hera said it was rude to eavesdrop anyways. Exhaustion began to wash over Ayhan as he looked at nothing in particular. He'd managed not to drown today. Not just avoid drowning, in fact, but swim out to grab Mahsa, and drag her back to shore. A productive day, and a day like that deserved a good rest.

For some reason in that moment, Ayhan returned to his own body, and found Zaiya staring at him, shimmering orbs of blue. His eyes met hers and for just a moment, something caught in Ayhan's throat. She spoke then, but it wasn't to him, but rather Mahsa, and Ayhan realized she'd just been looking in their direction. But the chance occurrence had had its effect, and Ayhan averted his eyes from the girl, instead moving to Aris who stared skyward.

Ayhan's eyes followed the other boy's gaze, up, up, up into the black sheet of night, speckled with glittering lights even with Corellia's distant cities polluting the dark sky. This was only the second time Ayhan had looked up towards the sky since he'd left the Cage. Here, now, sitting beside a Kazellrian, a Lovalla, and an Epicanthix.

"I never thought we'd live to see them..." Ayhan murmured allowed, an unbidden admittance of something he'd never even admitted to himself.

Mahsa Mahsa | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Aris Noble Aris Noble
Zaiya was always prepared, and it showed as the Lovalla revealed a nice little medley of snacks and drinks from her bags. Though the muja apple chips caught her attention at first the Kazelrrian ended up picking one of the cocoa bars. The rich and slight bitterness associated with them had surprised her at first, but it had now become one she enjoyed.

However she couldn’t ignore the familiar juice when a carton of it showed up. The hardy berries were known to grow in a variety of climates with little issue, and they had been one of varying foods provided to them by their creator. Their flavor was sweet with a hint of tartness, and she could still remember how much Dara had enjoyed the way they’d color their tongues a deep red whenever they ate too many of them.

"Are you s-sure…?" She was oblivious to the way Ayhan’s gaze had lingered on the Lovalla, a faint blush of embarrassment on her cheeks as Zaiya decided to give her the garments she currently wore. The Lovalla had been nothing but kind since the first day Mahsa had met her, something the younger girl still wasn’t quite used to. "T-Thanks, Zaiya."

She could only hope to find a way to pay back the Lovalla for the care she showed her, the last thing Mahsa wanted was for Zaiya to one day feel she was just being taken advantage of.

A murmured breath caused the girl to look upwards into the night sky, finally realizing that the sun had finished setting over the horizons as the stars twinkled against the darkened expanse. It felt surreal to enjoy the sight of real stars for the second time in their short life, a seemingly unattainable dream that they’d once shared that—against all odds—had actually come to pass.

"They're really pretty…" She had thought the faked night sky of the Cage had been good back when it’d been the only thing Mahsa had known, but now—sitting by the warmth of the bonfire and surrounded by those she considered friends—she could finally see how dull and lifeless those stars had been.

Interacting with Aris Noble Aris Noble | Ayhan Ayhan | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Nearby anyone at the bonfire.

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