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Non-Faction Members Should Not Exceed Faction Members In Dominions

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[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

As in, if you don't correct the problem soon then you'll have more minimum posts to complete to make sure it's actually a faction effort.

5. All posts in a Dominion must be made to be quality posts. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in a raising of the minimum post goal for the Dominion.
So.......... I am dying of laughter here.

the link is to a Dominion I started. But it failed to provide the link where i also request Aid from Mercenaries.

I think this BS, till the moment someone figures out a proper way to deal with Multi faction issue, I will not take this issue seriously and will continue doing what i am doing.

Also in this dominion I have provided work for those who Claim to be proper Mercenaries and its not my fault that I had a huge turn out of soldiers of fortune. It also has promoted activity in rp intereactions with non Mando PCs with the mandalorians. Broadening for future story arcs in which the Admins and this entire site is all about. Healthy, active and creative writing.

In the thread there are Republic Soldiers. The republic and the Mandos are allies and are promoting Multi Factioning. I am against multi factioning but I am not going to have my Faction cut down because the rest of the Site is exploiting the loop hole.

So with all due respect, I do not stand by this suggestion and I will continue the giggle snorts.
[member="Strider Garon"]

No one is being called out here. The thread was linked purely as an example.

You point is noted in any case but I'd like to use some counter-thought... There's plenty of ways for a faction to open up stories with people not part of their faction. We have campaigns, I've seen faction threads that are also open to non-faction members. You could easily start a public thread. As I've stated a few times already, my suggestion does impede non-faction members from joining dominions; just that it the faction itself should be the one putting in the majority effort.

I've made a lot of counter points today. So unless anyone directly has a question for me I'll be observing.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

So whats wrong with using a Dominion thread to open up stories?

And if one has issues with the real-estate gain because of such non faction character use then once again I will point to the Factions that have flooded their ranks with Multi Factioned characters. I mean where is the difference between a non-faction member ICly being hired as a mercenary to help and aid a conquering nation and Those PCs that are say OS main alts who dabble in say Prime Doms?

This thread that has been linked is probably the first time The Mandalorians have ever been out numbered by the Non Mando PCs. But during the Event, before the event all of our Doms been mostly completed by Mandalorian "MAIN" Alts. Our faction is 85% still just Mandalorian main membership. So, we used some mercenary help to help boost up activity. Thats what they are there for. Suggestion to limit such is foolish till the day we limit the multi faction PCs.
Strider Garon said:
So whats wrong with using a Dominion thread to open up stories?

Nothing, you can still have stories. You can still have mercenaries, allies, etc. My idea just suggests they shouldn't be the driving force, the faction should because it's a faction activity. So the amount of non-faction members in a dominion shouldn't exceed the amount of faction members in a dominion... Not that they shouldn't be there at all.

If that's not a sufficient answer for you then I probably have nothing more. :)
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Then at the same time Secondary factioned characters shouldn't make up the main driving force in Doms. I am pretty sure the Prime made a hefty profit in the real-estate department during the Event with such. So since really this Dom and Allies is not a "real issues" just as the Multi faction is not a "real issue" then i guess we are at a moot point here.
[member="Strider Garon"]

If you'd like to discuss that, feel free to start a topic on multi-faction PCs as it does not relate to the topic at hand discussed in the original post.
[member="Strider Garon"]

I think the multi-faction character issue is a large one, but it is not the topic of this thread.


By all means you should start a separate thread for this issue so we as a board can discuss it and find a solution. :)

EDIT: Sniped by Anja. *shakes tiny fists*
[member="Strider Garon"]

Frankly, I agree with you. I think that characters should be limited to a single major (minor is fine) faction, it doesn't after all limit story potential to have that regulation, instead rather clamping down on loopholes for competitive play.

But once again, off topic, off topic. >.>
Anja Aj'Rou said:
Nothing, you can still have stories. You can still have mercenaries, allies, etc. My idea just suggests they shouldn't be the driving force, the faction should because it's a faction activity. So the amount of non-faction members in a dominion shouldn't exceed the amount of faction members in a dominion... Not that they shouldn't be there at all.

If that's not a sufficient answer for you then I probably have nothing more. :)
Anja Aj'Rou said:
Nothing, you can still have stories. You can still have mercenaries, allies, etc. My idea just suggests they shouldn't be the driving force, the faction should because it's a faction activity. So the amount of non-faction members in a dominion shouldn't exceed the amount of faction members in a dominion... Not that they shouldn't be there at all.

If that's not a sufficient answer for you then I probably have nothing more. :)
Why don't you just report a dominion where issues like lack of faction effort take place and let the staff sort it out, rather than debating it here? If you see it in the future, send a report with the details of the issue, and I guarantee things will start to move more quickly than not. Just make sure you can back up any claims you make.

I might've explained poorly; forgive me.

My response was not an argument for a specific dominion. The one that was questioned was not linked by me -- it was linked by someone else after an admin asked for an example.

To reclarfiy: My initial point has nothing to do with specific dominions but is rather a solution to maintain that all future dominions are faction efforts. Only a faction may start a dominion and it even states that the reason for dominions is so a Major Faction may passively gain worlds... So why shouldn't it be a faction effort? Besides, there'd be less debating between staff if there was a clear rule about it; if a report were made.

If I misunderstood what you wrote, my apologies. I'm kind of tuckered out from work.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
What I am saying is that various times Dominions may not be based around dominating a planet through the efforts of solely the faction involved, as dominions do not necessarily mean you're taking an active stance to seize control of a planet and its people - the Levantine Sanctum being the best example to date of such. Many factions may use dominions to try to recruit new members or bring back older ones, such as the mandalorian recruitment faction thread followed by a dominion thread or two. If you feel the faction isn't putting the work or effort in on the same or greater scale than those who assisted than you can click the report button and make that feeling known, then an admin or RPJ will look into it and judge it by case, rather than by a participant cap that can easily be negated through joining the faction in question.

I'll agree with that stance as case-by-case works. However; I would like to point out that the 1/5th and quality-post rules likely won't be pursued unless reported either. I doubt very much an admin or RPJ will do more than skim through a 100-post thread and even then I'd like to think there are even times when they just give the benefit-of-the-doubt. It's a lot of reading. Let's say I did report a thread for that. It's not a rule right now so case-by-case would require more effort for discussions/thorough-input. Having a rule in place sets the tone for judging such reports, making it easier to judge when a written rule is broken.

The purpose of this thread is to get a gander at whether or not the community feels that there should be a rule put in place to ensure that dominions are a faction effort. So far around a dozen people have expressed support; including 3 Major Faction Owners other than myself. This issue goes beyond typical case-by-case issues based on those opinions thus far.

Edit: Forgot The Rebel Alliance is now major :p, so 3 faction owners.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Im curious where this has actually been a problem. Because i have not once seen this as such and really Dominions are in the OPen threads section and as long as given permission people have every right to join it. This is why if you want this to be a rule then i suggest that Tefka make dominions a Private forum thing or otherwise. Deal with it. Open threads are open threads and you can just suck it up if people were allowed in they were allowed in. Not your faction, not your call. Sheesh.
Fabula Caromed said:
Post quality is checked for every dominion.

I mean no disrespect here; but there was a case during the Netherworld where a thread was penalized after already being verified by a staff member. The only reason why it was penalized at all was due to the fact the error was pointed out. That was only 50 posts. Surely there were several dominions but it does raise belief that a similar scenario might happen again in the future.

Besides the point, I was only using the quality rule as a suggestion for consequence, not the rule itself.

Alexandra Feanor said:
Open threads are open threads and you can just suck it up if people were allowed in they were allowed in.
Although dominions go into the open roleplay forum, technically speaking there are threads that require invite (Below is an example). Dominions and Invasions are for the factions involved. Outside help must be approved first, just in this case there's a rule for aid in invasions but not one in dominions. Open-roleplay just suggests that the thread isn't private between a select few members but rather for a group involved. My suggestion does not prevent others from joining dominions, it's a suggesting that the amount should be limited to how many actual faction members there are in the thread.

[FACTION]: This prefix is reserved for Faction-Only Member Roleplays.
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