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Non-Faction Members Should Not Exceed Faction Members In Dominions

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Ijaat Akun said:
we do this, then the number of multifactioned PC's participating must not exceed half the total number of sole factioned PC's for the undertaking in question. If we're restricting allies in any way, only fair to make sure we at least partially close the barn-door that is that particular loophole so things don't get too crazy with people suddenly being in 4-5 factions just to skirt the rules and keep doing as they intend to do.
I can't agree with this. Simply existing in multiple factions should not punish the writer nor the faction. There is no rule for this in invasions, nor should there be one for dominions. If your character is primarily a Mandalorian and you're with the Republic by affiliation after clicking the Join Faction button then your Mandalorian dominion posts shouldn't be stunted because of that decision. You are not an ally, nor are you simply abusing a loophole.
[member="Ijaat Akun"]

My apologies if any of my expressions were improper, as I tend to get impulsive with my responses.

Again. What I'm suggesting is not restricting allies in any way, it's merely asking that there be a balance between faction members in a dominion. Think of it like the invasion rule where only a maximum of 10 writers may aid either side as an ally. My suggestion only limits the participation of non-faction members involved to the same number of faction members involved.
Ijaat Akun said:
Again... Provide me instances where this has actually affected ANYTHING. And unless you are suggesting this applies to multi-factioning chars as well, which to me is a thinly veiled flouncing of the allies rules/restrictions to a worse degree than your complaint, I remain firmly against it and good luck changing my mind without serious evidence that this (what you are suggesting we needlessly complicate with rules) is an actual ongoing issue with real-time repercussions to the negative end of things.
If you need an instance where this occurred then I can point you to the currently archived (completed) dominion of Serenno, where I and several other writers took part in, not that we exceeded that amount at all - I don't think I've ever seen a dominion where a faction itself had less writers from their own factions involved than guest writers.
Ijaat Akun said:
I'll take it one step further and change my stance - I can agree to this no problem. I still don't see any instances of it being a problem, and can't remember any instances where this genuinely affected the outcome at least recently. But if we do this, then the number of multifactioned PC's participating must not exceed half the total number of sole factioned PC's for the undertaking in question. If we're restricting allies in any way, only fair to make sure we at least partially close the barn-door that is that particular loophole so things don't get too crazy with people suddenly being in 4-5 factions just to skirt the rules and keep doing as they intend to do.
but they are a member of the faction... I don't see the problem even if they are part of another faction too.. cause they are indeed a member of that faction and thus qualify to help them...
The issues I have with adding a clause for multi-faction members as suggested prior are:
  1. 10 members of a faction in a dominion cut off non-members to 10, which is fair.
  2. If 10 more members of that faction, whom have been in another faction for whatever reason - be it infiltrating or simply because they have an honorary membership of the group - then only 5 can join.
  3. 10 non-members is more than 5 members.
  4. Non-faction members should be restricted more than faction members, not vice versa, this is ridiculous.
Pretty sure at this point that the Multi-faction dilemma has begun to warrant its own thread. Personally, I endorse multi-faction character's within reason.

Take my character for instance, I'm part of the One Sith, but I'm part of the one sith for training and connection purposes. However, my primary faction is the Primeval, so most of my support of dominions and development and such goes towards the Primeval. I wouldn't consider myself as any ally in either dominion because I have a legitimate reason for being in either instance.

If it make sense story wise, and it develops connections with other factions, I don't see why it shouldn't be that way.

Also, I feel like this whole business on allies exceeding faction writers seems a bit far fetched to me. It seems to be pre-emptive to a problem that doesn't exist... I have yet to see a single dominion (to my knowledge, Fringe might of done something) where the non-factions out weighed the faction members. Even if it was that, perhaps there is a perfectly logical reason as to why that is. If I'm not mistaken, as memory is coming back to me, I'm almost certain that the Fringe used a public Auction as form of dominion by taking over the planet's economy over night through the revenue or something to that extent. Seems fairly reasonable to me if it makes sense, so why bother filling up the rules page?
[member="Ijaat Akun"]

There has been a very recent dominion in which there were 8 faction members as opposed to the 15 non-faction members.

I have no intention of putting down a link here as to avoid needless mudslinging, but if you wish I can direct you to the thread privately and where there is one instance there will be others.
Hal Terrano said:
Participation of non-faction members in a dominion must not exceed participation of faction members.
I can definitely get behind this.

Has this rule ever actually been broken before though?

Is this on number of posts or participants?

Given the existing rule:

6. No single Writer may be responsible for more than 1/5th of the total posts in a Dominion.


Non Faction Members may be responsible for more than 1/2 of the total posts in a Dominion.

2 in this example could easily be changed to 3 or 4?

This way, rather than counting people, or limiting people up front and having vague checks. It would be easy enough to skim and invasion and see if the Faction's core membership is really driving the story? That's what we're getting at aren't we?
I just don't see the problem... I mean if you can get non faction members to take territory for you then what is the problem, obviously they are helping you. I don't see why it matters. Less of your own people have to put their life on the line. I mean if they want to take a place in my groups name, all the more power to them.
Anja: It's a sound solution for an issue, but only if the issue really exists.

A) If you think this has been an issue, I'd only ask for five examples, and then recommend the one-sentence-long rule be added to the list of the rest.

B) If not, then leave it be for now, unless it does become a problem.

That's all I have to say.
Hal Terrano said:
There has been a very recent dominion in which there were 8 faction members as opposed to the 15 non-faction members. I have no intention of putting down a link here as to avoid needless mudslinging, but if you wish I can direct you to the thread privately and where there is one instance there will be others.

[member="Elayne Hawk"] [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Delila Castillon"]

There are a few existing examples of this. I didn't just make this post on the whim of preemptive solutions. The only reason I'm not linking to other people's dominions in this thread is because I'd end up--intentionally or not--calling out another faction. I'm not here to be bias or to claim that I'm a saint trying to make the playing field fair, I made observations to an issue that exists and whether or not people feel the issue warrants an additional rule is the point of this.

Tefka said:
I believe the concern is that Dominions are no longer faction threads and are false presentations of a Factions activity.

This. Alternatively, it might just be easier to apply the requesting aid rule to dominions.
But isn't a dominion just taking over a planet... and not so much an example of faction activity. As long as it's said factions flag placed, it is still conquered .
Couldn't I just pay a bunch of mercs to post in my domininon? I mean I still get the 100 posts ( more if you count the hiring of said mercs) I don't see anything wrong with doing this or if it was all faction members. At the end of the day you have a comunuity of people posting and continuing a story line together to pursue a common goal. What is wrong with that?
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
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