In the beginning. The Black Rose, at the creation from the mind of Darth Venefica, had started out as a sub-faction to the One Sith. In truth, it was an all exclusive Order for females of the Sith and any Darkside follower to have an Order that understood the plight of woman in the galaxy; and sought to lay dominance to their gender opposites. As the Order grew in number and it's members began not only working together but finding common ground in shared beliefs and paths, they began to slowly separate themselves from the One Sith. A vote was taken and failed to pass. Soon the doors of gender discrimination had been pushed open and the Black Rose began accepting males that too shared in their quest for more knowledge surrounding the Darkside and seeking a greater purpose in the galaxy. The influence of the Black Rose began to swell bursting the seams of confinement to just a sub-faction/minor faction of the One Sith; thus raising the idea once more for a separation. Traitors, labeled by those of the One Sith, began to seek refuge within the Black Rose. Due to the Black Rose Code, judgement of other's views and opinions of the One Sith were allowed to be debated but never challenged on the basis of swaying or ostracizing them for what they hold true to their hearts. Any member, hunted or bountied out by the One Sith, would find protection within the Black Rose. With the formation of the Black Rose Council came the debates of officially breaking free from the One Sith; which they finally did. Those in the One Sith hierarchy viewed this separation as weakening the One Sith Empire while those in the Black Rose saw the separation as insurance for the survival of the Sith as a whole. Over time, others began to feel isolated from the One Sith. And once again, the halls of the Black Rose saw increased membership. Today, the bond between the One Sith and the Black Rose is shaky at best.