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One Sith Dominion of Csilla


"Of course they do not simply want our megamasers, although Chiss technology is likely still more advanced than many weapons there are today." He replied to Irelli. He didn't mean to argue, he just wanted to make it clear that Chiss weapons weren't for sale, whether he was an Aristocra or not, the Chiss were independent and powerful all on their own.

He paused for a moment whilst [member="Darth Mierin"] spoke. "What protection do you provide? War?"

Sven Talith

Well. This was interesting.

Sven had crept up to the side of the building, pressing himself against the side of the duracrete so that he would remain unnoticed by the guards that had stayed on top of the building. Unfortunately for Sven one of the Guards had decided that nature called, and the man was now standing directly before Sven in the spotlight just head, urinating his own name into the snow.

A scowl danced across the agents lips, hidden behind the mask. A cold breeze caused the man to shake slightly, messing up in writing his own name. Sven smirked slightly as the man cursed in the Chiss language.

The guard turned about, stepping into the darkness of the building but not noticing the assassin until it was too late.

A fiber cord strangled around the Chiss' throat, cutting into his flesh and rending through his throat. Blood spurted into the snow, though it did not touch the light of the spotlight. The Chiss died, falling to he ground dead in an instant.

Maira Varan

Ina'nai'sabosen had paid with several lifetimes towards the betterment of the Ascendancy. This would be no different. The scientist specialized in bio-genetical chemical warfare, of the kind she spent well over four hundred years lost in the Redoubt perfecting. After all this was the dawn of new age! Orbital bombardments are meaningless where a virus can kill an entire population and leave its wealth intact.

Thus why after reconnecting with her Chiss counterparts from the Brask Oto Command Station in the The Redoubt, Anais would once again join the Ascendancy for the dawn of a new era.

One where here sacrifices and study will allow to bring Csilla into a new galactic power.
"Cease," said Irelli to [member="Zaruan"], "You will have an opportunity to voice your opinions later."

"What about the Fringe systems and rebelling planets?" asked Ramarc, "The Fringe has shown interest in the Ascendency, even if they're very cautious. Plus, the immediate moment that we subject ourselves to One Sith rule, many systems will rebel and our productivity will drop considerably."

Kirk nodded. This much he knew. He had an idea of what [member="Darth Mierin"] would say in response though.

Ronan then said, "If all you want is productivity from the Ascendency, then I am sure Irelli and Ramarc can help with a business deal."

Then, Ronan uncharacteristically asked a rhetorical question with, "What exactly could the One Sith provide to make a civil war worth it?"
Secure the Shipyards

Darth Nephthys had one objective; to ensure that the shipyards were secured and that no data would be purged from the databanks. So it was of no consequence that the young Darth would be flanked by One Sith Knights, armed with traditional One Sith weaponry.

They would soon dock with the Shipyards, and from there, would seek to calmly and with as little collateral damage as possible, ensure the safety and security of all ships, databanks, and even the personnel.


Slowly Mierin looked to the guard and shifted slightly, hearing the Aristocra chastise him.

She then turned back to the others.

“Our navy boasts the most advanced ship in the galaxy. Our dealings with Titan Industries make us the foremost experts within Yuuzhan Vong bio technologies.” Say what you will bu the Yuuzhan Vong's unique bio technology had massive gains in some areas that the rest of the galaxy simply could not touch, terraforming being one of them. “Couple that with the sheer amount of trade resources we hold from our member worlds, Luxury imports from Coruscant, raw resources from Prakith and Tantorous. We have everything the Ascendancy could need.”
These chiss had such pretty eyes and standing there on the ship Seras was laughing to herself more. The blade in her hand and she was looking at the man they had captured. Taking a dark blade as she grinned under her mask. "Where are you friends?" They were looking at the system and securing it from pirates or anything else that might still be lurking around. The sith could handle the negotiations after all she would just make sure the pirates knew not to come around any more. Then he was screaming and her blade sinking in carving the flesh while she got one of those pretty red eyes for her own collection. "Commander resume the search pattern we'll find his friends and they will serve our purposes."
As Daella continued to travel up the turbolift, [member="Malphas"] would have the opportunity for some conflict in space. A little Chiss corvette exited Hyperspace above Csilla. It seemed to be at point - simply exiting to scout the area. Yet for the moment, it was alone.

Sven Talith

Sven dropped the deadman onto the snowy floor, blood spilling out onto the ground in quick droves. He dragged the body against the wall, covering it with a small pile of snow before ultimately hugging the same wall once again and sliding down towards one of the doors.

The blood was not pumping fully through his veins. Energy rushed through him and sheer expectations seemed to have made all semblance of the cold leave him. His WESTAR-43 was out, and the slight blue glow the pistol gave off seemed to light a path ahead of him. Eventually he reached the overhang of a small balcony. He grinned and holstered the weapon, pulling a length of cord from his belt.

With a sling of the cord he hooked it onto the edge of the balcony.

Testing the strength of the hold Sven pulled on the tether a couple of times, finally deciding that it was strong enough to hold. Quickly the assassin pulled himself up, grappling up the slim rope to eventually grasp onto the balcony.
@Zaruan @Rytek'irk'intrano @Darth Mirien

A stoic nod would go towards another fellow Chiss compatriot, the tight pencil skirt shifting over her voluptuous curves. She was certainly rather well shaped for a Chiss, but that made her all the more intriguing.

Just how she liked it.

Click click click, echoed the clipping sound of her heels against the polished floor. A corridor here, a turn there. Finally she would arrive in front of two armed guards.

A presentation of her identification would allow her entry, revealing the room filled with various representatives of the Houses as well as the One Sith emissaries.

Crimson eyes would look upon a familiar form. Ahhh... look what we have here.

Slowly, she made her way behind the members of the Ascendancy, to where she had played the part of an aide. In her right hand, those two round spheres kept rotating round and round her blue palm.
"But we don't need that," replied Ramarc to [member="Darth Mierin"], "The Ascendency is self-sufficient and we have no plans of expanding beyond colonization."

Elsoca then stepped in and added, "The sheer amount of systems we'd lose in rebellion and possible Fringe incursion is too much of a cost, despite your military power."

Ronan continued by saying, "And with your ships having to come to our territory, we will lose any promise of self-rule as it will be you reestablishing it."

Irelli rounded off their comments by saying, "We still don't see any profit in your proposal."
There was a corvette dropping out of hyperspace, or so their sensors had told them. It was alone, and at that point, Malphas urged the Admiral into action. When Orders were given their own Star Destroyer had leapt into a brief hyperspace jump and appeared in the system.

Immediately after appearing in the system, the corvette was hailed by Malphas. It may have been a learning exercise for him, but he wasn't going to let a human tell him what to do. No matter who he was within the One Sith.


Mierin let out a sight. She had really hoped they would simply roll over.

“Aristocra's.” She didn't know the proper plural form. “I am afraid you have no longer choice in the matter.”

There, she said it.

“Our military might far outpaces yours. You are no match for us. Your fleets are strong, ours are stronger. I have given you a choice, and you seem to have chosen poorly. So the decision will be made for you.” Her gaze fell on the guards around them, and then to Kirk.

The One Sith shuttle would shudder as it docked upon the first access port upon the shipyards. A hand would rise and fist to symbolize to the rest of her One Sith and Vahla brethren to keep their weapons sheathed.

At least for now.

The flare of her cloak would rush over her legs as the hatch drew open, prompting the diminutive Darth to move forward, leading the group. Before them held the wealth of Chiss technology and manufacture. A Chiss officer would stoicly come towards her, and the demand for their authorization an audible clipped request.

Nephthys, being seemingly mute, would simply stare boldly up at the Chiss. A rise of her gloved hand would weave gently, using the Dark Side of the Force through sorcery to manipulate the Chiss.

"Yes. Of course. We were expecting you." he would say later, giving a small bow to the woman. A curt nod would then order the rest of the One Sith to move out throughout the shipyards.

// Secure it. //

Sven Talith

Grasping onto the edge of the balcony Sven pulled himself up and onto the cold duracrete and shaped rock. His face twisted slightly beneath his mask as he saw no one upon it. In fact he questioned the very need for a balcony here on Csilla where it was always freezing.

Frowning slightly, he stood up onto the stone.

The door to his right was made out of glass, though it led only into an interior dining room. Drawing his WESTAR-43 again Sven opened the latch on the balcony, finding that surprisingly it was not locked in anyway. His frown turned into a smile, and the snow covered assassin waltzed into his targets home unabated.

And straight into a dinner party.
Cyrena despised the cold.

Which is why the Countess of Bathory was NOT at Csilla. Instead she went on another course; one that would investigate all current Chiss business dealings with other governments. This would require a more delicate touch, the sort that her men were specialized in. A noblewoman afterall, had to have a way of gathering vital information.

Thus, her focus to aide the One Sith Empire lay on the gathering of information. The first step, of course, was to discovering just what businesses were there...
Kirk seemed unsettled as [member="Darth Mierin"] informed the Aristocras of the nature of the situation. Yet, the Four Aristocras before them did not seem phased. It would be best to assume that they already knew the One Sith were trying to force their hands.

"Like I said," began Irelli, "There is a cost in either accepting or not. Either way, it seems it'll lead to conflict in our space."

Looking at Mierin, Ronan asked her, "What would you do if someone was to ask you to harm yourself for a cause you have no desire to serve? What if they threatened violence?"

The wheels in Kirk's mind quickly turned. He placed his left hand over his matte blue right hand as he kept both arms hanging in front of him - a normal, casual stance. He knew a fight would begin soon.



“If it were me. I would fight to my last breath to resist.” Mierin stated simply.

“Yet you are not me, and you do not hold even a fraction of my power. Instead, you hold within your hands the future of your nation. Yes, we will undoubtedly bring you war. Yes, we will force your hand. Yet when we are done, this galaxy will know peace like never before.” She was barely trying to convince them know, she could sense the shift in the air.

The tension was drawing to a crescendo.
Step, step, half turn behind Ireli.

Crimson orbs studied the Ireli gave his little speech. Oh such pretty little words. How absolutely precious. An ebon brow arched as the would be Chiss continued to roll the sphere in her hands, fingers thoroughly caressing the sphere with gratuitous pleasure. Round and round it went.

It was all about the perfect timing.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Sawa had met a chiss or two in her time but never on this scale. The shipyards were something to be seen and the planet needed for the One Sith. It rounded and would let them have a large foothold when they moved to sever the Republic in half. The energy vampire slinking around the shadows as she listened to what was coming with a snapping of her fangs in place and the combat blade sparking a flame. All of these things served a purpose needed to ensure they would have the chiss serving them.

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