Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One Sith Dominion of Csilla

Sven Talith

“Well, Hello.” Sven said to the gathered Chiss in perfect Cheunh

They all stared at him for a moment, and then they screamed. The women remained in place, their shrill voices reaching new heights as the men stood and instantly drew Charric pistols. Sven under his mask sighed, and raised his own WESTAR-43, drawing the second pistol from beneath his shoulder. Before the Chiss could open fire Sven was upon them. He pulled the trigger to his Charric's half a dozen times each.

Every single bolt struck home, two to every single Chiss he shot. Within only a second six dead Chiss men lay on the floor, one of the the Aristocra he had meant to target, the other five were his sons. Sven frowned slightly, the sons had not been part of the plan, yet they would likely cement his place as a Chiss assassin instead of an off-worlder.

The women however, remained untouched.

They stared at him, no longer screaming.
"This nation has no future under One Sith rule," answered Elcosa, "It will fracture under war and be reshaped in the image that pleases you the best."

Ronan looked up and took a step back. He had been standing ahead of the rest of the Aristoca this whole time.

"It also isn't wise to underestimate the Ascendency," answered Ronan.

Kirk's left hand moved up his right arm a bit. He looked over to [member="Darth Mierin"] for a second - thought that was hard to see with the solid red eyes that he had.


He was force sensitive, but he had only received brief training when he had been with the Fel Imperium. Becoming an Imperial Knight was not something for him, instead he had tried his hand at becoming an Admiral, he had nearly succeeded, instead he had become a Commander. The single commander of one of the Chiss Defense Forces, it was relatively small, but it was still powerful due to the Chiss's technology.

He felt as if he knew something would happen however. There wasn't a way for them to get out of this alive if they continued to deny the Sith. He blew out air in an exhale, perhaps frowned upon in the tension that they were in, and he set his gaze upon [member="XoChitl"] behind Irelli and he groaned.

"The fact that the One Sith have come proves that they are more prepared to force us into submission. It is best to join their cause without needless death." He said, setting his gaze upon [member="Darth Mierin"] and [member="Rytek'irk'intrano"]. Simply the words of the Pureblood had set him on edge, and he was prepared to protect himself, but his first duty was to protect the Ascendancy.

Inside or out.
Preliminary investigations would reveal Ascendant Industries. Curious. It was a starship manufacturing company primarily, with a secondary focus on cloning and Medical Technology. They also dabbled in weapons Manufacturing.

It appears that @Vad'avi'nuruodo of House Nuruodo utilized contacts throughout Chiss space and wealth and influence granted by House Nuruodo to acquire a series of marketing investments and business plans that led to the formation of Ascendant Industries. His military expertise and gradually growing reputation in service of the Fel Imperium garnered influence from the public and thus granted him numerous workers and the company was kicked off for personal ventures and Fel service.

That last bit made her laugh, her lips twisting in amusement. Her finger would slide across her datapad to read more on the company. Perhaps it could be used to further the One Sith's goals.

In similarity to Chiss politics, its industrial systems and economic basis follow in a like manner. Cold business and cunning were must-haves in such an environment, Vad'avi'nuruodo of the Thrawn bloodline especially exhibited such tendencies, almost as if he were still on the battlefield. Acquired through a teeming mass of bureaucracy, Davin managed to scramble together investments from interested proprietors to begin funding his ventures in the military and political world, but it was never enough. He needed his own source of income and fast.

During a journey home to gather more intelligence regarding the Atrisian Empire and the likes of remaining Chiss governmental statuses, the Grand Admiral was approached by his advisors and contacts with a proposal to start his own company to dominate the galactic economy and secure an income. With his recently discovered ancient cloning technology left behind by his ancestor, Thrawn, an idea sparked in his mind. His army would need weapons, equipment, and even starships to begin their conquest of the galaxy. Not only that, the Fel Imperium needed his armaments and contracting almost as badly as he himself did. In conjunction with the current Imperator, Ronin Fel, Davin and he secured a contract as well as a sponsorship to ensure a steady supply line to create Imperium technology.

Based on his homeworld of Naporar, the company spread outward throughout Chiss space and aligning planets. Mining and resource development projects began immediately to maintain a steady stream of supplies while the Fel Imperium relayed funding to keep the research and development operational. Several factories and main facilities are based on Naporar with the majority housed on other Chiss planets. The cloning facilities rest upon the fairly hidden world of Wayland, all guarded by Ascendant Industry security personnel. For future prospects, Ascendant Industries had been looking to tie-in with resource mining and intelligence gathering markets.


“We do not underestimate you.” Mierins words were dead flat, as emotionless as a barrel.

“The Dark Lord wills The Ascendancy to be his, and so it shall be. Whether it is governed by you or someone else.” His will was Mierins actions, and Csilla was to be brought to heel and the Chiss be part of the Empire. To her it was that simple. “Submit.”

This time there was a sternness to her voice, her patience was being tried.
Shipyards - [member="Sawa Ike"]
Objective: Secure the Shipyards.

It was then that Darth Nephthys would come across one of their Sith Acolytes. A nod of greeting would turn to her, and then a mental urging for her to follow.

They would first go towards the command center, from there other groups would secure the prototype and neotech areas. The clipped sound of their boots would echo as other Chiss personnel would question their appearance.

Sven Talith

Sven stared at the woman, and they in turn stared at him. Their eyes were blinking a bright red, their eyelids fluttering open and close as a calm came over them all. Beneath his mask he frowned slightly, he knew he had to kill them, he knew that leaving them alive was only inviting bad news. Yet he also knew that the guards were likely on their way, and they would want to end him.

One of the girls moved, pulling something from her leg.

Without a second though Sven turned his WESTAR-43 onto the woman, and pulled the trigger. The bright blue bolt struck the girl in the chest and she fell over onto her plate dead. The remaining two women jumped up from their chair, Sven pointed his blasters to the one on the right, pulling the trigger on each once.

The girl fell to the floor, just as Sven bounded over the table, holstering one of his blasters and wrapping an arm around the womans throat.

He placed a gun to the girls temple, subduing her as the guards ran down the hall.
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

Eventually, Daella got into position near the facility that the Four Aristocra were at. She took her lightsaber in her gloved right hand and remained low as she waited for the signal from [member="Darth Mierin"] to begin her assault.
Xochitl's crimson eyes would swivel over to @Zaruan. Oh what would gleam in there depths could potentially tell all. Perhaps. But she was well used to this type of interaction.

It was, after all, just another day in the Ascendancy. Where ambition burned hot as an iron poker, all to wiling to find the soft yielding flesh of another to give rise to more power. More glory.

And another title to the name. It was always about titles. Who had the most.

Chiss culture was so curious indeed, she would muse, as she took a step closer.
Meanwhile the corvette had finally replied after a few minutes of hailing them tirelessly, and the blue form of a regular Chiss Captain appeared on screen in front of him. The Admiral of the Sith Star Destroyer turned his head and looked at Malphas before Malphas walked forwards and frowned through his durasteel helmet as he watched the Chiss.

"What can we do to help?" The objectives were to secure Csillan Space whilst the One Sith conducted their 'negotiations.' They were going to stop them from moving in additional naval forces if their plan had been discovered, and Malphas was going to do his best and confuse them as best he could whilst they were there. Just in case their plan had been discovered.

The Chiss looked as if to be contemplating their request to help, but said nothing in reply.

In turn, Malphas turned his head to the Admiral and muttered something. From there, the Admiral gave orders to prep the starfighters.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Shipyards - [member="Darth Nephthys"]
Objective: Secure the Shipyards.

Sawa felt the touch of her mind... it wasn't something she was used to at first but then turning she saw the silent one whether by choice or condition. She followed brandishing the blade and moving towards the command center while her silvery eyes tracked along the halls and corridors. She was getting hungry and felt her anger trying to well up, or joy, or happiness.... Nothin came white she clenched her fists and white knuckled enjoyed the thought of ripping into something.
Once gain, Irelli looked at [member="Zaruan"] and plainly told him, "You haven't been listening. Submission will lead to war anyway and the end of the Ascendency."

[member="Malphas"] and others in space would then see a plethora of Chiss ships drop out of hyperspace. It was nearly everything that the Chiss could muster in the time since the One Sith appeared above Csilla. The Four Aristocra had used themselves as bait to prevent the One Sith from laying siege on the planet before then.

Ronan's wristcomm began to beep - signalling him of the counterattack by Chiss forces beginning.

"To make this official," began Ronan, "We decline the One Sith's offer and declare war."

Immediately, a bulkhead door slammed shut in front of the Four Aristocra - isolating them from Kirk and Mierin. One of the commanders of the guards yelled, "Take them down!"

Several guards rushed for them and began to fire their weapons at the duo. Kirk immediately turned around and activated a prototype energy shield, much like what Durge had used in the Clone Wars, to block a few shots.

Arturious Engel

Secure Shipyards

[member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Sawa Ike"]

Being no good at Diplomacy Arturious would hitch a ride with Darth Nephthys to secure the shipyards. Walking silently behind Arturious scanned each room and hallway they passed content to leave his saber clipped to his belt.

Arturious smiled softly watching the Sith Lord work even as he preferred to simple slice and stab his way to their objective. However it was not his show so he bid his time.
Shipyards - Darth Nephthys [member="Arturious Engel"] [member="Sawa Ike"]
Objective: Secure the Shipyards.

So they would go on their path --- only to realize that there were some Chiss who were not so easily manipulated. As they neared the control room, a volley of green bolts would come streaking at their direction.

Nephthys would call her saberhilt to her hand, and in a burst of purple light, start deflecting the blaster bolts away as she slowly, but steadily kept walking forward, her expression completely free of emotion as she walked.


Mierin had no need for a shield, she simply utilized the force.

A barrier of nothingness formed behind her as the shots were fired. Blasters rang loudly in her ear as energy deflected and bounce from the shimmering bubble that had been formed all around her. She sighed as she stared at the bulkhead, frowning slightly and unclipping her lightsaber from the moving belt on her hips. The red blade sprang into life with a snap and a hiss, and finally she turned.

The shield shimmered away, and Mierin began to deflect blaster bolts back towards the guards, then she dashed forward.

The slaughter would begin.


He had anticipated the Chiss Officials having some form of defense against the One Sith for when they decided that enough was enough. Unfortunately, they had locked themselves in the same place with [member="XoChitl"], most likely an assassin, and he regarded the space where the Aristocra's had been with contempt, imagining them behind the bulkhead door that had collapsed. Death would serve them better for not listening to him.

All he did was for the Ascendancy after all.

He hadn't spent nearly a year with his taskforce simply to be brushed aside by someone who had never seen the interior of a starship's bridge.

When one of the Commanders had given out the order to attack the Chiss stepped backwards and let the rest of the guards attack, [member="Rytek'irk'intrano"] and [member="Darth Mierin"]. From that point on, the slaughter began and Zaruan reached out to grab the slowest of two people beside him, two of his lieutenants from his own ship.

They weren't being killed that day.

Sven Talith

Sven pressed the blaster against the girls temple who had been surprisingly quiet throughout all of this. She simply gritted her teeth and remained completely quiet. He pressed her weapon into her skull as the guards moved around the corner, pointing their charric rifles towards him.

“Step closer, and she dies.” Sven said again perfectly in the Chiss language. How he knew it so well, was impossible to tell. “I have killed the Aritocra and his sons and daughters. She is the only ones that remains.”

He could see the faces of the Chiss guards tighten, and his frown turned into a scowl. He hadn't wanted this slaughter.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Shipyards - [member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Arturious Engel"]
Objective: Secure the Shipyards.

Sawa looked at the other who had joined them and being without a saber when the bolts came she brought her blade up while jumping to the side. Her instincts coming out now, her body moving in a circular motion while she had her hands gripping the blade tightly. A slid and strike froma bolt while she used the force to spin her and send a bust of distorted energy forward like air. She was still moving letting the movements build power and strength her focus pushing a bubble of air as she got behind a chiss and with a hand on his spine walked with him letting the bubble go to his head encasing it. She pulled at the air in his lungs letting the air shaping do the work as his hands went up to his face to try and stop the suffocation.

Arturious Engel

[member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Sawa Ike"]

Artrious smiled has the blaster bolts flew reaching with measure steps for his own saber igniting it and letting it trail behind him ready to bring it to bare. Taking a few deep breaths reaching into the force bringing up a small grip to enhance his speed. His eyes darting for a target to engage.
Kirk maintained the shield until there was a break in the fire. As soon as it died, he lifted up the sleeve of his right arm. A door on his very arm slid back - revealing that it was just a prosthetic. It revealed a console. Kirk pointed his palm at a far away Chiss soldier and pressed a button. A spike and cable fired from his palm and embedded itself in the Chiss's throat. Kirk then ran forward to have the cord come into contact with the guards closest to him.

With another button press, a surge of electricity flowed down the cord and electrocuted the guards in contact with it - killing them.

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