Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction [OOC Sign-up] Convergence — GA/SO Junction of Naalol and Eiattu 6

Gress and the 34th will be on objective 1 acting as a bull walk.

Sara Roche Sara Roche you ready for a re-baptism by fire?
Our squadron doesn't have any connections to the Crimson Linings or anything regarding the Dark Empire (or the Coruscant invasion). This is a different thing and hopefully we can use this as a jumping point to establish a new rivalry separate from that!

That said, on our end we will have the following writers/pilots available:
Seeing as we are 5 vs. 4, I am willing to take a 2v1 with Seela Leini, going up against Shar Sieu and Reima Vitalis. That would leave Lord Tooka to fight Wedge Draav in a squadron lead vs. squadron lead dogfight.

Would everyone be okay with these proposed matchups? If not, I can change things as needed!
HEY! Renevant Squad Member: Kaul doesn't have an opponent! :mad:


I’ve been wanting to write this character as a Jedi in a fight against a Sith. I had originally brought him into Chaos as a Dark Jedi, but I decided on an immediate reboot back to the character’s former Jedi ways. Must . . . Stab . . . Sith.

I am thinking objective I but could be easily convinced to jump into objective II.

Any darksiders up for a fight?
Also throwing Pal into the mix in case Padd ends up with no dance partner. I am particularly interested in objective II — having a NFU dealing with all this monster madness would be interesting. Pal would also fit nicely into objective III if needed there. Pal isn’t formally GA despite his ongoing partnership with multiple GA/NJO members, so I think technically I need an invite for this one? Tagging Valery Noble Valery Noble since she’s my boss.
Also throwing Pal into the mix in case Padd ends up with no dance partner. I am particularly interested in objective II — having a NFU dealing with all this monster madness would be interesting. Pal would also fit nicely into objective III if needed there. Pal isn’t formally GA despite his ongoing partnership with multiple GA/NJO members, so I think technically I need an invite for this one? Tagging Valery Noble Valery Noble since she’s my boss.
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