Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Rebirth | The Rebellion's Rebellion of Jaminere (Hex AK-24)

Sewers - Below Communications Hub
[member="Jax Vandal"] | [member="Lyra Sarn"] | [member="Avoim Oeymo"] | [member="Ari Vox"] | [member="Kamon Vondiranach"] | [member="Glavis"] | [member="Solonariwan Tofusin"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"]
Enemies: [member="Cassandra Paige"]

"I'm ready." This was what he had been training for, wasn't it?

The coming battle would be his first, but he had been on the path towards it for years now. First when he'd come to the Temple on Sullust, then when he'd joined up with Cedric. All of it had lead him here. He wasn't a Soldier, he wasn't a Jedi Knight, but he had committed himself to this cause. His fingers tightened around the hilt of his training saber, gaze flicking between his allies. He wondered if they had the same doubts as he did, if they had the same fears.

Whether or not they did mattered not, not unless they spoke up.

All of them were here to fight, and in the end that was what mattered.

His lips thinned and slowly he looked above them, wondering just what they would find within the communication hub. They had been quiet so far, and Cenric knew that the other Rebel Cell had likely been pulling the Sith's attention. The two entities were separate as could be, but this plan had been one they put together with both of them in mind. He shifted slightly, straightening his shoulders and pulling off the jacket that had been weighing on him.

If he was going to fight Cenric didn't want some stupid cloth getting caught by an idle hand. "Let's do this."
Double post


Ari Vox

I thought this was America, huh?!

Location: Sewers system, Lower Districts
Objective: Protect Slicer
Allies: [member="Jax Vandal"], [member="Cenric Marus"], [member="Lyra Sarn"], [member="Avoim Oeymo"], [member="Ari Vox"], [member="Kamon Vondiranach"], [member="Glavis"], [member="Solonariwan Tofusin"], [member="Romi Jade"]
Enemies: [member="Kor Vexen"] directly, [member="Cassandra Paige"] and co indirectly
1st and 2nd Lines of Gear in signature
+ Neural Band
+ BR-212 Jackal ACR

At the back of the bus was where the Mandalorian found herself, coldly scanning the tunnel that lay within her vision, kneeling in warm muck that made her want to vomit. The smell, were she not in her full suit and helmet, would have been enough to do just that, nevermind the extra nasties like the dripping ooze that hung scarcely a foot or so beyond her, or the refuse that clung to her boots and was sure to leave tracks anywhere but here. Would the lingering scent of a thousand excretions ever leave her armour? She hoped so but figured Rawlins would have his work cut out for him all the same.

A good distance ahead of where the woman knelt flew her ISR drone, it's feed flickering between its various sensors as it scanned one of the only intersections that the group had passed. Flying roughly in line with Ari's own thigh, it seemed like a reasonable measure and covered the four points of egress fairly efficiently, it's robotic 'eyes' flashing from one to the next as it scanned through the tunnels and kept wary of visitors. It was now, as Ari watched her feed in one corner of her HUD and the tunnel before her with the rest, that a thunderous clap rang through the tunnels and vibrated through the infrastructure around them, trash from the ceilings and walls flaking off with the violence and raining down through the damp sewers. Putrid, disgusting.

Cedric spoke behind her, his voice carrying short almost to the point that she had a hard time hearing him until her helmet kicked in. For her the word was cut, a trigger for Ari that set her haunches alight and made her awareness double down. Now was not the time for complacency, they were at, or at least near, their final rally point and soon would be coming toe-to-toe with the heavy and near-insurmountable security forces placed on the planet.

Across the planet she envisioned the flames of revolution spreading and licking at every corner of Jaminere, it's fury sweeping through the Sith stationed here and swallowing them in its ferocious jaws, unrelenting in its pursuit of justice and liberty. If there was one thing the oppressed knew it was how to be strong, and come to a victory or a pyrrhic defeat this planet would need to draw on all of its reserves.

"Ready and waiting," Her firm voice came soft and carried just far enough for Cedric to hear, not wanting or willing to give her position to any sort of visitor in the damp darkness that consumed the tunnel before her.
Location: Antigone Communications (formerly Jaminere Communications Consolidated), Palace District
Allies: TSE, [member="Itash Mecetti"] [member="Jacen Vadith"] [member="Tsisaar Taral"] [member="Sebastian Thel"]
Enemies: Unknown (Incoming rebels, [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Cenric Marus"] [member="Lyra Sarn"] [member="Ari Vox"] [member="Jax Vandal"] [member="Kamon Vondiranach"] will add if there are more for sure)
Current Objective: Project Oversight- greet their (known) visitors
Gear (now that it matters): Stylish suit. Killer heels. Paddle Beamer.

Business as usual continued at Antigone Communications. The upper floors housed the normal sorts one would expect. Offices, communications experts, employees that had started at either GenPals or Didact and now came together under the umbrella of Antigone in preparation for the next roll out of new content by the boutique genetics corporation. Shifting into new markets.

Not long after their approval for the Sith Imperial Agents, Cass looked up, setting down a data pad on the desk as she stood. Straightening her suit, she smiled at Itash.

"I'm heading down to the Junction. You can't tell me you aren't a liiiiiiitle curious as to what they are up to down there," she teased him. "Agents of the Sith clustered around the comm hub. I thought I would.... offer a personal greeting," she added, smile widening.

Perfectly reasonable, considering. They were in their house, after all. Why not make sure they were comfortable?

And if they could learn a thing or two about whatever it was that was going on, well, so much the better.
Ri Qorit Disabler, StealthX and a simple Flightsuit

The images and the feeling reached the Master that hung inert in the orbit of Jaminere. His eyes fluttering open he began to turn on his engines and weapon systems when suddenly a series of beeps and bloops and whistles came from his droid in the back whom was watching IFF traffic while it was in low power mode. As he powered up his StealthX he made sure to keep all stealth functions in place so that the Sith would be less likely to find him before he started his attack runs on whatever was below.

As he set up the StealthX, the R9 unit in the droid socket began to report on the allied fighter that had made a strafe run on an enemy ground element only to be chased off and damaged by an enemy squadron, exact numbers and type were still unknown. Quickly maneuvering his StealthX into position, the Jedi Master began to quickly deorbit over the capital city of Jaminere, the heat dissipation systems working overtime to make sure he entered as stealthily as possible. His IFF systems showed the single allied unit in the skies and a squadron of enemy fighters.

It did not take long for the Jedi Master to enter the Orbit of the planet, once he was he found the small squadron on the tail of his ally, slipping behind the squadron with ease he noticed that they were all basic TIE-Fighters, meaning not a single one had shields that could truly stand up to his weapons. This was good, and they were all in a more or less straight line as they followed the rebel fighter. Checking his IFF he noticed it was someone named Solon. Once he was sure of his targets, the man pulled the trigger of his StealthX’s control stick, sending four stutter-shot laser blasts ripping through the cockpits and solar-panel wings of the TIE fighters.

Six pulls of the trigger was all that was required by Avoim to completely decimate the entire enemy fighter force that was in the air. Avoim quickly pulled his StealthX away from the area, found the same ground targets that his ally had been targeting and opened up with his cannons on the ground troops, firing crimson bolt after crimson bolt into their number, making sure to miss the obvious prisoners as he sped by the area.

The Jedi Master scanned the battlefield, there were smoke plumes rising to the skies now, signs of combat spreading throughout the city. It was clear that soon the team he was in would be found out at this rate, he was going to have to start getting to work, turning on his communications systems and deactivating all his stealth systems Avoim decided to become Air Support wherever it was needed.

[member="Jax Vandal"], [member="Cenric Marus"], [member="Cedric Grayson"], [member="Kamon Vondiranach"], [member=Jaster of Clan Awaud"], [member="Lyra Sarn"], [member="Ari Vox"], [member="Glavis"], [member="Solonariwan Tofusin"]
Location: Spaceport, outside of the Capital
Objective: Spark the Rebellion
Allies: [member="Jakkor Kess"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Filiae"] [member="Darth Imperia"] @Acaleus Thorn
Soundtrack: Wake Up

Rujat didn’t know how to respond to Jakkor’s revelation. He’d said similar words in the past before, but with such high stakes today, they took on a deeper meaning. With the same sense of unease, as Jakkor pressed the button in her hand, she closed her eyes and awaited the noise, and while the explosions were loud, they reminded her of the same ones that disabled Faddim’s Palace. As the Lethan Twi’lek opened her eyes slowly and took in the damage.

No one would be using that hangar for awhile or the ships stored within it.

“It’s happening again!” a Jaminerian resident screamed, referring back to the bombings and disruptions that had taken lives during the recent parade for the Emperor and subsequent attempt on his life.

The Twi’lek only nodded and moved in the opposite direction. She would still be able to see Jakkor but through a mixture of smoke and dust, she began treating a few minor casualties from a few passersby who’d been knocked over by the blow of the explosions, but not seriously harmed. Now on her knees applying bacta and medicine quite freely, Rujat eavesdropped on the response from workers and merchants alike, at times, calming them by just listening to their grievances.

“Attacks like this disrupt the normal flow of business. I haven’t been able to open my store back up since the parade.”

“Ever since the Sith Empire arrived there has been nothing but strife for myself and my family."

“First they took Alderaan… Kuat… Balmorra. Now they’ve brought bedlam to our planet.”

Time and time again, those that Rujat patched up echoed the same sentiment. Most of the workers just wanted jobs and a day without pandemonium. The Jaminere elite that she’d swabbed down cared less for the more abstract notions of equality, but worried for their fortunes just the same.

“There is another way,” the Twi’lek would softly say to them, and those that understood would give her a solemn, knowing look. “It won’t be like this forever, I promise you.” She took a sterile pad and taped it to bare ankle, noting aloud that the limb might have been sprained. Between her medical assistance, and her heated conversation with those she came in contact with, she kept her eyes trained on Jakkor.

And luckily since she was splayed on the street helping any beings who came her way, the authorities skipped right by her, assuming Rujat was normal emergency personnel.

Location: Jaminere -> Diverting course to Capital Annex
Objective: Intercept Rebels
Allies: [member="Zahori Denko"] | TSE
Enemies: [member="Kirie Ito"] | [member="Kira Vaal"] | [member="Atlas Viridian"] | [member="Icarus Volcata"] | Rebels
Gear: Sith Lightsaber | Daggers | Hidden Blade | Assassin Armour

Leliana had still been on the move, jumping from roof to roof when the explosions were heard. The assassin stopped in her tracks, turning to look in the direction of their source. She frowned, trying to remember the layout of the city. In her lessons, [member="Darth Ophidia"] had instilled how important it was to go into a situation; any situation with a plan in mind. One that required learning the lay of the land, pinpointing areas of potential weakness to exploit, or defend in this case.

After a few moments longer, she recognized the area to be a spaceport. The enemy were crippling key points in the Empire's presence. But there was something specific that caught Leliana's attention.

It was loud and obvious, like a distraction to draw eyes away. Leliana peered over the edge, looking down at the streets that lacked any major conflict, at least directly anyway. She expected there to be much more...and yet there wasn't. And something told her the enemy didn't just attack them with a small number.

Leliana pulled out her comlink, activating a secure channel to the Saaraishash's ship up in orbit.

"Song of Truth, have you picked up any suspicious activity?"

"We've picked up the odd burst of comm traffic from below. All of which has been short and encrypted."


"Below the streets."

It all fell in place within Leliana's mind. Jaminere's capital had a whole sewer network, one that stretched across nearly the entirety of the city. A perfect means to sneak around without being seen, especially if they were heading towards-

The assassin cut herself off as she brought her comlink back to her lips. "Song of Truth? The enemy are using the sewers to move around the city. Inform every Sith that's groundside, especially those that are located at key infrastructure." A short confirmation followed, and Leliana quickly slipped the comlink back to her belt. The message would go out, reaching those that had a connection to the encrypted channels. To Sith like [member="Tsisaar Taral"] and [member="Jacen Vadith"], who were currently located at the Communications Hub.

For Leliana however, she leaped off the building's side and swung. Her mark flared to life as an arm stretched out impossibly long and hooked around a nearby balcony. It allowed her to swing down, landing beneath it before she kicked back off the wall and lurched down towards the ground, where a sewer entrance was located not too far away.

What a pathetic use of our power...

Silence! We're doing dark, and I can't have you alerting the enemy too early.

She pulled her Force away from the Mark, severing its connection for the time being; her eyes returning to their natural colour. It was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, but at the cost of power being pushed aside.

Despite that though Leliana pushed on, slipping into the shadows and disappeared through the threshold, into the city's sewer tunnels.
"Rats scurry about their business..." Mused the Sith Emperor, his baleful eyes carefully scanning the three-dimensional holographic projection of the capital city displayed before him. Such a view had been achieved by relaying a combined topographical and biological scan of the city and the surrounding terrain from the Behemoth to the Emperor's shuttle, with several thousand small pinpricks of light representing the citizens, Sith-Imperials, and other organic lifeforms currently present within the city's limits.

Too many to sift through, too much life to catalog.

Fortunately, the Behemoth was not the only dreadnought in orbit. The Song of Truth cruised nearby, its massive array of state-of-the-art scanners working overtime in service to the Empire and its followers. Together they compared their collected data, searching for bits and pieces that struck the technicians as particularly odd. It wasn't long before the Song relayed some of its findings to the Emperor, most importantly the fact that there was unidentified comms traffic occurring beneath the city streets. Though encrypted, it was obviously non-Imperial.

The Emperor opened his own personal secure channel with the Song of Truth, "Jam native communication channels, continue to scan for further non-Imperial communications." It was a short command, but one that could aid the Empire against whatever new insurgency they faced on Jaminere. As for himself, the Emperor commanded that his shuttle make way for the palace. Aside from the communication hub, it was the most important location in the entire capital city, and if [member="Leliana"]'s warning proved accurate then that was where they would undoubtedly strike.

As for the rats scurrying about in the sewer? Well, once the Emperor's soldiers had released the seeker droids into the sewer system, they would be dealt with accordingly.
Location: Jaminere Orbit
Role: Escort Song of Truth
Ship: S.I.V. Desecrator
Allies: TSE
Enemies: Insurgents

Darth Carnifex said:
"Jam native communication channels, continue to scan for further non-Imperial communications."

The message transmitted from the Emperor's flagship to the Song of Truth, and from there to the Saaraishash flagship's escort ships. Desecrator sat a thousand meters astern of the Song of Truth, in a lower orbit where she could protect the far larger ship from planetary based assaults.

On her bridge, Tavia sat in her command chair, fingers steepled before her as the words of the Emperor were relayed by the Song of Truth's communications officer. The bridge around her hummed with the typical background noise of a warship underway, the crew knew their jobs and didn't wait for the Captain to have to micromanage every detail.

Once the message played through, Tavia slipped from her command chair and walked to the communications console to her left. As she watched, the comm officer was isolating the native frequencies identified by the Song of Truth and setting the starships communications equipment to jam them. White noise and feedback would fill comm units set to those frequencies.

"Very good, comms. Keep the power output on those channels high, and let me know if you see anything try to punch through the interference. A ground station could very well do so, but it would give us a fixed position to target as well." She spoke as she reviewed the map of the area around where the signals had been located. None of them were located where an orbital strike would be able to hit them without massive civilian casualties. She hoped they were coordinating from a set location, as it would give her a target that her ship could engage, but for the moment she had to be patient.

With one final nod, she turned and resumed her seat in the command chair, the air of a patient hunter emanating from her as she watched the planet on the forward viewscreen.
Location: En-Route to the Trade/Space Port.
Primary Objective: Reclaim the Trade Port.
Secondary Objective: Search for Survivors.
Equipment: See Signature. (Sidearm replaced with KD-30 and Xenoboric Slugs.)
NPC Complement: One FAV, One Sun Guard Cohort (Five in total. Three Characters and Two NPC's.)

Allies: The Sith Empire, [member="Tabigarashu Madara"], [member="Koda Fett"], [member="Ikilwa Arregai"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Apophis Natuu"], [member="Darth Saarai"]​
Enemies: Unmarked Hostiles (Republic Remnant, Fel Imperium, The Rebellion.) [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"], [member="Ursula Toher"]​
As the armed motorcade had made their final approach towards the Tradeport, Khonsu noticed the arrival of several vehicles that belonged to the local Tionese Whiteguard - an armed force that bore a striking visual resemblance to the First Order’s fighting elite. It was uncanny and spurred forth a momentary chuckle as the ashes of recognition began to settle. Those fractious Imperials were on the opposite side of the Galaxy, and as history was a capricious mistress, it was clear that the first incarnation of that authoritarian regime had its influence deeply rooted throughout the stars.

Clearing his thoughts with a series of coded blinks, that had retracted his suit’s macrobinoculars, the Thyrsian turned his gaze toward his driver and wordlessly directed the man to come to a halt before they reached the local’s newly established barricade. Jaminere was their world, and even though the Sith Empire had claimed dominion over the system, and large swathes of the Tion Cluster - the planetary auxiliary held some measure of sovereignty in regards to dealing with local affairs. At least, that’s what the Sun Guard was told and had gathered during the one-sided conversation he had with his Sith-Imperial Handler. If it was true or not was entirely up for debate, as there was doubtlessly more at work here than what was presented on the surface.

Nevertheless, the FAV had cut it’s forward acceleration and smoothly rolled to a stop before the newly established checkpoint, and the outstretched arm of one of the ranking Whiteguard’s. As the engine idled, causing the entire chassis to rumble with the underscored desire to surge forward, Khonsu popped an arm out of the vehicle. Within his taloned clutches was a copy of his mobilization orders, and the request to be allowed through the freshly erected blockade. When the man had taken the sheet of flimsiplast and had devoured its contents, and ordered his men to begin clearing these transports a path through, he offered a choice selection of words that brought forth a chortle from the Sun Guard’s lips.

Better you and yours, the Officer stated plainly, rather than me and mine.

Such words were true, in many respects. Why bother worrying about sending men, who have no ties to one’s sovereignty or imperialistic ideals, to their deaths? They were, in many ways, expendable in the grand scheme of things. Shaking himself free of such a grim mindset, the Sun Guard began asking the Officer if they had noticed any odd behaviour or received any demands from the insurgents within the facility. When the man answered in the negative, there was a thought that began to take hold in Khonsu’s; One that unsettled him greatly. This was, in many ways, a diversionary attempt that would draw out various elements of the planetary defence forces; weakening other sectors, whilst reinforcing one that would cost the combined coalition of Imperial forces greatly.

How true that man’s words were now, the Twisuns Legate thought to himself, as he directed his driver to advance through the barricade once the path had been cleared. With the haunting words spoken by another within the rear compartment of the transport, Khonsu simply shook his head in the vain attempt to clear his thoughts. Something that seemed to be an impossible task these days, as there were many matters that clouded his psyche. As they drew towards the central terminal, the Sun Guard forced himself to swiftly devise a plan of entry. It was more than likely that those within the facility had rigged charges on the doors that would severely hamper their insertion point. Had they elected to ride in the belly of a Phobos battle tank instead, it was more than likely that they would’ve been able to shrug off the relentless barrage that would’ve been brought to bear. In doing that, however, they would greatly risk the lives of those inside, which would piss off the locals and doubtlessly cause them to aid the resistance forces in some manner or another.

So, as they began to regain their speed from earlier, Khonsu directed the driver of his FAV to make haste towards an abandoned flatbed transport, that was situated near to the armoured glass doors of the entrance foyer. This was going to be one of his riskiest maneuvers yet, and a part of him wished that he was far younger - and vastly more immature - so that he could upload the footage to SpaceBook and reap the monetized rewards. With a practiced hand, the Sun Guard withdrew his sidearm and carefully balanced his armoured bulk out of the retracted window. “Faster!” He barked, as his the man sighted the exposed undercarriage beneath the transport’s decking. They needed to go faster if they were going to make this work. Without hesitation, the driver responded, slamming his armoured foot atop the accelerator and thrusting the vehicle towards its maximum speed.

As the torrent of wind howled within the transport, threatening to throw off his aim, the Legate dug his taloned fingers into the seat beneath his bulk, depressing the pistol’s trigger once his sightline was balanced. In the seconds that followed, the slug impacted the undercarriage of the flatbed and rapidly decayed as the acidic fluid that it had carried within devoured the metallic surface; utterly depriving it of its tensile strength. The deck smashed against the duracrete tarmac, just in time for the FAV to utilize it as an improvised gradient; launching them into the Tradeport’s primary ingress a heartbeat later. When the vehicle had swiftly reached the terminal point of it’s descending curve, the Sun Guard that was housed within the control cradle in the centre of their transport, reflexively activating the remotely controlled turret as his armoured hands clenched.

A torrent of brilliant crimson beams speared forth from the rotary blaster, quickly chewing through the armoured plate glass that separated the two environments from one another. As the lances of magnetically contained plasma vaporized the glasteel, they took with it the various charges that had been placed in the attempt to impede their entry. Boisterous flowers of fire and smoke blossomed within the foyer, bathing any and all that were nearest to the doors with violently propelled debris and shrapnel. The burnished FAV bore the brunt of the concussive detonations, which had seen it’s relentless advance forcibly slowed by the conflicting waves of kinetic energy. It’s armoured exterior buckled under the pressure and wrecked a portion of the suspension as the chassis smashed into the ground.

Suffice to say, with the entry the FAV had made and the resulting explosions? It wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

With that being said, however, the Sun Guard that had brought the portable lethality of the vehicle to bear against the harmless plate-glass doors, quickly recovered from their ordeal and began bathing the entrance in plasmatic hellfire. He utilized what sensors remained serviceable, and directed with weapon’s power towards the various erected barbicans and the troopers that had nestled themselves behind them. There were flashes of silvered blades in the smoke that drew his attention, but as the man had known they were attached to those who would reflect the incoming assault - the crimson lances were focused elsewhere against targets that couldn’t redirect his wounded fury.

As the turret had offered him some measure of covering fire, Khonsu roused himself from the passenger’s seat and forced his armoured form out of the vehicle. With his boots sealing themselves to the armoured floor, his hand had automatically dove towards the mobility shield affixed to his belt; which soon hummed with the resonance of activation thereafter, as the projected shield encapsulated him within its protective embrace. The barrier had already come under fire as soon as it was activated, which caused the Sun Guard’s helmet-shrouded vision to fill with the sight of the various plasmatic flares that impacted the deflector screen. Unperturbed by the distractions that sought to steal his attention, the man reached back into the vehicle’s cab and withdrew his service rifle.

Now fully armed, and ready for the onslaught to come, he turned his attention to the numerically superior force and began stitching their positions with magnetically accelerated munitions; spitting ferromagnetic death to any that sought to deny him of his explosively established foothold.
Location: Antigone Communications (formerly Jaminere Communications Consolidated), Palace District
Allies: TSE, [member="Cassandra Paige"] [member="Jacen Vadith"] [member="Tsisaar Taral"] [member="Sebastian Thel"]
Enemies: Unknown (Incoming rebels, [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Cenric Marus"] [member="Lyra Sarn"] [member="Ari Vox"] [member="Jax Vandal"] [member="Kamon Vondiranach"] will add if there are more for sure)
Current Objective: Project Oversight -- Greetings.

It was a shame that the sewer systems were publicly owned and operated by the city proper.

Even the ones running beneath the Palace District. Otherwise Itash would have loaded it with a feth ton of security systems and counter-measures, instead they were relatively defenseless. No turrets, no high-tech camera systems or anything else- except for a motion sensor systems and trip wires. Sadly all of that was connected to an external warning system that led back to a local administrative department deeper in the city. The part that was sad was that the manager had just walked out to get some coffee and didn't see the bleeps and bloops.

Eventually (ten minutes, twenty, an hour or two) he might return and see it, sending local reinforcements, but by then Didact Defense Solutions would already be knee-deep in rebels and other miscreants rising straight up from sewage waste.

Itash, for his part, raised an eyebrow at Cassandra rising up and indicating a desire to greet their guests. Of course... the explanation made sense and Mecetti couldn't help but chuckle, smirking just a bit. "Mmmhm, we would certainly be bad hosts, if we didn't offer them the warmth of our welcome." It didn't take long for him to rise up, letting his arm hook into hers and striding out of the office together.

A lift took them down towards one of the halls from which they would be able to meet with the Sith delegates in the server rooms.

While they waited Tash leaned in, giving Cass a small peck on the corner of the mouth. "You look absolutely stunning." There was some mischief in his eye with that particular wordplay.

After all, they had just fit her prosthetic with a surprise the other day.

Darth Imperia

Location: Walking into Spaceport
Objective: Suppress the Rebellion
Allies: [member="Darth Filiae"]
Enemies: [member="Jakkor Kess"] | [member="Rujat Aola"]
Equipment: Sera's (but actually Imperia's because Possession) Cybernetic Suite | Lightsaber (standard) | Armorweave Jacket | Thermal Goggles
Music: World Painted Blood


"We may have an issue."

Imperia was just about to respond, when - boom. The ground around her shook, her ears rang, and she stumbled backwards - less because of the modest shockwave that hit her (it wasn't like there were any bombs placed by the entrance, after all), and more out of sheer surprise. It wasn't as if the Knight had made the assumption that her enemies here were merciful - that was a deadly mistake in and of itself - but, well, they were trying to start a peoples' revolution. Exploding the aforementioned people did not seem conducive to this goal.

After her ears stopped ringing and the rumbling in her chest subsided, Imperia stood up straight and dusted off her jacket, wearing a wicked smile that morphed into a perfectly practiced expression of concern as she entered the spaceport.


Despite the rebels' best efforts - and the charmingly naive message that had just been broadcast - it appeared that relatively few people were interested in rising up against Imperia, or even harassing her, as she made her way through the space port. Why might that be? The fact that she was traveling with lightsaber ignited may have had something to do with it, certainly. But beyond that, well. The Sith may not have been popular. They may not have been loved here yet. But Jaminere was a planet used to Imperial rule, comfortable with it. What was given up in freedom was gained threefold in security, and after seeing Bob the friendly engineer get some shrapnel to the face, these darlings could use a bit of comfort and security. A pale woman garbed in black and carrying a red lightsaber may have cut an intimidating figure, true, but it was also an assurance: These poor, frightened citizens may not have known what was going on, but they knew it was about to be dealt with with extreme prejudice.

"I want everyone who can move to evacuate, now. Carry any injured with you if it's safe to do so - emergency services will be here soon, I promise." Imperia's voice, amplified by the Force, drowned out the screaming and crying that filled the port's lobby, where the fewest people had been wounded, and none of them seriously. Despite the volume, her voice was calm but firm, and almost supernaturally comforting - in fact, it was supernaturally comforting. That was one of her specialties. Of course, being comforting was not the primary goal here. It was important that the Empire's subjects felt safe under Sith Rule, of course, but more important was that they had someone to blame. There was a presence nearby but out of sight - probably in the hangar bay proper - and it shone in the Force, like some grotesque, luminous insect.

"Please, everyone, stay calm - the Jedi responsible for this act of terrorism will be brought to justice." Imperia twirled her lightsaber, casting a glance behind her to watch the civilians running out into the street, and then grinned from ear to ear.

"Of that I can assure you."

Jantar Keltainen

Evil is a word used by the ignorant and the weak
Location: Sewer system below the Capitol Building
Objective: Stop them pesky rebels from...well...rebelling
Aliies: Always a moot point where Sith were concerned
Enemies: Rebels, damp air that plays havoc with your hair
Equipment: Nothing special, just standard issue robes and a saber

Jantar knew all about Jaminere. It was a planet located in the Tion Cluster of the Outer Rim Territories, along the Cadinth Run.

Actually, she knew very little. She’d been sent a briefing but it seemed dull in the extreme. Somrthing about allied kingdoms and pirate kings and other stuff too.

If she struggled to get to sleep any time soon, she knew the briefing would be the perfect solution!

Perhaps the assignment to the sewer was punishment for her lousy karin' attitude? Maybe there was something hidden in the briefing that showed she hadn’t actually read it. She’d skipped to the end, just in case there was some button she had to press to prove she’d finished it, but she hand’t found one. And anyhow, she invariably drew the sort of assignment that meant she was bored witless. Her master insisted she served the Sith — and she did dutifully. But sooner or later, they’d be sure to give her something to do that was a little more…well…interesting.

So for now she tramped through the dark and dingy tunnels that were the sewers. The aroma was best described as pungent and at worst rancid. And she’d have to get some new boots when this was over — she was sure that whatever she was walking in would permeate the hand-crafted leather. Just as long as that's as far as it went, she'd be OK. It was one thing to smell it. It was another to step in it - but she drew the line at physically touching it!

[member="Zek Koth"]

She was right, that was a knife. It was an itty-bitty knife, but a knife none the less. It was an amusing line, and Joycelyn would have to remember it for another event. Then again, that would require her to carry a knife of some magnitude. Perhaps it was due she got one, after all.

"If I die, Father will know it was my weakness, not your choice." "I will own my death when it overtakes me."

A smile spread over her lips at the comment about her buttocks. It seemed somewhat out of place with the tension of the situation around them, but she appreciated it. After all, she had put some gym-hours into it.

The knight took the hilt of the burning sword from Pythia and gave it a flick before sheathing it in a black, leather sheath. She could feel Zaudraka complain, but it was a matter of practical measures. While he had his moments and she would always carry him with the most pride, the pike had other benefits and sort of required her to carry it in her hands. Hence, she claimed the staff while Farah squared up her business in the clinic.

Pythia took her place on the left side, one step behind Joycelyn, hands folded in front of her. She remained quiet, her mind running through the thousands of possibilities in front of them. She also watched Farah with a mild scepticism. Sure, the miraluka appreciated the doctor's help, but she was protective of her chosen Sword of Vahl. It was part of her task to ensure that Joycelyn reached her greatest possible height. At the same time, she disliked sharing that responsibility with an unknown.

"There is great unrest. Anger, fear, sadness too." "We need to seize the hearts of the citizens, make them believe in us." "Or at least in our ability to bring order and stability back to their home."

A smirk ran over her lips at Farah's pat of the stims. She hoped they would not come in handy, but felt better knowing the option was there. She headed outside with the squad, Pythia, [member="Farah"] , three legionaries. Outside were new sentinels from the Tionese Whiteguard, ancient protectors of the Tion Cluster and familiar faces to the people of Jaminere. She made sure to remember their presence, as would the people of Jaminere.

Stepping out into the city itself, Joycelyn could clearly see the unrest. Smoke rose in the horizon and at least one ship flew overhead, there was a tension in the air that made some hide behind shut doors and others peek out from their windows in curiosity. The people of Jaminere had invited the Sith Empire there to display their victory parade. The issues of the working class were there before the Empire itself. Unchecked, they could still turn. This was not something Joycelyn would allow to happen without rigorous opposition.

"We need to make a message, a statement."
She Left Behind A Legacy
Allies: [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Cenric Marus"] [member="Lyra Sarn"] [member="Jax Vandal"] [member="Ari Vox"] [member="Kamon Vondiranach"] [member="Avoim Oeymo"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Ophidia"] - Engaging...
Location: Sewers - Under Comm. Hub


The sole of her boot nearly slid along the grit of whatever lined the bottom surface of the sewer; water crashed against her ankles in waves. Her head shot up when dust dark as it was she could see it settling in the air right in front of her.

What was that...? She thought to herself; it sounded and felt like a bomb.

Time's up...

So much for their element of surprise. Whatever was going down on the surface sounded unexpected given their groups reactions. Though, she was smart enough to know that adversity was a constant in situations like this.

"I'm all for the straightforward approach..." her mild comment in response to Cedrics plan.

Just then...her eyes fell towards the mucky water beneath her and she could barely make out a silhouette, and soon she was turning to look back into the maw from which they came; this entire situation made her feel weird, but it was off. In any case, her stride lengthened as she pushed forward with the rest of the group. It was close...

--- Under the Comm. Hub

She paced slowly behind the group, "You guys find your way in...I'll watch our flank." She stopped.

Just as the water settled at her feet, she took a step back. Cutting in would take a bit...and with them being stationary it was best she took her watch. At this point...she was certain they'd check the sewers, and since Kamon hadn't caught up yet well...

She took another step back, her nostrils flared just as the adrenaline got real for her. She let go a quick nod to Cedric whom she said weeks ago she'd protect personally; it was a play on her childhood role.

"I'll catch up..."

She turned and was enveloped by the dark maw at which they'd just exited.
Location: Jaminere | Trade Port Station
Enemies: The Sith Empire | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Darth Saarai"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Allies: The Rebellion | Fel Imperium | [member="Ursula Toher"]
Objective: Hold the Supply Depot.
Gear:- Armor, - Blaster Rifle, - Pistol, - Phrik Vibro-Blade

Main Entrance:
Their were only a small squad of Spec Ops Stormtroopers that were within the main entrance. Normal Protocol was always throw explosives within the front door to surprise as many as they could, kill some if they were lucky. However, Jaster wished to used that against them and kept a small spread out amount in the main lobby, while the rest waited outside doors and behind thick barricades. They were ready for everything, Thermal tipped rocket launches, blaster rifles, and even some Imperial Knights were there in hopes to provide support. What happened next though, well Jaster could never have planned against it, for he thought he was fighting the Sith, not this.

A armored vehicle smashed though the glass door and killed two troopers who were set up behind a Duracrete barrier that was wrecked by its acceleration and armor. The weapons that were also attached to this death machine continued to harass the positions of troopers that were now flooding into the lobby. The Imperial Knights attempted to deflect and protect as many of the troopers that were entering. The mounted weapon however did take down some troops.

From behind some cover a trooper lifted up from behind the smoke and cover of the Receptionist Desk he hid behind. He carried a odd looking rifle, he pointed it at the Armored Weapon and through the spoke he locked onto the mounted weapon, and pulled the trigger.

Space Port Garrison:

It seemed that Jaster had missed his shot at the being, though he was looking more to make him aware of his presence. [member="Koda Fett"] had seemed to fled from his presence, though Jaster was not looking to enter a trap, so instead he activated his Sonar Mapping sensors to look for abnormalities in the walls, ground, as well as how he was able to get in there. He had never face Sith Inquisitors or their Special Forces, so he decided to take it carefully. Keeping his pistol close to his chest he followed the sonar bing to its source. There was some movement nearby that did not match the layout of the building. So he activated his Life Form Scanner as there were still some dead bodies in the area, and those that were hiding meant they had something to hid as it was.

Keeping the vibro-blade at his side, blade facing out. His Pistol close to his chest, keeping control of the close space they were in. He really wished he had brought a spread weapon with him, but he would have to make due. He was better at close combat anyways compared to distance, so he was within his element.

It was at this moment, an explosion could be heard from down the lobby. He did not let that distract him as he continued to scan the area, both with his scanners and his eyes. Loosing ones attention was what caused the enemy to get the jump on them. He decided to speak up and try and get the enemy to come out of hiding. "Well seems your friends are at the door son, lets make this quick so I can send them and you to the after life huh?"

He only hopped [member="Cedric Grayson"] would be able to get to the communications HUB to get these citizens to rise up. Once that would happen, the support of the public could shift the change in battle long enough for the Spec Ops to destroy their dead and move on. But for now they were pinned down and holding this port for as long as they could.
skin, bone, and arrogance

Icarus didn't need to be trudging through the sewers to commiserate with [member="Atlas Viridian"] about being in a cockpit. He would have given almost anything to be in the sky now. But the Rebellion didn't need pilots on this mission. They didn't need brash egotists. It was all hands at the pump as at least, finally, someone stood up to the Sith Imperial war machine. It spread like a cancer across the eastern reaches of the known galaxy. Icarus had never known any so skilled at manipulation -- they could smile and smile and be a villain. The Silver Jedi had stood up to them and been socked in the mouth for their trouble; so beaten were they that they didn't lift a finger here, in the moment when it was ripe to make a statement. In that light, he understood the Trade Council's reluctance to be involved.

But still. The Sith were comparative steps from Jabiim and Centares and New Holstice. If now was not the time to move, when would it?

He was distracted from this internal monologue when his comlink buzzed and he glanced at the screen. The distraction had begun.

"I'll go first. Follow me," he whispered to Atlas and [member="Kirie Ito"]. He pushed the grating open slowly, quietly, and clambered upwards, into a maintenance basement. He raised his rifle and quietly moved around, pointing the flashlight over the room. Nothing immediately attacked him, so that was good news. But it was still early days. "Looks like we came up in the right place," he muttered to his allies. "The regulator is there. Show me those schematics and let's go over the plan one more time," he said to Atlas.
Location: Trade Port Station
Enemies: Sithies and their lackeys, [member="Khonsu Amon"], [member="Darth Saarai"], [member="Tabigarashu Madara"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Koda Fett"]
Allies: [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"], [member="Ursula Toher"]
Objective: Inject high velocity freedom rounds into fascist pigs
Gear: Disruptor, Armor, Hellfire Cannon, Sidearm, Vibroblade, Patriotism

<"Your armor is too flashy little man."> The Warlord snarled at the Stormtrooper corporal that had decided to stand directly in his line of sight. The Madclaw bore down upon the human, lifting him easily with one hand, <"You are stupid, and you will die if you stand in front of me. If you're killed because you decided to get in the way of an ally's fire, then I will consume your corpse.">

For Owazza, he was giving the boy an important life lesson. For the trooper and everyone around him, a massive fully armored wookie had lifted their comrade, looked him in the eye, and roared for thirty seconds into the lads face. Spittle flew all over the man's visor, and he stumbled off to wipe away the detritus the moment the wookie set him down.

Imperials are stupid. Good imperials, bad imperials, all inbred. The fascism makes their bones taste bland.

Two other stormtrooper whom Owazza had conscripted came hobbling down a nearby halfway as fast they could, a massive case held between the two of them.

<"You take too long. The pigs are already inside!">

One of the soldiers, a young lad Owazza had dubbed Gregory because he refused to identify with anything aside from his rank, fortunately understood the Wookie's tongue. "Well I'm sorry Warchief, but your gun's a little heavier than we were expecting. What is this thing anyway?"

The Wookie did not answer. Instead, he undid the clasps on the casing himself. It opened with a quiet creak.

For a moment, the sounds of battle had been drowned out. There was only Owazza and the beautiful goddess that awaited him within the case. With reverence that made the stormtroopers uncomforable, the Wookie Warlord ran his clawed fingers down the length of the carbon fiber.

Oh yes.

<"Where is my ammo boy?">

Another stormtrooper ran up to Owazza, and snapped off a salute. "Right here Warchief!"

<"Good. You carry the ammunition drums. I shoot."> The Wookie lifted the Hellfire cannon with pride. The standard weapon was devastating enough, but the gatling variant? Truly monstrous. A normal human could have never carried such a weapon without assistance, but Owazza was no human.

The warlord was a fully grown Wookie, and large for his species own standards at that. Lifting the Hellfire cannon was taxing, and firing it uninhibited would prove extremely difficult. It was for that reason that Owazza set the massive gun up atop the railing that kept him from falling to the level below.

The doors burst open. A massive APC made its entrance. Owazza grinned.

The gatling gun began to spin. The Sith security forces would be greeted by a stream of monstrous shatter-gun fire a moment later, the slugs flying forth to tear anything that stepped through the door asunder. Even the APC was not safe, as the cannon soon turned its devastating firepower upon the vehicle. At the same time, the Bulwark shield came to life around Owazza, casting his body in an eerie blue glow. Bolts flew the warlord's way, but they simply spattered out uselessly against the powerful energy shield.

<"Eat my slugs you pigs. Burn with your accursed ancestors in the depths of chaos!"> Owazza howled at the top of his lungs. The stormtroopers alongside him could only stare as the Wookie Warlord unleashed hell upon those that would step foot into the Trade Port. The 'good' fascists would hopefully learn to fear this paragon of freedom while he was still on their side, before they got uppity and he had to kill them too.

Sebastian Thel

Location: Communications Hub
Objective: Decryption
Allies: [member="Jacen Vadith"], [member="Tsisaar Taral"], [member="Cassandra Paige"], [member="Itash Mecetti"]

With the barrel of a blaster brushing the clothes on his back, the attitude of the human Sith who escorted Sebastian became less pleasant by the minute. He pointed to the staircase and with a tone devoid of welcome, demanded Sebastian walk down the stairs with the officers watching his every movement. The mathematician turned around and glared slightly, while walking down the stairs and through a corridor leading to the bunker.

"Only if you say please." Sebastian felt like saying, while keeping his thoughts to himself. When the human Sith pointed him in the direction of the equipment, his comrade with the aquatic appearance finally spoke and treated Sebastian with courtesy. Feeling his shoulders relax with relief, he managed a coy smile in the direction of Tsisaar as a silent gesture of gratitude. The kind manner of the man gave Sebastian some hope in the fact that not all Sith were callous monsters.

"Thank you, My Lord." With a curt nod of his head, Sebastian followed Tsisaar's gesture to the computer terminal which monitored enemy transmissions. "I will do my best to assist with this task." There, a little courtesy went a long way. Sebastian offered his skills to the Sith with genuine intention and endeavored to sift out any Rebel messages which came their way.

The equipment beeped as signals traveled through wires and filtered through the terminal. Placing his satchel and briefcase on the floor, Sebastian immediately took his seat in front of the computer and procured his notebook, which he placed to the side of the table, along with a pen. He winced in discomfort as Tsisaar patted him on the back, disliking the feel of physical contact. The gesture of kindness was appreciated, though.

"I will keep My Lords informed of any updates." Sebastian affirmed. As he sat down, Tsisaar revealed the name of the other Sith and that both of them were only there to protect him, which subdued any suspicions Sebastian held. Slipping off his coat, he revealed the white shirt which he wore underneath with the top button undone and slung the shoulders of the coat over the back of his chair. He grabbed a pair of headphones connected to the terminal and placed them over his ears.

The transmission played on the terminal, which was monitored on a chart for any suspicious frequencies. On one side of the desk, Sebastian wrote calculations as he watched the line on the chart swerve. He turned a dial and adjusted the volume, tapping away at buttons with one hand and conducting estimations with the other. As he watched the dial turn on the terminal, he already began to trace a suspicious lead.


Well-Known Member
Capitol Annex - Capitol Building - Basement
Allies: [member="Kirie Ito"] | [member="Icarus Volcata"] | [member="Zek Koth"] | [member="Jakkor Kess"] | [member="Kira Vaal"] | Rebellion
Enemies: The Sith Empire
A grin, nearly obscured by the mask he wore, spread across Atlas' features as he nodded in response. This was it, just like old times - except they weren't in space, and they didn't exactly have backup in the form of a frigate or a cruiser. In fact, as the thought progressed in his mind, Atlas realized this was nothing like old times. This was something new, something dangerous. Tight lips strained as his footsteps followed those of the man in front of him, and as he passed through the grate he felt his heart stop, the pit of his stomach drop.

As he had stepped through the grate, he hadn't held on, assuming the person behind him would be ready to hold the weight and so on and so on. Even as he realized his mistake a million scenarios played out in his head in that instant. Images of discovery, of death, of torture - and then his body was in motion. With a burst of speed even he hadn't expected, his hand shot out, fingers seizing the falling grate. With a quiet grunt of satisfaction and a sigh of relief, wide eyes stared at the grate. Not a moment too soon, any farther of a fall and the clatter would have made a ruckus they couldn't have afforded.

"Just a bit of a mix up, let's get in here then chaps. Make it quick."

Deciding to continue holding the grate until the rest of them entered the basement chamber, Atlas nodded when his comrade waved him over. Tapping one of the others on the shoulder, he motioned towards the grate and once they had carefully traded spots, shuffled over towards Icarus. Reaching into a small pouch, Atlas retrieved a small holodisplay, the image flickering dimly to life. The two pointed, indicating several places of ingress, and egress, as well as highlighting a few critical systems they'd need to be aware of. Motioning to a couple of the others, the pilot motioned towards the regulator.

"Bring those tanks over here - we've only got one shot at this." He paused, catching Icarus' eye briefly. "If you wouldn't mind. Regulator needs to be reprogrammed for our target." A brief second passed before he retrieved a small device from another pocket. "Don't look so glum old boy, I've got you covered."

The device had been programmed to reroute several of the building's protocols - at least the most basic of logic controllers. It wasn't exactly slicing but it wasn't strictly a shell program either. Atlas knew Icarus wasn't a hacker, nor a mechanical engineer, and so he'd had the device prepped ahead of time. It hadn't kept him from giving his partner a jovial scare though. Handing the device over, Atlas began assisting the others with the chemical tanks they'd dragged along with them. Soon their plan would really be set in motion, Atlas only hoped it could stay on the tracks.

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