Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pale Blue Dot [SJO Dominion of Ceraluen Hex]


Valae stepped out onto the surface of Ceraluen and surveyed the scene. There were a number of large transport ships on the ground, clustered in their make-shift port. All of the ships had just touched down, but there was already a flood of people making their way outside. These men, women, and children were refugees fleeing from Dominion space – they had been allowed to resettle here after long talks between Grandmaster Yune and the local government. In exchange for providing asylum, the Silver Jedi Order and their affiliated systems have agreed to assist the Ceraluens upgrade their dilapidated orbital defenses and provide advanced training to its security forces.

The SJO had its work cut out for them… that was for sure. There would be air raid simulations to test out the new air defense grids, a task that would give Silver Order pilots and fleeters a chance to provide much needed assistance. Elsewhere, there would be a weapons expo – companies affiliated with the Silver Order would be there to display their technology for the locals. And Valae was sure that some of the Antarian Rangers would be on site to provide some much needed training for their ground forces.

For her own part, the Jedi healer would be assisting with the effort to get the refugees settled. First things first, they needed a triage area set up. Locating a couple of crates, Valae popped the lids off to find the Rapid Response Medical Tents rolled up inside. Luckily, these shelters looked fairly simple to assemble and quick to get up and running.

“Hey, would y’all mind helping me get these Tents up?” Valae called out to anyone that might be nearby, “I figure we’ll place three or four close by for medical triage and treatment. The others can be spared to make temporary living spaces.”

Unloading a couple of the tents, Valae took a glance around. There was much to be done, this would be a good chance for the Silver Circle members and Antarian Ranger Medics to get some experience – all while doin’ some good in the galaxy.

Objectives & Notes:
Objective 1 - Triage: Healers and Medics can get some hands-on experience with Master Kitra at the Refugee Settlement. Assist with setting up the triage center, and treating patients -- use the force and/or conventional medical practices.

Objective 2 - Stress Testing: The Silver Fleet will meet at the Ceraluen Air Force Base -- there, they will participate in an air raid simulation to help test the newly installed Air Defense Grid.

Objective 3 - Weapons Expo and Training: The Ceraluen government is looking to upgrade its outdated GR arsenal. A small expo has been set up to give companies the chance to show off their wares and obtain a contract. If you’re not looking to attend the expo, the local security forces could use assistance with combat exercises.

BYOO - Have something else in mind, feel free to explore.

*Note: The planet's name is spelled "Cerulean" on the map. Please reference the Ceraluen sub for more details about the planet.
*Special thanks to [member="Arisa Yune"] for providing the objectives!

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
Trialing close behind her mentor, Carona Totsari stepped out of the ship and onto the planet's limited shoreline. This planet was mostly made of water, a simple blue from space. Things were far from simple blue here though. Jedi healers were needed to help refuges. The timid apprentice was a bit frightened of what horrors she would see. How bad were their injuries? She was just an inexperienced student; was she strong enough to save them?

She was dressed in attire that would not drag or get caught. As opposed to traditional Jedi robes; she wore brown leather boots, brown pants, a cream colored shirt, and a green hooded jacket with the Silver Jefi Emblem on the back. Shivering in the wind, she pulled her hood up.

As the bustle bummed around her in a blur, the mute togruta looked up to her teacher. Master Kitra? What first?

The best solution to her anxiety would be distraction at this point. For all her feelings she needed to help these people. She would. She was getting right to business.
Objective: Triage
Allies: [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Carona Totsari"]

"I hope that I didn't go all the way to this end of the galaxy for nothing... I hoped to fight the Sith Empire in space, but taking care of refugees in the Halla sector is still better than nothing" Cathul muttered to herself while the Pharmacokinetics made its reversion to realspace.

The sheer amount of refugees from the area of the Tingel Arm in the wake of the Sith Empire on a drive to capture Ession, coming in from Bimmiel, Gravlex Med, Mirial, Ord Trasi, Kol Huro, Kushibah, Serenno and Vjun, with some from Eol Sha, Aargonar and Krayiss II, was long though to be a memory from the great wars of the past. And all those casualties just spurred her to do her part in refugee relocation. In the span of one month, Sith factions caused more war-displacements than the First Order had in two years, with refugees going all over the place in Silver Jedi and Mandalorian space, as well as on a few unaligned planets, such as Azure, Ringo Vinda (whose unending referendum campaign was even a meme by this point) and, of course, Ceraluen. Once again, High Command did not allow her to engage the Sith Empire in combat over Krayiss but humanitarian aid missions are fair game for her, especially after her experience in the Atrisia and Polis Massa campaigns, and, in the wake of Asmeru, on Karfeddion. Today Cathul would assist in establishing a triage center, while she knew others would likely bring some surface-to-orbit turbolasers or ion cannons in tow. In the ANS Pharmacokinetics' CIC, which was her main ship for the occasion, the crew monitors traffic for medical emergencies among the ships filled with refugees:

"All right, have all medical teams ready to take on refugees requiring medical attention in orbit. We cannot handle all the patients in orbit, but we'll take in what we can. The Sith made a number in the Tingel Arm"

"We will soon get 200 patients onboard" the triage nurse informed Cathul. "You have your pick of patients once they arrive"

ANS Tylenol (Cardea-class medical cruiser): 790m
ANS Pharmacokinetics (Cardea-class medical cruiser): 790m

Kaiza Pawaro

Do, or do not. There is no try.
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Carona Totsari"] [member="Valae Kitra"]


Great and important things took place on Ceraluen, a blue jewel of a planet if watched from space. These days would see many Jedi on the planet, doing the most blessed of duties – helping. Transports carrying supplies and people alike promised plenty of work for everyone. Kaiza’s pair of hands definitely wasn’t an idle one as evidenced by the worn-out gloves, and so she rushed to do her part. Eager to participate, the young Mirialan took one of the ships headed for Ceraluen, feeling the familiar excitement that tickled her gut whenever she was about to see a new world. It could not be helped, really; the Padawan simply loved to slowly uncover the overwhelmingly big galaxy, one planet at a time.

The blue world certainly bustled with activity. After exiting the transport and gathering her bearings, taking comical a glace left and right, unsure where to go first and seeing people in need of assistance everywhere, the Mirialan’s emerald eyes landed upon the refugee ships. All of the sudden, the pleasant excitement dissipated, replaced by an iron hand gripping her stomach as she found herself stricken with worry and grief. Even though her knowledge concerning the dominion was woefully lacking, the young Jedi knew Mirial stood right at the borders between the dominion and the dreadful Sith Empire. Kaiza’s heart ached when she imagined what sort of horrors the people were running from. For a moment, emotions became too much to handle and she had to turn her eyes away.

How to accept that her family and friends remained trapped back on Mirial while she trained among the Jedi? The whole village and everything she knew before coming to Voss was at the mercy of Sith and Kaiza did not have to watch the news to understand they had none. Coming to terms with the fact she simply did not have enough experience and skill to rush to her homeworld’s defence presented a torturous sensation of guilt and hopelessness. Rediscovering inner peace proved impossible now, and thus the girl gulped, wiping her tearful gaze and forcing herself to look upon the refugees. She could help and fight the Sith. Perhaps not in the ways she imagined, but assisting the fleeing beings and giving them hope meant denying the Sith their absolute victory. Kindness and compassion tended to inspire others, something to fight for.

Deep breaths filled her lungs with fresh air and Kaiza stepped forth, pacing towards a duo of faces she remembered. Master Valae could certainly use help with those tents - the three of them would get it done in no time and move to more important matters.

"I'll help." The yellow-skinned Jedi offered, lips finally curling into a smile as she felt the Jedi master's calming aura.

Gloved hands moved to lay out the first tent, finding the task of manipulating it fairly easy.

"Carona," Kaiza addressed the Togruta Jedi, grinning, finally getting the war off her mind "Unscrew the cap and lock the inflation hose in there, please."

She pointed at the inflation connection that eagerly awaited the big moment of being filled with air.

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
Objective: Bring Humanitarian Aid
Allies: Silver Jedi

It was not only the first time that she had actually begun to start real humanitarian work, but Viathae's first time attempting to show that the New Mandalorians purpose was to promote a new type of pacifistic ideology for the world to see. Sure, she was a Silver, but she had recently re-established the New Mandalorians, a previously defunct organization that once ruled Mandalore with a peaceful hand. She wanted to ensure that Mandalorians gave up their bloodthirsty warrior paths, and become soldiers for the sake of defense, neutrality and pacifism. And to do this, they need to help as many people as they could to help spread the word of their intents.

Viathae's armour had changed a bit on her chest. In addition to her Silver Jedi Badge on the right side of her armour, a crest of the New Mandalorians was on the plate of her armour. With a blaster on one side, set to stun, and her lightsaber on the belt, she stepped out of her ship and bought out medical supplies, as well as food and water to help out those who were in need of assistance. She directed the workers to help her push out the supplies for the refugees and the people. She then took off her helmet and took a look around at the civilians, making sure that the supplies get around safely.
The darkness lays ever near the light.
Objective: Show off my large vehicles. ;) Objective 3
Allies: SJO | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] and those other guys.

Darren stood outside of 'Fort Armour', his vehicle transport frigate nearby. His employees were transporting the vehicles off of said ship towards the entrance to the weapons expo - while he was ticking off the inventory list on a holopad as they did so...

Torr Industries Inventory Checklist

- x1 AT-AAW (Separate Shuttle)
- x3 AB-RT Mk1 ✓✓
- x3 'Hornett' Speeder Bike ✓✓✓
- x1 'Hare' Mobile Medical Vehicle
- x2 'Rhino' Armoured Cargo Truck
- x2 Small Cargo Attachments Containing Prototype Technology


Darren had gotten up bright and early to get prime position for the day's weapon expo - directly outside the entrance. The 'Torr Industries' banner would be the first thing you would see before entering the expo. It was an important position - and the Zabrak had gone all out on the stall. He had men on hand to help show guests around - he would even let them inside the vehicles on this occasion. A large strip of land was clear for the guests to drag race on the 'Hornet' Speeder Bikes. He was quite proud of himself - he was getting good at this preparation thing.

His leg had long since been healed - well, pretty much - by the healers at the Voss Temple and so he no longer needed crutches to stabilise himself. Unfortunately, he still had a slight limp - though that would be expected. Today he was dressed in a new suit - replacing the one that had been ruined at Krayiss II. He gave off a large smile as he saw the first guests approach, awing at the towering body of the AT-AAW.

"Welcome to the Fort Armour weapons expo! I'm Darren Torran - CEO of Torr Industries and newly discovered Padawan of the Silver Jedi Order."

With any luck, perhaps Grandmaster Arisa Yune would be amongst the crowd.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Objective 1

It was blue. That was his first thought as he exited the transport. The Jedi towered over most of the people here, both in stature and in height. He was armored, in the robes that were interwoven with his old Beskar- minus the chestpiece. Tracyn had come to the planet under the guise of helping. Something to ease his worried mind, to put some of his demons to rest under the premise that he was still a good person. But somewhere, Tracyn Ordo knew that he wasn't a good person and that his path in the light was a sham, a facade- and would ultimately, again, fail. But the Silver Jedi offered him a glimmer of hope to stem the tide of his darkness.

Tracyn pushed aside thoughts of his inevitable self-destruction and walked forward towards the tents. The brute grasped a tent pole, and with the strength of three men, pulled it upright, canvas and all. He stood tall while others helped setup the tent, and began to push supplies into it.

He clipped his lightsaber to his belt and glanced around. He sensed several Jedi nearby, but he rarely reached out with the force anymore. To reach out was to touch, and touch was to let other people touch you. It's why his mind was so closely guarded. Teras Kasi taught him well, but years of being a closed-off person did more. Tracyn paced around the tent, and out of it as it was set up. He heard a younger Jedi ask for help with a connector. Tracyn knelt downward, wrapping his hands around the connector. He had a gentle touch when he wanted, and the act required a bit more finesse. It hissed as it began to flow with air, and locked into place.

Tracyn stood, and stared at the Togruta and the yellow-skinned Jedi, but said nothing. He had nothing to say, but plenty to do. He walked away afterwards, eager to continue his work of setting up the rapid-response tents.

[member="Kaiza Pawaro"] l [member="Carona Totsari"] l [member="Valae Kitra"]
Objective 1
Allies: Silver Jedi

While the Cerulean's winds carried tropical humidity, Phelan found them refreshing compared to the transport's recycled atmosphere. He'd never been on an aide mission before, but he had completed several rotations in emergency medicine, so the idea of triage and treating the walk-ins wasn't new to him.

As he helped the rest of the Jedi set up the triage center, he reflected at how fast things had moved since he had begun his training with Valae. While he was certainly still a novice to the whole Force thing, he had progressed quite rapidly. Meditation, feeling the Force, sensing those around him, he picked up the skills quite readily. Phelan wanted to attribute his progress to luck, but he also knew that learning and studying came naturally to him, and, he had to admit, he felt a bit of pride at his progress.

Phelan stepped aside as a pair of droids manhandled a small sink and water station to the corner of the tent. The tents were pretty convenient to setup, but lacked any of the essentials that were required in a medical center. As such, equipment and supplies were quickly brought in by the team of Jedi and droids.

He made his way out of the tent, deciding that his skills would be far more useful helping the refugees that were already amassing outside, and found a number of Jedi tending to the crowd.

"Hey! Form a line here!" Phelan called out as he stepped to the front. He pulled a stethoscope from his pack, and smiled grimly to himself as he realized he still considered himself a "secular" doctor rather than a Jedi healer.

A woman and her child stepped up first, and Phelan let out a sigh of relief as he saw that they were Human. Languages were not his forte. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked as he pulled on a pair of gloves.

"My daughter," the woman said, "she's not been feeling well. Elise has been dizzy, and tired. She's not been herself."

Phelan nodded as he shined a light in the girl's eyes and checked her pulse. A gentle tap on the girl's arm followed, and he noted the distinctive pallor. "Have you been able to eat or drink during the trip?" he asked as he listened to the girl's breathing.

"No," the mother replied. "It was just too busy. We haven't had a chance to get anything organized. Too chaotic."

"Well, everything else seems normal." Phelan handed the woman his own bottled water. "I think she's dehydrated and probably hungry. Have her drink this, slowly, and head to that tent over there. They'll have more water and some food." He jotted down his observations and assessment on a sheet of paper. "Give this to the med-techs there, and they'll give Elise what she needs."

"Thank you, Jedi," the mother said with a grateful smile.

"No worries," Phelan replied as the woman led her child away. He turned to the next refugee and prepared himself for what would certainly be a long day. Fortunately, these were refugees, not battlefield wounded, so the major and urgent cases should have been taken care of. Or so he hoped.
Objective: Triage
Allies: [member="Valae Kitra"] @Tracyn @Carona Totsari [member="Kaiza Pawaro"]

It didn't take long for the patients coming in from all eleven planets in that region where the Sith did their number on to start getting assigned to a number of sickbays across both the Pharmacokinetics and the Tylenol. With injuries consistent with battle injuries, most of the time. So blaster or lightsaber injuries are the order of the day, with surprisingly little trace of shrapnel among the patients she see going into the docking bay, and she can't possibly treat them all herself. When, of course, she would rather intervene only after all the bacta tanks onboard are filled, that is, after all the heaviest cases are handled, but by the time that occurred, she landed with a Mirialan patient that had taken a blaster hit that resulted in a leg fracture. Meanwhile, malnutrition cases were numerous and it became all too clear that those malnourished refugees had to eat while they are being relocated. To Ceraluen perhaps, but on a number of SJ worlds, the same scene would be repeated. Cathul would just begin to place the patient under local anaesthesia, while numbing the leg that took the blaster hit and with the patient inside one of the surgical wards.

"Please, take a deep breath" she told the Mirialan patient before it can no longer feel anything in its leg.

ANS Tylenol (Cardea-class medical cruiser): 790m
ANS Pharmacokinetics (Cardea-class medical cruiser): 790m
Objective 1 – Triage
Allies: [member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Phelan Howell"], [member="Tracyn"], [member="Kaiza Pawaro"], [member="Carona Totsari"]

Valae turned slowly to address Carona, and was pleased to see that Padawan Pawaro stepped up to assist. It brought a smile to her face to see some of their newest recruits here and ready to help. “Go on with Padawan Pawaro for now,” Valae spoke mentally to Carona. And then she addressed both of them verbally.

“Thanks for your help, once the tents are ready – we have some crates of medpacks that need to be brought out and unpacked.” She pointed back towards the ship. Valae felt a bit bad about giving grunt work to the new apprentices, so she followed her request with a promise. “And I can help both of you get started with some force healing practice in a bit.”

Next, she rounded up a small group of MMT droids, new additions to the Silver Circle’s arsenal. Spotting Phelan at work brought a wide smile to her face, and she made her way over to him, droids in tow. He seemed fairly comfortable with this sort of work, his knowledge and skills would be very useful today.

“Greetings,” She said with a nod, “Feel free to put these droids to work, looks like we’ll have a busy day ahead of us.” Valae gave him a small pat on the shoulder. “By the way, once things slow down a bit, we can try out some force healing. Sound good?”

Her eyes flickered off towards the distance, finding the form of an unfamiliar man (Tracyn). She made a mental note to introduce herself in the moments to come, and she added another note to get word on Cathul Thuku. Valae had heard that her triage ships were in orbit.

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
[member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Kaiza Pawaro"]

Upon the Mirilian's call for aid and her mentor's backing, she nodded firmly and ran over to the cap and extended her hand. Mentally flexing her force muscles, the only muscles she had, the girl used telekinesis to unscrew the cap with her left hand. After doing she, she raised her right, she connected the inflation.

She gave her fellow apprentice a smile. She was excited that her teacher would be helping them practice healing later. As of now though, her smile faded as she telepathically asked, What next?
Objective: 3, secure investors and sign contracts
Allies: SJO [member="Arisa Yune"]

Ke'Cholo wasn't like himself today, not even close. He ditched the war-torn armor for a brand new, black, pinstripe, suit and the shiniest shoes this side of Coruscant. He traded in his blasters for a pen and paper, in hopes of needing them at some point today. The only two things he kept from his normal wardrobe was his hat and cigar. Technically, a cigar wasn't something you could wear, but if you could Ke'Cholo had achieved that feat long ago since he always had one clutched between his teeth. The 7 foot tall Duros probably looked like some alien turned oil tycoon with his big hat, black suit and tobacco products. He wasn't particularly worried if his appearance scared off customers, if it did he probably didn't want them as ones.

The CEO of Battlewell Security and Arms set up shop in an empty aircraft hanger only a block from the expo since the hall itself wasn't large enough for some of his products. He'd realized this on the day of, and splurged on the hanger in order to accommodate. He'd carried 50 of the standard combat droids the Metal Lords had afforded him, today merely used as movers. The Duros had alerted the attendees that he would be just down the street, hoping they would deem the extra walk worth the prospect of seeing his wares.

The Duros had arranged from the following to be shown in the warehouse:

Everything was in place and ready. Ke'Cholo approached the door of the aircraft hanger and pressed a button to open. It revealed...

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
Location: Cerulean System
Time: 1539 Hours
Allies: Silver Jedi
Objective 2.]Apollyon (Assaf)

It would seem that Relina's friendship with [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] had perhaps been partially responsible for the request for her, specifically, working its way through Royal Navy Command. The mission assigned to her was an unorthodox form of diplomacy, apparently.... very unorthodox. The Hapes Consortium was not in the habit of answering calls for assistance from factions they had no direct diplomatic relations with. However, the fact the mission was assigned to her in the first place said that diplomatic relations were mutually wanted. She was to bring a detachment of the Royal Navy to supplement the forces of the Silver Jedi Order and their faction. Obviously, Ducha Zhan would salute and complied with orders, although she secretly would have jumped at the chance to see Joshua again.

The Glorious Heritage, and the Firedrake dropped out of Hyperspace in the Cerulean System where the co-ordinates given to her lead. It would seem that an outpost was being constructed here, apparently in preparation for a military engagement. Her contact, [member="Arisa Yune"], was certainly down there somewhere. Yune seemed to also be a Hapan Subject, which was interesting.

A transmission was sent to the base below to advise them that the Hapan delegation and Ducha Zhan had arrived.
He got curious.

Reporte of am effort to settle refugees had reached the ears of the Jedi Master. No fighting, no shooty shooty boom boom boom or anything of the sort. Just a relief effort and making deals to be sure it was done. The Final Dragon would reach airspace as the Master had decided to twke a detour on his way home to see if he could lend a hand. Couldn't hurt, right?

As it entered space, he would quickly establish communications to the Silvers and allies.

"Silver Jedi, this is Master DragonsFlame. I repeat, this is Master DragonsFlame. I am here to assist" He would remark. "I heard something about ground troops needing training. Perhaps I could be of assistance? My knowledge in melee combat for offense, and defense against melee and ranged may come in handy... Keep me posted."

(Quick mobile post, more in the morning)
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: Stress Testing[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=11pt]Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Ceraluen’s first annual Red Flag event. In this aerospace combat exercise, we will be evaluating the current combat readiness of the CAF and its allies (detachments from the Silver Jedi and the Hapans), and stress test its orbital defense grid to see where improvements need to be made. Now let’s get onto [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]the briefing.

Ceraluen has rather peculiar orbital defenses that center around its manipulation of the asteroid belt that surrounds the planet. The locals have developed a scheme that allows them to manipulate the rotation of the asteroid fields to make it easier or harder for ships to pass in and out of orbit. As long as the Ceraluens maintains control of the asteroid field, then it
[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]will be much too costly to move in our warships and transports. We not only[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] have to worry about natural defenses of the asteroids, but the strong possibility of mines and other traps in tight quarters. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]To knock out control of the asteroid field, we will need to destroy the primary and secondary control stations, then have our own forces remotely slice into space component of the system from orbit to establish our own control. Primary control is housed within the Ceraluen Comms Station (CCS). The CCS itself serves as the central comm hub for the entire system, so the destruction[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] of this site would send their entire command and control network in disarray and completely cut them off from the outside galaxy.[/SIZE]


Ceraluen Comms Station

[SIZE=11pt]For such a vital site it is noted on having little in the way of defense. It mostly relies on mobile AA walkers[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] and dedicated combat air patrols, with no obvious shielding or fixed emplacements. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Secondary control is based within Fort Armour, which functions as the main storage depot for the entire planet’s military. Armour is heavily defended with its own shield generator[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] and batteries of AA turrets,[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] and SAM emplacements outside of the base with an effective coverage of 350km. On top of that is a dedicated air group working within the coverage of the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]SAMs[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]. Attempting to rush Armour is a suicide run, especially with its shield up, so an electronic corridor will need to be established to allow our forces to punch and get within engagement range. Once in range, gunships will air drop a demolition team to destroy the generator and open up the base for bombing runs. [/SIZE]


Fort Armour

[SIZE=11pt]Destruction of the secondary control for the asteroids and Armour itself will render Ceraluen crippled and totally open for [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]full-scale[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] planetary assault.

As for the
[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]opposition, other units will have the space forces tied up to let you pass through. Once you hit atmo[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], your primary opposition from the CAF will be RZ-1 A-Wings[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], supplemented by [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]V-wings[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]. Dated designs, but still effective. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It is unknown what allied forces may be fielding in space and planetside, but both the SJO and Hapan Navy are known to field more modern craft that [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]match[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] up well to the current RA inventory. Both the Hapans and Silvers are well trained and battle hardened and shouldn’t be underestimated.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Now, before I let you break off to plan with your units, I need to stress again that this is a combat exercise. At no time should live weapons be deployed. Each craft has been equipped with a tracking module that will electronically simulate fire. Once your craft is “destroyed”, you’ll get a signal to peel out from the battle space. On the ground, troops will have similar tracker modules for small arms and melee weapons. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Alright, that’s all for now. You’re all dismissed. Good hunting. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]((OOC: It should be understood that there will be several other NPC Opposition units operating alongside the PC controlled forces, so it’s not just one group RA versus the entire planetary defense force. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]I also couldn’t find the original reference images for each location, so I picked out these new ones.))[/SIZE]
The Verpine's compound eyes scanned over the cockpit display of his Wasp. Having set it to the Verpine preset information was displayed all around him and he rapidly took it in. Speed, altitude, power of the thrusters, climb rate, IFF frequencies and names of the squadrons, missile counter, 3d map of the area, a larger tactical map of the system, power settings and about every other little thing you could think of. The helmet he wore had bulging eyes and sensors systems of its own built in.

He was commanding a single squadron of Wasps. With all of them armed with point defense modules it was a fairly significant anti-fighter and anti-warhead force. Overall he didn't favour the chances of anyone trying to attack the comms station.

Kaiza Pawaro

Do, or do not. There is no try.
Objective 1
Allies: [member="Carona Totsari"] [member="Valae Kitra"]

Mere minutes marked her arrival to Ceraluen and Kaiza already had her hands full. No complaints stole to her mind though – she ultimately found such activities fun and remained positive, optimistic, realizing that even something as simple as inflating a tent helped a bit.

“Right, master Kitra!” The young Padawan acknowledged the Jedi master’s request and looked forward to learning a bit about healing when the Togruta’s voice – or were those just words? – materialized in her mind.

A surprise most unexpected, catching Kaiza off guard. She wasn’t used to telepathy, and thus her vibrant green eyes blinked a few times as she stared at Carona with a mixture of confusion and embarrassment. Indeed; the Mirialan lacked the knowledge to answer in kind, and despite not knowing the true reason her fellow Padawan opted for communicating this way, the inability to reply telepathically bothered her to some degree. Nevertheless, the yellow-skinned Jedi soon overcame the initial awkwardness and offered another toothy grin.

“Now? We turn it on and inflate the tent!” The teenager chuckled as she did just that with a simple flip of a switch – and right under their hands, the tent gained in shape and size, rising, and swiftly growing bigger than either of its makers and that was that.

“Easy, huh!”

Two to go!

The while process repeated with the second tent, their work now progressing faster as the Jedi duo developed a greater sense of coordination, eliminating the need for words. It was when they carried the third tent that Kaiza spoke up once more, this time obviously curious about the smaller Jedi. Partially due to her race – the Mirialan rarely had a chance to see other species back on Mirial, and thus the colourful and horned Jedi obviously proved to be quite intriguing. She didn’t want to come off as overly oblivious though, and thus her interest shifted to Jedi matters instead.

“How long have you been with the Jedi, if you don’t mind me asking?” Kaiza questioned, setting the last tent down and moving to get the hose.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Objective 1

Tracyn's eyes wearily glanced around the camp as he passed around it. It felt full of life, but he felt devoid of it. Like he was standing in a pool and all the water was being pushed out from around him. Or he was constantly walking away from a sinkhole, and just kept getting pulled deeper into it. He shook off the thought of darkness, and made his way to a transport truck. His muscles could be put to good use. Despite growing in age, Tracyn could still easily pile boxes as well as any other. He stacked crates upon crates of supplies. Sweat broke across his brow, and he dropped the jacket, standing in nothing but the tanker's shirt that he normally wore under his robes.Not many Jedi had tattoos the way that Tracyn did- some were pure outright criminal in origin. Tracyn wasn't always a Jedi, or at least, one that followed the code to the letter. Then again, he thought about the Jedi he knew who had more less abandoned the tenets of the Jedi.

And look where they were now.

Some people pointed at him, trying to point out to others about the marks of the beast. Some were well known enough symbols of Mandalorians, and smaller Mercenary organizations of a bygone time. Tracyn tattooed his body a lot as a young man, not particularly thinking that his path would lead him where he was currently. Then again, what path was he on? What was he really doing with his life anymore? And why was he really here?

He pulled his hair back, and walked to another transport, preparing to unload more crates of cargo. His eyes danced around, and his fists tightened. He felt wound up. Felt tense. Amped up. But why?

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
As they worked, Carona could not help but notice that speaking telepathically put Pawaro off. Whoever she finally spoke again, Carona wondered if she had been silent in discomfort. Frowning, she offered an immediate apology.

I am sincerely sorry for disturbing you! I'm mute, so I can't speak verbally. If you know sign language as an alternative if you prefer it…

Another moment after, and she did smile again, Oh, and I've been with the Silver Order since I was a toddler.

As they continued working on the tents, Carona telekinetically moved the hose closer to the mirilian. She really did not want to make people uncomfortable around her. Especially with this being the second time the two Padawans crossed paths, Carona saw a potential friend. As they finished the tent, Carona listened to the young woman; hoping that she did not further unease her.

Objective 1.
Allies: [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] [member="Valae Kitra"]

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
[member="Tracyn"] [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="KeCholo"] [member="Viathae Qarmast"] [member="Carona Totsari"] [member="Phelan Howell"] [member="Darren Torran"] [member="Valae Kitra"]

Objective 2
Allies: SJO

[youtube] [/youtube]

By the time Relina changed from her uniform to her flightsuit, the Angel Squadron's Type M 808 Terminus Starfighters had been outfitted with the tracking modules that would effectively replace live fire. The retrofit was a simple one and the technicians were double checking that everything on each ship was in order.

"Major Zhan." the tech that had been working on Relina's fighter acknowledged her with a salute. "I just finished the final checks on your craft. The module added will hold live weapons safe, but your droid can override it in an emergency situation."

Relina would nod. "Very good, Second Lieutenant." she said as she climbed into the open cockpit. She'd don and activate her tactical visor and would give another nod. "Carry on."

The rest of her squadron followed right behind her. The briefing indicated that they would have to penetrate the asteroid field, probably be intercepted by fighters, and that they would have to wipe out two targets to allow the main fleet access to the planet unhindered. "Angel Squadron, run pre-flight checks and prepare to launch. Our primary target will be the Comm Tower. The next objective will be to provide air support for allied ground troops. Clear?"

"Yes, My Lady!" The others responded over the comm.

An officer on the flight deck waved his batons as the Angel Squadron moved their ships into launch position. They would be followed by three other Hapan squadrons for additional support, the Meteor, Garuda, and Sorceress Squadrons.

"Angel Squadron, you are clear for launch." came the clearence order over the comm.

"Acknowledged. Angel Squadron, launch!" The seven Terminus fighters soon exited the carrier bay with a staccato roar and into the silence of open space. "We are clear of the carrier bay."

"Rodger that. sensors show Angel Squadron is spaceborne. Good hunting."

"Rodger. All wings, accelerate to attack speed and set s-foils to attack position. Angel Squadron will prosecute." She ordered, ready to enter the asteroid field and show off what the Royal Navy's aviators could do.

Over friendly comms, Relina had switched to speaking Basic instead of Hapan, albeit with a thick accent.

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