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Quest to find her past. (open)

[member="Darth Ferus"]

Jaster was heading to the cockpit with the pilot for final check up when he heard the questions of the "Call to Arms". Jaster stopped and remembered the transmission, the supreme Feild Marshal sent out the call and those who wished to return could. Jaster was one of the few who chose to stay away.

"I don't know if a Sith really could understand," Jaster turned to face the red man, sitting on the floor of the ship no, "I'm past my prime, I don't have much to offer in a line as a soldier and I've got a daughter to think about now, and if I returned, I would still be remembered for a coward crawling back to the Manda'lor, not much of an honored posistion," Jaster often thought of his life back in the military, yet he was a single parent and was tired of killing.

"I'm tired of it really, I respect my culture and live by the code, but I'm Mandalorian by name, if even that."

Jaster then heard the mention of a bet, and as a gambler himself he couldn't pass that up. The somber mood of Jaster explaining his decisions in life changed to him with a grin.

"It's been a while since my men fought a true Sith I must say," Jaster stood now from his posistion on the floor, "to be honest dear sir, the ride would have been free anyways, you two were my excuse for getting out of paperwork, but now, how could one pass up the challenge." Jaster held out a hand, "you got yourself a deal sir."
It would be rare for a Sith to understand [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] 's position, but Ferus was far from the stereotype. Even though the Iridonian warrior clan held different morals, he could understand not only the feeling of cowardice but the want to protect their child. For a moment his thoughts went back to Asajj, his own daughter. She would safe for the moment, exploring the Assassin base and hopefully not blowing it up.

But the depressing subject was thankfully changed. Ferus, despite his dark inclinations, didn't want to bring up too much of an old warriors scars. It was a respect written with blood so long ago. He would offer the Mandalorian a wink as he sipped at his drink again. "If the trio was to be free, it would be boring. Asides, I can't pass up an opportunity to get into a Mando dueling ring. Sith or not, my own heritage is screaming at me to participate."
Jaster was starting to enjoy the smell talk with [member="Darth Ferus"], a very interesting man. He enjoyed the fight as much as most Mandalorians in his culture. It was entertainment, for what the Dark Lord didn't know was many of his marines were Force-Hunters, before Jaster brought them. Before Jaster was placed in exile, followers were allowed combined commitments to their admiral and leader. Many didn't follow out of fear of the raith of the Manda'lor, and Jaster was as well. The few men who joined him were commerades to the end and family, ready to die for him, and Jaster would do the same for them.

Thus the fight would be an interesting one between the two worrier cultures, one Jaster couldn't pass up. With the large pick up of alchohol and even more grumpy sailors, this would provide the perfect journey pass time that Jaster would need to waist time. "Like I said sir, you got yourself a deal."
A small chuckle escaped the red man as he leaned back in his seat. His gaze traveled to [member="Kitty"] , who was still sound asleep beside him. A small wave of pity passed through him as his thoughts went to their destination. A trial would be had for the young girl, and her first steps towards becoming a Sith would set the tone for all her future actions. Whether she took the angry, cautious, or forgiving would explain quite a bit.

He would idly sip at the drink [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] had given him, waiting patiently to get to his main ship. It had been quite some time since he last saw the interior of one, and the first he didn't come as an enemy. The thought excited him. To see how Mandalorians acted outside of war, it would give valuable insight to wars to come.
[member="Darth Ferus"]

"Well with that cleared up, we will be heading off then to the ship," Jaster realized he was sounding more and more of those lousy pirates he had employed. This was more of an annoyance then anything else as the Pirates were of an annoyance then of real use, but they made a name, and that's all he wanted.

Jaster walked up to the shuttles pilot area and sat in the co-pilots seat and assisted with with take off. The crafts engines rumbled and shook the craft shakers it lifted off the ground. The mulitple engine meant less thrust in all and lessened the noise made by each unit, yet the slight humming still made it way into the cabin and cockpit. The craft gained attitude and broke through the planets high skyscrapers and cleared its path with Coruscant Traffic Contol before leaving the planets atmosphere.

The pilot looked over at Jaster, "You know, she's gana kill you when she finds out you went off mission, if your lucky this time, or your stuck on outer rim supply duty next rotation, right?"

The statement was true, his boss, the Head Healer of the Healer Guild was a strict person. Though the goal of the Guild is to assist the weak and sick in efforts to spread hope and relief in a time of destruction. The inner workings of the staff was much diffrent, it was very much a show of passive agressive force.

Jaster looked out as his ship, "She's not gana find out..... I think." Jaster was slightly worried, he volunteered for this, he couldn't complain. Though looking at his ship was making him feel better, he was heading home again.

The Hammerhead Class Cruiser, Jaster had yet to name her as she was a family heirloom. The name was lost in tame from the Hyperlane Wars between the Old Republic and the Mandalorian Crusaders. His ancestors captured this relic and though the ages hid it from sight. With Jaster exile from his homeworld, his clan gifted him the relic ship and modified it to be up to date engines. The normal orange and white was replaced with blue and white to differ itself on the battlefield.

This was home.
There wasn't much else for the Zabrak to say to [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] , and so he offered a nod in a response. Once more leaning back in his seat, Ferus would only end up finishing his drink before the Mandalorian ship came into view. Well, the old republic ship. Blue eyes widened as he stared at the modified ship. A relic from days long past, and here it was in front of him. A ed hand would reach over to [member="Kitty"] to rouse her from her slumber. This was something she needed to see.

"Come back to consciousness child. The ship we are about to go on has some interesting history I think its time for you to learn." As he roused her he began to purge the alcohol from her very body. Drugs, and by extension this, was something he himself had trained to remove quickly and efficiently to keep himself in tip top shape when in a duel. Some used such underhanded tactics, and it was important for him to know a counter.

"Wake Kitty."


The Attention Seeker
Kitty woke from her unconsciousness state and looked around glazed eyes taking a moment to register where she was and why she was here. After her brain had its gears greased she felt embarrassed for having been out. Then the young feline noticed the large ship before her. "Wow that's big." Kitty said not understanding the historical significance. She was no expert on space ships. In fact she hated space ships, so never bothered to learn anything about them.

Kitty began to get a bad feeling this was going to turn into another training lesson in controlling her stress now that her master was here. Of all the things in the world nothing stressed her out more than hyperspace. She didn't know why hyperspace hated her guts it just did.
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
[member="Kitty"] [member="Darth Ferus"]

"Control, this is Shuttle alpha 02, coming in for docking at hanger 302, please confirm statues and clearance." Jaster spoke over the radio as the shuttle swing around to dock into posistion.

"Alpha 02, you are cleared for docking, welcome home admiral." A voice broke the silence of the other line as Jaster waited for confirmation.

Jaster stood from his seat as the co-pilot and looked at the pilot himself, "Alright, I'll leave the hard part to you." Jaster gave the man a pat on the shoulder and a smile. The soldier just nodded back with a comedic sigh, they seemed to joke with each other.

Jaster made his way back to the area where the two passengers were sitting. The sight of the apprentice looking at his ship in amazement was a confidence boost for him. He was proud of his ship, none of their age have been seen again. New models were often seen in the republics fleets, and he figured for good reason. They are very versatile ships, and Jaster bade the best of it with his cruiser, tougher then most cruisers, yet faster then most destroyers. The craft was tougher then most Mandalorian vessels in his opinion.

"You like?" Jaster stood near to the young felin female, "Names the 'Remnant' after she's the last of her age," Jaster pulled out a datapad and looked through the data he got back from his XO, "Seems we will be at your appointed location as little as a 26 hours, small repairs are still needed to the main engine so we will be traveling at a class 2.75 speed so not to overheat the hyperdrive engines, but all should be good to go apon our arrival to my ship, will this be aliquot to our travels?"


The Attention Seeker
"Well I don't like any ship that can go into hyperspace but it certainly is impressive." [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] then talked about the historical significance which was lost on Kitty. He then went on about how long it would take them as well as a bunch of stuff she didn't understand about engines and hyper drives. "Great 26 hours of torture." Jaster than asked if it was aliquot? This confused Kitty a bit. Her ears never lied. She was pretty sure he meant to say adequate Everyone had their fair share of saying something other than what they meant on accident. "I think so. I don't know. I don't know anything about this kind of stuff other than if its going into hyper space I'm not going to enjoy it."
"I'm sure you'll do fine child." Ferus offered [member="Kitty"] a grin as he patted the top of her head. He himself was curious on how long the girl could last before she became the beast once more, but another part wanted to prevent that entirely. Not a lot could be done however, as the ship needed to be in hyperdrive for them to leave, and that seemed to be the issue. Blue eyes would travel over to [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] , and the red man would offer him a shrug.

"I'll do my best to keep her calm, but I'm sure you know as well as I that won't be the easiest thing." He went quiet after that, turning his attention back to the ship. Remnant, as the mandalorian called it. Fitting name for such an ancient ship. His mind drifted as he began to think on what went in to keep this ship running for so long. What was still original, what was replaced? There were many questions, but not a single one he wanted to ask. The Zabrak was very content with his unknowing, and he would keep it that way for now.
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Kitty"]

The shuttle moved through space with ease and entered the hanger that was guarded by the light energized shields. They passed into the hanger bay where they would land on the metalic flooring where fighters and crew scattered the bay in search of their jobs. The shuttle clamped onto the main cruiser. The metal on metal contact rang through the shuttles interior when they made contact. Then they were allowed to exit the craft.

Jaster smiled with a light chuckle as the Zabrak spoke of control, "As I do sir, I don't expect much as precautions have been taken."

It was true, though the ship once served through some of the worse combat, it was still built for combat. The bulkheads could withstand lightsabers and low grade blaster shots. Security systems were still relics, but relics of war are still dangerous if kept up, and Jaster made sure of that. 100 Madaloran marines, along with 150 combat sailors, and 200 droids crewed the ship through combat and peice times. With all that security, there were still some basic rules.

"Now since your guest, I have a few rules," Jaster looked at the two Sith warriors, "First, gata stay out of engineering, engine problems caused radiation in some hallways and the leaks are contained and being cleaned up,"

"Second, We are transporting Healer Guild prototype supplys, in regards to your safety, stay out the cargo bay, it's a science lab for now."

"Third, unless under dire need, please stay off the bridge, my XO dosnt really like visitors and pouts when people are up there."

"Other then that, welcome to the Remnant, if you'll please, I'll show you to the guest quarters." Jaster opened the hatch and showed the shining metalic interior of the hangerbay. Though scattered with men in green uniforms and other in armor running about, it was a proper military craft.


The Attention Seeker
Despite the circumstances Kitty nearly burst from the warm fuzzy emotions that enveloped her when her master began patting her. By the force how she craved his attention and it was rare moments like these where she got a good bit of it to remind her how much she wanted more.

Without even considering how [member="Darth Ferus"] would feel about what she was about to do or how he would look; Kitty embraced her master into a tight hug and did not plan on letting go till she was told otherwise. She completely disregarded [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] rules and warnings. Partially because of her current excitement and partially because she was going to be too busy with other things to ever get curious enough to want to wonder around, notably being to busy trying her best not go into a rage and shred everything in sight. It was a good thing her master was here. Once in her rage it might have been rather difficult to keep her from going anywhere she shouldn't had he not been here.

Weather Kitty had been told to get of, pried off, or flung of her master, she would continue to follow them, In the case of the latter she would probably do so in tears.
"It seems rather odd you have quite a bit of the ship sealed off, but then again I can't blame you. You've been busy earning your place in this galaxy. I assure you, I won't interfere with honorable work." A light smile was offered to [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] as the Zabrak spoke, but the smile quickly faded as [member="Kitty"] began to hug him. Blue eyes wide with shock would look to the girl before they themselves began to harden. Cold blue eyes would be all the girl saw as he pushed her away. Such affection was not fitting for a Sith, and no matter how much it pained her or him, there were appearances to keep.

But the push would not be alone. Instead, as the Zabrak pressed his hand against her head to push her off, a mental message meant for her and her alone would enter her mind. The tone was incredibly worried, and despite the red mans hard exterior over the moment, the voice in her head would be anything but.

You are Sith child. You cannot afford to show this sort of weakness. Do not hug me again, or I will have to discipline you.

It was a simple warning, but one the red man had hoped he wouldn't have to give. In truth, this sort of weakness would get her killed among the Sith, and he did not wish for her death. By the end of this trip, however, he hoped she would understand why.
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Kitty"]

Jaster smile disappeared as soon as the sight of the young feline embracing the dark lord appeared in front of him. This was not only an oddity in the ranks of the Sith, but one he knew would get her killed. If played and worked under the right circumstances, anyone can play the emotions to get themselfs killed. Jaster knew this well as his daughter was away while he negosiated with the seven major nations in the Galaxy, all in hopes that no leverage was taken over him.

"Best keep her in line Blade Master," Jaster headed out the shuttle through the rear ramp, "I feel her actions will affect my men, unlike me, my men will pray on your apprentice weakness.."

Jaster received a message through his headphone radio, "Section 3-2, Operations Ceased, prototype cleared for transport."

"Seems we will be going soon," Jaster face was now blank with the discomfort of the possible conversation that would follow the apprentice actions, "I'll be by the hanger bay door, take your time to gather your things and follow me when your ready."


The Attention Seeker
[member="Darth Ferus"] pushed the young sith off him. Though she was very sad at the rejection she made no protest. She knew full well sith weren't the nurturing type. However what Ferus said directly to Kitty confused her. He called her display weakness. She thought passion and emotion was encourage in the sith order. Isn't that where the sith's power comes from. Ones passion can only be as powerful as their love. Weather it be love for their own life for power or for other things. Such negative emotion are only brought out by a loss of something or the threat of losing something they care for. From what Kitty had observed an apprentices hate seemed to most often come from the constant threat that their master will take their life should they fail. Thereby the apprentice eventually attempting to kill their master hence the rule of two. So why then is it considered weakness to care for anything outside of ones self.

Unfortunately Kitty did not know how to speak directly into her masters mind and now did now seem like the best time to ask the question. There was something [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] said that also confused her. What did he mean by his men would prey upon her supposed weakness. Kitty was still strong, kinda and she would not hesitate to defend herself. Surly he did not mean weakness in the literal sense did he?

Kitty had nothing to gather. She brought only her clothing and her lightsaber both of which stayed on her person at all times. She simply followed her masters lead.
"They will tease you about it." Ferus cut in, very aware of [member="Kitty"] 's thoughts for the moment. His blue eyes would watch her for a moment before looking to where [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] left. "You are Sith child. You must act it. Caring is not a weakness, no, but you cannot show it. Same goes with hate for any other Sith. Control your emotions, don't let them control you." And so a simple lesson would be said. Finishing his sentence however, the Darth would step out after the mandalorian without giving time for the female to ask any questions.

Both hands would slip behind his head as he adressed the Mando specifically, a frown on his face. "I'll kill any who prey on her you know. Well, those who take it too far. It would be good training otherwise." Ferus knew full well that Kitty could hear him talk, and he wanted her to. This was actually important, to them both.
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Kitty"]

Jaster was on a private line on his headset when the two Sith arrived behind him, "... Secure it, Company HQ..." He noticed the two nearing him from the shuttle. "Just finish it." And he turned off the line.

Jaster heard the comment about killing his men, "Go ahead, killed by a Jedi is an honor among my crew, killed by a Sith, well their are songs sung about them." Jaster didn't want his crew to die, but cross a Sith and their apprentice, what else would you expect.

"As for your apprentice Lord Sith, not only would my men tease her, but use it against her in the fights," Jaster walked out of the hanger bay into another hallways leading the Sith, "my men are ruthless as most soldiers are."


The Attention Seeker
Kitty was glad to hear the sith weren't quite as bad as she was beginning to think. She however did not understand why showing it was weakness nor did she understand why she should control it. Her emotions is what made up who she was you can't flip it the other way around. Kitty had so many questions to ask but was not given the chance as her master stepped out. Kitty of course followed behind him.

Kitty heard [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] say they would use that little display of her against her in the coming fights. She had to questions to remain unasked to that. First how did they plan on doing that? Kitty was not in the least bit ashamed of what she did. The only regret she had was the rejection she received. And secondly what fights? Kitty was not in the mood for any fights. Never was really. Her second question she decided to speak aloud. "What fights?" Kitty asked.
[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Kitty"]

Jasters blank face was cracked finally, the young female must have forgot. She was a security threat to most of the ship when they entered hyperspace and as a consultation to locking her up in the beige with armed droids for her to devour. Jaster arraigned for one of the mess halls to be converted into a fighting arena. Though small, the ring would suffice for constant engagements to occupy either training purposes of common dabbles of fist fights.

The cruiser was once a common cruiser for Jedi in days old, so there were training room available, though most were converted into armories and labs. Jaster did manage to clear out one of the Jedi training rooms that was converted into a storage room in case they needed it.

"Must have forgotten I see, well to combat your agressive behavior on my ship, you'd be placed in the mess hall and face off with some of my men," Jaster continued to lead them down the hallways, "we still have time before we enter hyperspace, would you like to use the training room or go strait to your rooms before the fights?"


The Attention Seeker
Kitty kinda half forgotten. Though now that the inevitable situation was approaching Kitty was not comfortable with it. It was one thing to lose control and then get into a fight it was another thing to know that fight had been arranged before hand for when she lost control. It made her feel more guilty and more responsible for the harm she would cause. She just couldn't comprehend his men were looking forward to this. Then Kitty realized that was connected to what he said earlier about teasing her and using her supposed weakness against her in the fight. To that Kitty could not help but burst out laughing. She had a hard time standing she was laughing so hard. It took a bit for her to recover from her laughing fit. "I am a whole other person when I shift. If you think anything they say to me will have any effect in that state then you are sorely mistaken. Maybe under different circumstances words might be able to reach me but not during hyperspace." Kitty said wiping a few tears away.

To [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] question Kitty answered. "I'd rather go straight to my room and change into the clothing you'll be providing. I'd rather rip those than these. No offence intended. I just really like what I'm wearing and would like to be able to continue wearing it after its all over."
[member="Darth Ferus"]

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