Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rank Titles Here!


can i request that the Gurlanin species tag be made? ( pm me if you want a good picture for them ill see what i can scrounge up)


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Oh, great Snowflake!
I humbly request of thee a Pugilist and illiterate tag!
I thank thee for considering fulfilling a request so beneath thee.
Do we request a title from you to be made?

What about a Dominate Mind title for Force Abilities?

Or Sith Mistress as Rank.

Also, Species, Echani

PM if you want details of anything.

Thank you so much for doing this for every one.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I had requested a series of tags earlier, and they were so well done that I figured you'd be the best person to request of for the creation of two more tags.
I would like the following.
Supreme Sector Lord
Sector Lord
Creativity is in your hands.
*note: I apologize for the multiple edits. This is the last one.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
Can I get a Mandalorian one that reads:


Or clan colors are red and black if that helps any

I want to pass it out to those who join my clan, please and thank you

Jordan Achilles

I was once a kid, now I'm half shadow, half man
Snow, my pal!

Could you make a few rank titles for me? I'll list them below oh, and all creativity belongs to you, save for the names :p
. Epicanthix
. Destiny

. Cursed
. Forsaken

Thanks :D
Wow this is quite the list I need to catch up to. My current laptop crashes whenever I load Photoshop (Sadface) so I'll have to dust off my old one sometime.

[member="Jordan Achilles"]

I have an Epicanthix one to tide you over for now, I may even have the others. Check my signature for "Rank Titles" and it will be in there :)
You've done some awesome work here, I imagine you've put a lot of time into it all.

I know you're having laptop troubles so if I can make a request, by all means I don't expect it done any time soon; when you're available however, I'd love it if you could do the following for me:


I would like two variations of these, one Lightside and one Darkside.

Naturally you're welcome to refuse and don't feel pressured at all. :)

Request Withdrawn!

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