Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ready...Set... Dance until your feet fall off. [SJO Dominion of Lianna]

Location: City on Lianna
Objective: Run supplies to The Helping Hands of Lianna
Enemy: Poverty
Posts: 3/20
Allies and Friends: Thurion Heavenshield | Maya Whitelight | Mantic Dorn | Karen Roberts | Marek Starchaser | @SJO nearby | @Allies nearby /@Coci Heavenshield

Placing a hand upon her padawn shoulder, as she smile give him a little nod. That he was doing find and finding him of a delight to be by herself. His eagerness to help was also something that didn't go unbeknownst. It wasn't as if there was something more of right now she wanted to teach him or was there. "Be mindful of what is going on about you at all time.", as if knowing that it could be over whelming for him not that this was to start with also. It still was the best way to train that was to use what taking place the here and now.

"Well, my sister should we go.", as she let herself call for a ride for the rest of them wondering if they would by chance met up with [member="Connor Harrison"] any time soon. Even so turning towards Coci about meeting with the representatives from Tion Hegemony knowing that they had a interest on this planet and many other in this part that the Silver was now coming into. It one said this was unknown territory one would be a fool.

"Coci would you like me to pull up some business suits that could be something both parties would like to go, or do they have a meeting place in mind already.", as she turn back to her own Padawn

Not that she had not been paying attention, but let him have time to reach out in the force. Knowing the emotions he must be in but if he had been while train as she know that Master Kern was know for to do at an early age.

"Padawn Dorn what do you feel as we left the place.", as she wanted for him to answer her full.
Location: Lianna City, Archangel offices
Objective: Make meta commentary, meet with SJO Command/Tion leaders, suppress riots and process misc. NPCs

Apparently they had a bit of a crisis. The undeserving poor were getting restless and moping a lot, protesters were in the streets and they needed humanitarian aid. Considering Lianna was an economic powerhouse, this did not seem very logical to Moira. However, she had reluctantly accepted that few things in the universe worked the way they ought to. After all, not so long ago a mad goddess had somehow managed to teleport trillions into the netherworld. And Siobhan Kerrigan was still alive despite getting maimed so many times that it seemed absurd.

As for the poor, Moira had a clear-cut solution to their plight. It was merciful, social and, above all, cost-effective: Process them into droids. Then they would no longer need to eat, sleep, require housing or medical care. They would be able to work day and night without pay, would never age and not demand silly stuff such as trade unions or social welfare. Verily, she was truly a humanitarian. Alas, processing all of them was impractical at the moment. Sometimes pretending to be a legitimate and totally human businesswoman was a real queen.

Through surveillance drones she was able to observe the protesters in the streets. As was usual, they were carrying placards and shouting a great deal. Some of them were also burning rather crude effigies of Jedi. "Jedi go home!" they cried out. The slogan, "We want Tion ways and Tion laws" was also popular. Same applied to "Defend our rights!".

Moira felt herself feeling something close to annoyance. That was an organic thing to do, but she felt she was quite justified in this case. The protest movement placed Tion in a bit of a dilemma. See, among other things the Tion Hegemony had legitimised itself by claiming that it could defend the way of life and security of the Tionese through its combined corporate might. Thus they had subtlty encouraged anti-Jedi propaganda, painting them as a bunch of religious zealots and jihadists, emphasising stuff such as war crimes on Metalorn and Manaan. This was fairly useful when it came to deflecting attention from the unsavoury things the Tion companies did.

Now this was problematic because while at this juncture the protest movement was not violent, it could easily get out of hand and turn into a mob. However, a more calculating side of Moira also saw an opportunity. After all, these incidents could give the Tionese leaders leverage in their negotiations with the Silvers, who after all claimed to respect self-determination, popular will and all that.

"Orders, ma'am? Security of the Archangel premise has been reinforced. We have a squadron of droid tanks ready. A task force of HRDs is ready to deploy to suppress protesters. Lethal and nonlethal equipment has been issued," Ms. Scarlett, her redheaded assistant, informed her. Like every good Archangel employee she was a droid. This was convenient for the aforementioned reasons. Moira was not racist at all.

"Good. If protesters attempt to breach our headquarters, eliminate them. Task force is to be ready to deploy into the city, but do not send them out and engage the protesters yet. We shall be acting in conjunction with Santhe security and the other Tion companies." Archangel had an efficient security force, but it was still quite junior in the unofficial hierarchy of the Tion Hegemony. Moreover, Lianna was [member="Sasha Santhe"]'s home turf. A call had been made to her and to [member="Marek Starchaser"], informing both that Archangel could deploy forces to help suppress the protests. If the Tion leaders met, Archangel would attend.

A lethal suppression would send a clear 'be orderly citizens or die' message, but would be very bad for marketing, whereas a nonlethal one could be good for PR, but might not be sufficient. Either way, maybe some of the protesters could be taught to act like good citizens via processing. This writer has come to the conclusion that Moira's obsession with processing people matches Sio's single-minded fixation with sleeping with anything pretty and female. In any case, it was important for the Tionese leaders to speak with one voice and have a unified response to the situation at hand.
Location: Lianna City

Objective 2: Supply Run

Allies: [member="Karen Roberts"] @SJO Members/ Allies


Javek took a deep breathe as he casually walked through the streets. Oddly enough, Javek couldn't get enough of ecumenopolis worlds. Since being raised on a barren world, seeing such sights in the past would put him in a state of awe.

Lianna was new to him, if he had a choice he'd explore every inch of it. But he didn't have time for self centered goals. Javek was assigned to help gather supplies for those in need of it.

He wasn't too keen of this assignment, but he decided to throw his self interest out of the window. He began gathering everything from, rations, medical supplies and even spare clothing.

He wasn't finished yet. But he paused and wondered...

"How the kriff am I going to get this all back to the shuttle?"

After reaching out to a nearby shuttle via comlink, he finally got the stress of lugging all the supplies around off his shoulders. But. He wasn't done yet.


Disney's Princess
Lianna City
With [member="Javek Tysis"] p2/20

The small shuttle landed on the civilian transport pad nearer the suburban districts. Karen Roberts strolled out of the doors and opened the cargo hatch. Here the blue-haired woman took a few pieces of luggage and threw them inside. Getting the shuttle filled up and ready to head out again. Let's pack her up.

She noticed [member="Javek Tysis"] was amongst the crowd and called him over,

"Heyo Silver? Come on now. Help me get all this loaded. We can throw your stuff in too."

Roberts smiled as she beckoned him over. Poor Tysis sure looked like he had his hands full.
Location: Starrunner Cantina
Objective: 1
Post: 2/20
In the vicinity: [member="Solan Charr"]

In her form-fitting bodyglove, it was easy to see that the half-Chiss didn't have any weapons on her. In fact, between her shifting eyes and the broken chains on her wrist bracers, it appeared that more or less she was on the run. But from who or what would remain a mystery for the moment.

She crushed out the deathstick on the clean Liannan walkway. Even the unseemly areas of the planet were cleaned regularly by industrious janitor droids, probably contracted out from Hegemonic Automaton. It wouldn't be long before her debris would be cleared away.

"Following you?" she asked with a smirk. "I guess that would depend on where you were going."

She ran her hand through her long, dark hair, her antennapalps twitching, the wrist bracers rattling. Because she was half-Balosar, she used her racial intuition to detect the emotions of the man who had turned to speak to her. He didn't seem afraid of her in the slightest, but what other type of thoughts and feelings did he have right now? She took a step towards him to let him know that she would probably follow him despite her remark.
Location: Lianna City

Objective 2: Supply Run

Allies: Karen Roberts @SJO Members/ Allies


Javek acknowledged the beckoning with short grunt. The man was strong, but he could only lift so much for so long. He'd use the force to move things along, but he just about drained himself carrying the supplies.

"My hero." He said with a slightly sarcastic tone. He chucked as he began placing his supplies in the hatch. "Thanks for the help, you can only do so much solo, right?"

Javek's never seen this individual before, but he assumed she was helping the group's supply run. He hoped his assumption was correct.
Location: Starrunner Cantina
Objective: 1
Nearby: [member="Bellatrix Celvina"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Rounding the corner, Kuryr stopped in his tracks. Sometimes the oldest ingrained habits were the ones that got you killed. He tilted his head as he gazed at the dark skinned woman and the strange man as they stood talking on the street. He loved it when people let themselves become targets, it made his job so much easier. He pulled out his large pistol and motioned for the small band of thugs that was with him to move forward. There was prey in the area and the pack was hungry. With a large grin on his face and a cigar in his mouth he took a few steps forward.

"Well, Well... Look what we have here, two lonely travelers. Or is it one lonely traveler and one lost slave?" He said in his deep voice. his free hand reaching up and taking hold of the cigar, a large cloud of smoke billowing out. " Bellatrix, you seem to be lost. I know someone that will be very interested in knowing that you are unharmed. And you shall remain that way as long as you don't do anything stupid." His eyes bore deeply into the dancers, his stance and words doing little to hide the obvious threat

Turning to look at the man he took another step forward, playing up the differences in their height. " And you, little man. You should have stayed home today. Why don't you just drop that case and take a step back. You can walk away from this or you can be carried away." The hand with the pistol came up just slightly, just enough to show that he was willing to use it to get what he wanted, regardless of what the results were.
Location: Starrunner Cantina, outer street.
Objective: 1
Allies: The Silver Jedi and Friends
Enemies: Local Crime Lords
Nearby: [member="Bellatrix Celvina"] [member="Kuryr"]
Post: 3/20

He looked at her closely and just as his empathy allowed him to know of her feelings she would sense curiosity from him. It was that mixed with a sense of confidence and not a hint of fear or worry on him. "Well, im heading to sign up with some of the local work here so it shouldn't be too much of a problem of you being nearby while i look for that work... There is a question i have for you though and that is simpl-" And that was when teh creature cut him off and he sighed before turning his head to look at the man. Thugs, great.

His hand holding the violin case loosened a bit as he looked around him checking for how many thugs there were before focusing on what was infront of him. "Huh, that was fast, i had expected it to take maybe thirty minutes atleast before i found someone like you... Good i was hoping this wouldn't take forever." He smiled as his eyes seared into this man and his head turned to the side. "Also... I will gladly put the case down, when i get home after i deal with some poodoolings that seem to find it amusing to mess with me... Miss Bellatrix, if you would please hold this?" He looked at her with a smile on his face and his hand reaching out to give it to her.

Once she would take it, assuming this man did not shoot him before hand that is, his eyes would turn on the creature and he would smile still. "So, you were saying something about me being dragged home?"
Objective 3, Governor's Masquerade Ball
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"]
Enemies: None

The flavor of the champagne was not what Chastity expected, and she scrunched up her nose in distaste. For some reason, she had thought it would be sweeter. Still the bubbly liquid felt good once it hit her bloodstream. Upon looking around at the slowly arriving guests, she realized that she needed to be careful. She didn't want to be falling all over herself by the time the party was in full swing, so she merely played with the stem of the glass as she people-watched.

"You look like you're waiting for someone special," came a man's unfamiliar baritone.

Chastity turned to face the voice's owner, a handsome male Twil'lek, with red skin and spotted lekku, in some kind of cadet's uniform, with a simple white mask adorning his face. His chest was brilliant with rows of medals and his white teeth shone brightly as he beamed at her. The man politely asked for her name.

"Chastity Lunelle," she said, and gave him her hand to shake. "Um, you could say that, yes," she answered, trying to hide her coy smile.

"I am a Padawan of the Silver Jedi Order. My Jedi Master is arriving later, and, well, he's the only Master that will put up with me as a Padawan so I'd definitely say he's a special person."

The Twi'lek chuckled at her self-deprecating joke. He gripped her hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Well, Miss Lunelle, it's just my luck that I get to steal a bit of your time before he makes his entrance."
It’s just tequila and the beach
Objective: Live for the Night
Location: Mask Ball for the Lianna and Silvers
Allies: Business Folk, Silver Jedi
Enemies: People killing her vibe, yo

Marek was the one who founded Bright Star, and while he had taken a big step back, he was still an advisor to the current CEO. That was Token Waters. She was here to work and run the day-to-day operations. And that meant she was working on going to this Ball of sorts. Would be nice, maybe she could open up paths to the Silver Jedi for the casino ships.

She had found a killer purple dress and a black and purple mask. It was cool. She even dyed purple and black streaks into her otherwise blonde hair. Was nice to get involved and dressed up. Of course, she was in her black Chucks, after all. This was Token, she didn’t like heels. Flats were better.

Still, the Siren was making her appearance. It wasn’t like she knew anyone here, and she wasn’t exactly a dark sider, so maybe she’d not get murdered.

Oh! Open bar!
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Lianna
Objective: Help Locals
Allies: Silver Jedi
Enemies: ?

The sounds of more clamoring to them came, there was construction and as more people joined them. She continued to hand out supplies while their researchers were heading out to meet with some locals. She could feel the others around them and was working with a few of the locals they had helping them. "How are you doing today." There was a child with a toy fighter and she gave him a pack of food. The smile on her face as the boy thanked her and hugged her leg that was dangling over one of the empty crates they had finished. "Alright go and enjoy now whose next?" She said it with a look as the reports came to her tac pad showing the progress of what the droids and researchers were doing. Information on their new equipment and gear they were making a welcomed sight with another pack of rations going out.
Location: Lianna Soup Kitchen
Objective: Help Locals
Allies: Silver Jedi
Enemies: Local Thugs

She was still moving with the smell of the human's on her while the staff tapped the floor, thoughts about the claustrophobia coming to her because of how confined this soup kitchen was with the others. There was some people coming in and causing problems for her while she let herself get clear of them, she held her staff out though when one of them tried to push another aside. "Leave the human alone." There was a look at her and she could see the man considering his options while she turned the staffs head to be near the ground. She was letting its head rest on the ground for a moment before he came near her and she tapped it with force to his ankle to trip him. His grunt of pain falling to his knees as he tried to punch her and the fa stretched out grabbing his arm to restrain it.
Location: Starrunner Cantina
Objective: 1
Post: 3/20
In the vicinity: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Kuryr"]

The man on the street radiated confidence and bravado. And of course, he wasn’t frightened of Bellatrix but he didn’t even seem too concerned when the mammoth Taung came rounding the corner with a group of gangsters. The half-Chiss slave was interested in the question which he was about to ask though.

Bellatrix’s orange eyes lifted up to meet alien who had approached them. Her face was nonchalant and a bit less fearful than it had been before. She definitely knew the Taung, but it would not be apparent if he were her captor or just a middleman trafficking her along to another location.

She began to speak, but human male suddenly handed her something. Surprised, she looked down at the black case and inspected it carefully, thinking at first it was a weapon but then realized it was a musical instrument.

Finally, Bellatrix spoke up but it was directed at the Taung:

“Cuyir ulyc kaysh cuyir va misidiye,” Bella said in rough and jagged Mando’a.
Location: Outside of the Starrunner Cantina
Objective: 1
Nearby: [member="Bellatrix Celvina"] [member="Solan Charr"]

His deep laughter filled the area, as he dropped his cigar on the ground. A large boot ground the small stub into the sidewalk as he grinned, " I never mentioned anything about him. If you're lucky there will be enough of you left to drag at all, but most likely home won't be the destination. Perhaps a hospital, if you're smart and don't decide to be a hero. That will only get you sent to the morgue." He glanced at the case that the man handed to Bellatrix and he tried hard not to smile, he was making it too easy. kuryr wondered if he understood the situation as well as he thought.

He heard the words that the woman said and he tilted his head, this was interesting indeed. A new development that would need to be examined. He motioned for to of the four thugs with him to advance forward, one held a knife and the other had a metal pipe. He didn't really care what happened to the thugs, he was interested in what the small man was capable of doing. Once he had an idea what he was capable of he could decide if it was going to be a fun day or a bloody one. Gripping the pistol tightly he watched how the man would react, his movements while he dealt with the two thugs. He had survived for a long time by knowing what to expect in a fight, and he wasn't going to underestimate someone who was so calm with the prospect of five armed thugs bearing down on him.
Location: Starrunner Cantina, outer street.
Objective: 1
Allies: The Silver Jedi and Friends
Enemies: Local Crime Lords
Nearby: [member="Bellatrix Celvina"] [member="Kuryr"]
Post: 4/20

He rolled his head, purposefully over exaggerating the movement as the two thugs came towards him with knife and pipe. He sighed and pulled out his blasters before tossing them to the ground in a moment. His muscles loosened up and his eyes focused in on the two as he smiled at them and watched them move around him like they could get the jump on him if he focused on one of them... Wrong person to try that on. His eyes, probably not noticeable unless looked for, darkened in their amber color as his physical vision mixed itself with force sight. It was an adaptation of the famous hereditary power that Miralukans gained, something his mother had taught him to control as he sighed. Last thing he took off him was a small glasses case which he tossed over to the one with the knife who blinked as he did.

With that the games began, as the man with the knife went to look at the incoming glasses case Solan's body turned and twisted as he looked directly at the man with the pipe. His muscles shot him forward as his hands came up to intercept the pipe as it crashed down onto the army of Solan's. His face twitched as the cartillage bones of his buckled under what would only bruise normal bones, the pay off though was what came next as his arm twisted up and around the pipe before locking it under his armpit and his other hand shot forward to slam into the face of the man before grinning wider. The grip on the pipe loosened and he pulled it out and around so that it was in his hand now. With that his hand whipped it back once before swinging it hard across the man's temple.

In a moment he was sprawled on the ground and he saw the other charging him by this point without even looking back. Only when his eyes shifted did his body move and it swung around, swinging it at the hand of the man which sent the knife out and flying to the side. Then his arm twisted and slammed the pipe into the thug's knee, supporting the strike with the force that blasted a concentrated kinetic strike right into the joint. In a second the man's body twisted and fell to the ground. He was smiling as he watched the man and without hesitation the pipe swung once more and hit the man in the temple like the other as he crumpled to the floor with blood seeping from his forehead.

"Such a crude weapon..." He looked at the last three and rose his brow. "... Now what?"
Location: Shuttle in Orbit of Liana
Objective: 1
Allies: The Silver Jedi
Enemies: Enemies of the Silver Jedi
Posts: [1/20]

Sed tapped ceaselessly at the datapad in his hands, preparing for his arrival at the Melford Naval Academy. Sed was here to help with their crime insurgency, and aid the Silver Jedi Order in being entrusted with the planet. So he had to make sure everything about this mission went well. The shuttle he was currently transiting on was penetrating the atmosphere of Lianna. Within the next half hour Sed would be entering the academy to cooperate with the agents who had already entered the scenario. Sed was not one for cantina's and believed he would help much more with his own kind in the naval academy, vocalizing with the silver jedi and allies inside the Starruner cantina

Connor Harrison

Location: Lianna City
Objective: 2 - Oversee ‘The Helping Hands’ supply deliveries
Allies: [member="Chastity Lunelle"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | @SJO nearby | @Allies nearby
Enemies: Wannabe troublemakers

Connor rounded the corner and saw a familiar Zeltron, moving away from Coci who was, as always, getting right into the thick of things.

”Maya!” He picked up the pace to see his old friend again. ”Well where have YOU been hiding? Nice to see you again!”

With a polite nod of the head, Connor stood before her, automatically taking a crate from a struggling human beside him to hold as a number of other supplies were being stacked up.

Location: Starrunner Cantina
Objective: 1
Post: 4/20
In the vicinity: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Kuryr"]

Bellatrix moved back against the exterior of the Starrunner to steer clear of the swinging pipes and blaster fire. She was more or less used to small outbursts of violence like this having been a dancer in a seedy Balosar club for most of her life.

The human male who had been curious about her was holding his own against the pirate/slaver's thugs. For her own safety, she wouldn't get involved in the fight. The half-Chiss slave was Force sensitive, but she was virtually untrained in any hands-on application of her powers. Her father back on Balosar was far too involved in spice trading to even think of sending Bellatrix off to a Jedi Academy. He was the one who allowed her to become addicted to death sticks in the first place. But still, she could tell that this man had a very powerful Force aura. She glanced at the Taung who was also nonchalantly watching the brawl. She had witnessed his brutality firsthand but as usual he would only get involved if his henchmen began to falter.

Bellatrix looked down at the violin case in her hands. Hmmm, she seemed to remember a Liannan pawn shop a few blocks up. Her tin of deathsticks she had stolen from Mot was dwindling and she hadn't actually told Kuryr about her addiction, though she didn't doubt he had figured it out by now. She was half-Balosar after all. It wasn't as if Liana had spice sellers on every corner like her homeplanet, but this instrument could fetch a pretty penny, she thought. Or not. A violin was a luxury to Bellatrix, and she had no idea how much they were worth.

Waiting until the human was distracted, the slave slipped away and began to walk in the direction of the pawn shop.
Objective 3, Governor's Masquerade Ball
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Token Waters"]
Enemies: None

The Twi'lek cadet caused a faint blush to creep up her face. Was he flirting with her? Chastity really couldn't tell. The man was strikingly handsome, with bright blue eyes and a chiseled jawline. The kind of good looks that must have turned many heads around the Sector. Taking a gulp of champagne, the Padawan asked him his name.

"Tu'eb Has," was his reply. The young cadet then offered up his occupation. "I'm a flight instructor at the Melford Star Academy."

Tu'eb turned his gaze to the ballroom floor, where a few couples had dared to be the first to dance.

"Would you like to join me out there, Chastity?"

Force knew Chastity could use some fun. Her time at the Silvers thus far had been spent on serious training and even more serious conversations. She badly wanted to say yes to the handsome Twi'lek, but she had one big problem.

"I'm afraid I sprained my ankle during lightsaber training," she said with a frown, pointing to her delicate ankle, which still showed the inklings of a small purple bruise. Covering her mouth to stifle a laugh, the Padawan added:

"So unless you'd like to carry me, I regret that dancing is out of the question."


Disney's Princess
Lianna City
with [member="Javek Tysis"] p3

The armored woman smiled and closed the shuttle's hatch. All loaded. Nice,

"Right you are Silver. A single Jedi can only do so much. Great lesson to be learned there, eh?"

She clasped her hands together and nodded to the great blue sky. Heck of a planet they had here,

"You must be with the Silver Jedi trying to get the food stuffs out. Nice. I'm Karen Roberts, an Independent Force Master. Formerly of Corellia. ...Nice to met you. I just finished helping Silver Master Harden over on the north coast. Guess that means I'm free for the next few hours? ...How about you Silver? What's next on the political agenda for today."

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