Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ready...Set... Dance until your feet fall off. [SJO Dominion of Lianna]

Location: Lianna City

Objective 2: Supply Run

Allies: [member="Karen Roberts"] @SJO Members/ Allies


Javek rolled his shoulder and strolled closer to the shuttle, eyeing the hatch as it was being closed.

"True enough."

After hearing the armored individuals introduction, Javek properly crossed his arms behind his back and bowed his head. He knew she wasn't a member of the Order but he still wanted to show his respects.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Padawan Tysis, Javek Tysis if you care not for titles." He paused for a moment before continuing his response. "Well...I...suppose I'm just about finished here, so I'm an open book." He shrugged slightly not knowing if that was totally true.
It’s just tequila and the beach
Location: Lianna City, at the Masque Ball
Objective: Praying to the light machine
Allies: Open Bar
Enemies: people charging for drinks, and drunks groping her without asking first.

Just ask, really. That was all Token required. She was on her way to the bar and not one, not two, but three men grabbed at her. Seriously? She was told to be on her best behavior here, because Marek had to worry about this world because of his girlfriend or something. What was [member="Sasha Santhe"] to Marek? She wasn’t sure. Still, if she hadn’t told her? She’d be doing something to change the minds of the men here from touching her.

She knew she had an electric body, that would just… show how electric.

She was looking around. Who was fun to play with? The Twi’lek looking at the smaller woman. Ha, smaller. Everyone was big compared to Token. Pint sized little Siren she was. Still, was she okay? Or did Token need to go be some Valkyrie and rescue the dark haired girl?

Right! Martini.


Why couldn't they make it purple?


Disney's Princess
Lianna City
with [member="Javek Tysis"] p4

Ah. A silver Padawan. Good to see their academy was still churning out new recruits. The more magic soldiers to fight the Sith, the better.

"Tysis it is then. ...Here. Hope in. We'll fly the goods over to the hospital depot and finish the deliveries. You take co-pilot."

Roberts climbed back into the shuttle and sat down in the pilot's seat. It was a luxurious vessel by her usual standards. Cushioned seats, music, and no Astromech droid to bark at her. Perfect.

She hit the stick and off they went,

"So then Tysis. Are you going to the ball later on tonight? I hear it's a masked event. ...Oh my. That could be rather scandalous? Don't you think."

She smirked and played with her words in good fun. Roberts hadn't been to a masked ball in ages.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Lianna
Objective: Help Locals
Allies: Silver Jedi
Enemies: ?

The warehouse continued and they were setting it up as the droids were there. A look from her face though while they stood there in the open space while more of the crates were being opened and handed out. They were working to finish up the work they had on the equipment and areas before moving on but she still couldn't help staying behind to ensure they got a welcomed group. "We have more crates inside and we'll be able to help you." She was just glad smart moves had been takn to reclaim the harvest and agricultural worlds where they could grow and get more food then they needed. At least some smart plays had went itno things while she was working on her tacpad looking over their supplies and punching in coordinates for another drop of food and supplies.
Location: Lianna Soup Kitchen
Objective: Help Locals
Allies: Silver Jedi
Enemies: Local Thugs

The human's body was there but restrained, he seemed strange and San-Ji watched his friends who seemed to debate if they should intervene and attack or if they should get him and walk away while her hand remained on her staff. "I would suggest you take your friend human and leave these ones be." She was looking at him on the ground while the blue jely formed into the shape of a human and stood there small and starred with her more curious. It slowly became a pool and went back into her staff to be held for safety. She had a look on her face when he was pulled up and standing there looking at her while she felt a jolt through her head. She bit her tongue to stop it and there seemed to be a soothing sensation as Ji-Yan didn't awaken or force it.
Location: Outside of the Starrunner Cantina
Objective: 1
Nearby: [member="Bellatrix Celvina"] [member="Solan Charr"]

His men were really no match for the man, Kuryr knew it before the fight even started, but his distraction worked perfectly, his lovely accomplice had managed to get a firm hold of the case the man was holding and she was beginning to back away. Another few seconds and she would be completely gone.

Now it was time to deal with the man, who had just finished off both of his thugs with little issue. With little fanfare he nodded to the other two thugs, they moved forward, a bit more carefully as the man had shown he was capable of taking more than one opponent on at a time. One moved to the left and produced a wicked looking vibrodagger, while the other moved to the right and pulled out two small daggers.
Once they were in place Kuryr lifted his pistol and fired one shot at the man, the acid filled slug leaving the muzzle of the gun, causing it to jerk upwards from the discharge. He had aimed center mass of the oddly calm man, with the way he moved in a fight, there would be no real surprise if he manages to avoid the hit all together, but if he was avoiding the slug, he wasn't paying attention to the thugs.
Objective 2: Supply Run

Allies: [member="Karen Roberts"] @SJO Members/ Allies


As the two lifted off, Javek eyed the horizon through his window port. It was a beautiful sight to behold, seeing the city from above was just as good as seeing it below.

"I do plan to go. Even though I don't necessarily have anything to wear that meets requirements." He said with a slight frown on his face. "But you're right. It is rather scandalous."

Words like that in situations like these really got Javek's mind racing. Thinking about the possible and the impossible. Trait he often hated.

"You don't think anyone would be foolish enough to try anything, eh?"
Location: City on Lianna
Objective: Run supplies
Enemy: Poverty
Posts: 3/20
Allies and Friends: | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] and [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

The communication ended with Mister Starchaser giving his word he would arrive at the set co-ordinates. Coci pocketed the commlink and turned to greet Connor. "Hello Connor, lets hope this supply run moves swiftly and without issue. We shall meet with the Tion Hegemony there, so let us get a move on".

On the outskirts of the city, resides a small group of children within a home for the displaced. Their plight no fault of their own but fate dealing her hand on their destines. As the Silver transport arrived, they would see nothing of extraordinary beauty in the building, but a simply functional house with comforts needed to keep them safe. What they lacked was resources and credits to upgrade their resources and so the Silver Order at least provide some relief and would continue to do so as long as it is needed.

Walking toward the main door, Coci sensed within the house many children some of them force attuned. The Silver Jedi are expected and before she could knock on the door it opened and before them stood a woman surrounded by inquisitive faces. "Mistress Selki it is a pleasure to meet you", she bowed with her head. "With me are Connor Harrison, Maya Whitelight and Mantic Dorn, we are here to help".

The woman smiled and stood aside for them to enter. "Mistress Selki, we will be expecting some people to arrive and I would kindly ask if we may use one of your back rooms to conduct a meeting".

Connor Harrison

Location: Lianna City
Objective: 2 - Oversee ‘The Helping Hands’ supply deliveries
Allies: [member="Chastity Lunelle"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | @SJO nearby | @Allies nearby
Enemies: Poverty / Famine etc

Uniting with familiar, and old, faces was good for Connor, at least it felt the Silver Jedi were doing more than just defending peoples against warmongers and tyrants, it was like they were helping carry a nation and city forward.

Following on with Coci and the others, Connor watched the city go by and saw how those affected by the on-going fragility of the galaxy suffered. They didn’t want glory, or fortune or fame – not even superweapons or special abilities – they just wanted to survive, to be comfortable and to live. It put things into perspective greatly.

These were the people Connor was fighting for; the light to pierce the dark and to give these people hope. It was also all he could to pass on his knowledge and skills to others to better themselves.

Glancing down at his com, he couldn’t help think about [member="Chastity Lunelle"] at the Governor’s Ball, forming allies and building relations for the Silver Jedi with other Padawans and Knights. He was eager to see her again – for what strong reason, even he couldn’t fathom – but having the Silver Jedi able to socialise was something that should be good for them all.

First, as always, duty called. As was the way for the Jedi. Corvus would be proud.



Disney's Princess
Lianna City
with [member="Javek Tysis"] p5

Try something foolish? Oh dear. Hopefully not.

"Oh no. I very much doubt it. Masked balls on timid planets are the last place to expect trouble. Especially of the martial sort."

She smiled and shrugged. It was more for his comfort than hers. Roberts was always expecting trouble. That said? Assassins never seemed to leave her alone for very long anyways. It was that concept that kept her sharp. Kept her awake. Sometimes even at night too. Bleh.

"Though. You do raise a very good question. ...What exactly does a Silver Jedi wear to a ball anyways?"

Now Karen was thinking again about her own attire. They don't make dresses out of Phrik and Beskar. What ever was a tired warrior to do? Good heavens. It was times like these that made Roberts feel so backwards about her lifestyle. She felt more comfortable in mag boots than in heels. Ugh. Maybe this really was going to be the perfect opportunity to do something scandalous?

Mm. Maybe Karen Roberts would finally go out in public without a gun strapped to her hip. Hehe.
Location: City on Lianna
Objective: Run supplies
Enemy: Poverty
Posts: 4/20
Allies and Friends: | Connor Harrison | Maya Whitelight | Mantic Dorn | Marek Starchaser and @Thurion Heavenshield [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Finding once again seeing Connor feeling the different then the last time they had met. Before taking off once again after they met up wit him. giving him her warm greeting of two kisses one on each cheek. "Greetings Master Harrison, I hope all is well with you.", it truly felt over joyed to have him in her present again as a friend.

Going to the next stop having something special plan at this stop. Even the workers had begin to wonder what was under the two baskets. It wasn't like it was anything special. After they had stop looking at how plain the buildings where to the ones that they was saying in the cities. One just wonder what could be done about these children getting a fair shake in life. Looking at Coci with her mother concern eyes of hers. As if motherhood had now woken something different inside of her the second time around.

When they was greeted by Mistress Selki she let out the warmth inside of her also when she spoke she had empathy coming from deep with her with concern not only if they was getting the supplies that was needed. "I have something for the children", pulling off the cloth that covered one of the basket it being full of very juicy fresh peaches.

Even so she couldn't help but smile at her and feel the present of the children, even she felt the ripples of maybe a few of them in the force. It wasn't a strong ones like she could feel in her children. That could be in part that the fact that they had already start their training and tapped into the force. "Coci maybe after the meeting, we could really look at a few of these children, before leaving.", wondering if she could understand her hint of what she wanted to do with some of these. It wasn't the first time she wanted to bring home children of different parts of the galaxy, but in her heart she wanted to save them all give them a live better then they had before.

As it seem the children came around her wanting to see what she brought them all, one by one she let her peaches go saving the other basket for the talks. Just maybe they would go with some refreshments. Even so she had a way about her when the children started to rush her with the peace and calmness of one like herself.

After which she would be ready for the talks when every there guest would arrive. Even then she could help but watch her padawn interact with them. It was a joy to see him doing so.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Objective: Meet with the Silvers to discuss the future of Lianna
Location: The Richest Planet with the lowest unemployment rate.

Marek was prepping for this. He had contacted the rest of the Tion Hegemony, the super hot [member="Sasha Santhe"], Broseph [member="Darell Irani"], The man with glorious hair [member="Gerion Ardik"], Shamu's more useful cousin [member="Hion the Herglic"], the very productive [member="Moira Skaldi"], and the trade Queen [member="Danger Arceneau"], whoever would show up from the Hegemony. He was feeling out of sorts still, having gone super dark side on Geonosis, he wanted people to cover his back side for this meeting, if the Silvers decided he was more trouble than he'd be worth.

They were Jedi, who knew.

This was also why Token was being sent to the Masque Ball.

He was waiting for the meeting to start, he had prepped one of the rooms with catering, Bright Star and being very... over the top. See? the world was doing well. All he was awaiting was Selki contacting him. He'd show up last. And hope his HRD Partner was going to be there.

She was very productive.
Objective 3, Governor's Masquerade Ball
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Token Waters"]
Enemies: None

For a while, Chastity made small talk with Tu'eb, until he was grabbed away by one of the Academy's administrators. He insisted that he would be back to hear the rest of her story, and she gave him a little wave.

As a representative of the Silver Jedi Order, she couldn't justify standing around like a wallflower. So she downed the rest of her glass of champagne for a bit of liquid courage, and looked around for interesting people to meet. The blonde woman with purple streaks in her hair and sneakers instead of heels, definitely fit the description of interesting. Chastity strode forward and introduced herself.

"I love your look," she said to the blonde, giving her a warm, inviting smile.

As she waited for a response, her silver eyes briefly traveled around the room, looking for Connor Harrison, hoping to spot him before he spotted her. Master and student had a little wager going on, one that the competitive young Padawan was determined to win.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Location: Lianna City
Objective: 2, Helping Hands
Allies: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] / [member="Coci Heavenshield"] / [member="Connor Harrison"] / [member="Maya Whitelight"] / @Any SJO around
Enemy: Famine

Lianna, city of many things but mostly poor, if you don't count the government that are living in credits. Silver Jedi agreed to help the poor and give them the supplies they deserve and of course, Nima was one of the people who volunteered to help immediately. The city was big, there were a lot of sections to go, so they went in groups, to be efficient and fast to bring the supplies to ones who need before it's too late. Nima was in the other side of the city with a bunch of Padawans, apart from the Masters group.

There were a lot of places to go, and there were a lot of supplies to deliver. She was sad for those people, the innocent who were suffering because of the governments faults. If they could help them any bit, that would be not enough but at least they would survive this cruel world for a little more time, and that was the least they could do. And the smiles that she saw when they gave the poor the supplies... Today, Nima was going to sleep much more in peace.

After an hour or two, as the supplies started to run out, there were no people left in this section of the city without supplies, good news, there were still supplies with her so if Group One needed, they would make more people happy. She opened her holocomm and sent a message to the other group, reporting the mission's status.

"This is Nima. Group number two have completed the task in this section of the city. I repeat, the mission is a success. The supply is in good hands now. I am ready to join and help the rest of the group one."

With the happiness of accomplishing a good thing, she closed her holocomm and started moving towards the speeder, with a big smile on her face that shouted "I helped some people and I am happy.".

And what was the talk about the Masquerade Ball afterwards? By the Force, she didn't have anything for this kind of thing. Maybe after they gave all the supplies they would go shopping... Ughh... Shyness was striking again.
Location: Starrunner Cantina, outer street.
Objective: 1
Allies: The Silver Jedi and Friends
Enemies: Local Crime Lords
Nearby: [member="Bellatrix Celvina"] [member="Kuryr"]
Post: 5/20

Solan watched the man with the blaster, the other two circling around him and he smiled as they did. With their focus on Solan the blasters he dropped earlier would slowly track the feet of the two men with knives. It was a simple manipulation of their positions with telekinesis that was slow and methodical as he watched the Taung. The words in Mando'a were something he fully recognized when it was traded between the two parties and when Bellatrix left he smiled. It was just him and the three thugs. Time to have some fun.

The moment the taung fired, as did the two blasters on the ground, rocketing for the feet of both the men while Solan's own body moved to try and avoid the slug. The problem with the slug was it was still acid tipped and as his body moved the top of his shoulder was skimmed and the pain rocketed down his spine. His focus remained on his hybrid sight, allowing him to make sure the other two were hopefully taken down by the blaster holes in their feet. And if he had missed... well that was going to be a pain in his ass if he missed.
Location: Lianna Premiere Pawn Shop
Objective: 1
Post: 5/20
In the vicinity: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Kuryr"]

With the sounds of the scuffle behind her, Bellatrix made her way up the street. Lianna Premiere Pawn Shop was just up ahead. A little bell rang as the half-Chiss slave entered the store. There wasn't much in the way of musical instruments, so this didn't bode well for her plans to immediately pawn the violin for spice money. If she could find any spice on Lianna, the clean and relatively safe planet it was turning out to be.

The proprietor was human and looked none too happy when he saw what Bellatrix was carrying.

"Unless that's a weapon, I'm not interested," he said holding up his hands.

"It's a violin. A very expensive and rare violin," she said, having no idea if that was true.

He gave her a glare that said, you've got to be kidding me and motioned to the objects around him.

"Do you see any violins in here? This is probably the worst neighborhood in Lianna City. No one is interested in that. I wouldn't be able to give it away. Now if you have some droids or droid parts, I'd be very interested. Especially if they were from Hegemonic Automaton."

Bellatrix sighed and tucked the violin case under her arms. Perhaps she would keep the instrument after all. While it appeared inconsequential, she reasoned that at some point it may just come in handy. She exited Lianna Premiere Pawn and checked her chrono. Surely Kuryr had driven the brazen human down to his knees. He was probably licking the Taung's dirty boots and bartering for his life right about now, she thought smirking. Instead of returning, Bellatrix went into another nearby cantina to relax and inspect her new treasure. Kuryr knew she wasn't stupid enough to stray too far from him.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Lianna
Objective: Help Locals
Allies: Silver Jedi
Enemies: ?

She was moving now and standing on a ladder as she spoke. "We have the crates emptied, sending ones for the next crates coming down." She raised a hand up as one of the people who had come to help them were holding the emitter. "These holoemitters will work to show what we have for you should you need it." The man looked at her in agreement while more of the equipment and food were being brought to them. Matsu withdrew some of her equipment and was checking the gear as they let some of the scrap being brought it start to be taken apart and divided up into different areas that were being labeled. Crates of rations laid out for them and holoprojectors in the main buildings to display more.
Objective 2: Supply Run

Allies: [member="Karen Roberts"] @SJO Members/ Allies


Javek's suspicions were tweaked a bit upon hearing Karen's insurance. Although not completely, but well enough to the point of being much less tense.

"I suppose you're right." He said as he slowly turned his gaze back outside the window.

He didn't sense anything through the force. But well, he wasn't as proficient in the force as he had hoped. Growing up, he'd been forced to sense possible danger only using his eyes and ears, which nearly got him killed. Several times.

"I think a traditional robe will do nicely." He replied. "Or maybe I can borrow a dress from Master Coci, although I just might ruin the dress entirely." He stated in a joking manner.
Location: Inside a cottage with homeless children?
Objective: Learn and help.
Post 2

This was something else. The stories he had heard about jedi knights more often then not involved heroic actions, fighting against evil and... well, this is an evil too he decided. This must be what Master Whitelight talked about. He had asked for when he would build a lightsaber. She had smiled and tossed him a peach.

He watched as [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and[member="Maya Whitelight"] discussed things with what seemed like the owner of the house. He followed the movement of his master who brought her fruit basket gifts for the children.
He felt a bit dumb. Was he supposed to do something? Probably...

A bit uncomfortably he stepped closer to a boy standing on his own in a corner. He had not taken any fruit and looked a bit lost. Afraid even? Mantic smacked his lips and when the others were busy talking he grabbed a peach and strode up to him. No more then possibly seven or eight years old the kid still caught Mantics attention. He was light skinned but dirty and wore rugged clothes.

"Hey, kid... " he began with a low voice not to disturb the others talking. "Got to say, it was very nice if you to leave all the fruit to the others. But, you know, its enough for everyone." he continued offering the peach.
It did only take a second before the fruit was accepted and half chewed inside the boys mouth.

Mantic closed his eyes. There was something here. A notion of warmth, missplaced gratitude? Odd, it was hard to tell. He opened his eyes and knelt down, lowering his own position below the boys.

"I am Mantic. Do you have a name?" he tried.

"My name is Solwan, but they call me Slowan.... " without realising it Mantic had pushed the boy to open up fster then he normally would.
A single tear made its way frim the corner of the boys eye down toward his cheek.
Mantics eyes opened up wide. humiliation, lonely, sad, rejection... the dark feelings slipped through in such a genuine way Mantic had never before experienced. Was he this good? Or were children easier to read? Was this one special?

Mantic swallowed. He had to handle this somehow. He had to analyze this... help this...

"Well, Solwan. I was stuck in a school for twenty years... Probably five to ten years longer then any of my friends in the same age. But I trusted the words from a very wise teacher I had. And it helped me through some bad times. I like to think those words are responsible for me being here today. And I came with a space ship..." he winked.

"Would you like to hear those words?" he asked rethoricaly and given a firm nod in response.

"Even if you are not chosen by someone else tomorrow, it is you who form your own today." Mantic smiled. He had lied, he just made those words up here and now. But they seemed to help somehow.
Mantic rose and gave the boys hair a good brushing.

As he turned to leave he felt something new. Genuine gratitude...
This would not save the galaxy from some great evil. But maybe this boy got enough encouragement to help himself stand straight against whatever evil he was facing in his daily life.

Mantic glanced over his shoulder and smiled before he returned to his place about two meters behind his master.
Hion the established business whale strolled into the nearest soup kitchen wearing a deep blue suit. He eyed the line of impoverished peasants. Two blubbery brows rose.

Lianna was home to over five of the galaxy's most prosperous corporations. The economy was booming. Stagnation wasn't a word that existed on Lianna. So where in the depths did the Silver Jedi find all these guttersnipes?

Had someone hired actors to portray some deep well of despair? Was this all a live art critique on the evils of capitalism?


Hion blinked once, then turned to the nearest vagrant and handed him a flipper full of credits.

"Have a nice day."

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