Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Reconstruction/Revitalize/Something Catchier About Bringing Planets Back

That's besides the point.

Care to address anything else I've written? Like the part about how we would expand on the RP that is already there?
You wouldn't. You're destroying the entire point of annihilations existing and by allowing worlds to be brought back, you're just making annihilations not worth doing and they'll go the way of the dodo.
The problem here is that it makes annihilations less attractive as a form of thread. To get one done takes so much effort and isn't even a guarantee. If that could even be potentially undone. Why would people waste time with that style of thread?

Why invest in so much time, effort and emotional availability for an act that next month might be considered non-canon?

Well, I would think the time limit would be more than just a month time limit before you can do a reconstruction. Probably like a year at least is what I had in mind. Also, it wouldn't be "non-canon", it would just be undone by an equal level of player engagement. If the entire site were to come together to make another 400 post thread to bring back a specific planet, would it not be just as unfair to just say "no, you can't do that no matter how much you all want it"?
Alderaan was brought back in what? 2012 with the site launch? The nature of Chaos changed when Tefka himself announced annihilations as a thing. Maybe it's time to also accept that.

For as long as I've known Tefka, which has been over 12 years, he's never been a big proponent of permanent, unfixable destruction.

It's never been part of Chaos' philosophy.
Mechanics change constantly. Invasions are judged, invasions aren't judged, invasions are judged. Junctions didn't exist, the map had squiggly lines not hexes. It was a hundred posts to dom one planet, not a hex with multiple, etc etc.

Not even the rules are set in stone and have been updated and changed over the years.

Well, I would think the time limit would be more than just a month time limit before you can do a reconstruction. Probably like a year at least is what I had in mind. Also, it wouldn't be "non-canon", it would just be undone by an equal level of player engagement. If the entire site were to come together to make another 400 post thread to bring back a specific planet, would it not be just as unfair to just say "no, you can't do that no matter how much you all want it"?

This is my thing here. If there's an equal or greater effort to bring something back, why say no? If it's too soon, what's a reasonable time limit?
Mechanics change constantly. Invasions are judged, invasions aren't judged, invasions are judged. Junctions didn't exist, the map had squiggly lines not hexes. It was a hundred posts to dom one planet, not a hex with multiple, etc etc.

Not even the rules are set in stone and have been updated and changed over the years.

This is my thing here. If there's an equal or greater effort to bring something back, why say no? If it's too soon, what's a reasonable time limit?
A reasonable time limit is never.
Well, I would think the time limit would be more than just a month time limit before you can do a reconstruction. Probably like a year at least is what I had in mind. Also, it wouldn't be "non-canon", it would just be undone by an equal level of player engagement. If the entire site were to come together to make another 400 post thread to bring back a specific planet, would it not be just as unfair to just say "no, you can't do that no matter how much you all want it"?

Things are forgotten very quickly on here and easier to wave the planet was never destroyed then to go through the history of it blowing up half a dozen times but it also being brought back.

I think the best idea is to create a new world that mimics the old. Similar to New Alderaan.
My take is that I'm for it, if only for the longevity of the site.

If we blow up Coruscant, or Mandalore, or Korriban like people have joked about for years now, what's that gonna do to a newbie who wants to play on this planets?

Yes, those stories took a ton of work, but 3-5 even 8 years later...

What's the point?

What's the time limit before we're just denying folks cool locations for the sake of a story that was told before half the current site population was around, and about 90% of the participants of that story aren't here anymore?

I've heard the 'oh well just use other planets' arguments a few times, but like...


Why would I want to use a city planet with 3 sentences of lore on it's wookie article instead of a location that has actual lore behind it, and has familiar locales that I can reference, instead of some random planet I have to do the majority of heavy lifting to even set a scene for?

I think annihilations are really cool in concept, but they limit the amount of RP when it's a planet people actually care about, which seem to be the ones that people want to blow up.

Coruscant, Mandalore, Korriban, Corellia, Cathar.

These are the five I see consistently people joking about (or not joking) blowing up, because 'it'll force people to go elsewhere'

Why are we trying to force new players to RP the way we want them to instead of just letting them enjoy the sandbox?
I support Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex very good points. The site is always flowing nothing is ever fixed or static.

Also if it takes so much effort to destroy a world, if you have enough people willing to put in the work to restore it, why stand in their way? If they are willing to match or exceed what is being done through creativity and collaboration. Rule of cool was always number one here. New blood always flows through here, if they have a vision, don’t step on it, encourage it. They weren’t here for it, don’t penalize them for simply not being here at the right time to enjoy something.
Things are forgotten very quickly on here and easier to wave the planet was never destroyed then to go through the history of it blowing up half a dozen times but it also being brought back.

I think the best idea is to create a new world that mimics the old. Similar to New Alderaan.
Well, if the website is going to go through THAT much effort to destroy and rebuild a planet multiple times over, only to ignore all of it afterwards, I'd question why anyone here is in the RP business in the first place lol.

And imo I find the strategy of "just make a new [insert planet here]" to be infinitely more degrading. Why go through with annihilating a planet if Joe Schmoe with 2 posts to his name can submit "New Glup Shitto" in an afternoon with all the same history and culture and habitat as the original?
Also if it takes so much effort to destroy a world, if you have enough people willing to put in the work to restore it, why stand in their way? If they are willing to match or exceed what is being done through creativity and collaboration. Rule of cool was always number one here. New blood always flows through here, if they have a vision, don’t step on it, encourage it. They weren’t here for it, don’t penalize them for simply not being here at the right time to enjoy something.

So, we just have constant attempts to destroy a planet like Korriban and then people working equally hard to bring it back? That is just going to swallow all the writing focus for ages at a time and kills the fun for the writing base.
I remember when there were dev threads, you had to do tiers for corporate stuff, doms being 150 posts and you had 30 days to do them. I remember when you had to have a whole ass team approve your Jedi/Sith promotions, rebellions were a thing and they were two weeks because the only one that was 30 days broke the whole ass site.

Mechanics change. They have changed, continuously over the years, does that suddenly invalidate all the stories that have been written, no? Because rules and mechanics don't make stories valid, we, the community, the writers do. [Hell this is really down to an individual level, anyway.] Planets going boom, not boom, making a codex sub, don't make one. If there was a way for things to go boom, then there's story in making them come back. They won't be the same, as Kae mentioned Corellia's still different.

I would say this should be a case by case basis and yes there should be effort to bring it back post wise.

But sitting there and throwing out a post count, and saying how it would invalidate a story is nonsense to me. This site has over its history gone through so many changes mechanics wise, long before some of you got here, before I got here. That's not how stories and their "validation" work, and as far as I'm concern there should be a middle ground on the matter.
I think the best idea is to create a new world that mimics the old. Similar to New Alderaan.
This. The codex is right there. There's nothing stopping anyone from making a 'New Csilla', 'New Exegol', 'New (Insert Name Here)' planet. Not only that, but keeping the original planet destroyed adds to the sites Lore. People refer back to site events and history all of the time. It adds a special flavor to Chaos, it gives writers interesting plot hooks and something for them to sink their teeth into when they join.

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