Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Reconstruction/Revitalize/Something Catchier About Bringing Planets Back

And imo I find the strategy of "just make a new [insert planet here]" to be infinitely more degrading. Why go through with annihilating a planet if Joe Schmoe with 2 posts to his name can submit "New Glup Shitto" in an afternoon with all the same history and culture and habitat as the original?

The codex wouldn't allow a direct carbon copy. There has to be some thought put into it.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
As someone who’s never participated in an annihilation but has read them I find the stories in the to be superb and great reads. I tend to avoid big public threads cause I’m an inconsistent poster at the best of times but an annihilation, if one happens again, is one I’d participate in.

Personally I’m somewhat against the idea as like mentioned it kind of diminishes the writing of previous people who have annihilated a world and as someone who has had this happen in the past it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It's called history and respecting it. If new people want to come in and rewrite history, that's kind of shitty to me.
I see it all the time. First Mandalore was the canon version, then it was a sith world that got strip mined, then the Protectors restored it.

Codex subs are overwritten all the time, and we archive them for that reason. No one is supposed to be able to dictate what you want to write.
Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Thats encouraged, and has never been a requirement as long as I’ve been here. If people truly respected history no one would get anything done. So much has happened over 12 years. It’s not on new people to take a history lesson just to have fun. Use what you want.
It's a requirement to respect the lore of the site when submitting to codex. Why are we allowing people to come in and just ignore what people have done before? Might as well say "Congratulations, your story means nothing now!"
I'll always support the freedom of being able to write what you want to write in all regards.

I think trying to dictate what people can and cannot write, where they can or cannot write, is gatekeeping and shouldn't be encouraged here on Chaos.


It's always been a write what you want to write, be the change you want to see type of place. Stuff changes all the time.
I'll always support the freedom of being able to write what you want to write in all regards.

I think trying to dictate what people can and cannot write, where they can or cannot write, is gatekeeping and shouldn't be encouraged here on Chaos.
Also kinda this tbh.

If I tried to make a thread back when I first joined chaos on some planet only for someone to DM me and say "nuh uh, you can't do that because 6 years ago some other writer you've never met did this totally big and cool thing" I'd have probably just left lmao
Also kinda this tbh.

If back when I had first joined chaos, I tried to make a thread on some planet only for someone to DM me and say "nuh uh, you can't do that because 6 years ago some other writer you've never met did this totally big and cool thing" I'd have probably just left lmao
But if you read the timeline and looked at the map, wouldn't you have known said planet was destroyed?
Was when I was a judge. Still should be.
I've never seen anyone in my two years on the site get dinged for making a codex sub that 'contradicted site lore'

If something happened 5 years ago, then it probably got forgotten unless someone is still actively pushing it. (Hi Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , Mandalore sends it's regards.)
But if you read the timeline and looked at the map, wouldn't you have known said planet was destroyed?
I know several long term writers on chaos who have never looked at either of those things.
It's a requirement to respect the lore of the site when submitting to codex. Why are we allowing people to come in and just ignore what people have done before? Might as well say "Congratulations, your story means nothing now!"

It has never been a requirement. Do you know how many contradictory threads are written all the time on chaos?

Here's a list of 'destroyed' worlds that many people don't know about despite the big threads and codex subs around it:

Mandalore, first time (razed by Sith)
Korriban, first time (pelted by hyperspace asteroids)
Mandalore, third time I don't remember the specifics of the second (stripped mined by sithspawn)
Fresia (whole planet reduced to blood soup)

Countless others. It hapoens all the time. There are dozens of threads with it, but most people will never know these because it happened a decade ago.

It's not disrespectful. People just don't know these things. People weren't here for it, and shouldn't be beholden to something a stranger on the internet decided years prior. That's always been Chaos.
Also kinda this tbh.

If I tried to make a thread back when I first joined chaos on some planet only for someone to DM me and say "nuh uh, you can't do that because 6 years ago some other writer you've never met did this totally big and cool thing" I'd have probably just left lmao

Right? I pulled in 2016 and there was a lot of shit going down, shit that had already gone down.

RP is always changing, always evolving.

That's just how things are, so yeah I'm right there with you.

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