Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Regulation of Unique Canon Items


King of Pumpkins
Name of Item (include canon link if applicable): Blade of Beginnings
Account Name: [member="Tom Taff[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255,165,0)]"]
Writer Account: [member="Ravenfire"]
Link to Approved Factory Submission:
Brief Description: Cloaked Beskar Mandalorian made blade, cloaking only shutdown by moondust.
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Found in freedon nadd's tomb.
Name of Item (include canon link if applicable): The Holocron of Darth Krayt
Account Name: [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Writer Account: [member="NinjaRabies"]
Link to Approved Factory Submission: [Link]
Brief Description: A holocron containing the autobiography and some of the powers of Darth Krayt, founder of The One Sith.
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Claimed on Coruscant during the fall of the Galactic Alliance.
Name of Item: Luke Skywalker's Compass
Account Name: Coren Starchaser
Writer Account: [member="Corey's OOC"]
Link to approved Factory Submission:
Short Description: A compass at one point owned by both Emperor Palpatine and Luke Skywalker. Mostly an interesting piece that will set up future stories. Purchased from a junk dealer in the Unknown Regions
Name of Item (include canon link if applicable): The Deathraven
Account Name: Listib Hibins
Writer Account: Crane Baxa
Link to Approved Factory Submission: Link
Brief Description: A strange morphed combination of two B-Wings into an effective starfighter.
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Obtained from auction, repaired to original condition.

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
[SIZE=9pt]Name of Item:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Second Lightsaber of Tenel Ka Djo[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Account Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][member="Allana Djo"]​
[SIZE=9pt]Writer Account:[/SIZE] [member="Garith Darkhold"][SIZE=9pt], [/SIZE][member="Togashi Yokuni"] , [member="Adreia Cullaswen"]​
[SIZE=9pt]Link to Approved Factory Submission: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Brief Description:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] A second lightsaber made and owned by the Canon Charter Tenel Ka Djo who was mated to Jacen Solo who was the son of Han Solo and Princess Liea. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The Lightsaber was found in a hidden compartment on the legendary Starhome within the Hapes Consortium. [/SIZE]​
Name of Item: The Heart of the Guardian.
Account Name: [member="Aten Ramses"].
Link to Approved Factory Submission: [Link]
Brief Description: A Lightsaber Crystal that amplifies the energy and power of the blade.
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Passed on from [member=Veiere Arenais] to Aten Ramses
Name of Item (include canon link if applicable): Qyzen Fess' Techblade
Account Name: Qaarssk Roark
Writer Account: Qaarssk Roark
Link to Approved Factory Submission: Link
Brief Description: A weapon once owned by Qyzen Fess that functions similarly to a vibrosword.
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Passed down by the tribe of Qyzen Fess to eventually be given to Qaarssk Roark when he left Trandosha.
Name of Item: Dam-Powls Holocron
Account Name: Dhakarta
Writer Account: [member="Nimeni"]
Link to approved Factory Submission:
Short Description: A Holocron containing much of the knowledge of the Je'daii Master Alchemist Dam-Powl
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Tracked down by Dhakarta to experiment with other force schools and see how it relates to Dathomirian traditions
Name of Item (include canon link if applicable): Kenobi's Legacy
Account Name: Kahne Porte
Writer Account: Kahne Porte
Link to Approved Factory Submission: Here
Brief Description: A lightsaber crystal that once placed in one's lightsaber, no other individual can use that lightsaber except the creator.
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: During quest to create lightsaber for use by Kahne Porte alone during his fight alongside the Alliance In Exile
Name of Item: Shard of Mandalore's Mask

Account Name: Arrbi Betna

Writer Account: Arrbi Betna

Link to Approved Factory Submission: Mask is here, shard is here.

Brief Description: One of two known remaining shards needed to make the Mask whole.

Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Majority of the mask was returned to Ijaat and reforged. One piece kept by Arrbi Betna, another piece was last known to be in the possession of Draco Vereen.
Name of Item: Rur Crystal
Account Name: [member="Audren Sykes"]
Writer Account: [member="Audren Sykes"]
Link to Approved Factory Submission: Link
Brief Description: Crystal capable of serving as a primary processor/memory for a computer.
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: No longer whole, now in multiple pieces. All pieces in Audren's possession.


Well-Known Member
Hello. I would like to correct a mistakes that may have taken place with the listing for Shaak Ti's Lightsaber. It is listed under Darlyn's name, yet I have not given it to him, nor have I been contacted about any change in ownership over mentioned item. Can I have this mistake rectified, or be provided an explenation as to why my name is not listed please? Thanks for your time.

[member="Aya Clarke"]
[member="Lily Kuhn"]
Name of Item: Link (Book of Sith - Expanded)
Account Name: Darth Shevaltesh
Writer Account: Darth Shevaltesh
Link to Approved Factory Submission: Link
Brief Description: Containing many sith works, created originally by Darth Sidious, later additions by others
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Obtained over hundreds of years

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