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Relaxation of 10 posts as absolute minimum for dev threads


Well-Known Member
I see the issues some have however, for example my most recent apprentice, she is a great writer, and I have fun with her - but she only writers 100 word max posts. I have attempted to help, to give insight into writing better (ie, what do they see, smell, etc, do they have an itch on their nose, are they standing statue still the whole time, etc) and she just didn't take.

I believe the either or method would be perfect. Have each judge given the right to request a reasonable number of words, or the usual posts.

I recommend making sure to note too what degree reasonable numbers of words is, [member="Spencer Varanin"], or else we would end with massive differences.


Well-Known Member
[member="Tirdarius"] the point is there are few people on this board, and me included have dislexyia, I started doing this to improve. Though the idea that have to meet some standard or I can't play, would turn people like me off from even trying, I can't rl fill in forms unless I have some to help, as they scare me really really scare me. Fortunately I am that good at my job, I got headhunted for repair work, and end working for the emergency side. The paperwork I need to do is usually less than one line, saying what is dangerous and two word answer to why, i.e. it is leaking gas.
[member="sabrina"] Nobody insists that you do so alone - that's unnecessary. We do have standards and we do ask that you try to meet them, but if you can't do it alone, recruit other writers. That's why the rules are open-ended on what constitutes a development thread: you can do it solo, or you can do so with others. It's not designed to be restricting, only to be sufficiently comprehensive that it becomes believable.

[member="Damien Daemon"] Thanks a lot :)


Well-Known Member
[member="Tirdarius"] yet you are by insisting on a minimum word count, that is my issue, let judges decide what is okay and give advice where possible. Not that as it be a rather big turn off to begin with, and take and some of fun of it. Trying to keep count on your posts, I tried it and hated every second of it.


Well-Known Member
At current, you are the only opposing force to this.

Also, mull this over. Say the minimum word count gets approved. We need 2000 words for a dev right?

You go in, post a two hundred word post, your friend does a 1200 and the other 1600. In three posts, you have completed what would be required... but its not a good idea? You want more work, by means of having to do 10 minimum?
[member="sabrina"] It always comes down to the judges to decide, of course. I'm simply trying to give you an understanding of why sites like ours so often insist on such rules. It's there to protect the quality of the writing on the site, rather than see it diminished.

[member="Tirdarius"] is correct. You never have to do a thread alone, at least not here. At one of the other sites I'm on, writing an entire 5000 word planetary takeover was often done solo, just because there weren't any other writers; here, there are plenty of people available. That said, no one is saying your posts have to be more than a paragraph. The word-count requirement would simply increase the number of one-paragraph posts you make. It standardizes things far more than they are now, particularly for those of us who are typically verbose in their posting (just today, for example, because things are judged by post count instead of word count, I split up what would have been one post into three or four, and saved one or two of those for later posting). I was also not as detailed as I could have been, because word counts don't matter - just post count.

Having things judged by post count instead of word count, too, gives an advantage to and actually encourages post-spammers in threads, people who put up one or two-line posts in order to increase post count without providing any detail or richness to which a potential opponent or ally can respond. It decreases the quality of writing across the board. If instead word count were the requirement, then those who want to make rich posts of a few thousand words can do so without feeling that their work is for naught, because no matter how much they write it is still simply one post, while it still permits those who can't or won't write more to make more shorter posts to achieve the same goal.

[member="Spencer Varanin"]

Glad to hear you guys are considering this for dev threads. If I may make a humble suggestion, I would recommend opening that consideration to fleeting threads as well, for the reasons I stated above. Thanks for the consideration, and for all the hard work you and the rest of the staff put into this board!


Well-Known Member
[member="Damien Daemon"] Yeah and I am probably the only one with dislexyia who read this, so far.

[member="Tirdarius"] that's sound like get lost to me, as I am not good enough. I do my best, I got better, but not by people saying you must, but the odd pointer here and there, and still stupid amount errors, especially when reading others peoples post. That point I think words are there that aren't it only few days later I can see it missing, or I realise I cocked up reading some else post, and there nothing I can do about ever. It is how disability works, it affects everything from speech to reading and writing, and your coming along and saying my best is never going to be good enough. No matter how much effort I put in, because I miss things or completely misunderstand what people mean I am not good enough.
Spencer Varanin said:

I never stated this was a consideration. I stated that we are working towards making dev threads less annoying and more fun.
I have a way to do that... personally I find them nothing more than an added hoop because of the application. Unless it is a super ship that needs to be built why have them to begin with...
[member="sabrina"] Worth noting that I'm also dyslexic, for reference. I'd also note that nobody's telling you to 'get lost'. If I'd intended that, I'd have said so. Nor has anyone stated that your best is not good enough - we're talking about writing standards, nothing more. If you feel you're struggling with your writing, let us help you with it. If you're happy where you are, that's perfectly fine, too. Ultimately, however, the site standards aren't there for any one individual: they're applicable to all of us, whether we write just a sentence, or whether we write several thousand words in a post. I take your point, but as [member="Damien Daemon"] has said, there's absolutely no reason why you couldn't have a fellow writer help towards your word count. The key point is that we all participate together.
I suppose the trouble might be that a dominion could be completed in five posts, given a minimum of five writers required.

Though anyone can list extremes. Under the current system a dominion could be completed with 100 one-line posts, which is worse.

To [member="sabrina"], let's say you need to do 2000 words. With just a paragraph per post, around 100 words, you'd need 20 posts to reach the minimum. That's just one page of a thread.

Together with a friend this can be achieved fairly quickly and have fun while doing so!
Word counts are a hassle.

I'd suspect the 10 post idea is for the ease of skimming a dev thread as well. Judges don't read your thread, they skim it, and that is a lot harder to do if it's all one big post as opposed to ten small-or-medium sized ones.


Wolf said:
Under the current system a dominion could be completed with 100 one-line posts, which is worse.

No you can't. Point 5 of the Dominion rules mention this. If a faction is caught making posts that are of no effort and quality they will be penalized accordingly.
Kana Truden said:
Judges don't read your thread
[member="Wolf"] [member="Tirdarius"] [member="Cendar"] [member="Damien Daemon"] [member="Spencer Varanin"]

Currently there is a soft word count in place for dev threads as is. I had a judge friend of mine tell me that in dev threads on top of the 10 posts that are required that they look for each post to contain at least ~200 words or looks to do so. That is roughly 2 good paragraphs which is not that difficult to obtain. I personally aim for a minimum of 2 good paragraphs with each post and tend to go over that. It isn't hard, but word counting is also a huge pain for judges. They have lives as well after all.


Well-Known Member
Kana Truden said:
Word counts are a hassle.

I'd suspect the 10 post idea is for the ease of skimming a dev thread as well. Judges don't read your thread, they skim it, and that is a lot harder to do if it's all one big post as opposed to ten small-or-medium sized ones.


No you can't. Point 5 of the Dominion rules mention this. If a faction is caught making posts that are of no effort and quality they will be penalized accordingly.
What qualifies as quality? What if every one line is so articulate, beautifully worded, and amazing that most professors would weep. Is that quality? Lol. Not being a jerk, just making a funny. We all have said our parts at this point.

So far, it seems unanimous to get a word count or post count rule, as in both. And that the word count should be marked at the bottom of each post, which would make for the simple means of gauging whether a person was roughly accurate (ie, you can visibly see the difference between a 100 and 500).

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