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Relaxation of 10 posts as absolute minimum for dev threads


Eternal Padawan

I know I'm new and just getting used to thing, but I'll offer a perception of someone outside just getting in.

If you effectively have a system where there is already a soft word cap required for a post to count, it effectively translates out to a word cap. (IE 10 posts of 200 words = 2000 words).

If the goal is to force a time of response (in regards to the mention of a Dominion in 5 posts), then this system wouldn't prevent that either. A highly co-ordinated team (like, unusually but not impossibly co-ordinated) could have a hundred posts ready and written outside of the forum and lightning post them back to back during an off-peak hour. (DISCLAIMER: Highly unlikely, but not technically against the rules) If the goal is to force a response time, then a time window for public response should be in the rules versus a hard post count.

Personally, as some one new, I don't know how far people push the rules as is. I know on other forums I've been on I've seen people go to great lengths to win versus trying to write interesting stories.
There is no "response time" on posting dev threads or dominions.

What is being discussed here is the perceived "hard rule of 10 posts minimum" for development threads in relation to things put through Factory or Codex. The question posed was whether or not Staff would be amenable to offer word count minimum instead of post count minimums, as some people can get very verbose in only a few posts while others may write very little depending upon their ability.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Cendar said:
Glad to hear you guys are considering this for dev threads. If I may make a humble suggestion, I would recommend opening that consideration to fleeting threads as well, for the reasons I stated above.
I'm somewhat curious here, what's the relation between a Dev Thread and a Fleeting thread?
Irtar said:
(DISCLAIMER: Highly unlikely, but not technically against the rules
In invasions this is expressly prohibited by our rules. While not technically against the rules in other threads, it's activity that is liable to be reported.
1. Stampeding* is not allowed.
*Stampeding is when a Major Faction colludes to post all of its members repetitively without waiting for a proper response from the opposition.
That being said, the suggestion made here, as explained by [member="Lorelei Darke"], is that the standard set by the factory and codex that mandates a minimum of ten posts must be made (as in total posts of a thread) for it to be used for development purposes be lessened to a different benchmark, in the case of this suggestion it is to use word count rather than post count for the benchmark we look at. That way a normally 2000 word thread (average of 200 words for every post over 10 posts) can be a handful of posts when done alone rather than spreading them over 10 posts.

Basically, it's a request to make it less of a hassle to perform a development thread.

A development thread is a thread which is used to show work is done for a particular technology, vehicle, starship, species, or other Factory or Codex submission. More work put into development threads for submissions gives greater freedom in what is being submitted, like maybe a more heavily armed frigate than one without development.

And, as explained a handful of times prior, the factory staff is looking into ideas to make development threads less of a hoop to jump through and more enjoyable - just not this suggestion in particular.
[member="Lily Kuhn"]
Or, as I mentioned in my first post, the 10 post rule is still there but more a guideline than an absolute minimum, and it would be up to the judge to decide whether adequate effort has been put in.

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