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Relaxation of 10 posts as absolute minimum for dev threads

[member="Damien Daemon"] Much thought I do agree with you, 5 or 6 members in favour versus 1 not in favour hardly counts as unanimous on a site of several hundred. The RPJs haven't weighed in on their thoughts, nor have the Admins. Let's not get ahead of ourselves on that one! I think it's a good idea, I support it, but it's not up to me.
Kana Truden said:
Word counts are a hassle.

I'd suspect the 10 post idea is for the ease of skimming a dev thread as well. Judges don't read your thread, they skim it, and that is a lot harder to do if it's all one big post as opposed to ten small-or-medium sized ones.


No you can't. Point 5 of the Dominion rules mention this. If a faction is caught making posts that are of no effort and quality they will be penalized accordingly.

Damien Daemon said:
So far, it seems unanimous to get a word count or post count rule, as in both.
No it's not as I am one voice of decent.


Well-Known Member
[member="sabrina"] [member="Tirdarius"]

To true. Apologies.


Majority in favor.

That was my point, one person against, most if not all others for. Better?
Damien Daemon said:
[member="sabrina"] [member="Tirdarius"]
To true. Apologies.
Majority in favor.
That was my point, one person against, most if not all others for. Better?
As noted several times now, something is being discussed. It is not *this* in particular, but something nonetheless.
Kana Truden said:
Judges don't read your thread
Regarding word counts, if we simply post the word count of the thread at the bottom, or even the word count of each post at the bottom, that would take care of the counting issue. As a fairly prolific writer who likes making long posts as opposed to a bunch of shorter ones (I don't count a post as a post until it reaches 500 words, and I prefer to strive for 1000 words per post), I would like word counts to be included as an option for all threads.

And [member="Wolf"], what is wrong with a dominion being completed in five posts? Just wondering.
Wolf said:
I was told that 10 posts is the absolute minimum number of posts required for a dev thread when submitting a new technology.

When writing solo, however, I like to write posts of at least 1000 words apiece. It just helps the flow and feel of the story being told. To meet the minimum I was told I would have to break up my story into little chunks, which breaks up the flow and feel of my writing (or write 10k words which is a tad overkill).

I'm not suggesting any major changes, but just a minor allowance that dev threads with longer posts will be judged accordingly, and that the 10 post minimum would be more a guideline than an absolute number.

10 posts of... what is it? 200 words is the minimum standard for a post? Something silly like that. Basically a paragraph.

Honestly, I could get behind changing it from a "post count" limit and changing it to a total word-count.
Once again stating. Your concerns are heard and staff is currently in the process of working out the issues with dev threads. When we finish getting the kinks out I hope you all enjoy it. This isn't a discussion thread that will provide instant results. It's a thread that is being taken into thoughts seeing the disgruntlement of the way we do dev now. So again this thread isn't the solution, but is just adding fuel to my desire and the staffs work effort to fix our dev thread system in the factory.

This is the last time I'll post in this thread, carry on.
sabrina said:
there are few people on this board, and me included have dislexyia, I started doing this to improve. Though the idea that have to meet some standard or I can't play, would turn people like me off from even trying, I can't rl fill in forms unless I have some to help, as they scare me really really scare me.

I feel you on the forms thing. I have dyslexia as well, and frankly, I am terrified of writing in pen. I fill everything out in pencil and come back over with pen.

I do feel where your coming from, Sabrina, I really really do on a very deep level. Some horribly bad days I even have a hard time spelling my own name on forms or what have you. I can't barely math at all (and that makes my statistics class I am taking a living hell, I will tell you). I've had days where the words flow like a river, and others where I can barely plunk out a paragraph. Sometimes I go back over my posts and cringe. Sometimes I beam with pride. Just depends on the day I was having.

But, I do also see both sides. I think an either/or thing works; you can do ten posts or a set word count that is reasonable. That way everyone wins; those who can do post count make it work, for those who like their beefy posts get to have the same stuff done. Its equal work either way, IMO, kinda like the whole thing we have for stygium/cortosis/phrik; you got various ways you can get there to tell various stories. :)


Well-Known Member
[member="James Justice"] I no issue with either or, just that some saying it has to be post count, I have an issue with that.

I can sort of see that, though if everyone has done their part, and they've worked together in crafting the posts, then it is still collaborative. I guess that would require the thread to be read, though, which could make more work for the judges.

What if the standard were, say, 20,000 words and a minimum of ten posts? Then there's at least some clear collaboration being enforced (ten posts from five writers) without the judges having to read the thread, and at the same time those who want to write long posts can without feeling restricted to smaller posts just to drive the post count up. Just a thought.
Bunker-level Normal
I'd also love to see word counts improve the weight of posts in a dev thread. Ultimately, it seems like that's not going to happen, at least not right now. Any improvement to dev threads would be welcomed, the handful I've been in always felt arduous to me and honestly, mostly nonsensical. Like OP, I started here writing 1000 word posts, and petered out in an NPC dev thread because of it. I've gotten used to the tiny (to be frank) posts here, but I can understand the resistance to writing like that.


Would love to RP sometime, just to flex my writing muscle again.
In the Codex I have informed my Judges to take into consideration all elements of a submission, which includes the submitter's writing ability. We cannot expect to uphold one inflexible criteria of quality when this forum is open to all ages and all abilities. Some people write very short submissions, others write very long and detailed submissions.

The difference in how they are judged is not based on word count, but on being able to tell that effort is involved in the process. It's fairly easy to tell when someone is of a lesser writing ability or perhaps english is not their first language versus someone who is simply being lazy. The former are acceptable things to consider, the latter is not.

As far as Codex goes, we use post-counts as a guideline rather than a hard rule. If you're the sort that would rather work by word count, you have the ability to discuss that with your attending CJ. At the end of the day we're looking for evidence of effort and if the Judge does not feel enough effort has been made then they have every right to require more posts. It's a give and take.

Rekali the Hutt

For what it's worth I've always linked post counts on my dev threads and word counts on my solo threads and not been given any hassle. Offhand I don't remember putting any sub-10 post threads in as dev, but I would personally count a 5000 post solo thread no matter how many posts are in it. What's important is that effort is shown towards accumulating whatever it is you're submitting. The rule was worded this way because the vast majority of our user base are post count over word count oriented. In my experience Judges have been flexible about it, as long as the effort is there.

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