Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile caught it between her hands. She gave a mock expression of affront. "Cheat!? How did I cheat?!" She flashed him a sassy grin. Hands would shuffle the ball back and forth. Her right eyebrow gave a perk, and she ambled a slow half circle around Asmus.

"I merely made the most of my skills," she quipped, tossing the scoundrel back the ball. By now, others were joining them. There was plenty of space to move about, but as this was the first time Kaile played, it would be interesting to see. She half wanted to wait on the sidelines first just to see how it went in practice.

"You'd do the same." Her eyes twinkled as she spoke.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"As if I'd grab your ankle to get a leg up!" he replied, deadpan tone in no way matching the accusation. Catching the ball with one hand, he slipped a backhand pass to Mai, who caught it on the top of her foot before hefting it back.

"Right, scoring," he said.

"Which you won't do," Mai interjected as she stretched out. Remarkable, the amount the feline creature could flex.

Taking a few strides and demonstrating bouncing it off his foot ever few as he went, Asmus ran into the area shaded red before throwing it one handed for a painted patch on the wall. He caught the rebound with two hands, before turning and dropping it onto his foot to kick back to her.

"Give it a go."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Without a speck of hesitation, the young woman said in quip,"One generally does grab my ankle to get a leg up."

Oh her lips were twitching, because she knew exactly how that would come out. Asmus has walked right into that, and it would be a shame to not take it home in the euphamism for the win.

Ahh, sometimes, Kaile was absolutely shameless.

With a grin, she took the ball. Having seen how he had done it, she had a general idea. It was cyclic in motion. One hand attempted the dribble, remembering the rules. "Like so?"

[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Once again she'd taken the obvious opening for innuendo and run with it, leaving him lost for words. It didn't normally go that way.

The semi-circle for shooting was deliberately shallow, the mark on the wall high. In the real game it was even high, such that an athlete and to turn their back to the goal and kick over their heads towards it. Fortunately their set up was much less demanding an most could take a reasonable throw at the scoring square when stood still and without someone trying to kick you onto your ass.

"Looks good, take the shot!" he called, trying not to wonder on their passenger's flexibility.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Okay," another dribble and Kaile would turn her head towards the goal. Hot air blew out of her cheeks in psych prep up. "Here goes nothin'" came the low line of encouragement. For a Lorrdian, how a body moved was everything. It was in the flex of sinew and bone under muscles and skin. Being able to mimic another wasn't an immediate skill. No, one had to visualize and study for a bit to perfect it.

Kaile had managed to get a good lock on how Asmus had made his shot, but there was a difference in muscle memory and simply mimicking movements. How much force, the angle of the wrist and everything come into play. Biting her lower lip, she paused and shut one eye to aim. The ball went airborne, arching up in an attempt to dunk into the semi circle. Unfortunately, it was off by just a smidgen.

"Ohahh!" disappointment stretched over Kaile' expression, but she surged forward to catch the ball again. "Okay, just a few more times." she told him, the glint of determination in her eyes suggesting that perhaps, she too, had a bit of a stubborn streak.

Dribbling again, Kaile began to practice. Never mind that every jump, mammaquatia, and motion of her body was a snug inducing reminder that she was a woman.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Thinking on it, he decided he probably would have been a little bit put out had she hit the painted patch of wall on her first shot. Yes, she was on his team, but it had taken him his first few games before he even skimmed the high up goal.

"Try and bend the knees a bit more and use that power to get it high whilst the wrist adds control," Asmus called, watching intently with arms cross over chest.

His vision span suddenly and he heard a loud squeak. Another ball had been bounced off the side of his face. "Think fast!" Mai shouted.

"You're supposed to say that first!" he chided.

As Mai stalked past him to recover her ball she hissed very quietly: "Stop gawping."

Asmus bristled but didn't have a witty comeback to hand. Nor could he entirely deny the accusation.

Kairon strolled into the room, made a cursory attempt to stretch off before curtly announcing they were going to get started.

Kairon and Asmus stood opposite each other at the centre of the hangar for the throw off. Usually a third party had to toss the ball in, but Asmus had it in his hands at the moment. All other players had to start in their respective scoring semi-circles, which for now included just Mai and Kaile. From the opposite end of the hangar, Mai was making some gestures on what she was going to do the Kaile.

Kairon had a few inches on Asmus, but he could jump as high. Feinting the throw - which wasn't strictly within the rules - Asmus made kairon shift his weight. Then he tossed the ball straight up between them. Getting up above his uncle, Asmus slapped the ball back towards Kaile, as Mai started to sprint across the hangar towards her. Asmus ducked under his uncle and ran for some space against the sideline to give Kaile something to pass to.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile caught the ball with both hands. Immediately her eyes went wide as Mai came right at her. Asmus was not kidding about how competitive the feline was. Oh stars, this was going to get --

A small amount of panic came when teeth and claws came at her. Panning her brown eyes, she caught sight of Asmus off to the right. He was waving his hands, gesturing for her to pass.

Do not have to tell me twice!

She shot the ball over at his direction, just before Mai managed to take a swipe at her. "Gah!" the strawberry blonde went flouncing out of the way, using her slender body to rush out and forward. All eyes were now on Asmus. Time to move. At least.. that is what Kaile figured she had to do.

Games were really about doing what everyone else did... to a degree.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus snatched the ball out of the air with just one hand. Not because he needed to, but because he thought it would look cool.

He fancied his chances at darting past Kairon, but the old man had used the time to track back and block his path. Asmus knew Kairon couldn't straight up block him off, but would relish stepping aside before body checking him down.

So Asmus hit top speed in just a few strides. Dropping the ball from both hands he made it seem that he was just making the mandatory bounce. Instead he hoofed it on a high arc over Kairon's head so it would drop nicely into the scoring zone.

"Go Kaile!" he cried out.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile's eyes went bulging wide as the scoundrel kicked the ball high and up -- and it was coming straight towards the scoring zone.


This, was not the sort of immediate pressure she was aiming for. Thankfully, she barely had any time to think it through. Instead, she went running forward, her hands coming up to automatically attempt to catch it. The ball landed with a thwak upon her hands, giving it a slight sting but she managed to be where Asmus wanted her.

Her eyes were wide, and she suddenly realized that she caught it.

"I got it. I got it!"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" Asmus cried out, a broad grin on his face. He tried to move up in support, but his uncle ran a devious line that cut him off. Planting his leading foot Asmus stepped back inside and cut back around Kairon on the inside line. Instead he ran across the 'pitch' the block Mai off from Kaile to give her a moment to take her shot.

Kairon turned and loped towards Kaile. Knowing he didn't have time to block the shot, he moved to pick off the rebound if she missed.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Yes! Right! Shoot!

It was all still so new to Kaile, but that bit of encouragement was all she needed. Looking over at the score area, the Lorrdian bent her knees like Asmus had told her earlier. Bend the knees, get the height, wrist action!

Biting her lower lip through all of it, Kaile shot herself up, sending the ball flying towards the half loop. It would arch high in the air, and all eyes would follow its trajectory. The ball struck the rim of the hoop, only to tease and taunt by rolling around and around.

Kaile practically held her breath. Oh come on!

Maybe the power of willpower did it. Or just lucky enough to make a pass, but the ball gave one last loop before it fell down through the hoop in a score.

"YES!!" arm pump with a wide grin, and whoop, Kaile enjoyed her first score.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kairon caught the ball as it came down and casually tossed it to Mai. He watched with interest as a grinning Asmus ran up to give the passenger a slap on the back. The boy often paid attention to passengers they ferried from time to time, but not quite like this.

Mai stalked to the middle of the bay, casually bouncing the ball on her foot as she went, keeping it off the floor.

Asmus turned to Kaile. "Right you've got to do the jump off against Mai now, just try and get above her and slap it back to me," he said, his face already coated with a thin sheen of sweat. He ran back to his own starting zone.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Pat of the back?

Oh Asmus would get to learn that Kaile was a woman who really didn't believe in personal bubbles. No when, he patted her back, she instead excitedly would wrap her arms around the scoundrel. She gave a little bounce and a wide grin as she gave him a hug.

"Didyouseethat!?" It was clear that the strawberry blonde was ecstatic. It too Asmus reminding her that there was still much to be done to get her to pull away from him. Only that as soon as that registered, big wide eyes would pan to emerald.

"... jump off.. what?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

If his spirits had soared at getting the first score, it was nothing compared to what followed her ecstatic hug. The marked change in her demeanour was a break if fresh air.

"Jump off..." he'd momentarily lost his concentration. "Right same as I did with Kairon. Try and slap it back towards me and..." he moved a little closer as they walked back. " her elbows carefully."

The version they played wasn't a really violent sport; no one ever suffered a serious injury. However, Mai had no qualms about the odd little elbow dig to distract her opponents, as Asmus was all too aware.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Awareness swept over her face, and she gave an excited nod.

Two thumbs up in 'a-okay' were sent over to the scoundrel's direction. "Right, okay.. Jump off." panning over towards where the feline stood bouncing the ball on her foot, Kaile paused. Mai towered over the Lorrdian, not to mention that reach and natural predatory flexibility.

Okay, this.. might not be so easy.

Kaile gave a little run towards the center. "Hi," Kaile told Mai with a wiggle of her fingers. Mai gave a narrowing of her eyes and proper heckling about that being the last time Kaile would score.

All Kaile could do was smile, the apples of her cheeks wide with dimples flashing. It wasn't about winning. Not now. No. Mai could very well be right, but at the present time, Kaile was just enjoying being around others.

It didn't make her feel alone.

The call came and the ball went high -- and understandably, Mai captured the ball. Elbows? Yeah. Elbows hurt, as Kaile found out, stumbling a bit as a dull ache caught her right side.

Oh, so is that how it is going to be? There was a narrowing in her eyes.

Kaile gave chase.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kairon hadn't been watching, so Asmus had bent the rules a little and started sprinting the moment the ball was thrown and not - as he was supposed to - when the ball was touched again in the air.

Kairon came at him fast. Asmus held his ground, but had to move aside as he closed. A front on body check wasn't permitted, so he stepped to his right. Yet as he tried to get into position to interfere with the run, Kairon stepped to his left, only to quickly thrown his weight back in the opposite direction. The net effect of this collision was Asmus sprawled across the floor with a very sore shoulder and Kairon still playing the ball.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Asmus!" Kaile's attention switched from the focus of the ball and Kairon over to the sprawled scoundrel. "Are you okay?" leave it to Kaile to be more concerned about Asmus's well being than making sure that Kairon and Mai didn't score a goal.

She bounded to his side, worry in her brown eyes. Her hand went reaching out, hoping to bring him to his feet. Meanwhile, Mai and Kairon took advantage. With Kaile not blocking the scoring area, it was an easy slip to move towards and make a goal.

By that time, there was a sheepish expression of apology on the Lorrdian's face.

"... sorry.."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus took the offered hand. There was a grin across his face, even if she would see the subtle wince. "Don't worry about it, it'll be a high scoring game! That one hurt the pride more than my body."

As they sauntered back to the middle, he took the ball from Mai who looked very pleased with herself. "Pretend to throw my way, then step left. Always catches Mai out," he whispered. "Yeah he may be old but he has a few tricks up his sleeve," he called out, emphasising one word in particular as they passed the other team.

Once again he managed to beat Kairon to the ball and slap it back towards Kaile.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile did exactly as Asmus instructed. There was a crooked grin on her lips as the feline came to her. She caught the ball in her hands and with a feint, she gave a mock move as if throwing it back to Asmus. However, she then stepped left. The feline did exactly as the scoundrel predicted. It caught mai off guard, and a small giggle blew her cheeks out.

The ball would bounce, and Kaile took the small seconds of advantage to dribble down towards the scoring area. Asmus was already moving ahead, slipping past Kairon.

With one more dribble she passed it over to Asmus.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus hadn't timed his run quite to perfect and was forced to put on a burst of speed. He intrinsically knew that if he picked up the ball at this pace he'd had precious few moment to make the shot, but damned if he was taking the cautious route with Kaile watching him.

He let the ball cross his path and scooped it up with his right hand. That arm swung around and up to make a two handed shot. The wall was coming up fast so he jumped into it, coming against it with a loud slap before coming back down. Fortunately the shot neatly slipped through the net to put them back in the lead.

As he ran back he shot Kaile another big smile, a quick hug and mandatory pat - this time somewhat lower - and they jogged back. "If you can't out jump Mai, let her jump and sprint past for Kairon," he whispered.

"If you even think of touching me after we score..." Mai hissed at Kairon, watching their opponents with a lopsided sneer.

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