Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

Clothes for heavy activity? Kaile’s eyes would drift from Asmus’ bright green down to her own clothing. Well, her snug brown pants and her loose blouse certainly weren’t going to do her anything for any type of strenuous activity.

Well that wasn’t going to work, she mused, biting her lower lip as she considered what she had in her bag. Truthfully, she had left much of her clothing behind on the Messa. Traveling light was a big thing for Kaile, and she had figured that Kurt might sell off her stuff to pay for whatever he might need.

Kaile gave a slight grimace, “Not really…” a sheepish expression bloomed over her face, pearly white teeth nibbling the fullnes of her lower lip. She gave a slight have shrug.

“Not the sort to be moving around alot in.”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Odd, he thought, how she flipped from playful to seeming so unsure of herself at the moment. It made him wonder if she was running from something, but it wasn't for him to pry.

"Ah I've probably got some gym kit if you want to have a look. Its not going to be a fashion show. Otherwise we can ask Mai for something. If it means she gets to play ball, she'll find something. Got a competitive streak wider than the Gormak Nebula," Asmus said, tilting his head from side to side as he thought about this.

He held the case fairly gingerly with both hands. They had a deep space meet for it to change hands so it could stay out of the cubby hole now they'd cleared any possible patrols.

"Just stay out of the middle draw," he said quickly, eyes widening a touch. "Middle drawer."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“The middle drawer?” Kaile couldn’t help herself. Not when he had stumbled over his words a bit. Her right eyebrow slowly rose until it hid under the length of her long side bangs. The corner of her mouth twitched. Oh I shouldn’t tease him.

I really shouldn’t.

Yet because of their banter and how things had been going, Kaile couldn’t help herself. This was the Kaile from before, how she would banter and tease with her jokes. Even if a few of them were rather salacious.

“Why? Is that where you hide your collection of…” oh did those brown eyes dance in devilry, “Holo-cartoons?”

Oh she did that on purpose too, the slight delay just to tease!
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus lips were already twitching, preparing for what was to come and expecting the humour. He snorted and broke into a grin when she asked the question.

His chin lifted up an inch and he proudly announced: "You would not be prepared for the contents of the drawer!" There as half a wink and he started heading off down the corridor towards the saucer section at the front of the ship.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“What makes you say that?!” Kaile immediately joined in for the swerve without a beat, “Reckon you should know I am quite the connoisseur of such things.” Oh she was laying it on thick. Bounding behind him, her eyes widened with humor. There was an energy to her again that she hadn’t expressed much before.

Her face had a rush of color again. Brighter, with the laugh lines peeking through at the corner of her eyes again. Leaning close, she gave a rather half smug expression of knowing, “ I’ve a broad experience y’know.”

Oh, goodness, this was getting silly. So much so even as Kaile brought her hands to the back of her head, interlocking her fingers as they ambled along.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Pff, lots o'folk say that," Asmus replied, grinning at her out of the corner of his eyes. "Soon find out its hot air," he said jokingly, more than aware of what Kaile had found out about his own predication to exaggerate.

They reached the ladder that went down to the crew quarters where they would diverge. He was heading up front to see Kairon.

"Remember. Middle drawer. No," he reiterated as he bounded on.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile's fingers went curling around the ladder well. Leaning forward with a knowing smirk, Kaile's eyebrows waggled.

"So what happens if I do?" she called out, pushing her self back and forth against the rungs of the ladder. She was joking of course. She wouldn't actually go riffling through his possessions.

He wasn't a mark for her to do so.

"Do I get to go to bed without my dinner?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh there'd be..." he said over his shoulder, before decided to stop there. He was on the verge of going a little too far. Especially within earshot of his uncle.

He really did need to lock that drawer though. On an outer rim farm world he'd played the innocent card. All trapped on his uncle's ship all the time, never getting to spend any time with people his own age...When she'd accidentally opened that drawer there had been heated words exchanged and notsoinnocentfarmgirl#3 had exited stage right under a storm cloud.

He passed the case over to Kairon who offered nothing more than a curt nod. Then he returned back to the ladder and slid down it with a loud squeal of friction.

Approaching his door slowly he rapped his knuckles against it. "Find anything?" he called.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"...Oh I found something alright."

Her muffled voice said with notable amusement through the door. Her singsong voice would suggest that perhaps she did go rifling through the middle drawer. Whatever sort of judgement Asmus may believe Kaile to be doling out was up to his interpretation.

"... quite the adventurous sort, hmm?"

The last was said with a wry twist of Kaile's lips. True be told, Kaile hadn't gone poking around his middle drawer. Instead, she found a standard loose white shirt and a pair of loose sweat pants that likely seen better days. She was in the middle of fingercombing her hair up to the crown of her head, where she would tie it up in a loose, messy topknot.

Were Asmus to open the door, he'd find Kaile with her arms up, hands in her hair, and the barest strip of tanned skin along her waist playing peek-a-boo as the shirt rose.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh ha ha," said Asmus, framed in the doorway. Tongue darted out towards her as he stepped in, leaving the door behind him open. That way she could vacate if she wanted to before he changed.

Force, but she looked good in his clothes. Or sliding them off. Fingers gathering up fabric from the hem, sliding it across smooth skin. Lines of graceful curves slowly coming togther...down!.

With his toe he kicked open one of the compartments that ran around the edges of his room where the bulkheads met the floor. He pulled out a bright blue tee with vented seams, some more supportive underwear and shorts. Truth be told he didn't look the best in shorts, his legs were far too slender.

"We'll go get you acquainted with the rules before the other two come down," he said. "Play much sport?"
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile gave a quick shake of her head, her nose scrunching up in a silly expression. "No, not really. But there ain't a Grav-Ball gave that is ever missed at Yum Bunnies." she would add, securing the ponytail on the top of her head. However, stray wisps were already sliding from their confines to feather down the sides of her face.

She brought up her left arm and swung it over her chest towards the right in a stretch. Her head went rocking from left to right in a small stretch. "So what are the rules then?"

It was clear she was curious.

And that she wasn't leaving the room. At least, not yet.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus lifted his vest up and over his head turning his back to her before pulling his sporting tee down, talking as he went.

"Right can handle the ball and throw it in any direction. But if you run you have to bounce it off your foot or off the floor every two steps. You can fully body check someone, but shoulder to shoulder and side on hip to hip contact is fine. If you fall over you have to release the ball. Erm...not allowed to touch someone who hasnt got the ball unless you're competing to grab a pass. Oh and house rules say you can bounce it off the walls and ceiling. Gotta be in the zones we mark out to score by throwing it against a patch on the wall."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile gave a small "Hmm." of understanding, processing the rules for the game that he was explaining. Nothing too difficult. Plopping down upon the bed, she sat considering this.

As Asmus changed over, she continued with her questions. "And basically just keep going until either your uncle gets worn out or .. some sort of victory is agreed?"

Both legs came up to tuck against her chest, where she wrapped her arms around them. Using her knees as a perch, she set her chin down upon them. Brown eyes would watch his every move. Studying him. He was a curious fellow, but good natured. Mental calculations would figure him to be at least in his early twenties. Very early twenties.

Good golly Kaile! She told herself in mild surprised. You are getting old!

The pain of realization that one is getting old dawned upon the Lorrdian then.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

There wasn't really anywhere to hide in the small room and she'd decided to find a comfortable spot on his bed. "If I'm honest," he said as he moved to a corner of the room and turned his back to her. She'd at least have to deliberately crane her neck around to watch him now. "You're probably best waiting to stretch off until we've warmed up and are in a room where you can't touch all four walls at the same time."

Asmus stripped down and redressed. He took his bundle of clothes and folded them into another drawer. "We'll go for twenty points or until Kairon has run out of breath."

Asmus found himself taking a slow breath in as he looked back towards her on his bed. He hadn't spent this much time talking to a stranger since...well since they shipped out with Mal for half a year he supposed. One corner of his mouth curled up and his eyes turned down to the floor. He almost felt embarrassed for enjoying her company so much, but there was a warm glow to his expression.

"Come on, let's go chuck a ball around."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He would be happy to know that Kaile did not check out his ass. Or would that be disappointed? Considering Kaile had a rather large rump fetish that included avid groping, the fact that she didn't take even a peek would have been strange.

Then again, this whole week for her had been strange already to begin with. One normally doesn't end up losing their home and finding themselves taken up by the good nature of smugglers.

"Okay," the Lorrdian replied, sliding her legs off the bed to rest her feet on the floor. Taking a note of his legs, she gave him a slight tease.
"Nice legs there. " she teased, getting to her feet to move towards the door.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Look," he chided, waggling his finger at her, "we just don't get much sun on a ship all the time alright?"

Leading her out back towards the cargo bay, he likely surprised them both as he wrapped his arm around her slender waist and pulled her into his side affectionately. Then his hand snaked up to the middle of her back, grabbed her shirt and yanked her backwards.

Darting ahead he shouted: "warm up!" back over his shoulder at her. He put on a turn of speed and tried to get to the ladder first.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

At that, Kaile's eyes grew wide only to suddenly narrow. Oh so it was like that eh?! Oh we will see about that!

"Oh no you don't!" The girl yelped out, quickly bounding after him to catch the wayward soul. With a flash of giggles, Kaile's feet pounding with a light pitter. Well as much as she could to try and catch first.

Asmus was just about to climb up the ladder well when Kaile caught his left leg.

"Got you!" She giggles out.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Argh!" Asmus cried out before laughing again. Rather than risk catching her face with his feet he gripped the outside of the ladder and swung back down to the ground around the back of it.

Asmus came around to scamper up behind her, watching her wiggle and she shimmied up ahead of him. He hand snapped out and his fingers ran down the back of her calf, but failed to get purchase.

In the galley, Kairon crossed his arms over his chest shaking his head with a bemused expression on his face as the twenty year olds ran past giggling.

Meanwhile Asmus put his head down and pumped his legs, trying to catch her on the straight twenty metre sprint to the hangar.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile's giggles bounced through the corridor in the same manner her hair trailed behind her. Her footfalls hit the grating, getting just a slight bit of an edge. Almost -- oh wait... left.. right..

Her disadvantage was that she didn't quite know the layout of the ship. She have skidded to a halt, before attempting to continue down the left. At least she hoped that was the right way. Otherwise this was about to be super embarrassing.

"Sloooow poke!" she called out behind her, snorting as she used the bulkhead to balance herself so she didn't trip. It was childish. It was silly. But everyone needs a little bit of silly in their lives.

Everyone needs a bit of joy.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Unfortunately a couple of metres of ladder translated into a lot further at a sprint and even her indecision wasn't enough to make up the distance. She was surprisingly quick on her feet.

"Well you did cheat," he pretended to complain. He slapped the controls and opened the port hangar. It was virtually empty, aside from some gym kit on the corner and a pair of hulking loading droids.

"Head on over the starboard bay boys," Asmus called.

"Yes sir," the two droids replied in synch. They relied one being close together to share processing power. When separated they became more than a little dim.

"Right then, the ball," Asmus said. He opened a side cupboard to pull out a red ball. It was spherical, slightly rubbery and bouncy and about half the size of a football. He tossed it over to Kaile.

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