Kaile Vera
Whiskey Girl
Curious green eyes met half drowsy chocolate brown. Kaile shook her head from side to side in the negative. "Nope." She told him. "No holes on my hide." She'd continue with a crooked grin. Tipping her head back, she allowed him some space, lifting it away from his shoulder. His question distracted her from the gingerly trace of her fingers along his waist. Instead it drew up, where she would push back the long length of her bangs to show a pale scar over the bridge of her hairline.
About an in long, it had been the result of the crash on belsavis. "But I got this when our transport crashed. Thing cracked in half like an egg." She told him.
"Lost a lot of folk..." Her face would scrunch in a contemplative mask of somber remembrance. "Ended up stranded over a month in the wilds 'for someone found our emergency beacon."
[member="Asmus Janes"]
About an in long, it had been the result of the crash on belsavis. "But I got this when our transport crashed. Thing cracked in half like an egg." She told him.
"Lost a lot of folk..." Her face would scrunch in a contemplative mask of somber remembrance. "Ended up stranded over a month in the wilds 'for someone found our emergency beacon."
[member="Asmus Janes"]