Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Okay..." she told him quietly in a breathy whisper that was caught by his mouth anew. Her lids fell shut again, only this time, Kaile softened like putty under his embrace. His expression had been a heady, intoxicating and overwhelming display of emotions and thoughts. It went crashing against her own befuddled thoughts and emotions, struggling between feeling as if she were floating on a cloud and trying to find purchase in reality.

He made her feel delicate. As if she could break. Yet at the same time, it made her feel soo... intoxicated. As if she had one too many Namame Nectar glasses, tingly and feeling every little hypersensitive sizzle of delight from the more chaste of actions than the ones she was used to. Like a kiss. Kaile had her fair share of kisses. Wet ones maybe a little sloppy ones in over excitement. Lust driven and full of heat and drive. It was just an accessory to getting her power core charged up.

Asmus. When Asmus kissed her, it was different. The focus was on the kiss itself. On the tiny fluctuations of pressure and the way that he seemed to genuinely just want to savor it. It knotted her belly and befuddled her. It made her want more. It made her get lost in just a kiss.

That was a bit scary.

Scary to realize that she didn't mind it at all.

No. It wasn't the mental fantasy of getting ravaged by a pirate. Nor the feisty thought of catering to a quickie by the pilot over the console; although that was quite the image!. Instead, Kaile was transfixed by simply leaning into Asmus's embrace and relaxing into the light kiss. It was the cradle of her head in his hand and the light press of the other at her back that did that.

Like when she had champagne for the first time. The tiny little effervescent bubbles tickling her nose and making everything shiver.
[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus was paddling beneath the surface. Those currents that he usually sailed through caught him and he found himself pulled out by the tide to stormy waters. Awareness of his surroundings returned again slowly. He made a throaty dissatisfied noise as he broke the kiss.

His smile was again nervous, uncertain. Reaching down he pulled up the blankets and draped them over her shoulders. As he stepped back he used it to tug her along with him. One hand let the fabric drape over her, finding her waist, sailing over the curve of her hip to her thighs. As he sank back onto the copilot's chair he tried to gentle ease her to straddle him.

Pulling the blankets tight around them both, his forearms then came between them, his hands framing her face. He just looked at her, but looked into her, looked through her. Almost imperceptible changes flashes across his feature as he watched her, almost waiting to see who would break first and close that distance in a heartbeat.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Left knee just outside his right thigh. Right knee just outside his left. One half scoot and she was straddling him, surrounded by not only the warmth of the blanket but by Asmus’s own. It held just a hint of his scent as well as that of the Quin, tickling her nose and increasing that flutter of awareness.

His hands gingerly framed her face, thumbs lightly tracing across the softness of her cheeks. It wasn’t the touch that caught her breath at that moment though.

It was how those emerald eyes with yellow flecks were regarding her. That expression as simple and complicated as any other she’d ever been able to read. Her cheeks grew pink anew, and she grew a bit flustered under his scrutiny. Feeling unnaturally shy all of a sudden, her lids fell and she caught her fingers playing with the fabric of his shirt right over his chest.

“Do I have somethin’ on my face?” she asked with a reticent whisper, a second ticking past before her wide, large, chocolate brown eyes rose anew to meet his gaze. Her fingers would curl against the fabric of his shirt, and she took a quick breath in an attempt of light banter. The corner of her kiss bruised lips quirked up, all swollen and pink. With the blanket surrounding her, her hair a mused mess crafted by Asmus’s hands, she had the look of one who had been recently tumbled instead of thoroughly kissed.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He mirrored that tentative smile, his eyes still fixated on hers. Her large eyes seemed to draw him in and he was again lost in smooth hazel with dark flecks. He gently stroked her smooth, flushed check with his thumb, feeling her press herself into his palm. His other hand gently trailed down her arm to rest on the back of her hand. He tilted his a head to the left a fraction, almost a curious look on his face. Tussled hair and a flustered look made her even more beatiful in his eyes.

Once again he found no words. He let out a sharp breath that threatened to become a nervous giggle and his eyes left hers. He took in his surroundings for a moment, listening to the dull hum of the console, watching the dancing lights across the displays. He imagined reached down and lifting the shirt from her back. He wanted to draw her in, melt into her until there was nothing between them. But he also knew if they started down that path right now there would be no coming back. The door to the cockpit was wide open.

A low, feral moan and his hand tightened around the back of her neck. She was firmly drawn down to him as his shoulders lifted off the chair so he could meet her lips again. There was hunger and need in this kiss, a tension to every grip and knead as his hands roamed over her.
Body straining towards his like a static charge that drew her in, Kaile uttered a matching moan into Asmus Janes ‘s mouth. His touch fanned her own, humming in pleasure as his fingers drifted along her waist, groping her hips only to slide back up. Tingles of pleasure as they drifted along her ribs, roaming over to the small of her back and then seemed to be everywhere.

He was definately like a bottle of namene nectar. All sorts of gooey sensations. His hands, and what they were doing in concert with his mouth -- the crazy making kisses, and the few words he had spoken -- I want you. I like you. Really like you.

Kaile fidgeted against him as their mouths devoured each other, gasping as he’d grab a firm hold of the curve of her bottom and tugged her in closer. In this position, there was no hiding what his body wanted from her. Unable to help herself, a rock matched the action, pressing against him as another ragged breath broke their mouths apart.

Her heart was hammering, driving life into her veins as if she were waking up from a years-long coma. Everything was bright and detailed. Raw and sensitive. The hum of the engines. The mottled cerulean streaks from hyperspace.

Without waiting another breath, Kaile caught his lips again, her tongue touched his -- a connection yearning to maintain, all of which incite an ache for more as she mewled and trembled against him. Fingers bunched, lifted, then felt the warmth of bare skin under his shirt.

Closer Was all her mind could focus on.

Closer still.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

The rough of her tongue against his own was just as welcome as the smooth of her back as his hand slid under her own shirt. His fingers felt the faint tremble that ran down her spine at that touch. It spurred him on and his hands traced up the arch of her back and then plunged down, venturing a few inches south of the waistline.

A little voice told him this wasn't the time and the place, but it was frightfully quiet. Her fingers were little sparks of cold at the first touch, sending a faint shiver across his skin. They soon warmed against him and he started to desire nothing more than her whole self against him skin to skin. His back arched as he matched the rhythm of her sway. Tongue and lips froze for a moment as his breath caught, before he continued the kiss with renewed fervour. With a tense of his core he lifted his shoulders and sat bolt upright, pressing himself against her all along her upper body. His fingers tensed, digging in to her back, then relaxed and tightened again. One part of his mind wanted them to do more, the other was trying to convince him to ease off.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

But neither did.

Both had driven the other to the brink of crazy. One tap and they’d both go over the edge. Footsteps approached off in the distance, but with Kaile’s languid posture and heavy lidded eyes, all one could notice was that she was kiss-drunk and pliant. She would follow his lead as much as she would bring it.

Hyperspace painted the duo in its faint glow, barely registering the shudder of one and the other as they entangled themselves further into that arduous embrace. Snaking her hands across his ribs she slipped them up his bare back, feeling the flex and tensing of his muscles along with the hammering of his heart.

Breathe. Hot. More.

Every bit of her molded itself over all over an all too willing Asmus, heavy breathing turning to light pants when she slipped one hand from under his shirt into the inky silk of his hair. Parting from his lips, Kaile went tipping her head back, baring the smooth curve of her neck and that tiny singular freckle right under her chin. The steps grew closer, oblivious to the duo as the length of her strawberry blonde hair fell back, her face uptilted and flushed a rosy hue in desire as she led him to her throat.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Oh yes...

A gentle kiss at the corner of her mouth preceeded a trail that led to her earlobe. As he gently nibbled and tugged a hand slipped around her waist and ran up the front of her body. Thumb and index finger paused at the base of her throat before sliding up her neck and running over her jaw and then sweeping her hair back.

Leaving her ear he left a trail of kisses down her jaw, before changing pace as he reached her neck. Lips were placed firmly against her neck as he sucked, kissed and nibbled his way down, reacting to the noises she made and deftly changing the pressure with each touch. Lips drew back as he nuzzled her shirt out of the way and prepared to bite down gently.

"Feth!" he whispered, hearing the footsteps finally. He hadn't even realised that the hand not running through her hair had found its way just beneath her navel.

Hands and teeth snapped back and he fell back onto the chair, pulling her with him and yanking the blanket back up.

"A-hem!" came the loud clear of the throat behind them. If Kaile looked up she would see Kairon promptly turn on his heel and look away a touch abashed. "Are we on course?" he asked.

Asmus took a moment to gulp in enough air to speak. "Yes, we've made the first correction. New...erm...heading in seven minutes..."

There was a pause as Kairon seemed to think on this. "Fine, I'm going to check through engineering, give me a shout if you need me."

Asmus leant back, even more scarlet than he had been. He bit his top lip before mouthing 'oops'. A mixture of mirth and embarrassment on his face.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Mortification inflamed her chest, neck, and face into a bright red hue. I didn’t notice at all, she cried in her mind, covering her lower face with her hands while her eyes seemed to bulge out of her face in embarrassment and shock. While the Captain’s sudden appearance felt like a bucket of ice cold water over the two, it didn’t do much to still her hammering heart or her quickened breathing.

Oh my stars!

Reality came crashing as the scoundrel’s own heavy breath fought to steady itself. Every nerve was still humming, parts of her aching, and a growing sense of reticent bashfulness sweeping over her. This never happened to her before -- ever.

The girl had a bit of a public places rush. That and the little mental fantasies she’d often play in her head. This, all of this - her mind would gesture at Asmus, at the co-pilot’s seat, how she still sat straddled over him -- was not part of that. In fact, none of the above ever even registered. Not the thrill of being caught. Not some silly fantasy she wanted to play out. Not a quick tumble to charge up her loading ramp in between headings.

All that had encapsulated her mind had been Asmus and his kisses and simply wanting to touch him more. A knot grew in her throat, and behind her hands she bite her lower lip nervously. With the blanket half covering her head, parts of her bangs shielding her eyes, she looked like a street urchin out in the sun too long with how bright red her face shone.

“I…” the shy, mumble of her voice croaked out. “I..” her gaze fell down, and she caught sight of his mused shirt along with the evidence of her own traitorous body. One that had her bringing her arms close to her sides to keep them there.

“I should probably go…so you can focus…. and all...”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Alright...alright...I don't go. Please." Asmus said, heart racing still. Outside of the blanket his arms came up to wrap around her in a delicate embrace and he buried his face in her hair. His mind was still reeling, but he was starting push through the haze of lust and...other feelings he hadn't quite figured out yet. That tempestuous mix was slowly settling, but not draining away entirely.

"Let's just agree," he said in a hoarse whisper right beside her ear. "To try to keep a lid on it for now." This was so very different. He wanted her, not to have her. It was a subtle, but stark difference. Turning in, he gently nuzzled her cheek and left a single kiss there. She took the breath from him, left him stumbling over his own words in a way he'd never experienced before. But even under these conditions he was one to speak his mind.

"Later," he whispered in a breathy tone right into her ear. "It'll be worth the wait."
Kaile heard the first 'alright' and she'd begun to draw back when he instead tugged her against him. Her eyes went wide, feeling him sink his face along her hair. She couldn't stop trembling. The warmth of his body was intoxicating. It poured into her, melting her bones, making her feel... Well she wasn't quite sure with everything that had been going on the past week what she felt.

At one time, Kaile thought she had a quip or friendly banter for any situation.

But reality, it seemed, was far less articulate, and she couldn’t do anything but stare at him, breathless -- literally, she thought, quite literally without breath. Funny, she’d always thought it was a metaphor. Breathless. Breathless.

The murmured, delicate whisper by her ear that at the same time was coated by his desire as much as anticipation.

He meant it.

Kaile could barely hear him over the frantic racing of her thoughts. Later. What came later? It was such a confusing, mix of emotions, desire, and yearning. Yes. A yearning. She felt out of her element and as if she were cast out to sea with no foothold to find purchase on.

Am I going crazy?

"Okay," her voice sounded nervous and even as she said that, she shivered. Later. That painted a variety of images in her mind. "I... um..." Just the way he said that unsettled her. Excited her. Stars sakes what is wrong with me?

Five more minutes until they would reach their heading. Curling her hands around his biceps, Kaile found herself too flustered to meet his gaze. Dipping her head, she willed her breathing to come to a semblance of a steady rhythm. It was just hard considering he was there, his face by her own, and his arms wrapped around her. At least until she felt the beat of his heart against her chest.

Lub-dub.Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Lub-dub.

There was a rhythm there, one that matched the frantic one of her own but was steadily returning to normal. Setting her forehead upon his shoulder, she hid her face along the crook of his neck.

"Just... a little while longer."

Her voice was a husky whisper along his neck. Just a little bit more. Then I'll be okay. I'll figure it out.

I hope.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Yes, yes, a moment more," he murmured. Breath just keep breathing... And you stay still he told his lungs and hands respectively. The former carried on taking long, deep breaths. The latter paused halfway down her back as of caught in the act. Before he'd barely even registered that one of them was about to take everything up another notch.

The throbbing of his pulse and something else gradually slowed until they faded from his awareness. One eye remained on the console through the strands of her hair, but the rest of his attention was still devoted to her.

Raw desire was gradually subsiding as he consciously reigned himself in. But he was still aware of the scent of her hair, the warm press of her body. He desperately craved her against him still even without that base need.

"I am utterly lost in you Kaile," he said quietly, his heart giving a brief flutter was he spoke. A strange warmth spread from his belly to every corner, bringing a little contented smile to his face.

Later. Later they would be alone with all the time they needed to truly let go, for him to explore every inch of her. For now, he simply needed to hold her. And breathe. Keep breathing.

That was one way of putting it. With her mind and belly still tied in knots, Kaile found herself speechless. Nary anything sensible came to mind. She felt silly, one part of herself calling her a ninny while the other was too busy being perplexed and uncomfortable in her waning desire. Shifting didn't help, and truthfully the more time passed the more embarrassed she became.

Never one to be in such situations, it utterly baffled her. A small groan hummed along his neck, and Asmus would feel the flexing tension of her fingers along his arms.

Lost. He made her feel lost.

Three minutes to their new heading. Asmus would have to lean forward a bit to reach the lever. Or at least have Kaile move back to do it. It didn't matter in the end.

With a soft exhale, warm breath blew lightly across the scoundrel's neck, fanning the strands of his long hair as he held her. It was getting easier. Still a bit sensitive, but there wasn't a thing to do about it then.

No matter how tempting it was to turn her head and press her lips against the crook of his neck to chart her way down.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

The silence wasn't awkward, but neither was it entirely comfortable. There was a palpable tension, an awareness of what they both wanted, but were trying not to indulge in this moment. Before he'd even realised they were straying, his thoughts replayed what nearly happened before Kairon's footsteps. That trail of rough kisses would have continued down unabated as he leaned her further away from him, finding peaks to tease. That hand wouldn't have been caught out, instead delving low and sending them past the point of no return beyond lightspeed. That wasn’t helping one bit.

Cheeks puffed out as he let another slow breath out. the rhythm of his breathing approaching normality once again. Ever so gently he started to run his hand from the crown of her head down to the end of her hair down her back. His eyes closed and he rallied his mind and gathered some control over his faculties again.

“Enraptured, enthralled, beguiled...none of them quite right,” he said slowly. “So lost will have to do for now.” Just a hint of his charm finding a way to break out again. A quiet beep drew his attention and his eyes snapped open once again, his hand moving the strands of her hair from his view.

Right, right…

For a moment he wrangled with the logistics of what came next. He didn’t want to let go. He desperately, desperately did not. The corner of his mouth twitched up, his thoughts returning to the boisterous way they’d acted around each other to draw Kaile out of her shell and in turn him to her. She’d feel him tense all across his body for a fraction of a second.

“Woah,” he grunted as without warning he sat up and leaned her backwards until her upper body was almost horizontal backwards. He tried to find her eyes again with his, mischievous smirk back on his face as one hand held up firmly, whilst the other reached above her head to draw back the hyperspace level. The blue hue cast over her face faded back as the warm neutral lighting of the ship was once again dominant.
Those are definitely great words to -

Kaile gave a sharp intake of breath as she felt Asmus tip her back. Naturally one trying to find purchase prompted Kaile to retract the hold on his arms and instead they rose up and back. Her shirt hiked up over her bare belly as her hands went wrapping around the edge of the console, lifting her chest as she balanced herself with the help of his hand at her back. It did nothing but paint the Lorrdian in a distinct image as if one held her with her arms over her head, her gently flushed visage and the slow rise and fall of her breath the last tiltilating brushstrokes.

Her eyes grew wide, deep pools of chocolate brown meeting the green mirth fills ones of his own. His dark hair fell forward, gently shadowing his face and his scoundrel crooked smile as normal light bathed it anew. A bit of playfulness came back, and the corner of her mouth perked.

"Your hair gets everywhere," she murmured quietly, amused but not at all minding it. It suited him.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He was taken right back to that ventilation shaft when that simple action of tucking his hair behind his ears had left him speechless. Asmus never usually ran out of words no matter the situation. His eyes unashamedly drank in the view for a moment, before his hand returned to gently cup her face. He lowered his face to just a few inches from hers, plunging her into darkness, feeling her breath against his cheeks.

"I know," he said. His muscles strained as he drew her back up and upright, pulling her in close. His clothes felt rough, warm and uncomfortable and he felt a powerful urge to remove them and become as close to her as one could. It wasn't the same as that heady desire that he'd lost himself in a few moments ago. It was different. He kept thinking that: 'this is different'. It was because so much of this was unfamiliar to him, confusing and intoxicating.

"Do you want to pick some more songs?" he asked quietly. He desperately wanted to know what was going around in her mind as well, but was so wrapped up in his own bemusement that he couldn't find a way to ask. The answer was simple, but it would take him a little while longer to work out.
The gingerly brush of her fingers came up much like before. The slender digits gently grazed his temples, catching the dark length of his forelocks. Slowly, deliberately, Kaile quietly let both forefinger slide his hair back, tucking the dark strands behind the shell of his ears. It was a curious contrast to the mused mess the Lorrdian's own hair presented; a wild fall of burnished gold kissed by the crimson light of the distant star beyond them.

The Quin went about scanning anew, conducting more calculations as it would prepare for the next leg of their journey. It cared not the softening of Kaile's gaze as she regeld the Eriaduian in quiet contemplation, reading as much as she could to try and make sense of it all. No, it cared not how her thumb gently stroke his cheek, or the way her other palm rose to cup the other.

It merely hummed quietly as [member="Asmus Janes"] 's answer about music was forgotten as instinct brought Kaile forward to press a light kiss upon his lips. Lids shut, and she gave a half awkward smile against his own. Forehead pressed to his, lavender enveloped them.

"I can't think." She admitted, a bit abashed by it all, a faint chuckle edging her voice.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Tell me about it," he sighed before echoing her light chuckle. He tilted his head each way slowly, rubbing his cheeks back against her palms with eyes closed. That clean, sweet, floral scent invoked memories of his hands gliding over her soft skin. Before he knew it his hands felt the warmth of her back having slid under her ruffled shirt. There was no more frenetic pawing, just a gentle embrace and the appreciation of the touch.

His eyes opened, waiting for her to open hers. "I keep trying to think, but I can't. Honestly, I've never felt quite like this before. I know I don't want to let go, don't want to be where you're not."
A slow intake of breath drew up and in through her nostrils as the flat span of his hands ran up her flank and her back. As they rose, so did her back give a slight arch, and she savored the sensation, recalling the magic they had worked upon her the night before.

Lashes lifted, a shy bare flutter that told a tale of confusion and yearning, only to lean towards growing surprise and a flurry of uneasiness at what he said.

Nervousness would prompt the biting of her lower lip, pearly white teeth worrying the flesh in between. What exactly did he mean by that? It was a sad state when the Lorrdian espion was at a loss for words and information. Swallowing the knot in her throat, she pulled back a bit, enough for her to get a good look at him. A slight narrowing of her eyes to try and pluck what manner of intent and emotional backlog there was there.

To read him.

Just what was there? she mused, equally confused and confounded by how Asmus made her feel. That he made her unable to think. Such a strange, troubling feeling and Kaile still couldn’t help that nagging sensation that this was all the aftermath of leaving Kurt.

The pink tip of her tongue swept over her suddenly dry lips, “I..” The red light turned green, signalling it was ready for the next jump.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He saw the light. With the extra space between them he could see it past her face. His eyes darted to it, then back to her. With that movement came her first clue. Pupils dilated the moment his eyes held hers again, lost in those bright white orbs.

He was bestotted with her.

That scent evoke other, more visceral images. A thin sheen of sweat caught the dull amber light as she rose above him. Subtle shifts showed his jaw muscles twitch in time to a slight increase in the pressure of his hands against her. There was nor correlation between this and the widening of his eyes.

He still desired her, but it was not all he perceived in her.

His eyes looked down, a flash of concern on his features. They came back up to meet hers, pupils opening up once more. "I mean it, I really do."

He was afraid she might think he was lying, or exaggerating to get her to stay with him later.

He leaned back head tipping up towards the viewscreen. "There's something I want to show you before we go."

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