Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile watched it all with a bit of wide-eyed wonder. Much like a child unsure of how to act, she merely reacted to stimulai and direct questions. The stream of water was warm, but she still gave a slight flinch of surprise. Water was still a luxury, so that sensation was so curious to feel. She gave him a sheepish grin at her silly start.

"Warm." She murmured softly, her large and wide eyes coming to focus with her hair smoothed back like it was. The water darkened the length of strawberry blonde hair into a burnished liquid ochre gold. Once he began to work the water through her hair, however, that's when things began to get interesting.

At least when it came to her facial expressions.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Deft fingers combed through her hair as the other hand moved the hose back and forth. Once he was certain it was wet to the very tips he brought the hose right against her scalp and slowly ran it from front to back, water cascading through her hair.

With a clunk he fitted the hose back into place and turned it off. He flicked the lip up off the bottle of shampoo, squirting just a small amount of pale yellow cream into his hands. Good shampoo went a long way. Asmus rubbed it between his own hands before he started to work it into her hair, gathering it up to ensure he covered it all.

There was a little smile on his face before he started the best part. The soft pads of his fingers were placed against her forehead and started to rub her scalp. The small circular motions started gentle, but became more firm as he started to work his way backwards.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

What was it about having someone play with ones hair that immediately elicited the lowering of ones lashes? Kaile didn't know, but she was already pretty sensitive when it came to her head and her hair. Massaging, tugging, stroking; all managed to evoke a certain soft hum of pleasure from her.

This was no different, as Asmus' wicked fingers went to work in soft pressure filled concentric circles over her scalp, " Ohh...," her voice fell an octave, a throaty hum sighing out in growing pleasure. "That feels amazing..."

The subtle nuances of delight over her face were amusing to say the least, lips curving to a slight 'o' and a hitch of her breath the more he continued. Once he'd start at the nape of her neck... Well, there was also a distinct toe curling that came along with the subtle rise of goose flesh down her limbs.
Asmus shifted his stance so his back was towards the wall. His palms cupped the crown of her head whilst his fingers worked their way down the back of her head. It changed to a firm kneading when he reached her neck. A small embarrassed smile flashed across his face as his mind went places at her overt reaction. Good job the shirt stayed on.

"I told you you'd enjoy it," he purred. It was always nice to be appreciated. He started to rinse off the shampoo almost immediately. He drew long strands of her hair our and then ran the hose along the length of each. "Conditioner next."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was such an intimate and lovely thing.

Kaile wasn't used to being pampered as such, even if all it simply was happened to be washing her hair. The simple act of attention and care was refreshing, not to mention meant more for the tactile creature that the Lorrdian was. Even if the end result was little shivers that ran down her spine with a tingly flare.

That was new.

Half hooded eyes rose, the thick fringe of her dark lashes parting to regard Asmus with darkening eyes. This time, they had turned into twin pools of cognac, heady with half lulled pleasure. Due to his nearness, he wouldn't be scot free. The gingerly brush of her fingers found their way curling back to skim along his thigh.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus poured out a bit more of the muck thicker conditioner into the palm of his hand. She would recognise the scent from all the time his hair had been dangling over her.

Asmus took even more time to work the conditioner into her hair, alternating between long slow strokes and firm little dances of his dextrous fingers against her scalp.

"Alright then," he said only vaguely aware of her hand against his leg. "We'll leave that on for a couple of minutes."

He dried out his hands on the towel draped around her shoulders. He took the hand against his thighs and pulled it up to his face, planting a gentle kiss on the the back. Perching on the edge of his bunk he leant forwards so he stayed fairly close to her.

" any holiday plans this year?" he asked with a smirk, doing his best impression of an effeminate hairdresser.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The impression would be lost to Kaile, seeing as she never got her hair done. Dye jobs were a self done endeavor. None the less, his silliness did convey it self regardless and she figured he was just being funny.

"Well I don't know." She began, closing her eyes while she relaxed. A bit of the water had caught her collar, but nothing too bad. For now she sat down.

"Reckon it depends where in the 'verse I am," she said honestly. Every planet had their own holidays and traditions. She took a deep breath, breathing in that unique scent that reminded her of Asmus. It was saturated around her, couldn't take a breath without thinking about him.

"Likely eat." She said with a half chuckle. Stars, did she ever enjoy eating.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus cocked his head to one side curiously. "Funny that, get all sorts of food in ports, but it's only when you stay somewhere a while you get the find the best places."

Odd how their conversations kept making him think about his lot in life. But right now he really just wanted more time with Kaile.

"What's your favourite place for food?" he asked. "I've always liked Twi'lek food." He slowly got to he feet and stood behind her once more, looking down at her. The hiss of the tap started again as he ran it across the back of the hand until it was warm again.
[member="Asmus Janes"]


Kaile knew that pretty quick. "It ain't more the type but more th style," she told him, thinking back on Bahrain and their massive bazaar.

"Street food. Booths at a fair... At a bazaar. I like little dives." They always had the most interesting things. Slow cooked or made to order. Grabbing it from the vendors or a tandoori was simply the best.

".... Just get lost in all the yummy aromas of spices." Not to mention the bread! That thought soon passed though as another sigh of pleasure at his renewed running of his fingers through her hair. The darkened wet locks would curl around his fingers, clinging to him reminiscent to the way their owner had not long ago.

"... Just so much out there."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"It's like I said about spaceports," he said absent mindedly. The suds rushing over his hands was such a curiously delicate sensation. Her hair was feeling silky under his hands now, neither dry nor oily.

"They're already a big noisy smelting pot of cultures. You can see so much so quickly. But I suppose like staying at home, sometimes it's nice to take to slow path. Have a nice long five course sit down meal. Just as long as it's the occasional treat."

Drawings his fingers through her hair one last time - the conditioner had actually been washed out a few moments ago and he'd just been idly stroking - he ran the water from roots to tips and gave a sharp nod.

"Alright, two seconds," he said. Placing the tap back he opened another cupboard to take out a thickly bristled, wooden handled brush and an electric hairdryer. "For its awful rep the spaceport on Ord Mantell has this great little range of window kitchens. Ever been there?"
Kaile couldn't help but eye the hairdryer with a wary expression. The brush was fine, but she wasn't too sure about what Asmus had in his hand. With her hands tugging and bringing up the towel around her neck, she had already begun to towel dry her hair.

"...Er-- Yeah, but what are you doing?" a puzzled expression bathed her face, and she paused mid toweling of her left side of her head. Bits of water had already begun to saturate over her shoulders in small scattered circles. Sitting up, her hair was in a disarray of dark tendrils that stuck to her cheeks and neck.

Bobo managed to swivel his head over in vague interest, mainly due to the curious tone shift in Kaile's voice. Again, a series of firsts. Using a hair blowdryer was not on her typical daily list.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus looked thoroughly perplexed. "You never blow dry your hair?" he asked incredulously. "No wonder it goes all over the place. Here, stop doing that please," he instructed politely, gently pulling her hands away from the towel.

Standing behind her he used the brush to gather it up and wrap it in the towel. Then he plugged in the dryer and clipped on a diffuser.

"Give it a few minutes then I'll blow dry it properly, though will it give Bobo a fright?"
His comment made her flush in embarrassment. Was it really all over the place? Unable to help herself, she nervously ran her fingers through her hair, feeling a bit out of sorts that perhaps her hair was a wild mess. Pink spot rose over her cheeks.

"... sorry." she managed to murmur out, a bit abashed as her nails began to click upon the other.

"He'll probably run into his tube then, if it gets too loud." she added, dropping her gaze. His hand went to work on her hair, and she became unusually quiet. Just an awareness that she wasn't quite the sort of girl Asmus was likely used to from Eriadu.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Hmm, why sorry?" he murmured. Asmus was being typically unobservant and completely missed her tells. They were perhaps noticed, but it didn't register why one would be ashamed about drying hair.

Using his hand or brush and keeping the dryer on a relatively light setting he started to draw back her hair and smooth it out as he dried it from roots to tips.
"Nothing." she said, biting the middle of her lip. Her head began to rock and sway a bit with every brushstroke [member="Asmus Janes"] gave. It felt really weird to hear the low hum of the hairdryer by her ear. Having worked with engines and hyperdrives before, it wasn't too bad; it was just the focused stream of warm air that would flow over her head and by her ear--

"Gah!" she gave a slight shudder, unable to help the slight rise and rub of her ear. "That tickled." she said, as the light shivery sensations came from the warm air being blown by her ear. It was such an odd situation to be in, with Asmus fusing over her hair and her inability to stay still for too long making her a bit figgity.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"I'm sorry," Asmus said quietly. He frowned, unsure of why she was quite so twitchy. He took a slightly different tack, turning the dryer down and being far more gentle with the brush. He even tucked it under his arm for a moment and carefully ran his hands through her hair, pausing to run the back of his knuckles across her cheek. If she stayed so uncomfortable he'd stop. There were limits to how oblivious he could remain.

"That better?"
"Yeah... It's okay."

Casting her gaze upon her hands again, she continued her slight nervous clicking of her nails. That was the rhythm of it all. The lift of a section of hair, a curl and wrap, then the small tugging sensation as Asmus wound down the length of hair with the diffuser blowing hot air over the section. Rinse and repeat.

After a while it just became a slight lull, not too bad really. It was a bit relaxing after a while. Kaile didn't now how long it was supposed to take but she figured he knew what he was doing. Wisps of straightened hair would fall in light layers over her shoulders, they tickled her cheeks and brushed under her chin.

Blinking quietly once Asmus worked on the back sections, Kaile took a small length of it. There was no curl to it now, save right at the tips where it arched inward. A faint smile warmed at how soft it was, watching it slip like vine-silk around her lightly calloused finger.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

With a very quick spin he wrapped the cord back around the dryer. Shame the power pack had burnt out on this one so it needed plugging in.

"Funny was a bit of chemicals and warm air can do," he said with a soft chuckle. Seeing her unease, he was feeling a little embarrassed about the whole affair now.

"Sorry about that little fella," he said to Bobo, who was eyeing him suspiciously.
"It's okay," she shot him a comforting smile, seeing how he was suddenly a bit bashful over it all. He really had gotten into it and because of that, she did appreciate it. Not to mention, it really did make her hair really soft. Since she first began to play with it, she hadn't stopped. It felt nice, slipping through her fingers.

There was nary a wave to her hair now, and with the way that the overhead lights shone upon it, one could see the bronzed highlights in the strands. The tips were a bit frayed, but that didn't deter how much nicer and smoother it appeared.

"It's so soft." she murmured a bit in awe. Now both hands were avidly playing with the strands, bringing them up and letting them slowly feather down until they brushed her cheeks again.


[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Yes," he said softly. Putting down the dryer before he took a strand of her hair and ran it between his fingers. He watched it swing back down to lie flat along her back. Reaching across her shoulders he gave the far one a gentle squeeze as he placed a kiss on her cheek. "It looks good."

"Sorry again," he said, this time to Bobo. He gave the...not a salamander...he couldn't quite recall its odd name, a scratch along its back.

He sighed. There was more work to be done. "Right, I've got to go check all the environmental pods in the cargo hold. You can have a break if you want."

For the Lorrdian it would be obvious that he'd much rather have her company again.

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