Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

There wasn't much to say. At least, in between deep draws of breath and trying to focus. Oh goodness, she felt like a newborn bantha calf, stumbling about and acting like a fool. Her hands were clutching at Asmus' arms for purchase, half leaning against him and half against the bulkhead. If this is how it felt to have jello for bones, it was a wonder she didn't just sink into a quivering pool at his feet.

"I... ah..." she was stammering, sheepish and her face flushed with a glow and a mite bit of embarrassment. Goodness, did she really -- oh, stars, she did! With the sonic as tiny as it was, it was no wonder that sounds resonated with a higher pitch and quality.

"Yeah..." swallowing hard, Kaile attempted to gather her bearings again. It was difficult, what with how hard her heart was hammering in her chest. Asmus rose, and Kaile felt a light press of his damp lips against her temple. That he could still be so tender and affectionate prompted a ghost of a smile. Brown eyes drew open, and she caught the tousled half grin over his face. He looked pleased, smug, and mischievous all at the same time, with a lingering darkening in the depths of his smoldering green eyes that suggested if they didn't have to go up, things would be very different right now. The cool rush of air when the sonic door was pushed open was a wake up call. He stepped out first, but never let go of her hand, helping her out.

"Okay... umm...." a pause. "A quick breakfast then."

Then they really did need to to up to the cockpit.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Yes, clothes and breakfast. I’ve…worked up a bit of an appetite,” he said. He swung their locked hands as they walked back towards his cabin. As they stepped inside he wiggled his jaw from side to side. There was a dull ache just below his ears. Worth it.

At least they’d tidied the room before heading out for what was supposed to be a perfunctory sonic. His hand unravelled from hers, but in a flash it reached out and grabbed her waist, pulling her tight for one more quick kiss. “Right. Bacon and eggs, then coffee and cake at t helm?” he asked. Asmus had a remarkably sunny disposition now, even more than his usual. Whilst he bemoaned the lack of an opportunity for Kaile to reciprocate, he was also looking forward to just sitting quietly in the cockpit. Perhaps they’d hum along to some music together.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

A small yelp of surprise and her half giggle was quickly caught up by his kiss. A kiss that despite its brevity, still made her knees buckle and feel weak. A tang slipped over her tongue, a hitch of a breath at the scent of herself. Her mind went blank again. He had an affinity for doing that.

"Yeah... okay." the half breathy statement once again made her feel like a ninny, but he was right. They really had to get going. The time was spent quickly getting ready, with Bobo watching them with what might consider judgemental eyes. Or maybe that was just a figment of Kaile's imagination. Either way, after the quick sonic of her teeth, Kaile hastily used her fingers as a makeshift brush and brought the mass of strawberry blonde hair up high at the crown of her head, where she tied it into a messy ponytail.

Breeches, a button up blouse, and a wide tan belt. Add her dusty boots and she was ready. With a flushing glow that brightened her complexion, Kaileann shot a glimpse of a smile at Asmus.

"Ready?" she asked. She wasn't going to take Bobo with her, they were bound to spend hours in the cockpit and he could only stay away from his tube for an hour or so.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus had unashamedly taken more time over his hair, using a quick spray and a thick wooden-handle brush. How could she just comb it with her fingers and be done anyway?

“Just a sec!”

After quickly washing his face and cleaning teeth he’d dressed in a simple forest green tshirt with a band logo across the front and a pair of cargo pants with many pockets. He found a spare speaker and stuffed it into a pocket.

“Yeah, let’s go grab some food.” Asmus headed out and made his way up the ladder ahead of Kaile because he was still slightly on edge and couldn’t deal with that right now. Time to calm down a little. He was still intrinsically aware that his pulse wasn’t quite down to its regular rhythm.

“Ah there you are!” came a call from Kairon, who appeared to be filling up his mug of caf. “Don’t worry I said thirty minutes under the expectation of an hour.” As Kaile emerged he looked towards her for his next line: “One day I’m going to take your hairbrushes away and see how much more work gets done around here.” Kairon was, much to Asmus’ surprise, taking his tardiness remarkably well.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Seeing the Captain bright and early with what could pass as a cheerful disposition as he poured himself a cup of caf made Kaile freeze in her tracks. A solid flush of red settled hotly over her face. Embarrassment at her silliness and being unable to keep her offer of making breakfast.

So she immediately started with the apologies. "I'm so sorry, Captain," She began, earnestly looking rather abashed at the situation. "I know I made the offer to start breakfast and I didn't keep it." the two males would likely stare at her a bit surprised, watching the Lorrdian as she gestured with her hands, moving them in front of her and to the side as she spoke. It was clear she was an animated speaker, but also that she genuinely meant the apology.

"I can get to work for lunch and dinner and make sure they are ready by the allotted time."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus gave Kaile a quick quizzical look from out of Kairon’s line of sight. The look asked if she was alright.

"If you'd like," Kairon replied, "we don't really keep a strict meal schedule here, but that would be appreciated I’m sure. Especially as I’m the only one who can actually cook around here usually.” He gave her a friendly nod and turned away, bringing his mug to his lips.

Asmus turned and gave a small shrug at that boast. He could cook, but he wouldn’t deny that his uncle was better. Instead he raided the bridge for eggs and bacon placing them down on the kitchen surface. He tutted as he found the coffee was empty.

“Where are we getting hauled over for the inspection?” Asmus called back.

“Outskirts of the Osarian system. They want us all lined up in the cargo bay for inspection. No weapons.”

Oh,” Asmus replied, just the hint of a waver in his tone. “I’m going to grab some more caf, back in a moment.” As he walked away Kaile might notice a slightly strained expression as well.

Kairon took a seat as Asmus headed out towards the cargo bays. There was a small pantry just off the main corridor with their food supplies. Setting his mug down, he turned towards the waitress. “Keep an eye on me for him this morning Kaile?” he asked, voice low. “He had a bad time with an inspection not long ago.”

Kaile might have thought his boast about defeating the best torturers in the Techno Union was a boast. It was. They’d broken him in minutes.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile was a bit thankful that Kairon glossed over the reason why they were late. None the less, Kaile took her word seriously. She wouldn't get distracted next time around. She would just have to keep a solid head on her shoulders and make sure of that.

"Okay, Captain." she told him, giving him a nod in reference to the meals. When talk of the inspection came up, however, it was Asmus' turn to act a bit off. Kaile caught the slight strained expression over his face as he went walking past, and a rather baffled look turned over to the Captain. When Kairon elaborated on it quietly, an understanding came to her then.

"Ohh..." her mind brought to the for a story Asmus had told her at the cantina. It was drowned out in booze, but something about the Union and escaping. At the time, she had thought that it had been greatly exaggerated. A tale he enjoyed talking back about. He certainly had seemed rather lighthearted about it. Now shades of the truth were revealed that there was more to it than it seemed.

"I see..." Kaile would not pry. She wasn't the sort to. Quietly, Kaile gave a nod. The look that passed between her and the older smuggler made it clear she would do what she could. Taking a clean tin cup, she poured herself her own cup of caf.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Oh,” Asmus replied, a more cheery expression on his face. “I wasn’t going to use the dregs of the caf, I brought back another bag.” He emphasised this by holding up the shiny foil, vacuum sealed back as he walked towards the kitchen surface. It wasn’t all he had. There was also another chocolate cake, the same as the one they’d had the previous evening.

“Always love the smell of a fresh packet,” he said. In truth he wasn’t a massive coffee drinker. Kairon drank lakes of the stuff each day, as far as he could tell. But he did quite like one with a slice of cake. Asmus filled up the filter machine and set it going as he returned to the stove. “How many eggs and rashers would you like?” he asked Kaile, but looked to see if Kairon wanted any more too.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Oh!" well ,that's another reason to give a sheepish expression. 'Maybe for the second cup?" She wasn't going to throw out the one she just poured herself. "Umm... three eggs and two rashers would be right fine." came her answer, searching for the tin of sugar. Did they have sugar? It would be rather embarasing if they didn't and she was looking around for some like a fool.

"Is there any sugar?" she asked. Typically, she didn't use cream, but she enjoyed at least three spoonfuls of sugar. The one item that was relatively low cost when it came in regards to sweets was having it in her caf. For now, any more of the black pick me up would have to wait so she could pour Asmus a cup. The entire time was spent in half flustered glances and a bit of a rock of her feet. Maybe it was because Kairon was around and the situation that had lead up to them being late, which normally, Kaile wouldn't have any issues with.

Mentally, she chided herself and said she was twenty-seven years old! She shouldn't act like such a ninny. But she was. Her brown eyes followed the pilot, and despite his easy going manner, she could read the tension that bunched his muscles. Could see the darkening that lingered in the orbs of his eyes when hers caught his. He did get the short stick this morning... well afterward. Kaile was just all the more aware of it because of her Lorrdian nature and just the way she was finding herself more, and more attuned to him.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Cupboard on your left, no the one on the floor sorry, there you go. Wow, do you want some more caf to go with that sugar?" he asked. There was a cheeky smile again, just the hint of worry in his eyes. He casually tossed six rashers of bacon into the pan. The sizzle of the bacon, the welcome smell of it cooking and the caf brewing.

The sight of her watching him.

All seemed to combine to take some of the tension away that had suddenly found a home. You're being silly, he told himself firmly as he turned over some bacon. He didn't do them too crispy. It would just be a quick cargo check, a look to see if the ship was up to code and a scan for contraband. Wouldn't be like that cramped cell with that zabrak who made him think his skin was flaking off inch by inch...

He was burning the bacon. "Oops!" he laughed and slid the bacon off the pan onto a plate. "Sunny side up?"
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Thank you kindly," she told him, flashing him a light smile. Moving on her tippy toes, Kaile would open the cupboard, unlocking it to reveal the contents therein. When she began spooning the sugar in, Asmus' light hearted exclamation about how much sugar she wanted in her caf made her blush anew.

"Just a sweet tooth, that's all." Kaile said, defending herself a bit as more heat rose over her face. Kairon, through all of this, watched the exchange with silent amusement. 'Bout time the boy got all confounded. That it took a slip of a girl do to so only made him wish he'd thought of it sooner.

The faint exclamation over overcooking the bacon caught Kaile's attention. There was something there that she barely caught. A glance shot out back to Kairon and then panned back to Asmus. "That's fine." she answered him. Just about then, the caf machine gave a small beep.

"How you want your caf?" she asked him, reaching for another cup.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"White two sugars please." Asmus cracked four eggs into a pan. The sideways look he shot her showed that he was well aware that was nearly as much sugar as she had in hers just moments ago.

"Right, going to check the cargo. Make sure you drop out of hyperspace in a timely fashion," Kairon called as he stood up from the table.

"No problem."

"You remember what kind of mood customs were in when you decided to show off and drop out right on top of them last time?"

"A bad one..." Asmus replied in a sullen tone that didn't match his grin. With that Kairon was gone and Kaile was making his caf. That was nice, he had been doing all the work so far this morning, he thought to himself mischievously. The eggs were nearly done too.

"Some quiet music this morning?"
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Two sugars and a stir later would see Asmus with a fresh cup of caf. She brought them over to the table, where she set each cup down. "Reckon that would be nice," Kaile replied, flashing a half smile over her shoulder at the scoundrel. He was such a curious sight, standing there in the middle of the tiny galley, spatula in hand and hovering over the eggs.

"Do you need another plate?" she asked him, coming up behind him to see if he needed any help. Whisper soft movements had the Lorrdian move quietly, curious so. Much like the silent pad of a cat, or more aptly, like Mai. "Or anythin' else you reckon I may help you with?" A peek over his shoulder would bring up the young woman's face just past Asmus' shoulder.

"Or anything else you need?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

By way of response Asmus turned his head towards her and planet a kiss on her cheek. He had the sudden urge to pull her close and bury his head into her shoulder for a few minutes. Safe. Kaile would likely sense a slight shift in his body language. Less relaxed, a little on edge.

"Yeah, one more plate please," he asked. He set down the spatula and picked up a small spoon, using it to flick the hot oil into the top of the eggs to get them cooked nicely without making them overly crispy. "Hmm this is going to hit the spot," he added as he slid the eggs onto the plates. Taking his plate and cutlery he sat back down at the table. With a odd little smile he watched her walk back to the table to join him. He pushed aside memories of that claustrophobic cell in favour of more recent ones. Closing his eyes, he took a long sip from his caf. "Cheers," he replied as he placed it back down, looking altogether more content that he had just moments ago.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaily answered the smile with one of her own. "cheers", she told him, even offering a small mock toast. This was nice. Really nice. Having breakfast and enjoying it with someone else. It was -- well had been-- a daily ritual with her and Kurt. The thought still hurt, but the pain perhaps had lessened a bit. That could be because Asmus was here, keeping her company. Keeping her smiling. Doing his best to play the fool and make her smile. It was like he knew, he knew that even if he didn't have the entire story, he as doing his best.

She appreciated that.

Licking her lips, she began to eat. Scooping eggs into her mouth and a bite of crispy bacon - that first batch- she cast him a faint grin and a compliment.

"This is good" she told him, taking a sip of her caf.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Hah! Hard to go wrong with bacon and eggs," he admitted, though it was clear from the brief, tight smile that he appreciated the compliment. He was mostly silent for a few moments as he devoured most of one egg and a whole rasher in one go.

"You ever play any other sports by the way?" he asked. "Might be able to tempt the others into another game of handball tomorrow before we reach Denon if you want?" After he spoke there was a sharp exhale through his nose. He didn't want to think of that. To think that in a few days he'd be back in his cabin alone. Still, they rarely went out of comms range. Everyone was closely connected with the holonet again these days.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Any other sports?

Kaile gave a slow blink, chewing thoughtfully. Truth be told, Kaile wasn't really the sporty type. She was a bit embarrassed to admit that, and it would show in the slight pink that darkened the apples of her cheeks. Taking another bite of bacon, she began," not really..." A lick of her lips and she gave a small shrug of her shoulder.

"Unless you count hoverblading at the local Steller," that was a restaurant dive chain that has their waitresses in short skirts and delivering food to airspeeders on hoverblades. Rather retro, but popular with the younger crowd. The chain typically was open air, with the waitresses taking orders straight from the patrons at their speeders.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"I think hoverblading counts," Asmus said with a shrug. "You've got really good hand eye coordination though, better than me anyway. Bet you could pick up most sports really easy.

"They once tried to organise a big handball tournament between crews on a shadow port once. Problem is every ship has their own way of playing ball." He gave another small shrug. "Obviously it all ended in a bunch of scraps and everyone agreed it had been a terrible idea and we wouldn't try it again!"

That was all she got from Asmus before he continued wolfing down breakfast. He was starving from their busy morning.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Maybe," Kaile added, flashing him a grin. She ate the rest of her eggs as Asmus told his tale. He certainly became rather animated when he did so. He was a natural storyteller. Simply put everything into it. There was some charisma in that, and he had a way to draw the crowd in. Kaile could see why he was quite the social creature.

"So no one won that handball tourny then?" she asked, bringing her cup of caf to her lips. It was sweet, perhaps too sweet for others, but for her, it was just right. A small indulgence she could take every day than the strawberries she'd prefer.

"How about you?" she shot back, "Any other sports?'"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Well now, that depends," Asmus replied with a crooked smile. "Durant's crew claim they won because they lost the least teeth on the court. Of course Jid's lot say they had the most men standing."

He put down his fork and held both palms up as if they were weighing scales. "Of course no one dared try and count points in the end, and everyone had such a bruising now one really had the stomach to settle who won." Asmus paused, picking up his fork with a wry smile. "I'd say it was a draw, or maybe everyone lost?"

"But no, other that stuff in school I don't think I ever really got into sports very much." Asmus had found more intriguing pursuits. He mused on that as he carried on with his breakfast. There was a strong urge to be in contact with her again. Like Bobo and his feeding tube, he didn't seem to be able to go long without contact.

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