Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"] would find Kaile setting in the last of the plates in the sonic washer, her body angled low as she rose then fell to set their mugs in as well. Strands of strawberry blonde hair escaped their tether, and as she rose, they feathered down the side of her face to tickle her cheeks. Wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, she gave a slight shake of her head in the negative.

“All good. Wasn’t much.” she rinsed out the pans and set them in the sonic washer to get clean. A wipe down of the table was in order, but Asmus didn’t have to bother with that. Straightening, she stretched over to grab a kitchen rag to do just that.

“Just a wipe of the table and we good.” a puff of hot air blew her long bangs away from her face, sending them dancing mid-air for a moment before they settled along her cheeks again.

“How long til we gotta head on for the other jump?” she inquired, a short amble to the table. Leaning forward, she began the circular wipe off, body half swaying with every motion she made.

“There's some caf still left over if you want some.” She informed Asmus, sparing a glance up as she caught his verdant gaze. Watching him linger against the threshold, one shoulder set against the frame before he pushed off.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Hmm?" he replied absent mindedly. He'd been watching her. Just leaning against the frame, eyes following her as she worked. It was an innocuous bit of voyeurism, none of the spark in his eyes she'd caught so often. Asmus had followed the way her hair fell free, the curious way she rubbed the back of her hand against her forehead or cheek without even realising it. Maybe that was ingrained from working on oil-covered machinery.

"A little while and I don't fancy any more caf ta," he replied as his mind quickly caught up. Without asking he walked across the the surface and grabbed a few sheets of kitchen towel. As Kaile worked around the table he followed, wiping it dry. It wasn't often he did work around the ship without being promoted, but it kept him close.

On his mind he was imagining a world where this was the norm, rather than the exception. Where they both lived on a ship together and fell into a comfortable daily routine. Realising what he'd just wished for was a very confusing revelation.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

A half ghost smile was sent over to his direction as they worked in tandem to clean up the table. The soft, shy chuckle would not be missed, as would the faint flush of pleasure that pinked her cheeks.

"Okay. Reckon we can leave it for the Captain then." she said, her full circle ending at the north end of the table. There was an appreciative smile at Asmus helping her. "Thank you." she told him, straightening. She set the towel down upon the table and her hand gave another swipe along the slope of her forehead once they were done. After a second, her hand fell down to join the other at her hips, where she gave a slight stretch of her spine by leaning back and rolling her shoulders. That button up stretched against the full curves, the third button rising up only to dip again, as if playing peek-a-boo with the cleavage below.

"Alright... that should be it then." she announced, tossing her head gently to the right to push back the strands of hair that fell over her eyes.

"Reckon we can go on up."

And once again watch the stars.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus pretended not to notice the shift of the shirt. He was once again brought back around to the thought that a day without any work to do would have been an excellent, if tiring, way to finish this trip.

"Yeah let's go keep an eye on the ship," he agreed with a tentative smile. As he turned to wall away she might notice an odd misstep in his regular breathing. His head was a swirling bowl of thoughts and feelings. He wouldn't leave her side, but he couldn't think straight when she was near. A sacrifice he was all too willing to make.

He marched into the cockpit, throwing himself back into the pilot's chair. "Not much to do but wait for the light to go off."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"And that will be a few hours?" her voice would float behind him, the plush of the back of Asmus' chair sinking as Kaile's hand came to rest upon it. The Lorrdian took a step forward to his right, letting her hand trail down the seat and brush against his shoulder. The tips of her fingers went sliding down until they came to rest at the end of the armrest. Her body gave a slight incline forward, her other free hand coming to rest on a perch on top of the piloting console.

She was curiously watching the view, the streak of mottled blue and white stars flashing across the transparasteel. It cast the entire cockpit in a bright cerulean glow.

"Only one checkpoint then?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

His arm pushed forwards down the armrest until his hand came to rest lightly upon hers. Asmus hadn't even been consciously aware of the movement until he felt the warm of her hand beneath his.

“Yeah, just the one. Some places are getting awfully paranoid and stop all traffic passing through their sectors right on the borders. There are holes in the nets you can try and punch through, after all a gravity well is a grain of sand in the breeze, but if they do catch you the fines are horrendous. Seeing as this is now an entirely legitimate cargo we've got no reason not to stop. No reason at all,” he said, his voice trailing off.

Leaning forwards, his hair fell forwards. Black hair caught the light, deep blue waves rolling forwards. “An hour or so until we need to come out of hyperspace for a drastic realignment. Then an hour until the checkpoint I think.”

Asmus looked up at Kaile through the fronds of his hair, watching her watch the view. He smiled and gently squeezed her fingers, again with no conscious intervention.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The warmth of his touch as he lightly curled his fingers against hers drew her attention. Her head gave a pan over to the scoundrel, watching him study her from under the shadows of those inky black locks.

His irises held a pale blue sheen against the malachite of his eyes. Copper and gold flecks surrounded by thick lashes any woman would envy. He’s a looker alright.

Not that the fact that he was good looking meant much at all; although that would explain why she figured he would be popular with just about anyone. It was no wonder. Back at the cantina, she’d seen him flutter from a patron to the next. Always had that little boy grin that spoke of charming mischief.

“Not too long then.” she would comment, giving a half turn so that the curve of her bottom would now come to rest against the console. Right ankle would lock over the left, their fingers and palms playing a curious game as they gingerly hovered and caressed one another.

“And after?” she asked, grazing the sensitive valleys in between his fingers.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“We'll just be cruising for a while. Haven't planned out too much. Sometimes they get right on with your inspection. Sometimes you're parked up for a couple of hours. Probably some odd jobs we can get done and turn in early.”

Just as long as we get every possible hour in together, he thought to himself. He averted his gaze, realising that he was staring a little. He knew why; he was trying to sear the image of her into his mind. Didn't want to have that memory fade in what he expected to be the intervening weeks before he saw her again.

A thought came to him, accompanied by a little, lopsided smile. “Come here a sec.” He pulled her towards him, guiding her onto his lap, side on. He pulled a small data pad from his pocket. Two cameras at either end of the back panel so it could take holo-images.

“Quick picture?” he asked, nuzzling against the side of her head.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile fell into his lap with a slight half drape, her legs swung along the left side of his own while her left side pressed against his chest. She gave a small laugh, feeling him shift as he withdrew a datapad. Truth be told, she didn’t quite register what he said, what with the way his lips would whisper along the arch of her cheekbone. He gave her an affectionate caress of his cheek against her own, much like a kitten would to its owner, marking them as their own, rubbing them with their scent.

A way for them to know and be familiar with a stranger.

When Asmus held the datapad aloft, Kaile caught it off the corner of her eyes. It was meant to be harmless, after all. He didn’t realize what that actually meant for the espion. The risk involved. Kaile couldn’t leave any trace of herself behind. Even a holo-picture. A tight smile drew over her lips, and there was a brief hesitation in her eyes. That is, until she caught the hopeful expression on his face, the one that said he would so dearly enjoy taking one.

“Okay,” her low acquiesce would hum between them, aware that she would have to somehow remember to take care of it before she left. She couldn’t leave a trace of herself behind. It would risk her as well as the crew of the Quin. She had responsibilities to keep.

Kurt’s face flared in her mind. The disaster that followed.

“Just one.”
“Sure,” Asmus replied. Leaning into Kaile, he raised the pad up and smiled. A quiet beep let him know it had taken a picture. He turned the data pad towards Kaile, which showed a flat version of the image it had taken. It had actually taken a huge series of images and Asmus moved his finger across the screen their expressions changed in slow motion.

“That one?” he asked. Kaile agreed, but he got the sense she didn't much mind which, so he saved it.

“I'm so sorry for waking you again by the way. You looked so content.” A sudden intake of breath, a palm slapped against the side of the refresher. Mostly sorry then.

“You can grab a blanket and a quick nap if you'd like?” he asked. Having been starved of the opportunity for so long he was enjoying being back in contact with her. His right arm was wrapped behind her and gently stroke up and down the outside of her waist. His left came to rest on her thigh but his thumb traced idle circles.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Such a simple thing brought him joy.

There was a flash of guilt knowing that she would have to erase that picture before she left the Quin. A slight sinking feeling, a clenching of her gut. For a moment, it left a rather bad taste in her mouth. Bitter and sour at the same time. A lick of her lips wouldn’t help, and that freefall sensation only seemed to increase. What she didn’t realize at that moment was that what Kaile felt was due to the hidden desire to not wipe that slate clean.

“Maybe,” she answered, exhaling a long sigh as she shut her eyes. His hand swept over her as if they had a secret informant telling them to sail along her flank as a distraction. She felt as Asmus’ thumb drew lazy, concentric circles along the top of her thigh. The singular inch wide area became a source of focus for the Lorrdian, and in no time, as if Asmus were the massage whisperer, Kaile found herself sinking against his chest, with her cheek pressed against it, her head set along his shoulder.

Her chest rose as she took a deep inhale through her nostrils, letting the air fill her lungs. Erant strands of his dark hair tickled her nose and the side of her face, prompting a half chuckle before they were corralled in by the brief brush and tuck of Kaile’s fingers along the shell of Asmus’ ear.

“I am a bit tired,” having a meal usually gave her a bit of a food coma, but if she was up and active, it would delay it briefly. Although, she didn’t feel like being really active right now. Not with the warmth of his body beside her and the way his arm held her close to him.

“You should get some rest soon too… I don’t mind staying up.” her breath likely fanned against his throat, having had turned up her face to speak to him. Funny, how her fingers rose to idly trace along the edge of his jaw, feeling the smooth softness of his freshly shaved face.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Do you remember how well one of us staying up worked last time?” Asmus chuckled. They'd not lasted long before falling fast asleep. “But actually I'm pretty wide awake at the moment.” He couldn't think why he'd still be a little on edge and squirmy, not at all.

Her warmth against him did make him easily fall into a more relaxed state however. As he felt he mold into him, her breath across his neck, he found his breathing starting to slow.

“But just in case,” he whispered, taking his data pad back out. He scrolled to a particular app and rested it on the chair next to him. The position was carefully chosen so that he could reach it without shifting Kaile. The screen displayed a thirty minute countdown. If he didn't tap the screen when it was below ten minutes and reset the timer, an alarm would sound when it reached zero.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

As if the thought suddenly came to her, Kaile would lift her head. An apologetic expression went bathing over her face, “Oh, reckon this wouldn’t be the most comfortable position for you if’n i nod off.” Kaile could become quite the dead weight once she actually fell asleep. It took her a while to get there, but the precious few time she managed to get into full REM she generally was out to the ‘Verse.

She made it as if to shift off of him, perhaps to get into a better position, but the pilot chair was not made for two. It hadn’t been the Captain’s prime consideration likely at its acquisition.

“Reckon we might need the blanket tho’.” she murmured, moving on up and over him, that button from earlier at face level as she tried to find a comfortable spot.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“I don’t mind,” he protested. There was a brief wince as her chest shifted right before his eyes. That they had become so comfortable together so quickly was one thing. To have the view placed right before him when he’d been so comfortable a moment earlier was quite another. Asmus tried to keep his mind from going places, but that was a skill he had failed to master for many years now. Once Kaile had started to brighten up he’d found she had this effortless charm about her. Enthusiastic, happy, almost bubbly at times. It matched the way she looked. Incredibly easy on the eyes yet without that carefully constructed image many liked to present. Asmus took a slow breath to soothe his nerves.

“Grab a blanket from under the console and snuggle back down if you’d like. Don’t mind at all. But if you’d be more comfy just use the copilot chair again,” he said. “They hardly make these chairs for two I suppose.” What was telling was that his hand didn’t leave her waist.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile would pause mid-hover, staring down at Asmus with a half cant of her head to the right. She was silhouetted by the light of the stars, a pale blue halo that painted her hair with a cerulean hue. Concern was in her gaze, her voice low as she confirmed, “Yous sure?”

A shift of her leg and she felt the drift of his hand as it inadvertently went flexing against the curve of her waist. The press of his fingers lightly indented over the fabric of her shirt and into the skin beneath. From under the dark fringe of his forelocks, Kaile heard a slight catch in his breath.

“Hate to be a bother…” the half murmur went floating between them as Kaile dropped herself slowly back down, until they were eye level again. Asmus’ regard of her didn’t waver, no he followed her path as if his sight was tethered to her own. Was it getting warm again? The pink dart of her tongue would moisten her lips.

“We’ll be in a pretty tight spot.” she added, saying aloud the reasons why it wouldn’t be the best idea. However, by now her hands had sailed from their half perch upon his shoulders down to his chest, coming to rest right by the pectoral muscles covered by his shirt.

Should probably get the blanket. Yeah, turn to get the blanket. And weren’t they supposed to play some more music again? There were several thoughts that went racing through her head, but for the present time, Kaile found herself mesmerized again by the gold glint in his eyes.
His jaw did a little side to side jig as he ran the tip of his tongue across the roof of his mouth. For a second he could have sworn he tasted her on it again. His gaze stayed locked on hers as the hand on her waist drifted down to the arch of her hip. Not a soft caress, but firm and full of intent.

He took a deep breath in, feeling the pressure of her hands on his chest. But it wasn't the fear of being caught that softened his expression. It was his memories. Around those hazel orbs her face transformed to a scene from the night before. Tears welling in her eyes as she accepted him, held him as tight as could be. That had always been just an expression to Asmus. Something said, something talked about, but never really experienced. Yet they'd explored it together.

The tension left him as he let out a slow breath over pursed lips. “Snuggle in, I'll behave,” he promised. His hands moved upwards and drew her close. Closer until his lips brushed the shell of her ear. “I'll make love to you again, later.” A promise was a promise. A delicate kiss was placed on her cheek as his hands let her free.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

That wasn’t what she meant. Kaile had intended to say that their perch would be a rather tight spot, not enough wiggle room and that she didn’t want to be a bother to Asmus were she to pass out. However, his reply managed to cut off any correction, heat blooming upon her face as the delicate whisper fell into her ear.

The tiny hairs at the nape of her neck stood on end, as did the ones down her arms as a shiver went down her spine. She bit her lower lip, nibbling at it as memories of how Asmus had held her in his arms, crooned out her name, and made her his swam in her head.

Not the best way to get her settled honestly.

Slightly embarrassed and feeling oddly shy, Kaile nervously tucked the wayward strands of her bangs behind her ear.

Okay.” another meaning, another weighty definition. A promise. Blinking rapidly, Kaile rose from the seat, pushing herself back by bringing her hands to use the arms rest for leverage. A half turn, and she bent to search for that blanket he’d mentioned.

“Tell me more about your family,” her question would float over to him, curious and inquisitive. Fingers went curling against a thick, well worn blanket, the one from before and unfurled it. Without further ado, the young woman went curling back to return to her perch upon the scoundrel, the man’s slender hands ever ready to take the blanket from her own to drape it around them.
Such a simple thing to have someone close. It didn't take long before it became the natural resting state. When that happened the absence of that experience - the press of her weight against his chest; her scent on every breath - was almost jarring.

He wrapped her up and held her tight. Close. Safe. She could become a limo weight, give him a dead leg and drool down his chest for all he cared. As long as she stayed here.

“Hmm, I'm trying to remember what I've told you now,” he murmured as they shuffled until they were comfortable. “My grandfather has mostly stepped away from the business. He never really took well to what happened to Kairon, had always thought he would run the business. He's not been all that well for years. My mother is a Rees through and through. A shrewd trader, doesn't take nonsense. Certainly the boss of my father. She's really a very beautiful woman, very elegant. Don't have any siblings.”

Asmus avoided the part where most highlighted that his looks came from his mother, rather than his father.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Funny, how easy it was to simply rest her cheek upon his chest, to feel the steady thud of his heart. The soft fabric of his shirt rustled under her cheek, the Lorrdian setting her head right under the crook of his neck, feeling the brush of his chin against the crown of her head.

“And that’s your ma’s side of the family?” she asked, tucking her arms under her chin and against his chest. His hands drew up under the blanket, running along the curve of her waist and back down again against her hip, drawing her close. It held no edge of the earlier passion, but was far more content with the simple act of embracing her close.

At the same time, Kaile’s right hand lightly would fan her fingers open and then shut against Asmus’ chest, an idle playing and trace of fingertips reminiscent of the concentric doodling she’d done many times before.

“What about your pa?” it was an innocent inquiry, the warmth of her breath lightly fanning the length of dark hair that hung past Asmus’ chin.
“See, I'm not sure if what my mother wanted just happened to correspond to what the Rees company wanted, but he's a plain and boring man. Loves the details and I mean that. Used to go over my homework with a fine toothed comb, especially the maths. It's odd. You see them at a ball together. She's tall and graceful, he's short and just…plain. He's really boring.”

Asmus fell silent for a few seconds. He ran his hand through his hair, pulling some of it back away from her face. Hard to concentrate when her fingers were once again moving slowly, soothingly.

Lips pursed as he considered his next words carefully. She'd already admitted all she had was her lizard. Should he really ask again?

“You just have Bobo now?” he asked softly. His hands gripped her fractionally tighter after the question, possessive in their caress.

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