Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"] gave a slight pause, only encouraged to continue to stand beside the Captain and Mai with a squeeze of Kaile's hand and a flash of a smile. The Lorrdian attempted to show the same smile to the feline, however, one really never knew if Mai was being ornery or just leaving it be. Kaile didn't take to heart.

"Reckon we can play another game of handball later?" she would ask Asmus quietly, rocking on her heels. She was trying to keep his mind busy. Her thumb would lightly rub along the expanse of flesh between his thumb and forefinger. Just a tangible focus for him to think on.

"Could make it into a wager of sorts." who didn't enjoy a little bet? There was another shudder against the ship as the latches secured. A universal boarding lock would connect to allow passageway. Before long, the airlocks would hiss.

Here came the inspectors.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Someone else's ears pricked up at the suggested from the espion. The cathar loved a good bet. She also enjoyed cheating and letting out her frustrations on the world.

"I'd like that,"Asmus said. He tried to take his mind there, or parking Kaile's rear just on the edge of the laundry machine. Just to keep the thought of that zabrak carefully peeling the skin from his fingertips at bay.

"Form a line or something you slovenly traders!" came the bark of a military man. The tall human strode into the room, flanked by several man. None of them were heavy armed, just sidearms on their belts. No helmets either. For some reason Asmus found that reassuring. Not as much as the gentle stroke of her thumb. Once again he ended up looking down at that touch, then back up at Kaile. There was a slightly absent look to his gaze.


"That be me."

"Most of the cargo in the far hold?"


"Well now we've docked that would just slow things down if I wanted to get heavy scanning gear in there now wouldn't it?"

"Will think of that next time."

"Sure you will. Right Kinsec will take your details whilst for go have a look around."

A civilian had trailed the group, carrying a data pad. She looked as if she was in her late thirties, barely over five feet in height. Asmus decided she didn't look very threatening.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

So not Techno Union, Kaile would think to herself. Being an espion meant that she was constantly observing details. This was no government entity. It was a private contractor. The decal on the shoulder patch along with the uniform told her that much.

It made sense. With the rise and fall of governments, there were few security forces that could be counted upon. Those small sectors of planet that could afford to hire trade security would often hire Private Military Contractors. Much like what he Pyre had done back at its initial creation.

“Identification and Ship manifest, please.” Kinsec certainly didn’t appear to be very threatening. Her dark hair was tied back in a bun at the nape of her neck. She was about Kaile’s height, perhaps a few centimeters taller. Rugged boots, snug uniform, and a blaster holstered at her thigh. Actually, one could probably say she was actually quite pretty.

“Is this all the crew?” she asked, panning her gaze from the Captain, to Mai, and finally over towards Asmus and Kaile. One eyebrow rose at their joined hands. One of which encouragingly squeezed Asmus’s own once more.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Three crew from the ship's register, one passenger," Kairon replied. He was tall enough to nod towards Kaile over everyone's heads. "She isn't stopping off in these systems."

"She's to be confided to the vessel should you stop off to make any deliveries," came the curt reply. "I'll ensure that all agencies are aware that you have a passenger who is to go through official customs should you make a stop."

"That's fine," Kairon replied. "We're stopping at Bimmisaari only, then to to Republic space, Denon and down the Hydian Way."

"Very well. Captain Kairon Rees, is there anything in your cargo hold that is not on the manifest?"


"Is there any chance you have docked with a vessel that could have placed other items on your hold."


"Are there any foodstuffs, sundries or mechanical items or otherwise, aboard this vessel for crew usage that are not permitted in this region?"


"Please indicate which of your registered crew are aboard." Kinsec turned her datapad towards Kairon, who tapped it three times. Kinsec nodded then headed towards Kaile.

"Name and homeworld please?"
“Here you go.” instead of saying it, Kaile simply handed over her identi chip. Kaley Cobb. Homeworld Ord Mantel. It was an easy of a planet to select. Nothing seemingly out of place, one could easily get lost there.

One would question why Kaile used a name as her alias that was similar to her own. Honestly, it was just easier to hide in plain sight. No one thought twice of a waitress. In this galaxy alone there were millions of kaleis’, Kayleighs’, Kaleys’, and Kailees’. One drop in that bucket of millions wasn't going to change a thing.

The inspector gave Kaile a questioning arch of her brow. “Can you not talk Miss…. Cobb?”

“Oh I can flap my gums just fine.” She said rather pleasantly, even flashing a smile. “Just figured you'd be keen on seeing the docs than me simply sayin’ it.”

Which was true. She was gonna ask for them anyways. All the while Asmus still held her hand, a sole link to the attempt at keeping himself from panicking.

“...right.” A pause, the woman checking over the file. She then gave a pointed glance at their conjoined hands.

“Pretty friendly for being just a passenger.” Eyes flicked back to Kaile, searching.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus felt his chest tighten, his throat close up. This was how it started. Probing questions, innocuous enough at first. Then they started to twist the story, spin a tale, make the accusations. After that came the pain. Pain and horror till all he could focus on was the confusion that she hadn't even asked him a question...

"She's still not dropping off on any of your systems," Kairon interjected gruffly.

Kinsec gave him a withering stare, before shaking her head. "If any of you were residents, I'd ask more questions. As it is I've got a lot more to get through. Register her as a member of crew if she stays beyond Denon." The woman looked over Kaile's shoulder towards the far hangar bay. "How are we doing over there?"

"All looks to be in order," came the call. The voice picked up a metallic tone from the path it took, bouncing around all the metal containers. Asmus was certain he heard the Twins mumble something, but his attention was diverted to the gentle rub of a thumb across the back of his finger.

Kaile was giving him an enquiring look.

I'm okay, he mouthed back.

"Right here's your tariff," Kinsec said to Kairon, passing over a data pad.

"Tssk, another two point three on liquor? Oh well," Kairon replied, paying the bill. The customs official looked mildly impressed that the captain kept all the tariffs in his head. Their business concluded, the inspection team started to file out. Asmus had been through these before and would be subjected to them again. Most of the time they just wanted to check for illegal migrants or enemy agents crossing boundaries. Likely why she had focussed on Kaile.

Kaile...Cobb... He could probably pretend he liked that surname.

"Right boy, go get us to hyperspace, then you can take some time this afternoon. Handball game it is," Kairon declared. Asmus missed it, but Kaile might see the look of understanding and concern for his nephew's welfare. "What was the wager? I missed it," he lied.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Another comforting squeeze pressed within Asmus's hand before Kaile swiveled her head over to the Captain. She could read the intent of his redirecting on his face, in the tiny nuances that would cue her in the little white lie. Asmus's color had blanched somewhat, so there was no hesitation in the Lorrdian following along.

"Loser gets to cook." she chirped out, keeping up a far more jovial atmosphere not only because of Asmus, but for Asmus. " Athough thinkin' 'bout it, that could very well be a punishment 'pendin who ends up losin'" she added wryly, flashing a half grin that would catch the scoundrel's eye. He was relaxing somewhat, but still a bit tense.

"Unless you've another proposal, Captain?"
Kairon rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Asmus was focused on watching the inspectors file out of the ship as the last one disappeared from sight. There was a loud thunk as the frigate disengaged from the Quintessence.

"If we're making that bet it's Kairon cooking, not Mai. Cos otherwise I'll not want to win, and she'll want to so bad she'll get nasty."

The cathar turned to give Asmus a look, but on reflection decided to shrug. The boy had a point, she had no interest in having to cook another meal more than was on her rota and neither did anyone else.

"Let's get back into hyperspace. But of we win, Mai does the dishes," Asmus added as a parting remark. Keeping his grip on Kaile he turned for the cockpit.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Agreed!” was all Kaile managed catch as Asmus quickly turned and gave her a tug along. He hadn’t released her hand. Instead he led her, purpose in mind to go back to the cockpit. Perhaps for a multitude of reasons. To be alone. To ease off his tension from the inspection. To try and relax.

Kaile still felt the slight tremble in his hand. It really bothered him. For a moment there, during the questions from the Inspector, she could tell he was trying to hold his growing trepidation in place. That he had been able to mouth that he was was okay made her feel a bit better, but not by much.

Asmus had done so much for her the past forty-two hours that she wanted to do the same for him. To help him calm down and to feel safe. They left the cargo area to Mai and the Captain, who merely watched with concern and continuing interest as the two disappeared from sight.
“You alright?” Kaile asked again, just to be sure. Walking along the corridor now that lead the the cockpit, they had a bit more privacy than before. Her thumb did not pause in the gentle rubbing, just a slow and steady focus for the scoundrel to feel.
"Yeah, yeah," Asmus said. It felt a little easier to talk now. The source of his anxiety would be put behind them soon.



"Alright guys stop complaining for our benefit!" Asmus called into the other cargo bay. "Honestly they're one intelligence, they don't need to verbally converse unless it's to make a point."

Asmus sighed as they walked back into the galley." Not very brave of me I guess. Especially as it's not like every inspection team comes with a sadistic dark jedi. They're just people doing their jobs."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The Twins managed to prompt a wider smile from the Lorrdian. They certainly had character, built from their years with the crew of the Quinnencece for sure.

“It ain’t an issue, “ Kaile would add, giving a small wave good bye to the boys as they headed into the galley. “Just like any folk, there are a few things that need to be vented out now and then.” When Asmus began to talk about the inspection, coming down hard on himself over his reaction to the inspections, Kaile came up and pressed a small vertical finger against his lips.

“It’s alright to be afraid of things.” she said quietly, staring up at the scoundrel. “Everyone is I reckon for one thing or another.” she too, had her fears. Some that were made all the more apparent after leaving Kurt back on Tatooine.

“The difference being is making sure we ain’t lettingn’ our fears control our lives. You did good. “ her hand came down from the warmth of his lips to sail over and rest upon his upper forearm. She gave him a gentle encouraging squeeze.

“Practice what I taught you, kay?” another half smile. “You’re stronger than you know Asmus. Bright. Reckon you can think of a solution or work through somethin’ if you put your mind to it and relax. Same as flying. Think on your feet. Trust in yourself and you’ll do fine.”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus canted his head to one side, regarding Kaile with great curiosity. She was insightful. Kaile had been quiet whilst he'd been doing his best to cheer her up, to tease a few laughs from her. Now she was watching him carefully, looking out for his well-being. She was saying the right things, but it was actually the realisation that she was consciously looking out for him that drew him from troubled water.

"Thank you," he said quietly as he switched the grip on their arms. With a gentle tug he brought them to a halt and turned her back towards him. Quick hands darted out to take her by the waist and draw her close. A slow exhalation through the nose, before he absorbed the scent of her so close. She cared about him now. Just a few days and they'd gone from strangers to feeling this deeply for one another. Or at least that was what Asmus took from her words of encouragement regardless.

His expression wasn't happy, it was thoughtful. He hadn't felt like this before. "Thank you," he repeated, before plating a delicate kiss on her lips. "We should get to hyperspace."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

There it was again. That feather like kiss;, the brush of a butterfly's wings, but oh so much more. Kaile didn't even realize her lids had fallen half shut. Too caught up in his embrace, she was briefly caught in that fine web again. It took her a bit to realize she'd held her breath. A flutter of nervousness came again, making her belly seem to flop. What was that?

Staring up at Asmus, Kaile finally remembered to breathe. "Okay." she said, a bit breathless and perhaps unnerved. Kaile had caught the expression on the scoundrel's face. The introspection. He was watching her. Studying her for those few seconds before he tugged her close.

Swallowing, she gave a half smile, one of encouragement. "Let's go."

The slip of her hand into his was simply a natural end for that.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

The cerulean swirls of hyperspace vanished in an instant. Asmus was sat on his chair side on, chatting away with Kaile. He paused mid sentence, brow farrowing in concern.

"Didn't beep first," he muttered to himself as he swivelled forwards. Bimmisaari also wasn't filling their viewscreen. "We're here, just out on the edge of the system...Kairon get up here!"

He turned to one terminal, tapping away hurriedly into the touch screen display. "Got a rogue asteroid off-kilter with the main belt. Triggered...the...hyperdrive."

He turned his head towards Kaile, but kept his eyes on the display as the ship conducted a sensor sweep. "Kaile... Put the shields on," he said quietly, voice barely above a whisper. He gestured towards one of the levers before her. "Tell me if anything comes up on your display. I'm going to take us in quick."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was the catch in his voice that struck her. Her brown eyes were large as they grew wide, passing over the slight draw of his brows as they went furrowing forward, watching the sensor array with a growing grim expression. Her attention span towards the lever, the one that would set the shields up. Rising to her feet, she did exactly that.

There was a small click, then the rush of power activating the protective shield over the Quintessence. "Okay." she told him, moving to scan the display for anything that would be amiss. There was a subtle shift at the nape of her neck, where the tiny hairs began to rise. Unease ran down as a chill down her spine.

"Nothing." Yet. It was as if that hung in the air. For a brief moment, Kaile went back to a different time. Another trip. One with a blonde girl named Jamie and the sudden jerk from hyperspace that had them landing near an asteroid belt. One that turned into a game of cat and mouse as they tried to escape capture from Space Pirates.

Kairon would shadow the threshold not a moment too soon. However, by then the unnerving chill Kaile had come to fruition. Three small bleeps within their sensor array, and coming in fast.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kairon rushed into the cockpit and took the chair behind Kaile. “Those are fighters,” he exclaimed before a few obscenities escaped his lips. Asmus brought up a holographic display to his side. The red dots left faint trails behind them, as did the Quin. He clicked a few keys and the display was set to the reference frame of the Quin, which was then centred in the sphere.

He switched on a tactical overlay of his own design. Each enemy blip got three arrows, red, green and blue: direction facing, current velocity, current acceleration. All red arrows pointed towards the quin, the green arrows were large. Blue arrows were small and then suddenly flipped to point away from the Quin. Asmus took quick action, grabbing the controls and bringing them about.

“Boy, did you just point my ship at the pirates?” Kairon asked incredulously.

“They’re coming in hot to cross the gravity well and catch us, too fast for an attack run so they’re trying to decelerate hard. If we turn and run we only help them. Take them head on they get one shot at me and we’ve got some distance before they catch up. Time to call for help.”

Kairon shook his head, but trusted his nephew’s judgement. The blue lines were relative acceleration. As the Quin was now burning harder than the fighters could reverse thrust, they now pointed towards the Quin. At this rate they’d pass at a few kilometres per second and barely get a shot in. A moment later all three red arrows flipped, shortly followed by the green. The blue lines for velocity started to go down.

“That’s right, show me your arses. Kairon, get a torpedo lock on one of them.”

“Don’t have one loaded.”

“Don’t matter.”

“Alright, got it.”

All three fighters, still well beyond visual range, turned back to face them. “Pirates. Don’t trust each other to shoot down a torpedo so won’t turn their engines on us. Can’t beat us going backwards. Going to pass them at speed.”

In the end the fighters were within visual range for three seconds. Couldn’t even make out what model they were as they flashed past. The display indicated that one laser blast had clipped their shields.

“They’re in pursuit,” Kairon said. “Five minutes to intercept again.”

“Captain Rees! You owe us a ship!” the comm crackled as an open broadcast was picked up.

“Kanjiklub, kark. Got more signals. Sent a distress call,” Kairon said. “Not going to be anyone here in time to save our skins.”

“I can make the nearest gas giant and her moons, but nothing else. Gotta go back through them to make a jump!” Asmus complained.

“Kaile,” Kairon said, “Can you get on the net and get me a topographic map of the largest moon. I need somewhere we can hold them off on the ground for a while.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Aye, Cap’tn.” Kaile said, slipping over towards a different data terminal with speed. Her heart was pumping, kick starting in her chest as she quickly tapped in a few keys to bring up the holographic representation of the current system.

A few swipes and a click to zoom, and she brought up the largest moon. It was solid rock, streaked in browns and reds. Sensors would indicate it had a Type One atmosphere and an arid desert climate.

“Here!” she zoomed it up large enough for Asmus and the Captain to see. The holographic image indicated several craters and canyon systems. Perhaps a few of those would be good for what they were looking for. This was entirely out of Kaile’s element. They were the smugglers and the pilots. Same when she flew with Kurt. He’d been the one to help them get out of tight situations when it came to flying.

Big brown eyes swept over to Asmus.

“Could probably lose them in the canyons…”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus considered this for a second, looking back between the two. Wasn't much to do other than keep the engines burning right now. The fighters had the edge in acceleration, it was only a matter of time until they matched and then exceeded their velocity and started to eat up the space between them.

He gave a shake of his head. "Not laden, not for long anyway."

Kairon pointed to a region on the map. "Just enough room to set the Quin down in that canyon, might even be a cave we can settle down in at the back there. They might not have enough men to take us. Kaile, go and find Mai and fetch the big guns? She knows where they're held. Asmus, get ready to buy whatever time you can."

"I've got another ship out of hyperspace. Might be a patrol."

"Call them, see if they can get to us. Make for that moon."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Big guns?

For a moment, Kaile found herself swallowing hard. Oh boy. All she could do was give Asmus a brief glance. Gold flecked green eyes met brown, lingering for a second. That was enough to relay what went unsaid.

"Aye, Capt'n." with thin lips, Kaile would dart out of the cockpit in search for Mai. Her boots went pounding upon the durasteel crate floor, hair bouncing as the slightly out of breath Lorrdian went searching for the feline. Kaile didn't know what race Mai came from, but she was catlike in appearance to give an indication of Cathar type.

"Mai?!" her voice went echoing, resonating throughout the ship as the young strawberry blonde scanned the areas. Would she be in engineering? Maybe. Just as she was about to head on down, Mai popped out of nowhere to her right. A startled Kaile gave a slight jerk of surprise, her eyes growing wide.

"Oh shit," she cursed, one hand coming right to her chest where her heart was kicking against her chest. "Mai!" if she had to time to register the other female's expression, there would have been a notable bit of smugness at being able to sneak up on her.

"Got a problem - Capt'n said to get the big guns. We've got trouble."

That soured Mai's expression, and if there was any way for her to get even more dour it happened then.

"Come on." she growled, not waiting for Kaile to say a word. Both would travel to where they were held.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"No I'm not going to hand over the ship in space. We'll do this on the ground so you chumps can't airlock me and mine... I'll send coordinates when my pilot has worked out where to land," Kairon continued to argue with Kanjiklub on the comm. "Well feth you too. Otherwise you can see if you can take my ship and cargo in once piece, guns blazing."

Kairon disengaged the open channel. Asmus turned to him. "That patrol cruiser is on its way, but a good ten minutes. They'll want to get the ship off us quick and leave us on that moon."

"Can you buy me any time?"

"If I slow up think they'll shoot?"

"Worth a shot, just keep the shields up."

"Alright," Asmus replied, cutting the thrust and cruising in
The display suggested this added two minuted to their approach.

Mai tapped a code into a door that branched off the corridor that connected the two main sections of the ship. A cupboard of cleaning equipment opened before them. Mai tapped a second code in. The cleaning closet dropped down to be replaced by a gun locker.

"Drops down into the fuel tank," Mai grinned. "Need a scatter blaster for Kairon, pistols and maybe a carbine for the boy. What's your poison? Oh and we should get grenades and a repeater."

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