Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

Time was lost to them. Maybe that was for the best. At least, considering the sudden beep of alarm that came from the consoles behind them.

The checkpoint. A five-minute heads-up to tell them they were here. Kaile gave a start; and following that a sheepish smile. Asmus hadn't been the only one who had gotten a bit handsy, evidenced by the uncurling of her fingers upon the fabric of his shirt. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes a smoky dark topaz. Her lips were slightly puffy from his kisses, and that poor third-button was barely hanging by a thread, peek-a-booing along with the rest of the tells the Lorrdian had in response to Janes' presence.

"Sorry," she gave a rather abashed apology, drawing back to glance out at the viewport and read the update. "Guess we should tell the Captain." Kaile added softly. Rising to her feet, her hand came sailing up to rest upon his upper arm. There she gave it a gentle squeeze. It was followed by a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I'll go tell him." she offered.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“If you’d like,” Asmus said softly, though his eyes did flick briefly to the intercom. After a moment’s thought, he decided she probably wanted to go for a walk to cool off. That he could understand. His heart seemed loud within his own head again.

Asmus frowned as he looked towards the offender warning light. His hand snaked around her waist possessively before she could take her hand from his arm. “No need to be sorry.”

Just a brief inspection. Like hundreds before.

“Just come back on up quickly?”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile gave a brief hitch of breath, feeling her draw him to his side. For one so young, he surprised with his deftness. Maybe that came from the measure of grace his lofty upbringing granted him. Either way, the way his slender fingers would tighten around the small of her back made her catch her breath.

Okay” she replied in a low hush, her brown eyes searching his expression. For a moment, Kaile thought he was going to kiss her again, what with the way he was staring at her again. However, priorities called.

“Careful with the caf,” she would remind him, feeling him let her go with a measure of hesitation. Taking a step back, she moved around him towards the exit. “Reckon you don’t want it spillin’ all over the place.”

Casting him a parting smile, Kaile let her hand brush against the threshold before walking away. The intercom would have been easier, but she needed some space. Any more and they’d have likely gotten into trouble again. That wouldn’t be good.

Her footsteps were barely audible as she transverse to find the Captain of the Quintessence. Was he in engineering again? Possible. All the while, her thoughts went racing through her mind. Asmus was quickly becoming a habit. A sort of addiction. He made her feel giddy and light. Made her dull the pain. Was that right?

Troubled, all the more with the parting of Kurt, Kaile wasn’t sure what to make of it.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus watched the doorway, a daft smile on his face. Shaking his head slowly, he turned back to his chair. He very carefully took his mug of caf and placed it on a surface that didn't contain electronics. As he dropped back into his chair he brought one hand to his forehead and slowly dragged it down his face.

She's just left the room. And I miss her.

That was an odd thing to realise. Especially as that feeling had to percolate up through a thick layer of trepidation about the upcoming inspection.

Is this strange? Is this normal? I met her just a couple of days ago and I'm all over the place. She asked me to love her and fell to pieces when I said I thought I was starting to.

His hands swept over the consoles as he tried to think this through. That, again, struck him. He wasn't prone to overanalysing his actions and decisions, but here he was. If he had hoped a little absence would help him clear his head, he was sorely mistaken. He decided it was easier to think of Kaile on all fours to take his mind off the inspection, hips gently rolling. Better that than get himself all wound up in his own thoughts.

Kairon was not in the engineering room. But as Kaile made her way down the corridor that linked the front and rear sections of she ship she'd hear him mumbling to himself. In his hands was the same data pad they'd been using to check the inventory the day before. The captain wasn't in the cargo bay to check there work, but to confirm there were no nasty surprises in the hold that would have customs haul him over the coals.

Perhaps he shouldn't have left Asmus on his own with Kaile up front for so long. The lad was prone to getting distracted. Waltzing instead of inventory, for instance. But this was rather different. Asmus seemed…clingy. That was a word he would never attribute to his nephew. Some of his acquaintances, yes. Particularly the…thing…with the suckers. Literally clingy, to the bulkheads as they tried to remove it from the ship before leaving. That was four years ago, he reminded himself as he quietly chuckled.

“Oh, hello Kaile,” he said suddenly as he noticed her approaching.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Brought out of her reverie, Kaile shone Kairon a broadening smile. The old Captain seemed to hit a soft spot for the Lorrdian, reminding her of her time back in the Rebellion. Where those old spacers would share the knowledge gleaned from their years out in the black. They had all fought for something bigger. For what they believed in. What they thought was right. They may be all but browncoat rebels, the rift raft of space. Smugglers, miners, spacers and wanders of the Hyperlanes, but they managed to come together for a greater good.

It had been a sense of community the Lorrdian orphan had been missing from any blood family lost.

"Captain," a tip of her head, her thumbs hooking on the belt loops of her pants. "We coming round to the inspection site. Reckon less than five minutes." she told him plainly, ambling on over with a slow roll of her hips. It was a tentative saunter, one that came to a halt just a meter or so from Kairon.

"You need any help prior to?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh right," Kairon replied. "Well it won't be a rush, they tend to have freighters out in an orderly queue and inspect them one at a time. They should just buy a bloody ship scanner. Would speed up the process, cost them less...and I could smuggle more contraband through," Kairon replied. There was just a faint twitch to his lips as he admitted to smuggling following his earlier denial. Kaile might recognise the slight glint of humour in his eyes as common to his nephew.

"Things are pretty square here, I was just being extra cautious there was nothing they could take umbrage with. Anyway..." he started, his tone making it clear he was about to change the subject. "Sorry again for upsetting you so. Trip been alright so far?" he asked. Despite the temptation, Kairon managed not to ask 'my nephew isn't bothering you too much is he?'. The girl was delicate enough without him attempting to be funny.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

That would prompt a twitch of her lips, and a shake of her head. Both hands came up to tuck on the pockets at the curve of her rear, giving a slow rock of her feet. Looking at him, she could see the similarities between Asmus and Kairon. Although the Captain was a bit more rugged. Rough around the edges. Likely having to do with the path his life took him, no doubt. Yet there was a kindness in his eyes, a heart of gold. He meant well, much like Asmus. Kaile found herself feeling a bit more endeared to the older man.

A sheepish grin resulted at the subsequent question. She brought out her right hand to give it a small shake, as if to say it was alright. "Ain't nuthin to it. " she began, "I'm the one causing extra trouble for you and the crew." she admitted, aware that they didn't need to go out of their way to take her to Denon, much the less have her here to begin with.

"I shouldn't have gone past the Quarantined area, that was my fault."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Ah not to worry," Kairon replied. He waved it away dismissively as he checked the lock on one of the containers. That was the end of the discussion for Kairon and he wouldn't stand to hear any more of it. Once he'd reached a decision point he tended to make it clear and move on. Kairon didn't talk around issues, or bother with flowery language like his nephew. Some mistook his frequently blunt and occasionally gruff demeanour for being bad-tempered, but most of the time that wasn't the case. Sometimes it was. Asmus knew the difference.

"Shall we head up to the cockpit?" he asked, even though he'd already started to walk in that direction. "I should find that damned feline before she hides somewhere too."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He wasn't going to continue on about it, which was a blessing for Kaile if she were honest. Just say what needed to be said and that's it. It didn't, however, stop her from feeling a bit guilty. Then again, were the series of events not have fallen as they did, then she wouldn't have been here. Nor would she have met Asmus. Kaile bit her lip.

Then again, would she have wanted it to have happened like so if it meant that she'd have hurt Kurt again?

That was hard to say.

"Yeah," Kaile gave a nod, still a bit lost in her thoughts. " Aye, Captain." she smiled, but it was clear her mind was elsewhere for the time being. If one knew the entire truth, no one would blame her. However, it made everything rather complicated did it not? If she only knew just what path she had set herself in. Would she have changed it? Would she have gone with Asmus two nights prior?

Honestly, it was hard to say.

"I can look for Mai if you like." she offered, trying to be as helpful as she could.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Hmm? Oh no," Kairon replied. The cathar didn't seem to like Kaile very much and liked inspections event less. Kairon would either have to - very carefully - prize her from whatever cranny she'd hidden within or use his stern voice. They turned into the long corridor down the spine of the ship, Kairon falling silent. The girl was clearly upset and that wasn't something he had the will to try and deal with. Asmus seemed to have managed to cheer her up a little.

Kairon started to descend down the ladder, pausing to ask: "Make sure he isn't too rude to them on the comm for me?" Kairon's head bobbed out of sight and then came back up again. "Definitely no swearing."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Another sheepish grin and a dip of her head. Kaile gave him a nod. Heh, no swearing. Actually, thinking about it, Asmus hadn't done much swearing that she could recall. A sudden thought came to her in regards to specific events that oddly made a flush come to her face.

"I reckon he'll do just fine." she told him, a bit amused as the Captain gave a nod. Salt and pepper hair flicked and brushed along that scruffy jawline. If he had more to say, he didn't then. Although Kaile was sure that he had something percolating in his mind. With that he left, likely to find Mai or do whatever it was that needed doing, leaving the young woman behind with her own thoughts.

With a sigh, Kaile stood in place for a few more seconds. Her own mind was going to and fro and there were things she was trying to come to terms with. About Kurt. About Asmus. About what came after this and how soon she'd be gone. Biting the corner of her lip, the Lorrdian slowly rocked on the balls of her feet. Her fingers began a slight tap against her belt, and she began to take a step forward only to pause.

"Ain't gonna do much just dawdlin' here," she told herself, glancing up towards the ladder well that would take her back up to the cockpit. Treading softly, Kaile made her way back.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kaile would find Asmus lazing back in his chair. The view had returned to an inky black visage, bright shapes the border patrol fleet. Perhaps keen eyes might spot the line of freighters up ahead.

"And the shot from Divsan?" Asmus said.

"I know right? He came out of nowhere!"

Asmus was perhaps the least disciplined person on a comm that kairon had ever met. He was impatient and frequently argued with authority figures and had - on more than one occasion - landed them in trouble. Kaile already had the pleasure of one conversation back on the quarantined world.

Sometimes, however, it went a different way. Asmus would end up chatting, or flirting, with the other end of the line. An Imperial traffic controller had once suffered a serious reprimand after he held the line for ten minutes and was overheard laughing at his station.

Today Asmus had simply engaged a bored comm operative on the subject of the previous week's togruta handball games. Asmus had first picked up an interest because the professional game resembled what they played in the hangars a little. His interest had remained because the matched featured tall, muscular and sweaty togruta men running around in vests.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"All set?" her voice would pop up from behind Asmus, curious as to the conversation that was going. She peeked in from the threshold, leaning against it with her shoulder. Right foot would cross over the left, and her thumbs went hooking on the loopholes of her pants in an easy going manner. It was good to see Asmus in a jovial mood. Certainly better than the nervous one she saw earlier. She flashed him a half smile.

"Cap'tn went off to find Mai," she informed him, flicking her gaze from the scoundrel off to the viewport then back. "Looks like everything is ready shortly." a push, and an uncross of her ankles set the Lorrdian moving again. Pushing herself off from the threshhold, she figured she'd make a move to sit in the co-pilot chair since he was busy talking. Whatever kept his mind moving instead of settling down with his anxieties was good.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus took his thumb off the push-to-talk button. "Yeah, guess we're all set," he agreed. An undercurrent of trepidation hid in the tone of his words.

"Did you say a thirty minute wait?" Asmus asked the man in the tower.

"Confirm, but I'd you go to these coordinates we're about to bring another frigate in to carry out inspections and you might skip the queue a bit, but I didn't send you them," came the reply.

"Much appreciated Targ," Asmus replied, tapping the screen to set the Quin automatically maneuvering into position. "He seemed a nice chap." Barely a second later another frigate popped into reals pace almost right on top of them. The scoundrel didn't even realise his hand had reached out to find Kaile's as the military ship loomed over them.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Seems so." Kaile replied with a soft smile. It didn't pass her notice that he took her hand into his and was holding it lightly, his thumb brushing against the top of her knuckle and back again.

"Take it ya'll got into talking about some game?" she'd tease him a bit, sparing a half glance at the new frigate that popped out into realspace not that far from them. Likely the inspection craft. This would hopefully not take too long. If they were going to look at her papers, then she should be fine. At least, for the ones she presented herself as this time around.

She'd wait for right now here with him, and if he simply wanted to hold her hand to keep his mind settled, that was fine by her. He'd done the same for her and she would do the same for him.

If anything, Kaile understood all too well now how the mind could make one crazy.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Yeah, guy likes handball. There's actually a serious league for the sport, but it...doesn't look all that much like what we played in the hangar," he explained. Thinking back to that game brought a smile to his face at a moment when it seemed like all the joy had drained away. Her honest laughter when she scored a first hoop rang through his mind. There was a gentle squeeze of her hand and then a slightly more insistent one when the coloured icons changed on his console.

The frigate had connected in and was now directing them to dock. The Union had been a one off, he told himself.

No, don't think of that.

He knew that right now, he needed to head down to the cargo bay and meet with the others. It just seemed easier to stay sat here and watch the frigate slowly approach.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Is there?” Kaie’s brows would perk in interest at the mention of a serious league for handball. Well, something similar to it at least. After having played with the crew of the Quinessence, the Lorrdian had to admit that she had plenty of fun. Lots of fun actually. Playing alongside with Asmus had been one of the many highlights out of this trip.

Thinking back, there were many moments that stuck out in the limelight for Kaile. Places and things that would soften her smile. Asmus had a lot to do with that. She knew it. He had managed to perk her up and bring a little joy to her life when it otherwise felt it had been falling apart. She’ll always treasure that.

“Didn’t realize how popular it was.” she’d admitted, glancing down at their conjoined hands. She slid her palm against his, then lightly fanned her fingers in between the valleys of his fingers.

“You okay?” she asked him, her large toffee eyes flicking back up to search his expression.

“I’m here.” Kaile would add, giving his hand a squeeze. “If’n you need anythin’”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Perhaps Togrutan handball was popular in the same manner as the annual Ryloth versus Zeltros beach volleyball was. No need to go admitting that to Kaile as such, not that his sexuality was something he kept to himself. His tales on the first day had already revealed enough there.

Asmus turned, eyes falling upon the grip of her hand. His gaze held there for the count of five. His expression shifted slightly, as if waking from a bad dream. His concentration shifted from dark things to being entirely focused on Kaile. From behind long, dark lashes and a curtain of hair, his eyes slowly lifted to meet hers.

He took in a deep lungful of air and then exhaled it in a short blast, trying to exorcise some of his concerns.

"Just you," he said softly, gaze fixated on her eyes. Asmus smiled again. He pushed up off his chair, keeping the grip on her hand. "We should go back to the empty cargo bay, they'll expect us there."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Leaning forward, Kaile took both of Asmus' hands into her own. Interrupting him before he completely stood up, Kaile gently tugged him closer. Her face gave a small upturn, and barely a few inches separated them both. From this distance she could catch the facets of his eyes. The gold flecks within that green; reminding her of the polished malachite stone she found back on Lothal.

"Then you have me." she murmured quietly, giving him a squeeze of his hands. It was one of encouragement and support. "For as long as you need." she added, the chocolate orbs of her eyes tracing over the features of his angular face. Aware that they were running out of time, and should be meeting up with the rest of the crew, Kaile gave him another encouraging smile. A brief upward reach and she gave him a light kiss against his lips. Barely there, a gingerly press.

"Ready?" she'd whisper, close enough for him to feel her smile.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He hadn't even realised how tense his shoulders had been until she kissed him. They sagged slowly and he found he could breath more easily. He wished he could stay right here. Just like last night, nothing else mattered but her. She was so very close.

"Yeah, we should go," he admitted, hauling them both to their feet. The first steps felt stiff, awkward. He focused on the feel of her small hand held tightly by his own. He just kept taking steps until they reached the hangar. Kairon and Mai were already stood in the middle of what had been their handball court. There was a thunk as the frigate latched on.

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