Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hydrospanner in hand, the Lorrdian mech began to tighten down the bolts.

"Just needed some playing around with. One of the internal wires was loose. Meant it was gettin' its signals all crossed." She bit her lower lip again, nibbling it a bit. Her fingers were slightly unsteady, but perhaps she can say it was just keeping it up the sensor while she tightened it down.

Kaile could almost hear the silent appeal the scoundrel silently gave her, the one that asked for her to turn and look at him. To meet his eyes. But if I did that, then what?

That was the problem, wasn't it?

It was all too easy to get lost. To forget herself. A part of her was a little bit afraid of that. Too fast. Too soon. Too confusing in the hovercoaster of her emotional turmoil.

"Yeah, best to," Kaile replied, well aware that he was studying her despite the light conversational tone. She could feel the question in his gaze, feel the close proximity of his body, drawing her in as if she were a mere satellite to his law of gravity.

In the end, Kaile would slowly turn her face to meet his. A bare glimpse of a hesitant smile, but it was edged with a quiet plea in her eyes that asked that he not press any further than that. For a moment there, she had a shadow of the same somber expression she had back at the cantina four days ago. The one where he had first met her. The very same that had tugged at his core to try to do something right.

Funny, how things end at full circle -- and one comes back exactly where they started.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Yup, should have written you a better recommendation."

There was a warm smile on his lips. Full circle, but not quite. The way he regarded her now was utterly different from the way he had four days ago. He was concerned. Deeply concerned for someone he cared about. That they would part soon was at the front of his mind, but his worry was shifting from how it would be for him tomorrow, to what it would be like for Kaile.

He turned about and kicked the footstool into place. The cover was picked up with a metallic clang. As he bolted it back down he carried on speaking in a light tone, veering well away from anything that might st her on edge again.

"Heading deeper into Republic space after Denon. Kairon doesn't like the core, not like he used to. Most is in the hands of the Sith, but he says the Republic is just a cesspit of political corruption now."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Republic space. Kaile had heard about how things were getting more and more complicated out there. Some sort of conflict not to long ago with the former Prime Minister.. then what came after.

"Gonna stay there long?" she asked, continuing the conversation, keeping it focused on him. Four bolts tightened down in an x pattern.

The slight metallic clang of the Lorrdian slipping the panel back on came next. This was easy. It was routine. And it wouldn't take long.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Nah we don't tend to do short hops. This size freighter with...oh hang on a sec..." Asmus said. He rapidly finished the last bolt and tossed the hydrospanner aside without a care. It clanged loudly against the floor, but he had something else on his mind now.

"Come on," he said, suddenly rather excited. He took her upper arm with a gentle grip and tugged her after him. She was led to a unit across the back wall and he slid a small panel out of the way. Not safe to expose the whole thing, not whilst they were travelling.

"The reason we're better off doing long haul is because we're a medium freighter...with a point five Silk hyperdrive engine."

Asmus looked exceedingly proud of the ship then, not something he'd displayed a great deal since they started their journey.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Hidden hidey holes or cubbies were nothing new for the espion. Much the less in ships like the Quin that had some space to do a extra little bit of 'goods disbursement'.

However, finding out that the reason this here was due to the point five Silk Hyperdrive engine was enough to make Kaile's eyes bulge. First in shock. Then surprise. Then a little bit of excitement.

Kaile and Kurt had worked together hand in hand to make the Messa as quick as she could be. So much so that Kaile took on calling that light freighter the fastest ship in the 'verse! Granted, might have been a little bit biased, but there was no denying the Messa was fast. Frighteningly so at times, and more than once Kaile'd wondered if they'd just explode out of the heavens.

That was just done from tinkering with the engine and doing it little bit little. Actually seeing one of the rare Silkworm points five engines was the sort of doozy that only happened during window shopping -- and Kaile and Kurt had done alot of window shopping.

"What?!" she squeaked out, rocking on her heels and blinking at Asmus with large chocolate brown eyes. There it was, a bit of color back in her cheeks. Just a little bit more pep. Good on you Asmus worked like a charm.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Yeah," he said, clearly quite pleased with her reaction. "We had a good run of missions after a dreadful year. Got the ship banged up flying for the Alliance with the Merchant Fleet and got compensated. So now we have this and a turbolaser, Shame we're running so you can't get a closer look. Such a piece of engineering, took us ages to get it playing with the rest of the ship properly. Blew out a console on the bridge once. But now it's super smooth."

He stepped back so Kaile could get a better look through the opening. Blue circuitry across the outer casing of the unit rippled with blue light. "Fully laden this thing doesn't handle all that well, trust me. But in hyperspace, where our mass just doesn't matter so much, we can outrun most any patrol cruiser."

He bit his bottom lip through a broad smile, watching her. "Bet you didn't think we'd have one of these."
[member="Asmus Janes"]


The compliment wasn't in the word as much as the impressed expression that bathed her face. It was a small space, but the temptation to poke her head in there and get a close look was high.

She settled with curling her fingers around the edge of the opening, blunt fingers meeting cool metal.

A second later, she slid a wry look through the corner of her eyes at the scoundrel.

"But no smugglin', right?" she teased him, managing a genuine half grin as the light kept growing in her large hazel eyes. The warmth coloring her cheeks.

So there Kaile was; her hair half a mess, strands fanning her cheek with every breath she took, and that flash of a dimple that seemed to taunt Asmus with its rare show. She was a paradox wrapped in an oxymoron, smothered in contradictions.

And she would disappear from his life in a few hours time.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Well clearly we wouldn't do any of that. Just run the numbers, I'm sure you could afford to run a silk package in a long range, medium transport with just legal low margin good right?"

There was a mischievous smile again, but it faltered. "We don't run anything bad though. Kairon flat out refuses to ship any spice. Well that kind of spice. We actually made a killing moving Silda Root from the rim to Chiss space and avoiding customs. Stuff is worth more than its weight in platinum there."

Turning his body to face her, he casually leaned his shoulder against the bulkhead. He watched her closely as her eyes flicked between to hyperdrive engine and back to him. He was starting to suspect that he would never find out what was going on behind those eyes. For a time the sadness had genuinely left them, if only for intervals. She was so much more beautiful by its absence.

It wouldn't be the first time he'd been an exciting distraction for someone in an unhappy life, if that's what this was. But it hadn't felt like that, not to him. Normally despite what was spoken both sides really knew what was happening and that the scoundrel would be on his way, no questions asked. It didn't normally hurt. Not even slightly, not the acute ache he was subject to now.

His right arm came out. A delicate, feather light touch across her shoulder and down her back.

"Not long left now. Kiss me."
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Not long left now. Kiss me."

It was a simple request, readily acquiesced. The old Kaileann would have flirted a bit, perhaps been coy before coming up to nibble at the corner of his mouth, tease him with her bubbly charm while her hands began to wander.

This Kaileann, on the contrary, wasn't so apt to do the same. See it was there in the gold-flecked green gaze. In his expression there. A sort of melancholy knowing. Dozens of questions that he could not have the answers for. And all the while, the clock was ticking.

Finding herself in his arms didn't take much. A push back from the secret cubby, a few steps forward until their faces were inches apart, his breath mingling with hers in one evaporated cloud. Kaile breathed him in, closing her mouth tight and inhaling the scent of him through her nose. She felt sheltered by him. Safe.

"Okay," the words she couldn't bring herself to add swirled in her mind: I'm sorry. I know you're worried, but I can't. Barring that, Kaile wanted to kiss him so that she wouldn't feel the guilt escalate, threatening to well in her chest and spill out in one irrevocable confession.

So her hands rose up, cupping his face. Thumbs caressed the high arches of his cheekbones, felt the tiny stubble of growth that had grown overnight. An upturn of her face, the faint tickle of his hair by her cheek.

It was easy.

Kissing him was as natural as feeling his hands come up to rest against her waist, drawing her in, holding her close. With a slow shut of her lids and the searching press of warm lips as Kaile kissed him softly.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

All was forgotten as he felt her curves melt into him. It wasn't like the sudden rush in the corridor. It was the crashing wave and slow recession, the break in the tension. Almost tentative at first as his hair fell around them and he tipped down to meet her. A searching, slow kiss that gathered in intensity. There was a pause as the pad of his thumb traced the shell of her ear and he took a moment to open his eyes and release a smile.

Not much time left, but that knot of confusion unwound a little. All memories faded over time, details changed or lost their colour. But these memories were etched deep. Right now there was no rush, no problems with the ship, no problems that had a solution to be found. At times an hour could perhaps be stretched out when you stopped trying to achieve something and just absorbed your surroundings.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Funny, how just a kiss seemed to melt away some of the tension. It took a moment before Kaile lifted the curtains of her lids, lashes rising to catch Asmus staring down at her. He had the little upward quirk on the side of his mouth as he smiled, and his hair kept tickling her as it brushed along her cheeks.

Unable to help the small giggle, up went her hands, sliding into his hair. They threaded through the dark locks, brushing them back until they tucked the strands behind his ears.

"Just has a mind of its own, don't it?" she murmured, her voice dropping an octave into a husky drawl. The Lorrdian studied his face for a moment, memorizing the hollows of his cheeks, the arch of his eyebrows, and the gold flecks in his eyes. My goodness, no man should look as pretty as he did. Lashes so long that any girl would be envious of, and shapely lips that her mind was already drifting towards where they could trace.

Flushing, she lowered her head, turning to look to the side. Staring at the panel, Kaile added," Should probably cover it up 'fore the Capt'n catches it uncovered."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Hmm?" Eyebrows lazily raised and Asmus looked confounded by the question. He'd been thinking back to that pause she'd given him back in that maintenance tube. The case they definitely hadn't been smuggling.

Eyes broke away from Kaile. "Oh right," he sighed. His left arm reached up and slid it closed again. An affirmative beep as the lock caught.

Ignoring her almost shy demeanour he pulled her tight with the other. His left hand tilted her face back up towards him as he drew in a sharp breath.

The silk engine could bend spacetime, but not in the way he wanted. Denon drew close.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Her heart reached out to him as they stood there, staring at one another, and for a moment Kaile felt the threads of connection between them. Such fragile filaments and so easily snapped. Just feeling him against her sent her heart skipping, a quickening of breath at the way he almost possessively crushed her to him. Barely halfway through twenty, more boy than man, but still strong.

Kaile found herself breathless when two fingers gently tipped her head back up, the hazel of her eyes meeting the jade of his own. Just something about the way he was looking at her already was making goosebumps run across her skin, belly seeming to flip flop at the sensation of his hand skimming along her jawline.

Shoulders rose with a deep breath she took in, and Kaile followed the caress with a nuzzle. Here they were, alone in the engine bay save that Silkworm humming along. Unable to stop time no matter how much Kaile wished it.

So instead her body would communicate the only way it could. They went sweeping up over his shoulders, feeling the muscles shift and flex under his shirt. Made bold by the guilt that mushroomed between them, Kaile kissed him again, this time a bit more forcefully, a little bit more desperate. Just enough to get lost and let everything fade away. Until she could burn his taste on her tongue. Until her palms could chart over him with the familiarity one had for the back of their hand. Until just maybe, Kaile could keep him safe in her memories and never fade, so bright and shiny and vibrant as the stars.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Time could ripple, or could bend, could bow but was never broken. It couldnt stop, not go back on itself. Together they marched ever closer to that fixed point in spacetime. As if were a singularity, it was the inevitable terminus of their path together.

Yet as Asmus' lips parted from hers there was a sense of calm that hadn't been there before. Just a few moments had smoothed over some of the cracks that had threatened to split open. He was left thinking only of the best moment of the trip.

He softly bit his lower lip as he looked down upon her. She was so close, still encapsulated by him, his hair falling just before her. His mouth opened as if he had been about to speak, but no words came. Closing it, he instead allowed a hand to come up to her temple. Ever so slowly he traced down over her cheek, before it came to rest on her collarbone. What could he say that they didn't both know after all?
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile lost track of how long they stood there, just entranced by each other and simply enjoying the sensation of Asmus fingers over her skin. It was all rather innocent considering their backgrounds and free love tendencies.

But as with all things, they had to end. Brushing her fingers over the scoundrel's hand, Kaile gently massaged over the top of his hand and the slender fingers unique to Asmus.

"Reckon we should probably go." Kaile finally said, her words soft and barely audible over the low hum of the Silkworm engines.

They couldn't stay here in engineering the next few hours, pretending that the rest of the Quin didn't exist.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Yeah, okay," Asmus murmured. He looked around them as of trying to recall where it was they stood. I'm truth it had almost faded from his mind.

"You fixed the sensor quick anyway, we'll just say it took longer," an easily sold lie. No reason to explain that they'd been saying goodbye without words.

With a slow nod and a smile he took her hand and stepped away from the hyperdrive. Back up to the cockpit to check how far odd they were, he supposed.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The climb up the railing didn't have any fancy moves like her drop down earlier. Just a simple climb up, a clasp of a hand reaching down to help Asmus to his feet. A few awkward smiles here and there.

It was odd, just how holding his hand seemed to be okay. Alright. No other words were said, but that was just fine. There was comfort in the silence if edged with melancholy.

Walking out of Engineering left the hum of the Silkworm package behind them, leaving the corridors a little bit quieter now. Kaile played with her hydrospanner, the rest of her tools in that little clutch.

"I should put these away," her voice broke the din, that messy hair turning up to glance at Asmus.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Maybe check in with Kairon, might have some more odd jobs," Asmus replied. His tone was distant, as if his mind was elsewhere. In truth he didn't want to return to their room - his room - and see her pack the last of their things away.

However, Kairon was stood in the galley at the caf machine. He turned to give them a curious look. The old pirate knew his nephew well. Something had changed between the pair today. The lad was always affectionate. Jarrick always said it was because he 'had lady parts' and that was why he 'wore perfume and dressed like a lady at court.'

"Not far from their space now, best get your things Kaile."

There was a pause. "It's been good having you aboard. You ever need shipping anywhere, even a bit tricky, we'll get you there long as you bring your tools."

It was about as heartfelt as Kairon got except for privately with Mal.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Something about the way that Kairon said that made Kaile's lower lip tremble, her eyes sting.

"Thank you right kindly, Capt'n," she replied softly with a wobbly smile, trying her best to keep her chin up. The offer for ride anywhere touched something within the Lorrdian, even though she knew that was not going to be possible.

"Sorry, again," she began, stumbling over her words, fingers working back and forth around her clutch of tools. "For being any trouble." she wanted to confirm that. Make that clear.

"Didn't mean anythin' by it." she continued, her shoulders hunching a bit as she rocked on her heels. Nervous, emotions a bit strained.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Weren't no trouble we encountered that wasn't of our own making," Kairon replied. "Plenty of it and you got involved."

The tall, middle aged man forced a smile and then looked to Asmus. He was just as capable of dealing with the increasingly agitated woman as he had been on the first day of this trip. Boy, help, that look said.

Asmus wrapped an arm about her waist and pulled her in tight to stop her fidgeting any further. He softly kissed the nape of her neck. "It's okay," he whispered. Drawing in her scent connected memories. The though of being pressed into her neck as he slowly rocked against her.

His voice threatened to break as he said: "Let's get your things."

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