No, revan was a master in the force, he was extremely powerfull, he and his apprentice, malak, figured out that the sith had survived, so they went in search of them which lead them to dromund kass. The emperor of the sith found them and bent there will's toward the dark side using the force. Revan and malak found a way to get rid of most of the emperors control over them, but the evil desires stayed with them. They knew the emperor was planning an attack on the republic, and repeat the mistakes of the great hyperspace war. Revan and malak began to try to stop the emperor, ending with the events in Kotor 1. Meetra was Refans second in command, and she was also extremely powerfull in the force, she was very close to revan. In the end she led half of revans fleet in the battle of malachore IV. eventually the Jedi counsel called her back to them and stripped her of the force because she had an ability to influence everyone around her with the force. And you tell me they were "looking for relevance"