Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It would have been so awesome! Perhaps too awesome for SW, like an intelligent Gamorrean who's part of the literari elite. In theory there could've been a Sith Emperor, but at some point the Council got rid of him and but decided that they could still utilise him as a construct. The 'Emperor' could provide both a god-like rallying symbol for the simple masses to cleave to and someone to distract lesser Sith and the Jedi.

And then the Jedi go on a wild goose chase to kill the 'evil emperor'!
Well you have to lookmat the differences here, the emperor was attuned to the force and he influenced the entire army of the sith
And then the Sith Emperor just sat back and let Malak and Revan play around with the Star Forge...and the Republic still survived, despite gross incompetence and the fact that its soldiers were forced to clear clown suits. I wonder whether this indignity contributed to Saul Karath defecting to the Sith.

Then, after Malak had been beaten, the Sith Emperor just sat back and waited for several more centuries...why? Because "uber"-Revan told him that he might lose? Finally, the Sith Emperor decides to invade the Republic, but he still fails to totally conqquer it, just imposes a humiliating peace treaty. I guess his ever-victorious army isn't that victorious, after all. The Emperor's just an overhyped gloater.
The Last Son
if you were to read up on the lore. the Sith were going to attack the republic and wipe them from the galaxy. Revan in his cyrostasis used the force to convice the emperor that if they kept the Jedi alive that they would help him. In doing so they made a pact. dirring the however many years that he waited. he captured revan after malek was killed, and tourched him to learn about the secrets of the Republic. the Sith wanted to know all that he knew. and Revan lasted like this for 300+ years. If you ask me thats power to stand that kind of punishment.
Revan is an over-powered, over-hyped Mary Sue as far as I'm concerned. But each to their own, I guess. I'm cynical about many things! And apparently even with all the extra time they had to prepare, the Sith didn't conquer the Republic. In fact, if you take the latest addition to TOR into account, they're actually losing the new galactic war!
The Last Son
Yes which is kind of sad. And you have to remember that revan lived for about a thousand years! so he has had time to gather his strength. infact when he was rescued he made a Sith lord literaly go "poof" from force lightning. the Sith disingrated. you can bash him all you want but hes my fave sith.
And in Dark Empire Palpy ridiculously comes back from the dead (or rather never died, since his spirit jumped into a lackey), body-hops from clone to clone, creates force storms that can destroy Star Destroyers. Which was extremely lame as well. Getting uber-powers doesn't translate into having good characterisation.

Oh, and despite living for a 1000 years, Revan still doesn't fight and kill the Emperor. I guess maybe he's feeling a little rusty.
The Last Son
Thats palpy not revan. Revan could have chose to be with the empire again but chose not to even though he knew he was going to die/dissapear. im not saying that hes better because of his powers. Im saying that hes better from chosing a path that would end him. He also stopped/slowed the sith so his son and wife (Bastala) didnt have to run from the sith for the rest of their lives. but by doing so he never saw them(except for a holo that his astromech droid had)

Darren Onyx

I think Revan is alive. Somewhere. He is the most powerful of all the sith and jedi and could easily wipe them out given the chance. I think he is very much alive and using the force to stay that way.
Revan was a hero, he knew what he was sacrificing when he left that last time, even in death, he had suceeded in his goal, he bought the galaxy another 50 years of peace, but zero, he wasnt the strongest, he was brave and selfless, a true hero. Proving that he wasnt the strongest was his fight with the emperor.
I imagine that taking an army with him to fight confront the Emperor rather than going alone would have been smarter. Or, you know, not attacking the Republic in the first place and instead using the fame had gained from leading their forces to victory against the Mandalorians to at least try and prepare them against the Sith. Granted, that probably would not have worked either, but would have been less ridiculous a plan.

As for him being a hero, I imagine all the Republic citizens that died when he started the Sith War would disagree.
The Last Son
He went alone becasue all the people that he knew were dead. and he was a hero. but this quote is what makes him powerful

"Warriors are not always the fastest or strongest men. Strength and speed can be devloped through traning.Warriors are thoes who chose to stand between thier enemy and all that he loves or holds sacred."

because of this he will do anything to protect the ones he loves/cares about. thats why he stopped the sith empire.

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