Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Revan wasnt evil, the emperor twisted his and malaks minds towards the dark side, and what about all the men and women he saved when defeating malak on the star forge? And taking an army with him would have succeeded in doing exactly what he was trying to stop, a war. Before making wild accusations, read the books.
The Last Son
Yes i have read the books. I have played the games and looked up the lore. Im saying that he was stronger in his heart and thats what drove him to be the best that he could be. Im not saying that he was evil. and it seem that this thread has become a battle about whos right so im just going to stop posting on here. This is not a measuring contest I was asking about what were peoples thoughts about what "COULD" have happened to Revan.

Im sorry that this got out of hand, and im done with the subject.
The Last Son
I know Vault. but it keeps going back and forth between us about revan being the "Best or Worst" contest and It was supposed to be a simple subject to state your oppion. NOT to see who read up on all the lore.
But Revan still killed millions of civilians in the Republic during his drive after getting the Star Forge. Malak many more again. Are we to exonerate him because the Emperor 'corrupted' him? We surely didn't do that to war criminals who were 'corrupted' by dictators. Or is the Force a zero sum blame game...where the Force removes all need for a conscience?

As for Revan, suppose he won the war, threw down the Republic and put himself in place as Supreme Grand Admiral Chancellor General Master...what then? Did he really think he could just make the entire galaxy 'ready' for the Sith? In what way? Wouldn't that have been doing exactly what the Sith Emperor WANTED?
He wasn't preparing the galaxy for anything, he was going to take over with his Sith Empire. The Emperor did command him to do so, but Revan betrayed the Emperor and wanted to take it over himself without the Emperor. We all know how that went.
Ok, let me address this in a more mature maner. Revan did feel like a monster, in the begginning of the book, he is basically depressed, not only because of his visions, but the fact of all the innocent people he killed, but i feel like he wasnt happy untill his story was over, not that he had redeemed himself, but he had secured his son's life.

Silas Ward

Mandolorian assassin
Lets put it this way: Revan is a sorry excuse for anything. Mainly because he was to smart for himself. First he was a Jedi, then a Sith, then a Jedi again and then he gets PWNd by the Sith Emperor and betrayed by his own ally! His head was thinking in one to many directions!
It wasnt his fault scorge betrayed him, scourge had seen all the different outcomes of the battle, and he chose the one which gave him the best outcome, and in revans defence, he was out of options, they needed scorge.
Scourge knew that Revan would not be able to kill the Emperor, and betrayed him only to ensure that he could remain at the Emperor's side to keep an eye on the Emperor for the right chance when the person who would be able to kill the Emperor, had that chance. That's why Scourge allies with the Jedi Knight in ToR, even though they didn't kill the Emperor, but only his voice.

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