Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Connor Harrison said:
Gonna be a heart-breaking installment I think going from the overall vibe...
Like in Halo Reach, they would not spend so much time to characterize a team of saviors delivering hope if they did not plan to kill them off one by one.


Connor Harrison

A much more "Vader" like introduction to his character post 'ROTS' is needed, and better than the mildly un-exciting reveal in 'ANH'.
[member="Connor Harrison"] Well there is Rebels. But seeing him back on the big screen is such a treat! Glad James Earl Jones is back in the spotlight as the voice. The impersonators who they got for Force Unleashed and Battlefront aren't very good.

Any idea who they got to fill the suit? They'd have to get somebody big.

Connor Harrison

[member="Fatty"] I think they're going for something different than cod orange, but it looks so.... "un-fish" like to what we're used to!

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