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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Connor Harrison


Connor Harrison

Felicity Jones talks 'Rogue One' with Jimmy Kimmel...

Connor Harrison

Nissan get in the Star Wars universe for 'Rogue One'...

Connor Harrison

[member="Fatty"] Like last year with 'TFA', lots of adverts always relate to childhood imagination - something pretty priceless. :)

Connor Harrison

We're being treated to another International trailer....god damn this movie looks good...

...and a new TV spot 'Hope'...

Connor Harrison

Guest have gold thumbs and two tickets?

How'd you get tickets already? They're not on sale yet!

And what do you mean anyway with the gold things - I don't understand :)
Oh, I thought it was a universal thing. I got a cinema gift card worth two gold-class tickets. What that means, is that when the film comes out, I can book a sitting. So technically, I don't have tickets, but I could totally get some!

Gold-class itself is the top tier of cinema. Reclining seats, booze, deluxe food like pizza, pasta and the like. Its gonna be lit!

Connor Harrison

Oh right! Is that America or Australia? None of that luxury here in the UK, even with a Premier ticket. All you get is a comfy chair and a bit of leg-room!

Connor Harrison

Ahhh [member="Valiens Nantaris"] mentioned this sort of cinema. Sounds pretty awesome compared to what we Brits get. No fair!
they had something like that in the city, around the time for Return of the King and Revenge of the Sith (only two movies I paid for to do it) and it was great but it shutdown after awhile. I wish there was another good theater besides the IMax

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