Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Connor Harrison

Top HD quality of the final trailer....this looks the best of them all I have to say...

Connor Harrison

New TV spot for the ticket launch and I may be wrong, but do I glimpse the back of someone who could be Tarkin in this....?

Connor Harrison

It'll be nice seeing a tropic planet feature. So much love for the original elements they're bringing to this film and overall story.

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] I hate spoilers as much as you - this is discussion about material in the public domain that ISN'T a spoiler. I won't publish spoilers or support the posting of spoilers in this thread.

Just a discussion and sharing of trailers/posters/news/non-spoiler reviews etc.

Connor Harrison

The first official clip from the film is released....

Connor Harrison

New clip 'Trust'...and the soundtrack sounds like something from SW:TOR. Stunning.

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