Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Scratching Names Off The Naughty List [Sith Empire VS Mandalorians - Invasion of Yaga Minor]

@[member="Paega Anginous"], @[member="Allison Willamina"], @[member="Marcus Faust"], @[member="TJ-1467 Jay"]

Yaga Minor Ground - at the river

The little tussle between the Mandalorians, the Omegans and the Sith had apparently become immensely popular. Sith reinforcements were streaming, landed by Gunships, the fight was heating up. This meant more explosions, more slaughter, more death and destruction. For peace had no purchase on this world. In the grim darkness of the near future, there was only war and blood thirsty gods looked upon the field of battle with glee.

Paega had been tossed across the battlefield by Moira's strength, falling onto the ground several good yards away from the killer droid. Gunships roared as Sith troopers were dropped off, Omegan troopers fiercely returning fire, though they were clearly outnumbered and outgunned, but nonetheless salvoes of bolter and blaster fire greeted the newcomers. Moira twitched slightly but advanced onward, grabbing a sonic rifle from one of the dead Mandalorians and taking aim, still holding her scatter gun, with the Sith Knight in her sights. However, then suddenly the Sith unleashed her force powers, in an interesting display of telekinetic prowess. It was rather unfortunate that a certain Exarch Kerrigan was not here to fight, for she had once again been crippled during the final battle with the Bando Gora Prophet, incidentally pretty much tearing down a mountain. Undoubtedly the master telekineticist would have found this battle fun and tossed them back with glee or unleashed a powerful force explosion. However, when it came to dealing with force attacks Moira was at a distinct disadvantage.

Anticipating them was difficult for a machine. Organic forcers could sense such things, a droid could not, so she had to be reactive for the most part. Regardless two Gunships were racing towards her through the air and Moira, calculating their trajectory and speed, ran, with a blinding, inhumane speed that no mundane could muster, dodging, leaping, racing as she sought cover. It was with blinding speed, and she dodged one Gunship as it crashed onto the ground hard, a powerful explosion tearing through it as flames swept across. However, while an HRD was good, it still had its limitations, and she was caught by the force of the shockwave and thrown for several metres, landing hard upon the ground. She pulled herself back up, eyes flaring up for a moment, but then the second Gunship came and though Moira rolled to the side the cockpit slammed into her and she fell, seemingly buried by it.

For a moment nothing happened, the droid seemingly lying there limp, flames spreading as the wrecked Gunship caught fire. Presumably the poor fellows flying the craft had been killed, but then they were minions, who alas seemed to have the job to get killed. Then there was a loud, insistent bang, mechanical hand smashing against part of the cockpit. Slowly, but surely, flames spreading, Moira pushed all her strength against the cockpit burying her and pounded against it, bashing into it and pushing the rubble that buried her off, making debris fly, then she arose as it was thrown off her. Past the fires she walked, a decidedly mechanical walk, limping it appeared. A large part of her face was burnt off, revealing metal, both her eyes were as crimson as blood and there was vicious scarring and burn marks, a large part of the rest of her body was similarly damaged, but she walked, a wounded stormtrooper lying on the ground and reaching for his blaster was taken out when she stomped her foot upon his throat, crushing it.

She gazed upon the battlefield, the Sith Knights, stormtroopers. An HRD could not feel anger - the fact that the Sith had fought back like this made it more interesting, but if Moira could be annoyed, she was it right now. Activating her communicator she sent a transmission to the very Inimicas who had just turned the forest into a blazing inferno. Tempest Wing, we are north of the smoke close to the fire. Order full bombing run south of location. Exterminate all hostiles, she transmitted. An Inimica was a flying fortress, with an ungodly amount of firepower. A dead Omegan trooper was so kind to have left a boltgun behind and she grabbed it, firing explosive bolts at the Sith. Joinng Allison the giant Mandalorian at the rock, she took the second e-web turret and a hailstorm of laser rounds burst out towards the Sith troopers.
Aboard the Dzu'ari
Yaga Minor [SPACE]
Dzu'ari (1)
Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyers (2) - Judgement and Cutting Edge

The sight of enemy vessels filled the Emperor with anger. His teeth bore down into each other, grinding down as his yellow eyes blazed in an endless fury. This battle had been roaring for long enough. The ground personnel reports were coming in from everywhere as well as fleet readings, successes and defeats were a mixed fury of green and red that flashed upon his tactical screen. His fingers began tapping as fast as they could, dispatching orders at the blink of an eye. In his series of taps a total personnel list was being sent down to the planet below:

From Dzu'ari, Judgement, and Cutting Edge

The commands registered almost in the fraction of a second. Reports came in as the Dzu'ari and her escorts began to pour out ground personnel to assist in the ground battles raging below. Half went towards Yagai City where reports indicated a Tarentarek rampaging and destroying everything in its sight (@[member="Sev3n"]). The other half deployed to a grouping of Knight waging battle along a major river (@[member="Paega Anginous"], @[member="Marcus Faust"]). Another wave of the hand sent more orders to his assistant, TD-30. "TeeDee, send all of the Subjgators' crews to the Dzu'ari. Leave only a minimal skeleton crew of droids to handle ship management."

A sigh left his lips as his daughter approached, leaving @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] unleashed to wander the decks of the massive supercarrier. It seemed as if a smile touched his mouth as he pondered upon the unkindled flame pacing his bridge. More pressing matters came to his mind as he felt the tinge in the Force as Kara grew close, questioning as to what she should do. "Kara, dear.." He reached over to retrieve a tactical datapad from a nearby console. "You are to command the Judgement. All fighters have been deployed and all available ground forces have been sent down to Yaga Minor."

"Take care of it."


Eternal Darkness
Mortivious fell back with Aedan, he had been assessing his wounds during the battle, trying his hardest to stop the bleeding from the minor frag grenades ripping into parts of his armor. The smoke screen provided quite the way to exit, too. The Sith Apprentice would have to lick his wounds once he got back to the command center where he could take a nice long Bacta Bath.

Pride was the most injured thing about Mortivious, he would likely fully recover from the other wounds, but his pride would forever be dented from losing so bad. He would find this Mandalorian warrior again however, their tango was far from over.

@[member="Aedan Miles"] @[member="Basaba Willamina"]
Aboard the Harbinger
Yaga Minor [SPACE]
1 x Pellaeon-class MKII Star Destroyer (Upgraded) - Harbinger
2 x Xo'Xaan-class Star Destroyers - Breaking Silence and Eternal
10 x Subjugator-class Assault Ships (Second Loadout) - Blaze, Shepherd, Blood Funnel, Vengeance, Bonegrinder, Crimson Sparks, Hell's Angel, Dragon's Mistress, Damnation, and Resolute

If droids could smile, TD-30 would have been by this moment. To be contacted by his master in the heat of battle was a great honor, any task that the savior of ice gave, would be immediately carried out by the tactical droid. "It will be done, my master." Came the reply from his metal throat. Red photoreceptors gleamed as he carried out the orders, using the S90 MAATs from each Subjugator to evacuate the majority of each crew to the Dzu'ari, leaving only enough droids to pilot the ship and man essential systems.

Kalius Aegrus

Yaga Minor [GROUND]
@Moira Skaldi @Allison Willamina @Paega Anginous @[member="Marcus Faust"]

The scattered platoon began regrouping at the crashed gunship, wounded soldiers were pulled inside as the rest of them took cover or fanned out for optimal firing positions. Heavy fire began coming from their 12'oclock as the Sith Knight duel came to a dimenuendo, their battle closing as even more sparked along the flames of war. The visor in Jay's helmet assisted with targeting, cocking his shoulder slightly to perfect his aim and squeeze the trigger, dropping an Omegan soldier as a burning husk. His motion sensors flared as a man approached him, a Sith Knight. "Sir! We're taking heavy fire from our '12. My boys got 'em suppressed for now, but we're going to need backup and evac immediately." He flicked a glance back to the wounded men groaning as a single medical droid worked on them. "Hang on, boys..."

His helmeted gaze softened for a moment, giving him a solitary fraction of time to mourn his fallen brothers. Their pained faces covered by the black sheath of a mask, smoldering from scorch marks peppering their plastoid armor. An ember grew within Jay, his teeth grinding down as his brows furrowed in anger. The platoon-wide coms were active, "Platoon, forward!" He screamed with all his might. The wave of his free hand erupted a chorus of war cries as stormtroopers fled their positions, sprinting forward to seek dugouts to bail into and pour out blaster fire. Many troopers dropped to the ground with grunts, but the majority of the men kept pushing forward. "Do not waver! Do not give in!" He sucked in a breath of air, "For the Empire!" An echo of his cry rang out across the battlefield, nearly being drowned out by the incoming Omegan fighters.

Sorrow and regret filled his eyes as the incoming fighters made their debut with proton bombs and laser fire. Fortified positions became the exact opposite of what they were moments before. Blasts struck the ground before him, forcing him to dive into a hole, shielding another trooper with himself. Moments passed with a massive shockwave shaking the ground around him. Jay's eyes widened as he popped his head up to see the flaming wreckage of an Omegan fighter, its pilot screaming in agony as he clambered out with a roaring wave of flames enveloping him. He didn't last a second, Imperial blaster fire broke into him and he dropped like shattered glass.

A scream wailed overhead, the scream of a Twin Ion Engine. A TIE fighter.

Additional gunships and landing barges parked nearby, depositing AT-SATs, AT-TTs, and Artillery Tanks. The Sergeant Major couldn't be any happier in his life.

@[member="Olom Grihk"]
"Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!" Lavania kept at it rocking back and forth, back and forth as the room filled. So much mist still pouring out and across the battlefields. So much going off into the caves where Olom would be. Not from his way of coming in but snaking down under into it. The small one had to remember to factor in that most mandalorian bases would still use beskar alloy, not as lasting but still beskar was something that could be mixed with the ferracrete in the smelting process. The iron able to add to the properties.

"Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!" Lavania kapt at it, this was their time to do something big. to make a difference and help where they could as she felt it in the force. A few twitches from the ones while the magics took hold. Their wills for them to rise up coming with a shant. "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!" "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!" "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!"

@[member="Allison Willamina"] @[member="Paega Anginous"] @[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="TJ-1467 Jay"]

"Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!" -twitch- "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!" -twitch twitch- "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!" The chanting became fevered as what had begun culminated. The nightsisters chants, their mist and their forces sang across the river while things moved. Built up aggression, built up power had a way of becoming something more.

The first sign for the stormtroopers would be the dead comrades firing blindly while words came out along the flicks of green mist. "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!" The mandalorians and Omega troopers that Paega had sliced down, the ones her men shot at slowly rose if they were intact enough to fight. Hands grasped at the other troopers to choke the life from them and still the chanting carried. "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!"

The dead in the forest who had been killed by the trees from Moira's orders, the rocket troopers who had been frozen and killed by the sith apprentice. Opened fire flying back into the ground as the kick from the rocket hurt them... Or as much as it could. Overhead the bombers sang dropping coompliments on the newly arrived and older forces. The new gunships with troop transports, canderous tanks and Inimicas descended to destroy. The Inimicas were not fighters they were powerhouses made to dish out and take damage. The bombs and lasers would only add to the newly arisen army as the chanting kept going. "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!"
@Allison Willamina @Paega Anginous @Marcus Faust @Moira Skaldi @TJ-1467 Jay @[member="Lavania"]

A smirk formed under Marcus' helmet, tugging at scarred flesh as the TIE's rolled in, unleashing hell with their armaments as walkers and the other lot touched down. But the smirk quickly faded when he ignited his saber and cut down two of Stormtroopers that had risen from the dead. "Not this again." He grumbled before he, along with his men, saber guard included, surged forward alongside @[member="TJ-1467 Jay"].

As anti-force user grenades and other weaponry forced Marcus to evade left and right, avoiding the explosives meant solely for his kind. They would not stop him, they COULD not stop him, this was destiny. An Omegan soldier lunged at Marcus from behind a rock, raising his bolted to fire it at the Sith Knight, but he wouldn't get the chance. Marcus cut the man in two from his right shoulder to his left hip. It was easy.

A lone S90 MAAT would swoop down and rescue Paega from the jaws of death, though the Imperial Navy soldiers who pulled her onto the transport amidst the heat of battle would be cut down mercilessly. As the walkers took the lead in the charge, Marcus felt the smirk re-emerge and become a full on smile. The massive weapons bore into the Mandolorian's and Omegans as if they were nothing, which they soon would be.
Location: .5 meters under the ground.
Objective: Teach the inhabitants some manners.

Olom was annoyed with this number. The typically dispassionate Columi smiled almost manically as he stopped. He could hear footsteps. He was under the primary yard. He use his telkinesis to move dirt down the tunnel he had been burning up, creating a small hollow tunner about as wide as a man's arm, ten meters away. Enough to pull a distraction. He pulled out one of his thermal detonators, grinning sadistically. He set the timer. Thirty seconds. He pushed with the force, slamming the grenade against the end of the lengthy tunnel, deactivating his light saber. Focusing a small push, contrating energy in his fist. Twenty seconds.


Troops marched in regimented patterns, patrolling the base. The Mandos were no slouches when it came to perimeter defense. Thankfully, there was one thing thing that could always drive the Mandalore off edge, even the most reserved and decent among their numbers. Betrayal. The explosion occurred in the middle of the yard, injuring none, but kicking up more than enough dust and debris to obscure those outside. Olom quickly pushed through his fragile cover of dirt from the force, and he sunk back down into the hole, throwing his unignited lightsaber at an enemy trooper. He moved fast, but the automated

At this point, it was a simple matter of ingenuity. Activate lightsaber. Telekinetically force one trooper to attack the others. Push his arm, one fluid motion. his body kept hesitating, and flinching, and it was taking effort to keep controlling him. Loyalty was a nuisance. He supposed it was caused by the abject horror, of betraying one's comrades against your will. Still, he lashed out, severing multiple heads. He smiled. As the dust began to settle, the final part of the act occurred. The trooper screamed in horror at what occurred, and then, with a force of Olom's will, stabbed him self in the stomach, de-activating the light saber.

Three smoldering holes in the ground, a dead squad of troops, and unignited lightsaber. Now the real fun would begin. The automated turrets couldn't intervene--they didn't know which troopers were friend or foe.

@[member="Lavania"] @[member="Adenn Gra'tua"]

(OOC: Start declaring your locations like Dranok asked, I honestly don't know who's in the base except for Lavania :confused: )
@[member="Moira Skaldi"], @Allison Willamina, @Marcus Faust, @TJ-1467 Jay

Yaga Minor [GROUND] - Riverside

Paega still had her eyes closed, but she could still feel everything that was happening as she drifted in and out of consciousness as a group of Imperial troopers carried her. The next thing she knew, the Sith Knight believed that she was inside a gunship, likely one of those S90 MAAT. Her suspicion was proven correct when whatever she was onboard shook and took off, lurching from side to side to avoid enemy fire.

"..she'll need to be in a bacta tank for several hours..." Paega heard an Imperial comment onboard the gunship before she blacked out again. If enemy fire didn't deter the gunship's flight one way or another, the gunship would drop off the injured Sith Knight at the closest Imperial ship or base, where she would be submerged into a bacta tank and left to heal.

@[member="Darth Mortivious"]

Aedan spun around and looked at the man before point sidelong at to Crags. "Stretcher now we need to move fast its the best way." He waited and watched calmly as they assembled the field stretcher and carried it over to the man. Aedan smirked as he shut his lightsabers down with a snap hiss and slapped them onto his belt. "Hop on I will make sure you get somewhere safe for a bacta bath mate. BUT lets hurry up no time to waste." Aedan obviously was serious as he walked around counting his wounded while he sighed. Out of the 50 squads he had brought to save one Sith it appeared that 45 of them were walking away. OF those 45 squads at least 2 squads were injured they would have to get looked at back at base. He waved them forward to the middle of the group sending 3 squads out as a forward guard and having 5 drop back and bring up the rear with him.


Eternal Darkness
Retreat Rivergroup
@[member="Aedan Miles"]
The Sith Apprentice bit his pride in the bud and obliged the pirate's request of getting on the stretcher, only because he felt it fitting he be carried.
@[member="Allison Willamina"], @[member="Paega Anginous"], @[member="Marcus Faust"], @[member="TJ-1467 Jay"]

Yaga Minor Ground - at the river

Everywhere the dead were rising, For it was written that the End of Times the graves should be emptied and the deceased would arise once more to judge and consume the living, for all flesh must be eaten. Wherever the organic ran, they would not be able to hide. Death had cut a bloody swathe scything his way across a million worlds, now Leviathan, the Dragon, the Prince of Lies, commanded that all flesh arise to serve his will, for all life was sinful and the Galaxy must be cleansed of it so it might be pure again.

Of course, it was probably not an Old One who had willed the stormtroopers to get up and fire upon their comrades, the fallen Omegans and Mandalorians to take their weapons and fight once more. Under the brutal onslaught from the tanks and walkers Omegan troopers were blasted, viciously cut down under the Sith onslaught. Those not too badly mauled arose once more, even a soldier whose legs had been blasted grabbed his grenade launcher and fired into the fray. From the skies Inimicas, not fighters, but built as bomber-gunships to serve as powerhouses meant to dish out heavy damage, descended, unloading their full payload of rockets and missiles upon the Sith armour. Explosions were heard across the field, screams of agonised invaded the hearing of Moira, along with the thunder of cannons and the sound of the earth seemingly being shaken by tremors under the advance of heavy armour it created a twisted symphony. Far as Moira was concerned this meant a target rich environment.

"Every marginally intact Sith we kill adds to our army," she commented flatly. "All must be processed." Her memories of her ascension were rather imprecise, much to her annoyance, but she thought she recalled that she had been killed...and then awakened as a machine, processd. Probably not on the third day, but it had been an ascension.

The symmetry of soldiers rising up after their death to once more fight and die appealed to her. Orderly, precise, perfect recycling of organic resources. The newly risen did not need to be motivated, they did not tire, they did not need encouraging speeches, they were fuelled by one desire alone: Murder the opposition. So she rained down hell upon advancing Imperial stormtroopers with her-eweb turret with one hand, another grabbed an Anti-Force User Grenade, a frag, and hurled it towards the Sith Knight (Marcus Faust), an incendiary one quickly following. The Mandalorian gunships had brought them reinforcements, more soldiers, that meant more organics to be processed when they would fall, troop transporters, Canderous tanks. Moira left the turret, running fast, very fast, despite the heavy damage sustained, as heavy laser fire and shells hit the ground around her, throwing up the earth and quickly reached one of the tanks, opening the hatch. "I am assuming direct control," she declared for no apparent reason really, but then perhaps being exposed to organics had given her an appreciation of dramatic lines, and quickly took the controls, swiftly getting the engines in gear.

Created to take a beating and dish out just as well, scrap starship parts had been used for the beskar alloy to protect it from major damage. Two mass driver cannons and a concussion missile launcher made it a force to be reckoned with, able to mete out beautiful desolation so that organics might be crushed. Moira did not believe in destiny, for belief alone was illogical and destiny an excuse for fools. She did not believe, she knew. She efffortly estimated the correct range and velocity to an enemy walker, then there was a loud boom as the cannons fired so that they might turn the enemy vehicle into scrap. There was no exultation upon her damaged features, which had been burnt and scarred to an extent they revealed her true nature, the metal that she was, only the next target, so she counted down the seconds until the guns could reload, a precise flicker of the control stick ranging the cannon against another Sith tank.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@Verz Horak @Aedan Miles @Juthan'Athar @Noah Corek @HK-36 @Hawke Katamirth @Nezuel @[member="Circe Savan"] @Gilamar Skirata @Sherruk Vhett

SPACE: Shipyards
Primary Objective: Take the Yaga Minor Shipyards
Secondary Objective: Capture Mandalorian Warships
Secondary Objective: Capture Mandalorian Starfighters
Bonus Objective: Test the TIE Detonators

1x Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer, Alternate Complement (Gorgon)
3x Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer (Iceni, Vindicator, Dauntless)
2x Ranator-class Star Destroyer, Alternate Complement (Hydra, Basilisk)
24x TIE Dominus
48x TIE Galaxy
96x TIE Taral
48x Eightgun-class Assault Fighter
36x Detritus-class Bomber
144x TIE Detonator, Neutron Bomb Payload
144x TIE Detonator, Antimatter Charge Payload
1x Orbiting Garrison

"Continue proceeding forward. Engage the Mandalorian ships at close range. Bombers, use your ion bombs on capital ship turrets and the shipyard's own turrets. Eightguns, engage the Mandalorian fighters directly. Half of the Tarals will protect our bombers, while the other half will engage the Mando bombers. Ranators, keep the antimatter Detonators primed and ready. Neutron Detonators, continue moving towards the hangars and other crevices of the ships and stations. We have boarding craft waiting to board the ships once they've been neutralized."

Opening up a private comm link with @[member="Dranok Lussk"], the Admiral gave a blank, neutral look as his holoimage appeared on the Dzu'ari. "Don't waste the Subjugators on the Mandalorian ships, Emperor... They still have their uses. Let the Detonators do their work, then the Subjugators can do their intended purpose: subjugate."

Verz finished issuing orders, and he walked to his command chair. Hanging on the chair was a rifle. Verz picked it up and slung it across his back. He walked toward the lift that would bring him down to the hangar that now held the Sith shuttle. His last orders before he left the bridge were to keep fighting the Sith.

The lift doors closed, and the descent to the battle with the Sith monstrosity, Krag. Within ten minutes, the lift opened, and Verz , in his crimson armor, black faceplate, and crushguants, was an imposing sight. Standing at his full 6' 4" height, he walked forward, watched by the Mando technicians and pilots in the hangar, of which there were less than 50. Most were techs, helping prepare and reload ships.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
@Clinaas @[member="Verz Horak"]

Krag, standing at 7'2, watched as the Mandalore disembarked the shuttle and his secret apprentice came over. With a toothy grin of satisfaction, Krag waved his apprentice to the shadows "Assist Dragonsflame for now...leave the leader of these filth to me." Krag walked forward, towards the Mandalore and called his lightsaber to his hand. Krag's weight and size caused grand shouts of thunder as he moved across the room and towards the small "lesser" before him. Even now, as he faced a great warrior, Krag still held him as a lesser that was nothing more than a small conquest to prove his species and himself. The sounds of thunder suddenly stopped as Krag came within 5 meters of the Mandalore and halted his advance.

"Just as I thought, small and fragile. How could such a renowned race be led by such a weakling." was Krag's snarled reply to the Mandalore's arrival as he ignited his lifghtsaber blade. It was not crimson, but an ashy black that seemed to radiate smoke from the cylinder blade almost the exact same way that it's owners skin did. After he was cursed, Krag's skin, blood and soul (as the curse says at least) took on the form of embers and ashes. Sith magic was a powerful thing and Krag could not begin to tell you how the curse worked, only that it did.
Yaga Minor [SPACE]

@Moira Skaldi, @Allison Willamina, @Marcus Faust, @TJ-1467 Jay @[member="Lavania"]

Paega let out a loud groan as she slowly opened her eyes. The blonde's hands immediately went to her injuries before she was even fully awake, her hands softly massaging the injuries on her shoulders as well as her legs. Thankfully, she could still feel them, which was good because it meant she hadn't lost them, but was also bad news since it also was painful. Very painful, she realized when she put her hands on them. She also realized that the Imperial medics, or whoever had taken care of her, had placed a good measure of bacta patches all over her. Although the patches were not nearly as effective as being submerged in a bacta tank, it would have to do for the time being. So now the question was, where exactly was she?

The Sith Knight slowly sat up, careful not to put too much strain on her injured shoulder. Judging by the fact that she was still alive, Paega assumed that the gunship had safely retrieved her from the battle field. Speaking of which, she wondered how the battle was going and if she could rejoin the battle. A look outside a window quickly changed that idea. Heck, she was in space, probably in some Imperial ship.

Five minutes later, Paega was dressed again and with her lightsaber safely put on her utility belt, walked out of her medical room. In the hallway, Paega managed to find out after questioning crew members passing by that she was onboard a Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer. After a while, Paega found herself walking into the ship's bridge, where the bridge crew was busy bustling about. The Sith Knight walked forward to who seemed to be like the admiral in charge. "Anything I can do to help, admiral?" she asked respectively. (@[member="Aken Bosch"]) Paega would gladly assist the Empire in space in anyway possible. She could either pilot a ship of her own and join in on the space combat, or be part of a boarding party invading Mandalorian ships.
Marcus, as always, reacted fast. He leapt to the side, evading the frag and incendiary grenades, being careful not to use the force. As the Omegan/Mandolorian forces bore into the Sith, and vice versa, very few bodies could be properly resurrected, a side effect of them being hammered by tank rounds. But those that did rise again were swiftly cut down, again.

He opened up a line to @[member="Aken Bosch"] in order to make a request, one that would smash @[member="Moira Skaldi"] into the dirt. "Admiral, I have a target for the TIE Detonators outfitted with antimatter charges." He said sinisterly, blocking bolts that were blasted his way by his foes.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
(Only a talk post, so no extra tags)


Bosch turned slowly, eying over the Sith Knight carefully. "We're testing an experimental weapon on the Mandalorian fleet and space stations. It's a drone TIE fighter with exceptionally strong shields and a paper-thin hull, designed for suicide duty. Those currently engaging the Mandalorian fleet are equipped with potently radioactive neutron bombs that should kill off the majority of, if not all of, the personnel on the shipyard and the ships. Once our weapons have done their work, you may join a boarding craft and capture the vessels for us. These ships will be exceptionally useful in deception operations, as well as for research and development. Until then, please, stay with me and watch the superiority of Imperial naval tactics in action.

He turned back, away from @[member="Paega Anginous"], but before he did, perhaps she would catch the smile on his face.

It was the first time he'd smiled in quite a while.
@[member="Marcus Faust"], @[member="Allison Willamina"]

Moira remained calmly in her tank. The mass driver cannons had reloaded, another Sith tank was in her sights and, calculating the correct range and velocity, she fired, a loud boom ringing out as the vehicle was presumably turned to scrap. All around her mayhem raged, explosions resounded, soldiers were mowed down and arose once more only to die again, this time finally, alas.

She was calm and untroubled, her features placcid, as calm as she could look considering a good portion of her face had been burnt off and revealed the metal beneath it. The tank would shield her from the blast from an anti-matter bomb, anyone else within two miles would die or be about dead, anyone within five miles would die from radiation. Since they were all fighting quite close at the river, anyone else would perish. Except her and the undead, truly proving the superiority of the machine form over everyone else. Skin would be burnt and melted to reveal the metal, but that was irrelevant.

Skin could be regrown, all organics must be processed. It would be mission accomplished. So she remained calmly in the tank, as presumably TIE bombers carrying charges of death and desolation would be soon coming close to unleash their deadly payload, another walker coming into the sights of her cannon, a metal hand flicking the control stick around and firing.

All would die. She would live. She remembered a saying from Artam: What is dead will never die, but rises again stronger and harder.

Organics would perish. Mission accomplished.

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