Ground, Joining Rivergroup:
Moving to oppose @[member="Darth Mortivious"] and @[member="Olom Grihk"]
Allying with @[member="Vertorix"] and @Basaba Williamina
Hit the ground, hit the ground!
Grenades going all around!
Troops down, troops down!
Empire's falling now!
With a running start Kad jumped and reached for the lowest branch of a nearby tree. It was to easy to pull herself up and begin the climb. About ten seconds later she was at the top of the tree, and looking out around the surrounding area. Explosions caught her attention, somewhere nearby a river to her north. Pale lips curled up into a grin as the Mando went to head towards the conflict.
What's that, what's that sound?
Shots fired off all around!
Fools down, fools down!
Empire's falling now!
Swinging herself on a branch Kad launched herself at the next tree. The distance wasn't far, and she was able to grip several branches before pulling herself even higher. There had to be a good spot to get a visual on the fighting nearby. Neither the last tree nor this one was tall enough. Their peaks did not reach over the others far enough to see beyond. Kad was going to have to march her way there. Which was fine by her, better chance to kill some stormtroopers along the way.
Targets are in, are in bound!
So many rounds!
Troops down, Troops down!
Empire's falling now!
Beskar boots hit the ground with a thud as she descended. Her sniper rifle was back in her hands, aimed at the forest in front of her. On her belt were two small blaster rifles, an assortment of grenades, and a few different types of ammo. Strapped to her back were vibro-blades, just in case the fight got close and personal. Just like every other mando out there Kad was ready. Her momentum carried her as she rushed through the woods, experience letting her be quieter then most would expect. The mando had spent twelve years of her life in woods like these, forced to fight to survive. Out of hundreds, she was the only to survive.
Ay ay ay ay! This war has a price yet to be paid, the sith will be laid down, no mercy, no mercy. Shots fired all around, troops hitting the ground, rapid action, Sith's slow reactions, they chose the wrong faction! Hit the ground, hit the ground! EMPIRE'S FALLING NOW! I SAID EMPIRE'S FAILING NOW!
Words were spilling out of her mouth, silenced by her helm. It was typical to add lyrics to a battle. Made things more interesting, and distracted her mind from the pain of lesser injuries. So far Kad had none of the latter... though she was amused by the rhyming. Sure, it wasn't terribly manly, but who says a girl has to be manly? Nobody. So frack off the judging. Ahem, moving on. The extremely manly female mando made her way towards the explosions, eyes full of fury, heart racing, and lips curled up in a smirk. As the sounds of battle got closer she slowed. She wasn't afraid, not even close. Kadala simply knew better then to charge into combat.
Eying the canopy of trees above she looked for the best candidate. Taller the tree the better. It took a few seconds to find a good one. But once she did she was climbing up, her rifle strapped on her back. The view was good, as it allowed her to see parts of the river and advancing sith troops. They wouldn't be marching for long though. Retrieving her rifle Kad set it up and started aiming. Her sights met that of a trooper firing at an unknown target. A cold, dry laugh was emitted as the mando pulled the trigger, re-cocked the gun, and fired again. Poor troop was hit once square in the chest and once in the helm. He wouldn't be fighting anymore. Knowing someone could track her position based off the shot she moved, using the longer, thicker branches to travel. Even a less war experienced mando like her knew not to stay in the same spot for to long.
That would be suicide.