Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Shattered Dreams - GA Dominion of Taris

"There's another on the ship,

"I sense them as well." Aiden voiced as he was in stride with her passing the down pirates. The more pirates that were down the more relief it brought for Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad and those in the vicinity. So far it seemed that they were following their plan and it was working rather well. That was until this new presence within the area. And as they advance, there seemed to be more pirates appearing.

"Let's bring them some relief, Padawan Porte,"

"Let's go!" Aiden reached level ground as the pirates that laid fire towards Minverva's group and they were stuck between the two allied forces. The Jedi Padawan's blade deflected several blaster bolts at those that turned to try and protect their exposed side. A thermal grenade was thrown their way from the middle of the enemy group. The Jedi barely had time to react as it wasn't seen until the last minute. A quick wave of his hand as it veered off course, however the shockwave was just close enough. Aiden felt the small push from the force as he stumbled over but regained his balance to rejoin the fight.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble
"Yeah, I know you and Mom struggle with that, but..." Vera flashed him a grin and followed him to the hatch. The door looked like it had been there for a very long time, and she got the feeling that it hadn't been opened before either. It was a barrier to keep out something so deadly that the best solution was to lock it away forever.

And now, she was about to open it with her brother. The idea was a little scary, but she knew the two of them could make it work.

"Alright, watch this." Vera placed her hand against the metal door and closed her eyes. She tapped into the Force, and immediately the sound of moving mechanisms began to softly echo through the tunnel. The door fell from its lock, and Vera flashed her brother a smug little grin.

Until the door began to slide open with gears and components so loud that the screeching could be heard across the tunnels. Vera flinched in response, hoping nothing had overhears, but the scream of some beast far away in the distance told her enough.

They knew the Jedi were here.

"We gotta move, quickly!"


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Iris Arani Iris Arani Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Time was of the essence, a luxury they couldn't afford to waste.

Normally, Zaiya would have bombarded Iris and Roman with questions. But this was not the best situation. There were people in need, and she was determined to help as many as she could.

Zaiya's face contorted in mild confusion, dove grey color tones rippling over her mottled spots as her emotions shifted their hue. The Lovalla Padawan had learned to use the interesting auras she sensed through the Force to detect life. Some brighter due to the Force, others muted. But Iris had opened a new door for her, a new way to gather even more information and interpret things by describing how emotions felt through Force. The idea that pain felt cold was intriguing. What about anger? Would it be hot?

It piqued Zaiya's curiosity about what other emotions might feel like. Did Jalen, who couldn't see, also sense things through the Force, particularly emotions?

So many questions.

"Of course," the Padawan replied to Iris with a nod, then turned to Roman, a shimmer of determination dancing over her skin in hues of vibrant citrines and cerulean bioluminescence. It made her stand out among the scattered dappled rays of light coming from the thick overhead canopies of the trees overhead.

"We can search together and then help who we can. Do you know any healing or field aid? Depending on the severity, we can try to assist while the others help in casualty evacuations to the triage center."



"Less talking about it, more doing it. These people need us now."

Iris spoke matter of factly as she reached out with the Force herself. She wanted the Padawan's assistance, but she wasn't going to wait for them. Guide them to figure it out, yes, if needed. But right now she pulled on the colors to start shifting through the rubble of another building. Below, an aged man desperately clinging to life. She cast the rubble aside before she crouched down to tug the man up and turned her gaze elsewhere.

She pointed right for some of the relief workers.

"Take him to the tent. Watch his leg, it's broken. He'll need to be treated for burns and internal bleeding. Go, quick."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari


"Lock picking. A very Jedi skill."

Aris teased in response, even grinned. But that grin was short lived as the metal grinded from ages of disuse. Worse he could hear the creatures in the distance. He didn't need to be told twice. Both hands reached out for the sliding door as he wrenched it to the side, uncaring of the destroyed mechanism. They needed to get inside now, not wait for it to eventually open enough for them to get in.

"We can't let them out."

No sooner than when Vera got through did Aris turn to the door and grip the metal again. It bent under his touch, mostly because he'd heated his hands to allow him to get a handhold. Then he tugged. All his might to wrench the broken door more closed. His heated hands then fell to the mechanism, melting them, the door, all of it to keep it somewhat sealed.

There was no chance of permanently sealing it. But it would slow them. Hopefully.

"There's too many wounded. Stay close. We can use the tunnel to keep them from ganging up on us."

Vera Noble Vera Noble
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Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble
"It's not lockpicking, you goober," Vera scoffed, "It's-" she abruptly stopped when the screams of beasts — assumingly Rakghouls — echoed through the tunnel. She tried to get her brother to run but noticed he was turning back. With a raised eyebrow, she watched him melt and bend metal just to get the door to close behind them. Effectively trapping the two Nobles inside the tunnels with whatever beasts lurked in the shadows.

"We can't let them out."

"But how do we get out now?!" Vera exclaimed, frightened at the prospect of being stuck inside some underground tunnel with creatures that could turn them into a monster with a single bite or scratch. However, as she thought about it and forced herself to calm down, she realized that Aris was right. The two of them could possibly handle the threat inside the tunnel together, but if they were to fall, it'd be crucial that the beasts didn't escape.

Many more would lose their lives if they did.

"I'll stay close but they're coming..." She swallowed hard and followed after her brother, through dark tunnels to get away from the door. Those beasts would be there soon, but when they realized that the Jedi had left, they would undoubtedly try to come after them.



The Day After | Social Objective


Roman watched the experienced Jedi with a mix of admiration and bewilderment. Her hands moved through the air with a purpose that spoke volumes, yet her silence created a palpable distance between them. He understood the urgency of their situation, but the lack of an introduction gnawed at him like an itch he couldn't scratch. Why hadn't she taken a moment to acknowledge his presence? To offer her name and establish a connection? It felt almost... rude.

Yet, there was no room for his discomfort now. The cries of the wounded echoed through the debris-strewn area, a painful reminder of the chaos that had torn through the place they were now tasked to help. The responsibility weighed heavily on him, but he steeled himself, there were lives to save.

"Okay." he murmured, shaking off his thoughts. Zaiya's determination sparked something within him. She was ready, resolute like the calm before a storm. He drew a deep breath, centering himself in the Force. If pain was a cold sensation, he would let it be his compass, guiding him through the haze.

"I may not have formal healing training, but I've picked up some first aid skills." Roman replied, focusing on the task ahead. "Let's find anyone still trapped and help as best we can."

With a quick glance at Zaiya, he felt a swell of pride. They had each other, and together they would rise to the challenge. Channeling his anxiety into motivation, he took the fore, moving to the nearest cluster of debris.

Glimmers of cold pain brushed against his perception through the Force, hinting at the places where individuals still lay in need. Roman's heart raced as he led the way forward, ready to be the beacon for those lost in the void of suffering.

He reached out with the Force, feeling the cold undercurrents of despair and pain. They were guides leading him into the fray, transforming his apprehensions into a focused clarity of purpose. Together with Zaiya, they could be the light in the darkness, a fleeting yet essential hope for those who still clung stubbornly to life amidst the ruins.

"Over there!" he shouted, pointing toward the remnants of another collapsed structure where he sensed multiple life forms overshadowed by grief and pain.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Iris Arani Iris Arani Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Iris's swift action and quiet rebuff made Zaiya's cheeks flush with embarrassment. She hadn't moved as quickly as she should have. "Right, okay, will do," she mumbled, trying to shake off the sting of being caught off guard.

Right, they had to get as many people out as possible in these search and rescue efforts.

"I can help with some healing if you want, but first aid's good too," she offered, quickly falling in step beside Iris. As they scoured the area, Zaiya found herself focusing more easily on the emotions of those trapped rather than just their life forces, like Iris had suggested. It made her wonder -- could she sense emotions through the Force more easily because she was Lovalla? Her kind could resonate emotions through touch, but did this mean she could feel others without needing to touch them?

Would that be like Loomi Loomi ?

Okay, enough overthinking. Focus, Zaiya! She scolded herself, just in time to hear Iris call for help moving an injured man to the tent.

"I got you, okay? Let's go," she said to the man, supporting him as they made their way to the triage tents. She used the Force to boost her endurance, steadying herself so she wouldn't stumble. But just as they reached the tents, she heard Roman shout -- he'd felt someone else.

Alarm streaked across her skin, a mix of dove greys and concerned pale yellows swirling over her patterns. Zaiya rushed over to Roman, extending her senses in the direction he'd pointed, trying to zero in.

"Oh! Yes!" she exclaimed, catching a cold, numbing sensation emanating from beneath a pile of debris. Her heart pounded as she bounded over chunks of rubble, her steps light and swift. She came to a stop in front of the collapsed structure, her breaths coming quick and shallow.

Closing her eyes, she reached out with her hands, summoning the Force. Her skin shifted into deep cobalt streaks with vibrant orange glows, reflecting her intense concentration. She channeled all her energy into lifting the debris, a slight frown of concentration forming on her brow as she slowly raised it, inch by inch, creating enough space for Roman to squeeze through and help.
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Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin

Hands shoved into his pockets, Makai followed quietly, taking in all the destruction on the planet of Taris. He hadn't kept up with the news lately, deep in his own issues, so beyond this being a work of a Sith Lord he was quite out of the loop. It was best to remain quiet, listen, and move forward from there.

Yet his brows furrowed when Senator Grimmin asked if he knew what planets may have old and outdated technology available. For sure, some of the older Houses, the minor nobility and small governments. Makai couldn't see them getting much use out of war vessels, all for saber rattling and show. Yet, the question brought him pause. Senator Grimmin brought him all the way out here to ask a question that could have been a holomail?

"Bracca would be the best bet. I would hazard Valgauth as well, but the droid workers on the planet are ruthlessly efficient. Lotho Minor might also be an option." A pause. "Far-flung areas of the galaxy might be a wise choice as well."

Makai leveled a look at the Senator.

"Yet that is not what you intend to ask me. I'm sure you didn't call me out here to ask something that could be searched on the holonet."


"I're still the centre of it for me? I know it's not exactly the same thing but...Well...I dunno. I'll be honest. I have no clue how you could feel. I ain't never...really had a parental figure to look out for me like Makai and Myra are for you."

"Thanks for the insight."

Yet it didn't sound like she meant it. Persephone immediately clammed up, shoving her hands into her well-worn jacket pockets. Typically a fashionista, she shred all that for old clothing that was well-worn and even had a few holes. At least they were clean and well washed, she can deal with the holes and threadbare pieces.

The elevator to the lower levels stopped.


It was much as she remembered - not that she had been gone a terribly long time. Still filthy. Still bright and loud and overwhelming. Still seedy and hotbed for illegal activity. Persephone looked around, squared her shoulders, and started down an alleyway. She was taking a short cut. Head turned to see if Iko Vel Iko Vel was still following but if he wasn't she couldn't stop now. They passed beggars and escorts and drunks in the alley system. Rats scattered about.

If the topside was bombed, the undercity certainly didn't seem affected. Life was going on as normal.

Persephone picked up her pace. She was closer now, approaching a flop house. It was her old home. Nothing but rows of beds and minimal hygiene facilities. Her Mama used to rent out small safe in the lobby of where they lived. She didn't know the code, but had brought a few things in the worn hoodie to hopefully pry it open.

"You's ever pick a lock?"

Objective 3 - Pirate Hunt
Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw Valery Noble Valery Noble Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Most of the commandos position themselves a makeshift barricade with Minerva among them. She switched to her particle rifle trading bolts with the latest wave of pirates. The warrior ducked down as bolts clipped away at the wreckage she was behind before getting and shooting again. In that instant a Weequay pirate who peeked from the corner of a large gray container got her face blasted and dropped sideways. Ducking down again Minerva reloaded a new clip before a fellow commando grunted as his right arm was hit by two bolts.

He dropped beside his commander, gritting his teeth. Helping him to sit up, Minerva pulled out a first aid patch before applying it as the skirmish went on.

"Hold still Vic." She shouted through the thunderous mayhem. The commando, a young Lorrdian male nodded and replied.

"Yes Captain."

The process was done quickly but Minerva knew it was only a temporary solution. But she can see in his eyes he wanted to keep fighting despite the wound. He drew his sidearm while panting heavily. Minerva sat up and was about to shoot again when she heard Tuni exclaim.

"Boss the Jedi are here! They're behind them!"

At those words Minerva looked sure enough there was Noble with another she hadn't seen before. Re-energized by the sight of the lightsabers the commandos let loose with more suppressing fire than ever before. A thermal detonator exploded near Aiden and Minerva spotted the pirate who threw it and was about to get out another. No hesitation she aimed at the pirate as he raised a second thermal detonator cursing defiance toward the peacekeepers.

Pulling the trigger the round flew and struck the metal sphere, igniting a violent explosion within the center of the pirate group. The blast killed and wounded many raiders, throwing bodies all over and scattering the survivors who weren’t crippled. This should make it easier for the Jedi and their reinforcements to detain the reminder.


Aris stepped forward, lifting the hilt of his saber. The blade ignited as he steadied himself. Even with the dampeners, he could hear them coming. The echoing didn't help him pinpoint it, but at least the mask lit up their surroundings. Then they were there. He stepped forward immediately, bringing his blade right through the first. He wasn't as worried as vera was. A bite or a scratch was lethal.

But they couldn't cut his skin.

He pulled his blade through another, and another, but kept his position where it was. They couldn't cut him, but they could overwhelm him. Worse, if they got past him, they could cut Vera. He'd keep her safe, just as he was sure she'd keep him from being overwhelmed.

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Good. They'd picked up on it quick. Better that they worked together to start digging people out, too. She kept close around them, but her focus shifted to the others. There were too many all over the place, too many buried, too little searching. The Jedi Knight took a breath before she settled down on the ground and closed her eyes Another breath, then she started to pull on the colors around them all.

Like how she painted on a tapastry she blended the colors around her, adding to them with her own. It was a Battle Meditation of sorts, but more focused, more guiding. The rescue workers around suddenly found right where they needed to dig, they found the strength to move what they normally wouldn't. Even those buried deep found the strength to survive long enough to be dug out.

Even the Padawan's would find themselves invigorated as Iris weaved their colors with one that could only be described as Light.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Vera's communication to her brother was simple, but she knew he'd know what to do. With a lifted hand, the young Noble forced a group of 10 Rakghouls against the ground, pinned down by a localized increase of gravity. It wasn't quite strong enough to snap their bones or be lethal, but these creatures could not break free from her use of the Force.

It left them exposed to Aris and his blade.

"Two more appear," a voice suddenly called out, and from the shadows of the unlit tunnel, a figure emerged. It looked similar to the other Rakghouls, but it walked on two feet and carried a heavy metal blade that it dragged along the stone surface. It felt strong in the Force as well, with darker echoes emanating from its heart.

"Two more for the sacrificial pit."

He stopped and looked at the two Jedi, while the beast-like Rakghouls paused and stayed around him, waiting for his command. Vera's eyes, however, focused not on this new creature, but on an item it wore around its neck.

An artifact with a presence in the Force, and it connected him to the Rakghouls.

<He's using his amulet to control them.>


Objective 3 - Pirate Hunt Salvage
Valery Noble Valery Noble | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
As the dust finally settled, Evelyn let out an exhaustive sigh. It had taken a bit of dexterity, and a whole lot of running and flanking, but they had finally taken out the last pirate. A handy blaster shot to a leg or arm, and a solid boot to the head was enough to knock them out cold.

“This was definitely not worth it. We should’ve just snuck in here before the attack.”

“And have to deal with all the pirates on our own?” BT questioned.

“Well, it would’ve been less of a headache than the chaos the Alliance caused with their attack.” The smuggler ran a hand through her hair. “Doesn’t matter now, let’s just get out of here before the Jedi notice us.”

“You do realise the Jedi likely already sensed you, right?”

Evelyn turned to reply, but instead quickly hopped back to avoid a blaster bolt that had been aimed at her head.


Unfortunately, it seemed the previous group weren’t the only bunch of pirates that were cutting their losses. Only this time, one of them was familiar with Evelyn.

“Oh you have got to be fu-”

“I should’ve known you’d be skulking around this wreck like a vulture!”

Standing atop the upper level of the area was a Devaronian, flanked by half a dozen pirates. One of which was a particular tall and broad-looking Klatooinian.

Who was holding large gun, likely an assault cannon, in his hands.

“Friend of yours?”

“Something like that, yeah.”


The Day After | Social Objective


Roman squeezed through the narrow gap Zaiya had created, his heart racing with urgency and hope. He could feel the weight of despair pressing around him, but the warmth emanating from Zaiya's presence steadied him.

"Just a little more... I've got you." he urged softly, focusing on the life form trapped beneath the rubble. He could sense the flickering pulse of life, a heart struggling against the oppressive weight above it. With a firm grip, he began to shift the debris, pulling aside chunks of rock and twisted metal.

The moment he felt the unmistakable warmth of skin beneath his fingertips, a swell of determination surged within him. "You're going to be okay. Help is here." he said gently, trying to keep the panic at bay. He glanced back at Zaiya, her cobalt and orange patterns reflecting an intensity that mirrored his own resolve.

"Get ready to heal!" Roman called out, finally freeing the individual from the rubble. He cradled them as gently as he could, feeling the fragile nature of their life, a flickering candle in the storm. "I've got you. Zaiya, it's all you!"

He shifted to create space, allowing her to step in and work her healing magic, while he kept watch, ever vigilant for more cries for help echoing through the chaos.

Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Valery Noble Valery Noble Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

By the time Aiden fully regained his balance he could see another detonator about the be deployed and he didn't have enough time to react. However, Minerva came in clutch with a cover and he glance back and gave her a very thankful nod after the blast was cleared. The impact took out several raiders and wounding others.

"Get the wounded out of here, place them in cuffs and ensure they receive medical care." Aiden took a deep breath as he glanced around looking at the lifeless bodies. "I'll tend to the dead."

The Padawan glanced up towards the higher floor, his senses picking up something more.

More pirates....perhaps.


Aris's expression tightened as he stared at the figure with the amulet. The indication was clear, break it. But that'd make the rakghouls wild, right? If he was controlling them, perhaps he could be reasoned with? Grant it, sacrifice had him tighten his grip as he leveled the blade out again, ready to jump. "We don't have to fight, but we will if we must. Stop this now, while you still can."

Vera Noble Vera Noble

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Iris Arani Iris Arani Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Zaiya suddenly felt a rush of energy, a wave of invigoration coursing through her. It was as if the Force itself was brighter, sharper, guiding her forward with renewed purpose. She darted toward Roman, who asked for her help as he lifted an injured person from the debris, moving to move the injured person out to safety. Her movements were swift, her mind focused as she reached out to help, her mottled spots were pulsing with vibrant shades of blue and orange, matching the urgency and determination she felt.

As she pulled the injured individual to a safer location, Zaiya couldn't shake the question that buzzed at the back of her mind: Where had that surge of energy come from? It wasn't her doing, at least not entirely. She glanced around, searching for the source, and her eyes fell on Iris, who was settled on the ground, eyes closed, a calm presence amidst the chaos.

Zaiya watched in awe as Iris meditated, her connection to the Force evident in the way she manipulated the energy around them, blending them like an artist painting on a tapestry. Was this what Iris had meant about how she saw the Force through sensations? Or was it more?

The energy Iris projected wasn't just random; it was focused, guiding.

Oh, Zaiya realized, it was Iris. Iris was doing this -- channeling the Force in a way that boosted everyone around her. Zaiya's skin rippled with a swirl of appreciative blues and pale turquoise of relief. She wanted to ask Iris how she did it, to learn how she was almost painting this technique, but now wasn't the time. Questions could wait; right now, people needed help.

Focusing on the person she withdrew from the rubble with ROman's help, Zaiya knelt down, her hands hovering over the injured, calling on the Force to flow through her. The kyber crystal in her hair glowed softly, amplifying her connection as she focused on healing. Light shimmered from her fingertips, and she felt the warmth of the Force, like a comforting presence guiding her every move.

As she worked, she could still feel the lingering effects of Iris's influence, a steady current of support bolstering her own efforts. The colors on her skin shifted again, a blend of light blues and warm, burnished, rosy golds, reflecting her gratitude and awe. There was so much she wanted to learn, so much she wanted to understand -- but for now, she focused on her task, pouring everything she had into saving the life in front of her.


Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble
"Foolish child," the beast spat at him, "There is no stopping this." He raised his metal blade parallel to the ground, a sharp edge pointed at the two young Jedi, "Not before your blood stains the stone." He growled and a group of Rakghouls obeyed, as they charged for Aris and Vera, their claws digging into the concrete with every step. But trailing right behind the horde of mindless beasts, came the Nekghoul.

His approach was much slower but methodical, his blade ready and his gaze perceptive. He was trying to understand how the Jedi fought and used his minions to force them to show it.

Every strike, every move was analyzed.

"Kill them."


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