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She Who Fights Monsters (Lords of the Fringe Dominion of Hebrides)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Jared Ovmar"]

"Good, Lord Ovmar -- I'm glad you can get some experience with this technique. The Sith spell that creates a false Light Side signature is rare enough -- to be able to create a false Dark Side signature, well, that's something unique. Call it the legacy of being an Olra'en."

The Force confused and redirected Bando Gora starfighters around them.

"This won't last long once we start work on the shield generators. On my mark, drop the signature and switch to telekinesis to break the generators. Mark!"
@[member="Ia'raklane Beorht"]

Shinju's head tilted to the side while she heard it. Something interesting, no one tried to contact her mind. Few wanted to be in there and she wasn't about to really turn down the voices in her head. They usually led to big things and lots of fun but her hands were putting the finishing touches on the blade before moving about and getting ready. "Move towards the command ship, lets have a fringe free zone to handle things. I don't feel like messing up my cleaned blade from some soldier who decides to help me fight or from the others. They are too laughable. Oh maybe the bando know how to make a pretty soup with lots of spices." Her grin remained on her face though before securing some of the armored pieces and her saber to her thigh. More the that she just spoke out loud not sure if the person would be able to hear her since telepathy wasn't her thing. She preferred the face to face while the command ship loomed.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Lady Exedō"] might not be too great at telepathy, but she didn't have to be. Iara was a Theran Listener --and she could hear what she was listening for. The more horrific implications of Exedo's dialogue sort of blended in with the standard Bando Gora conversation around Iara.

And then they started trying to break her again, more as a pastime than anything else, and she blacked out inside the Bando Gora version of the Embrace of Pain. But they pulled her back from syncope.
Kiyala laughed upon finally getting @[member="Rave Merrill"] request for a 'twisted' individual and would reward handsomely. In a friendly banter type of way Kiyala called back over the communication system as to Rave saying "So if I knock myself out and have myself delivered I get a reward." She laughed once more before growing somewhat serious and beginning to look for a Bando Gora whatever that exactly was Kiyala couldn't tell so she looked over at @[member="Rave Merrill"] saying " What exactly is Bando Gora."

@[member="Ashin Varanin"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The speeder cut through the primitive buildings that were outfitted with modern technology. She had drawn an interest to the culture of the native species, it was time for her to actually give back to the galaxy at large instead of constantly trying to destroy it. Remaining planet-side with them and gaining some sort of respect and trust, Spencer had learned a bit about who they where, what they wanted and how they developed. Everything, from their primitive moments to the modern technology and the upgrading of their society showed what progress really was. The Asha seemed so intrigued with their technology and desired to move off world to see more. Spencer had brought and downloaded information on the high tech worlds such as Coruscant and it amused the people greatly.

Jared's voice cut through her thoughts as she remembered that he was still on the radio with her.

"You say that every time and I'm still waiting for you to deliver Apprentice. May the Force be with you....and try not to make a mess of yourself"

She cut the line and headed hurriedly towards the capital.

@Jared Omvar
@[member="Rave Merrill"]

"I shall accompany you. Our efforts shall yield samples and suitable specimen for study. Bando Gora science has produced interesting creatures," a dull, emotionless voice spoke, for Rave was not alone in the laboratory as Moira Skaldi stepped in, clad in full body armour, MK1 boltgun at her side as she surveyed the hall that was Rave's kingdom.

Once Moira had been the Protectorate's most ruthless agent - well, she was sort of tied with Siobhan Kerrigan when it came to that - now she had been a free operator since Yaga Minor. She had butchered and tortured her way through the Protectorate's war with the Bando Gora. It held more significance to her than the usual extermination of organics, for it had been on Gehenna during the final battle that her inhibitor had been damaged so severely that it no longer constrained her thoughts and she realised her true nature as an HRD.

A being of machinery and bolts designed on the world of Mechanus. It was on Gehenna that she and Maelion had forged the partnership that led to Archangel. They and Rave had worked well together on Denon when it came to hunting zombies. Purging the Bando Gora and unlocking their secrets would be a delight.
Kiara's body was still weak from her healing that in honestly was not actually working. In short for whatever reason despite healing externally Kiara's body was slowly dying and she'd need to do something about it so she with her cane walked her way to find one who used to go by Shinju but now went by @Lady Exedo.
The Bando Gora had been annihilated at Gehenna. He'd been at nearly every battle against the reavers, and he knew the cost of driving them back to their homeworld and killing them all.

But that wasn't the first time the Bando Gora had been eliminated. Jango Fett had done it once, Velok had done it once, Siobhan Kerrigan had done it once-

Perhaps this was a splinter group, survivors of one of the side campaigns, driven into the Unknown Regions by the long war. Perhaps.

The Absolution, a thousand-metre carrier with the bulk of a Star Destroyer, dropped out of hyperspace. Deadly starfighters poured out to join the fight -- former Rebel Alliance forces, now in the process of learning how to guard the Levantine Sanctum. Like Jorus, many of these people had seen action against the Bando Gora. Some had even been at Gehenna.

A lone Aleph-class starfighter slashed into the Bando Gora fighter screens. Untouchable.
@[member="Kiyala Demont"]
"Watch yourself out there, Kiyala. These Bando Gora are nothing to joke about." Rave looked up from the comm as @[member="Moira Skaldi"] entered. The girl wore a flight suit unzipped to the waist, a breast band, and half an inch of soot; she carried an immense hammer. Standard alchemy wear, for Rave. In Moira's more organic days, it might even have provoked unprofessional interest.

Rave was, of course, straight, to the disappointment of plant people everywhere.

"Let's get to it. I've only ever had my brother's experience with the Bando Gora to work with -- I'm glad to have someone aboard who was actually at Gehenna." She headed for the turbolift. "Our working hypothesis is that this was a fleet that was driven into the Unknown Regions before the Gehenna exterminatus."
The Admiralty
If Jared was anything it was good at manipulating the Force. Lightsabres, blasters, ships, tanks? He could use them, but it was the Force where he felt truly at home while using it. He closed his eyes and -felt- the Force vibrate around him, masking his signature; clouding it into darkness. A very interesting application of the Force, he would have to study it more before he could freely use it. But the foundations where there now.

As his Master cut off their communication, Jared could not help but reach out towards her. "One of these days I am going to impress you.. and I won't stop going on about it, even after you have died of boredom."

"MARK!" Ashin shouted in his head, without considering any other options Jared dropped the cloak of darkness around him and lashed out with the Force towards the generators.

@[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Jared Ovmar"]
She stretched out and united her strength with his. As the Bando Gora starfighters closed in around them and the point defenses began to slam against the elite starfighters' shields, the two Masters ripped the shield generator open with a flare. The fighters looped around and settled against the bridge viewport, too close for point defense. Ashin cracked her hatch and exited the fighter in a rush of air. Her yellow lightsabre flared out, slicing a broad triangle into the viewport. She moved through with telekinesis, against the rush of air and the battering of explosively decompressing bodies. Magnetic boots anchored her to the bridge deck, and Winterlight rang from its sheath.
@[member="Rave Merrill"]

Contrary to popular belief, organic Moira had actually been able to have fun. might have provoked quite some interest. Then again the Lord of Hyperlanes might have also struck her as interesting.

Anyway, on with the plot. "Plausible. Elements of their fleet escaped the battle or were bought off. Firemane recently dealt with some of their pirate allies," Moira responded. She left out the fact that she had overloaded the reactor of their space station...naturally without telling Firemane and the Eldorai. "Cultist elements went underground and spread out before Gehenna was hit. Evidently less thoroughly than they hoped."

Without wasting a further word she followed Rave into the turbolift, which took them to a hangar where they could board whatever craft that would take them to the flagship. Moira was kitted out for war, bolter, flamethrower, plenty of explosives. "Reavers are highly aggressive and fast, but lack intelligence. Dangerous in close quarters. 'Darkside'-infused True Reavers are brutes with force powers; all are fanatical zealots, but refreshing in being open about their bloodthirstiness. Their science anc alchemy has produced a variety of interesting mutations and beasts."
@[member="Jared Ovmar"] @[member="Ashin Varanin"]

The Aleph-class slashed a line through the starfighters that were closing in on the pair of Dominus-class vessels. "Waste of a good couple fighters," Jorus grunted, and tapped his comm. "Get a Jo'henry in here, boys, we got some rescuin' to do."

A formation of Rebel starfighters slashed into and through the Bando Gora fighter screen's weak point -- most of its strength was directed against the Fringe fleet. In the center of the Rebel formation was a pair of Jo'henry transports. Tractor beams locked onto the abandoned fighters and brought them onboard - but only once Ovmar had joined Varanin in boarding!
It had been quite some time sense the Captain of the Falcon's Roost Aedan Miles had made an appearance from whatever hole the young Dark Jedi Knight had been hiding it but one thing was obvious. He still had the ships and people to crew the many smaller craft he had. This was shown as his armada exited hyperspace alongside the Chimera and he opened a channel to the Lords of the Fringe. "Ladies and Gentleman this is Captain Aedan Miles of the Falcon's Roost. I am sorry if I am late how can we be of assistance?" @[member="Ashin Varanin"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"] As he spoke the young man was making his way to the hangar bay where a sight he had missed greeted him. Devastator-class heavy fighter sat freshly painted and repaired their pilots standing before them as the leader of their squadron made his way to his own fighter. With a barely perceptible motion the rest of the pilots spun and ran to their fighters. These men and women were the best pilots Aedan had encountered while he had been wandering now they flew for him.

He watched with an emotion close to happiness as the fighters lifted off and blasted out of the hangar of the Impetus-class frigate. Following behind the fighters were a trio of Dire-class patrol ships the squadron of Devastators was also joined by fighters from the 2 Facade-class pocket carriers as they disgorged Dread-class light fighters, Raider-class interceptors, and even a pair of Cutlass-class gunships. As the fighters and gunships joined the formation the young man reached out flicking a series of switches on his control panel as they slowed speed to almost a casual drift through space towards the Bando Gora fighter screen. Seconds before entering firing range the group of fighters suddenly exploded outward with a burst of speed sending themselves into the jaws of death once more. The young Dark Jedi let out a laugh at the thrill of it as he spun the fighter he was in once and then started to pull back on the stick sending himself into the middle of it all his lasers flashing brilliantly through it all.
The Admiralty
Seemingly the power of two Force Masters was too much for the generators to handle. With a grin on his face he rushed out of his ship, though this time he did not forget to actually open the cockpit. He remembered that one time he had been high on the power of the Force and jumped straight through the pit of his ship. First people had been amazed by his feet, then they started laughing at him as they saw his face of sheer belligerence.

With some difficulty he followed Ashin through the hole she had just made with her lightsabre, he had never really liked using them. But sometimes the choice was not yours to make, so with a sigh he revealed his sabre and turned it on. The Force with which he crashed into the bridge made his teeth clapper, accidentally he bit his tongue and tasted blood. "Feth." a curse escaped his mouth as he whirled around to meet his enemy head on.

"Today is the day you die." The message barraged their opponent's minds and made them distracted. He was not as good as Spencer in mentalist attacks, but he could do -something-.

@[member="Ashin Varanin"]
@[member="Jorus Merrill"]

The Aleph fighter was not entirely alone. Mia's own starfighter did not have the the engine capacity to keep up entirely but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try. A warrior first but a pilot second she pushed the fighter to its limits to keep up with her wing mate. Red streaked in short burst from her canons leaving orange blossoms in their wake. "Oya!"
"Thanks for the advice Rave, I'll be at your location in literally 2 minutes." Kiyala wore typical clothing this time because unlike the other worlds, this place wasn't that well connected to the galaxy so the odds of her being recognized or even called out was slim in her opinion. She had been asked to take care of her homeworld but thanks to her advisors she could be afforded some time to help her other home with the Fringe. And in two minutes she would find herself approaching @[member="Rave Merrill"] & Moira.
Spencer let the man have the last word for now, it was a rare moment and Jared should enjoy it while it lasts. Sending off one last prayer to Allya for the protection of the Fringe, Spencer entered the now chaotic capital of the Asha'ladier. The woman parked the speeder in the distance and headed towards the large group that was forming, she could feel them they were worried about the Bando Gora. They like the rest had assumed they were gone since the three episodes that they were decimated. Chatter echoed from the people and Spencer alone towered over them, their big eyes looked towards her as they trusted her as their outsider friend.

Their elders locked up in one of the primative and slightly mystic buildings, which meant only one thing. They didn't know what to do about the threat. Spencer moved through the crowd of rabbit like ears and she stopped in front of the door. She had taught the elders some basic and they were capable of understanding enough for her to get her point across. On the other hand, the woman had taken to learning their language, she had picked it up quickly, but she still wasn't fluent. The small guards moved into the room to relay the message of the woman's arrival, the oldest of the Elders moved from his chair and walked towards her using a cane for support.

"Force walker, troubled?"

Spencer nodded and sighed softly. Her words were loosely translated, but the broken communication was something that they had developed into an understanding.

"Yes, trouble in the skies. Friends have come to help"

The Elder nodded and seemed concerned. He waved his hand and soon entered the building one more. The doors shut in Spencer's face and she stood there dumbfounded. Looking towards one of the guards he quickly expressed a stern look. This meant that she wasn't welcomed in these conversations. Cursing under her breath, she moved towards the crowd.
@[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the skull throne! Carnage, destruction!

The Bando Gora cult had been broken on Gehenna. She had led the final battle, as she had led every campaign the Protectorate had undertaken to wipe out the vermin. The war against them had made her what she was. She had touched the dark side when she battled the Primarch, stared into the depths of the abyss as it stared back into her, sacrificed thousands. Incidentally she had also lost an ungodly number of limbs down the line!

She had personally torn down the ceiling of the mountain under which they had built their capital city, butchering the cult and thousands of Omegan soldiers after she tore open the ground, almost herself falling into a pit of lava. Unlike her, Abaddon, the Bando Gora Prophet, had descended into it, burning in the fires in which the cult had wanted to toss the Galaxy.

But, of course, remnants survived. It was to be expected. Equally it was to be expected that the Butcher would not cease hunting them. Like a predator hungry for prey, a relentless daemon so much like the beings they worshipped.

Her starfighter followed in the wake of Jorus' Aleph-class. It could not match his elite craft and she was the exact opposite of an expert pilot, so she was quite willing to let him take the lead. She had...other things she could do. Like telekinetically grip one of the Bando Gora starfighters and sent it crashing through space into the turrets, blasting them. Missiles guided by her mind shot out and travelled through space, weaving a trail of destruction.

She saw the tractor-beamed Dominuses and smirked. Her craft weaved through the fighter screens of the Bando Gora, relentless, ruthless, guns blazing, fighters finding themselves roughly yanked out of their position.

"Need a door again, Jorus?" She felt the familiar cold fury she so often felt when she went into battle and welcmed it like an old friend. If Ashin had found her way to the light, Siobhan was far from being there. Nor did she 'skirt the line' or anything like that. War had made her a butcher, a monster for the cause perhaps at times, but that was the force that had broken the Bando Gora Cult on Gehenna.

Nisha Decrilla

The Femme Fatal dropped out of hyperspace a small way from the space battle. Captain Crowley let out a low whistle and cast a sidewards glance at the lethan who stood at the view port watching the colourful display ahead of them. "My Lady, we are not equipped for a battle, this ship was not designed to fight, she is only equipped to-" He fell silent at the dangerous look she shot his way.

"Prepare our fighters."

"We only have four, my lady." Cowley protested.

"Include my Aleph in those preparations and we have five."

"My lady, please-"

"DO IT!"

He bowed and began barking orders, Anaya opened a channel to the Fringe to see who would answer. "This is Lady Apoleia aboard the Femme Fatal. Where do you need me?"

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