Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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She Who Fights Monsters (Lords of the Fringe Dominion of Hebrides)

Spencer stood in the middle of the Asha'ladier dealing with their emotions of fear and confusion flying about. The one voice she didn't want to hear on the Fringe frequency had rang over. Putting hand over her face, Spencer sighed softly. Today wasn't getting any better. Reaching up to her ear, she tapped into the line and responded to the red twi'lek.

"Planetary defense of the Rataken shield that covers the planet. I don't think the bando gora has figured out how to take it down. Copy that Lady Apoleia?"

@[member="Anaya Fen"]
@[member="Ia'raklane Beorht"]

The ship moved, using its stealth systems until it was near the ship and Shinju moved sealing the ramp area while she stood in the suit. Her helmet on as she activated the magnetic boots. Walking outside along the side of the ship towards the hanger doors as the ships were going out and she was grinning. Holding the sheaths of her sith swords until close to it while and climbed in on the far side. Gravity of the ship weighing her down until she moved off to the side of the hanger. A crate obscuring her until she took the helmet off and stripped down to her armor with the crossed derriphan eyes on her back. Her chainsword in her hands and saber on her hip. The armor more then enough for her when she revved the chainsword seeing one of the bando while she swung up the teeth biting in as blood sprayed and she let the killing begin.
@[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Mandalore the Liberator and the Hero of Roche - best backup a man could ask for.

"Good to have you folks aboard. Yeah, Sio, we could use a door right about now. If you two want to board, I'll give you all the air cover you need, then follow you in and I've got Jo'henrys ready to recover our fighters."
@[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="Kiyala Demont"]

Rave didn't have Moira's armament. Instead, apart from her trademark Derriphan's Eye alchemical knives, she packed only one weapon.

A Viscera Scattergun. Spiraling vibroblade bayonet, fragmentation superacid rounds mixes with standard eight-gauge scattershot. Pretty much the definition of pointless brutality.

A Sekairo-class stealth transport awaited. "Let's get this done."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Aedan Miles"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"]

"Copy that, Miles. Keep these folks busy for a minute."

The lightsabre and the longsword flickered around her, intercepting blasterfire from those few reavers who'd managed to keep their footing and continued shooting even as they ran out of air. A reaver priest tumbled past her; she caught his chainsword on her lightsabre and slammed Winterlight into his chest. The longsword ripped itself from her grasp as he went flying out the breached bridge. She gestured and the sword tore free to return to her hand.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Lady Exedō"]

A very distant sound carried through to the tortured Listener.

A chainsaw revving to life. Not one of the huge, ugly, retrofitted Bando Gora chainswords, but something precise, professional, clean, efficient.

Her eyes snapped open.

"You're all going to die."
@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Mia Monroe"]

If someone called Siobhan a hero of anything she would undoubtedly feel tremendously awkward. Possibly somewhat wet hennish as well after denying that she was one. But then war was not a fairy tale. It was a grim, brutal, ugly business.

But such thoughts were far from her mind as she sunk into the Force and focused on what she did best: Causing destruction on a massive scale. With the Lord of the Hyperlanes expertly blazing them a trail in his Aleph, time seemed to slow for her as she reached out with her mind, visualing the large structure of the flagship, a vast behemoth in space, focusing on the vessel, ignoring the fire of the heavy guns that spewed out a barrage of laser fire into space. But then the defenders were more focused on the Fringe fleet and this gave her time.

Time to focus on making a door. So she reached out and exerted her powers, making a motion as if taking ahold of a doorknob and roughly yanking it open, grabbing ahold of it with powerful force and then violently smashing into it with her mind. It would be like an invisible hammer, like the weapons the Dark Gods of the Bando Gora wielded, had violently smashed against the hull, beating against it violently, insistently. For a moment the command ship seemed to shudder and shake powerfully as she struck. The Force flowed through her and its energies, turned into a hammer in her grasp, found an outlet as she unleashed them, much like a battering ram beating against the gates of a castle.

In space there is no sound, though this is often handwaved and so there would be sound, a loud boom actually, as a hole was blown into the hull, large enough for the fighters to pass through without the risk of hitting anything, the debris flying backwards through the section that was opened up, a corridor leading towards the lairs of the Bando Gora and a hangar, raining down upon Reavers, many of which were torn into space. The ship shuddered under the pressure and Siobhan took a breath as she coldly surveyed the carnage. Then accelerated the engines of her fighter for all it was worth as she dove through the debris and presumably soon dead, spaced Reavers, speeding through the door.
@[member="Rave Merrill"]

For her part Moira liked pointless brutality. Well, upon reflection she would probably dismiss the idea of brutality being 'pointless', but that was another matter.

For her part she had concluded that this exercise in Reaver massacring, which no doubts would become an orgy in blood of Illyric proportions - credit goes to Rave's writer for that term - would be the perfect opportunity to test out the shiny Scyalla Sith chainblade she had acquired during the Rebel raid on Styx.

The stealth transport was quickly boarded and set off into space, cloaked and thus shielded from the mayhem that was going on in space. Moira noticed a portion of the hull being ripped into space, a starfighter diving through. She had an idea of who was piloting it - and not just because of the erratic piloting.

This made rthings...interesting. The transport would bring them to their insertion point, which based on what Moira recalled from the data Maelion had provided her with from the Bando Gora command ship she had boarded years ago, should be close to where the Bando Gora kept their laboraries, where they experimented with the darkest of alchemies, where the Reavers were bred and conditioned.

Doubtless there would be carnage and bloodshed. Doubtless Moira would find this pleasing.
The Admiralty
They were trying to kill him. Not that he was very surprised at their reaction, he would probably react the same way if someone crashed down into his bridge without warning. With some difficulty he managed to keep avoiding the blasters, his eyes closed; trusting the Force to enhance his sense. At the same time he kept his mental barrage up. "You are going to die. You are dead already. Stop fighting. You are worthless. Kill yourself. Kill. Kill. Kill." In rapid succession the words came and with them images of cruelty and nightmares.

Once he had fought Spencer and in that duel she had used his love for her and the Fringe against him. He did not know these people, but that did not mean he could not do some damage regardless.

@[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Aedan let a grim smirk cross his lips as he activated his com to the squadrons following him. "Time to go hunting boys and girls shoot only at the Bando Gora looks like we may have some unknown friendlies operating in here." With that said the fighters broke off into pairs and streaked into the cloud of fighters and blasted as many of them as they could Aedan swirling his fighter along solo as his wingman picked up with the pair behind them his fighter flashing elegantly around him as he sent it into a dive suddenly drawing the stick back to his chest as he added a bit of foot pedal to it sending the fighter into what appeared to be an uncontrolled dive. As this manuever continued it drew notice of several Bando Gora who came flocking in their ships to the one that appeared wounded. Only to have 4 pairs of Raider-class interceptors come up from behind them and fire into their ships from the rear.
The Lord of the Hyperlanes and the Queen of Telekinesis. Mia had nothing on these two, but that wasn't because she didn't have the capabilities to focus her efforts, she just preferred to go unnoticed and unwanted. She smirked as the hull was ripped open changing her course from chasing other fighters towards the gaping hole. Bodies bounced off the hood and explosions slipped past Jorus's cover to catch her her tail. "Aw feth." she muttered, doing her best to guide the starfighter into the hole.

Popping the lid on the starfighter she leapt from it, boots magnetising to fix her to the ground as her starfighter slammed into the opposite wall. "I'm in." she called beneath her helmet, eyes flicking over her HUD.

@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Nisha Decrilla

"Copy that Yun Harla." purred Anaya in response.

"Captain, move us into position I want all defences armed and firing. I will provide what cover I can." She swept from the bridge towards the hangar to join the small force the spewed from the belly of the beast as it pushed forward, fire spitting from its turbolasers.

@[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Kiyala boarded the stealth class vessel with @[member="Rave Merrill"] & @[member="Moira Skaldi"] but however remained quiet. Not only was a rather introverted side coming out in Kiyala as of late but she was also reading a data file on the Bando Gora and the Reavers on their brief flight over. Kiyala wanted to at least have some type of idea of what they were going against in this conquest, and as the read the data file she began to see why Rave told her to be careful.

"It might have been a good idea. . . my idea to tag along of course but are you sure they don't have any type of weaponry were not familiar with. They don't look like much brain lives upstairs but I would put it past them to have a bio agent that we might not have immunity too yet?"

Kiyala also found herself studying the woman or cyborg Moira. She has never spoken to her before so she did not know whether she preferred to be called a woman or a cyborg.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Jared Ovmar"] @Ashin Varanin

She grimaced as the backwash of Jared's power caught the edges of her mind. He'd gotten strong. His attacks turned the normal insane ferocity of the Bando Gora reavers against themselves and each other.

Ashin's first instinct was a matter of old habit -- Force Drain, or wide-angle lightning. But a Jedi used the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack. She contented herself with deflecting bolts until the Bando Gora retreated, killed themselves, or were pulled out the hole in the viewport. A gesture tore free some deck plating and mostly sealed the gap. The hard wind stopped, and they stood in a silent bridge.

"Well I'll be damned," she said in awe, staring at the back end of the bridge. A shrine stood there, a depiction of a long-haired creature of absolute destruction and depravity. Partial human sacrifices decorated the shrine's base. In an ancient tongue she knew, they'd daubed a word, phonetically, in the definite article.

"'The Kerrigan.' Apparently they have another Chaos God."
@[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="Aedan Miles"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Sio had taken her fighter in with her. The Jo'henry took Mia's fighter and Jorus's Aleph as the Lord of the Hyperlanes floated the last few metres to the ripped-open hull of the command ship. Magbooted to the armor plating, he stared up at the fleet battle in progress for hundreds of kilometres all around. A stray turbolaser blast punched through the hull nearby, and his viewplate darkened to keep from blinding him. He went inside to join Mia and Sio, magboots clomping on the twisted deck, and raised his Mandalorian shell gun.

"Shall we dance?"
The Admiralty
Sadly Jared could not appreciate the moment, being raised in the understreets of Coruscant did not allow for much knowledge in the occult and the such. Hence why he could only sneer in disgust at the sight of human sacrifices. "If I had been doubting our righteousness before? Well.. let us say that I no longer worry about their casualty count. Where to next, Ashin?"

Silently he retreated his mind from the bridge, he could still feel the linger sensation of dread and pain. But it was receding already and would soon be gone, replaced by the Thrill of battle that always made things so much easier.

@[member="Ashin Varanin"]
@[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="Kiyala Demont"]

"Good point." Rave grimaced and zipped up her flight suit, then pulled on a gas mask from the Sekairo-class stealth ship's lockers. Viscera scattergun beside her, she strapped in.

The transport lifted off, left the Chimaera, and entered double-blind Stygium cloak. Gravitic modulators and thrust trace dampers kept everything quiet on all screens. The stealth transport slipped through the starfighter battle unchallenged, narrowing in on the unshielded Bando Gora flagship.
@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Mia Monroe"]

The Kerrigan had leapt out of her fighter as it came in to land, just in time for the Reavers were upon them. Ferocious creatures, chanting to the glory of their Blood Gods, skin ripped in places and flesh marred due to self-mutilation to prove their worth. Some wore necklaces made of human bone, others cloaks made out of human skin.

The hall before the three intrepid adventurers was indeed lined with pikes upon which the heads of humans and aliens had been placed, further away the stuffed-out dead bodies of a variety of humans and aliens, including some dressed in Omegan uniforms, formed a bizarre honour guard.

"Yes," Siobhan said coldly, for nothing else needed to be said. Dual bolters, instruments of destruction and purgation, leapt into her hands and in a blur she raised one to blast at a portion in the ceiling, a Reaver who had been about to pounce from the hole shrieking as it was blasted and fell down. From seemingly everywhere Reavers charged. Not just the savage creatures, but the feared True Reavers as well, dressed in dark armour and wielding maces and chainblades - cheap knockoffs of the sort the Sith master alchemists made - unleashing blasts of lightning. Such was their ferocity that they unleashed salvoes of force drain upon the lesser Reavers to fuel themselves.

Siobhan rolled, bolters barking out death in form of explosive bolts, relentlessly firing. Lightning shot towards her and got past her shield, cascading across her, she reeled as she was burnt by its brutal power, painfully, but stood her ground, a telekinetic shield reflecting some bolts back. As the Reavers came in closer, telekinetically magazines of buckshot leapt into her guns and she fired anew, leaping up high into the air, gliding, as more came for her, the bodies piling up. Then a powerful shockwave was thrust towards them, sending creatures and weapons sprawling, crushing bones. The dance had begun and the sounds of battle were its symphony. As was the chanting of the Reavers.
Mia hefted beskad in a two handed grip, and stepped to meet the Bando Gora, trying not to pay too much attention to their fashion choices. She switched to a one handed grip before long supporting a blaster in her free hand.

"You always find the best party's, Jorus."
@[member="Rave Merrill"], @[member="Kiyala Demont"]

"Anticipate the use of drug-addled suicide bombers. It is a common Bando Gora tactic," Moira said impassively as the the transport vessel, shielded by its Stygium cloak, stealthily swept through the vastness of space, reaching what seemed like a less well travelled hangar.

Dual bolters held in a strong grip, Moira prepared for insertion, cold eyes scannig for targets.

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