Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Morning After | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "But now I'm wide awake watching it all go down."

Lyn watched his routine with curiosity. Leaned up against the wall, arm crossed, head tipped, the picture of an idle almost-lover waiting for her partner to finish getting ready for their morning out. Sadly, their day wasn't going to be like any other. No doubt in her mind this'd all end bloody somehow, but, as macabre as it sounded, here's hoping to it being people other than them to get unlucky.

She missed the feeling of a blaster in her boot. One of the first things she was grabbing when she got back, was that.

Oh, but then Kole made her an offer she couldn't refuse (He'd made plenty of those, but not quite like this) and there was no missing the sudden change in the Zeltron, the beaming smile that nearly turned into a short bout of delighted laughter no doubt a welcome sight, "Absolutely," At once she sprung off the wall she'd been leaning on, collecting the miscellaneous belongings that had somehow wound up around his apartment already, "I hope your speeder goes faster than the speeds you'd been driving." Truthfully Lyn didn't have nearly as many hours behind a speeder than she did in the cockpit of nimble fighters, but her mentor had flown swoop bikes. They were similar, right? Eh, maybe not. Either way she could manage this with a perfect degree of skill, she was utterly certain of that.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Awakening | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Yes I'm Changing ~ "Another version of myself I think I found, at last."


Kole had cocked his head to the side, a look that he was prone to making, one that thread 'really?' and not much else. It was as they were in the process of boarding the turbolift, the bright, neutral coloured lights illuminating them as the soft hum of the lift reverberated throughout, and a soft tune echoed in the distance. His gaze had turned away since the look, his finger bent, pressing at the floor indication that read 'G' in aurabesh. Evident for ground, which is where vehicles often found themselves parked, no?

"Just..." His thoughts lingered and a deeper exhale had been taken in tandem with his speech, "Don't crash it." It wasn't as if he truly feared it, but he preferred everything of his intact. It took an awful lot to repair a speeder in it's entirety, and even then he didn't want a new one. His hand reached into his coat pocket, pulling out the keys and lobbing them in her direction. He hadn't truly checked if she was ready or not, and maybe she'd drop them in the panic of their sudden appearance.

Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Joi-Riding | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "If dreams aren't really what they seem."

"Yeah, I won't. Promise."

Normally, that might have meant something. Normally. She had caught the keys deftly and was already charging out of the turbolift when she called those words back to Kole, the grin the Zeltron had on her face since leaving his place somehow audible in her voice. Maybe if she'd been staring into his soul and reverently uttering her promise it could have been held to her but she really had been too consumed with getting to her vehicle and preparing. Casually hopping the speeder's door to position herself in the driver's seat, Lyn wasted no time in keying the ignition and taking a moment to appreciate the vehicle now. Pink fingers idly traced the steering wheel's outline as, assumedly, Kole got in the passenger side.

That'd be when she flashed him a smile, the speeder already starting to lift off the ground from it's repulsor lifts, "Now, I'd say enjoy the ride, but--" Whatever she said next was cut off by the roar of engines, the noise lasting only half a second as she sent the speeder from a flat zero to speeds just a hair above the local limit, shooting out of the parking garage. It wouldn't take a genius, or even a droid, to guess what the ending to her sentence had been alluding to, though.

Rain. Rain was an issue. Thankfully, it wasn't an issue if you just avoided the dark clouds, so during her descent from the 5000th level of Coruscant Lynnori piloted around the pockets of rainfall and the black clouds they fell from, looking over to Kole with windswept hair and eyes one might call crazy, "I love your speeder."
Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Tense | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Yes I'm Changing ~ "Another version of myself I think I found, at last."


As he slid his figure into the passenger seat, his right arm trailed upwards, leant against the door, subtly grasping the handle that rest above his head. His knuckles went white as his fingers wrapped themselves around it. Kole wasn't feeling entirely safe in the moment, entrusting his vehicle to someone he, truthfully, hardly knew. Maybe that's why the clicked more, became pieces of a puzzle that slotted in one another; the unknown always possessed a certain thrill to it, didn't it?

In the moment the speeder started ramping up to the sudden speed it did, Kole's body turned tensed. His legs outstretched beneath the dash, firmly holding their position after colliding with the flooring. His other hand clasped at the seat he was sitting on, and his eyes went wide, the g-force sending him into the seat with a certain intensity.

​"Uh-huh." He idly replied, focusing on whether or not he'd see to live out another day.
Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Joi-Riding | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "Then why am I wide awake watching it all go down?"

Lynnori might have been ('might') a lot of things.

But she wasn't entirely heartless.

Even with her reckless reputation on the line she slowed down the speeder but a bit to a more reasonable speed, even if it was just for his comfort. If this'd been a race he'd have certainly been damned, but it wasn't, it was a simple ride, to her entirely unsimple residence, "Really, though," She continued laxly all the while, notes of teasing slipping into her voice-- Sure, she felt bad that he was close to seizing out, but he was also a little ridiculous-looking --"It's nice. Ever consider racing? I know people."

More than a few people. Who knew how many billions would tune in for a return race by her persona? No. Not worth it. Not without the team, the last people she'd dared to trust in the ways she foresaw herself trusting Kole. Racer Z had given up her first family and lost her second in a snap, a violent break, broken hearts. The hitch in focus on her part led to them slowing down a little more, Lyn eventually having to pull herself out of the memory lane so they could continue down the real-life lane.

Still. Sour notes of nostalgia crossed her face as they flew past level after level after level after level, descending down Coruscant's ugly spine.
Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Riding | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Yes I'm Changing ~ "Another version of myself I think I found, at last."


Relaxing. His body loosened, sinking into his seat as a breath escaped him, slow and drawn out enough to alleviate the stress he felt in the moment of feeling unsecured within his own vehicle. Kole's eyes shifted within their socket, catching a glimpse of her pink face and blue hair out the corner of his eyes, and then back to the lanes ahead. "Can't say I have." His hand remained gripping the handle above. Needed some sense of security, surely, that was how it worked. At least it did with Kole.

The rain continued to collide with the wind-shield, and that noise was comforting to some degree. The darker skies further illuminating the neon lights of the buildings, and the roars of starships, speeders and the like persevered in the levels of Coruscant.

His eyes flickered back and forth between the area ahead and Lyn, ultimately asking, "Have you?" Unaware of her racing persona, or former one at least.
Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Joi-Riding | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "Changed my ways, for better days."


Short and simple, probably a little too short and too simple. The tone of voice was also surprisingly hard, considering how light she kept things. Almost as soon as she said it she regretted it though, the skin under her cheeks and across her nose turning a darker red from assumed shame, "--Uh, I mean, I haven't." It wasn't really a lie. Lynnori hadn't. Racer Z had. The disconnect was a little shocking even to herself, but she could take comfort in the fact he had no idea of her past, even an inkling. Whew. The speeder took a turn a little too sharpy but she handled it well, too, almost drifting to ensure they made it with clearance to spare.

Ghosts flew with her, too, a momentary flash of pain distracting her again. Y never ever overshot a turn like this, but Lyn did, only slightly. A brief fishtail as a result of her partially botched move, she uttered a gentle curse and continued on.

"Sorry." The Zeltron muttered, seemingly for the awkward shift of the speeder.
Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Sitting in Silence | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Yes I'm Changing ~ "Another version of myself I think I found, at last."


​The HRD happened to nod along, accepting her answer but finding no words to add. There was something about that answer, it didn't sit right. It came too quick, to firm; there was something behind it. Kole was a detective after all, it was apart of his skillset to understand these things, even if it was often better to let such a thing be. Kole hadn't answered, though. He gave no response, instead sitting in silence as no sound came between the two. The rain continued to pour, the lights continued to flash, and the speeder continued to thrum with life.

His mind, in his silence, had turned to the case at hand. They had a chip, something that was bound to be unique and so all that needed to do was tie it to a casino. With that? They figure out who it is that, and from there, why. It wasn't anything overly complex, but it didn't make it an easier.
Coruscant, Level 1339, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Joi-Riding | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Ghost Town ~ "Died last night in my dreams."

Even open books are missing a couple pages.

Time passed in a still way, the only noise beyond passing morning traffic and the rumble of the speeder's engine was the sound of rain, an expression of bleak blankness taking over Lyn's features as she let herself get lost in the action of driving. It brought some comfort to her, to numbly manipulate the vehicle with far-better accuracy than she had been before. Just block it out and it goes away.

Once they dipped past the 2000s did the sky start to turn dark. Not literally dark, but it was at the point where so many streets and buildings were layered that sun struggled to peek through, the rain all but ending once they passed under a particularly wide building.

"Almost there." It sounded as though Lyn spoke to herself, and she would have if the sentence didn't come with a quick glance over to Kole. Stolen looks.

Surprisingly she pumped the breaks the deeper they delved, though it was not entirely clear as to why. The neon became more intense down here, a sea of lights and smoke and sin and God-knew-what-else. Welcome to the underworld.
Coruscant, Level 1339, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Delving Deep | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Yes I'm Changing ~ "Another version of myself I think I found, at last."


Kole knew the Galactic Underworld all too well. His time had been spent in the lower levels of Coruscant, right in the depths where the sun doesn't shine and the figures become shadier than you could ever expect. Kole didn't look like anything in particular, and so he traversed these neon-streets with ease, just as he had after finding himself in the depths of the Nar Shaddaa Underworld. It wasn't entirely different from Coruscant, the two were interchangeable, except for the fact that Coruscant held more legitimacy. It was preferred over Nar Shaddaa too, for that Smuggler's Moon reminded him of more undesirable memories.

"Right." Kole replied, his head nodding along with the response he gave. "Any specific Casino in mind?" He asked, turning his head to face her. Sitting rather comfortably within the seat, the feeling of safety returned now, of all times. Strange to feel comfort in such an awful place.

Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment Complex, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Cringing Through It | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Ghost Town ~ "Walking the streets of some old ghost town."

Lyn didn't have much to say when exiting the speeder, shrugging over to Kole, "We'd have to go to 1313 for that, but I think I know a place." Being extra sure to lock the damn speeder lest it get stolen, giving a good glare a few ne'er-do-wells who had spotted the landing craft, her head flipped back over to Kole. A few short steps and she was before him again, offering him his keys, "This is a serious suggestion," The Zeltron muttered, gaze scanning the street, "But stay with the speeder. This level's got a lot of drug users, they'll scrap anything for credits."

Sure, part of it was that she didn't want him to come in. And, sure, it could be because technically she had never brought someone 'home', always vice-versa. Like last night. Her place wasn't messy or anything, or even as bad as she'd made it out to be, just... Messy emotionally. Maybe at her next place, but not here, which always felt so unsafe. Something so unsafe couldn't be her real home.

Brushing a few blue curls away from her eyes, Lynnori moved past him towards a building across the street, not even waiting to see if he'd follow, because she direly hoped he wouldn't (For once). Tall, thin, cheap, cold. Barely a word to the people in the lobby, she flashed a small keycard that let the door to her apparent place slide open, a weary sigh leaving her upon spotting the tiny space.

Change. Get a blaster. Keep a move-on. Don't freak out. There was no wasting time here, in fact, she was in and out within 5 minutes if he had opted to wait.

Well, even if he had followed, it wasn't like he'd not seen her in transitionary clothed states before. Nonetheless; a slightly more fresh-faced Lynnori emerged from the building, dressed in dark colours, a sharply-cut jacket hanging on her shoulders now and her skirt traded for practical pants, sporting a holstered DH-18A. More suited to ship combat, sure, but it was a gun, and guns point and shoot no matter the environment they're utilized in. A holdout pistol was tucked in her boot regardless, and a now-gloved hand was raised towards Kole with a bit of forced cheerfulness, a black bag also now slung over her shoulder. Who knew what goodies were tucked away inside?

"Ready to gamble?"
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment Complex, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Delving Deep | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

​Kole was no stranger to something such as this.

Their hands briefly crossed one another as the metallic object that were the keys to the speeder found themselves within his own. A step back had been taken, both hands easing themselves into his coat-pockets whilst leaning against the dark coloured and rather clean vehicle. The air around him had a certain stench, and it wasn't something you should admire. Filth ridden streets, and the like. It seemed that even in his absence good ol'-awful thirteen-thirtynine hadn't changed. This was Vice's domain, not Homicide. Yet, Internal Affairs had him here, and for the briefest of moments his mind wandered back to the memory of his betrayal. It was here that Jin Shao became responsible for his downfall, but Kole didn't truly understand the specifics of his situation.

His gaze had return to Lyn as she made her suggestion, his eyebrows raising whilst he took the moment to listen. A soft, singular nod was given in response. No words, just that. In truth, Kole had no intention of moving in after her, knowing full well what it was that happened on levels such as these. All too many vehicle related incidents, paperwork ran him into the ground more than enough times, especially when it concerned an unlawful lawmen. Yet, the figure that leant against his speeder was sure to be lying if he claimed to not follow her with his eyes at least. Eventually, she made her way inside, and it was from there that he took to the casual glancing.

It was then that he managed to lock eyes with something in the darkness, light glistening off of it's either sweaty, oily or wet skin. Amber eyes piercing through the shadows. It blinked, disappearing, returning in an instant. Slow steps taken forwards, fully emerging itself as some crimson skinned alien Kole couldn't recognise through it's malnourishment. A metallic object within it's grip, jagged in it's nature. Kole removed both hands from his coat, resting them on his hips, brushing away the coat ever-so-slightly, revealing the blaster that rest in his belt. A singular look to the weapon, and then back to the potential attacker.

It didn't pick this fight.

Lyn had emerged in that moment, his gaze lingering in it's direction to ensure it wasn't to come any closer or weasel it's way in. "Not as much as you." Kole replied after turning his attention to Lynnori. A singular button being pressed upon the keys after inserting one hand into his pocket, the doors opening and allowing Lyn the chance to move back inside, just as Kole had done himself. This time he was back behind the wheel, though.

Kole never was much of a gambler.

Coruscant, Level 1339, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Backseat Driving | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Ghost Town ~ "...Saw all of the saints, lock up the gates."

There was only a slow, dry huff as he got in the driver's side. Damn it. Driving privileges revoked. Lyn tossed her bag on the floor space meant for her feet, jumped in the passenger side, and let out a drawn-out, "Let's go."

The place Lynnori had in mind was disjointed. 1313 had a lot of gambling dens, sure, but most didn't a need for untraceable casino chips. Furthermore, most didn't have a holo-star as a patron. Fidgeting fingers tweaked the edge of her gloves as she let Kole drive, "Just take us to 1313, we'll want to find somewhere secure to leave the speeder, though." Temptingly her thoughts wandered to a vice to pass the time of the ride between levels, maybe another stimstik, but if she limited their use to just the mornings then maybe she could convince herself it wasn't a problem. Also, he probably wouldn't appreciate an impromptu hotbox with a serious stimulant that felt like a dozen cups of caf at once.

"--So, uh, you gonna be the 'bad cop' and I'll be 'good'? Or what?" Part of her didn't sound serious, but the rest sure did.
Coruscant, Level 1313, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Delving Deep | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

Kole's gaze remained true on the area ahead of him, unwavering in it's near-robotic stillness. The occasional look left, right, up and down had come but they were never any major movements; often done so by the panning of eyes, or the slightest of head-turns. A multitude of colours had been basked over himself, and the Zeltron (begrudgingly) in the passenger seat. The colours were typically neon in nature, for it was the bright, pretty and alluring that brought about the attention of thirteen-thirteen's scum. Such a fact brought light to the bright, pretty and alluring woman that sat beside him. That was a question he'd have to see once down there, down in the dirt.

He was used to being a solo show.

​It was for that reason the question she posed left him thinking, scratching at his head if only he removed his hand form the wheel. "I'll lead." He mentioned, his eyes shifting to turn right into the cover of a bright pink light. Kole, for the briefest of moments, was as pink as his companion. There wasn't really anything left to be said. Kole was the kind that did what he was told, or so he was. The HRD figured himself far more independent now, but never exactly good. 'The Good Shark', or so it can be translated.

Still, throughout the drive he hadn't as much as cast a general glance in Lyn's direction, entirely upon the path ahead of him with a fierce determination. Kole never failed things before, he was efficient, and that's what's had him catch the ire of more than one wealthy individual. He asked the questions not many did, he hadn't bothered with the ramifications of his actions, for as far as he knew? The CSF was his purpose. Suppose it was all gone now, though.

Back in the process of searching.
Coruscant, Level 1339, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Lost Cause | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Ghost Town ~ "Walked into the flames, called out your name; but there was no answer."

He looked anywhere else, her eyes were drawn to him.

It was annoying. in a good way maybe, sure, but a lot of things could be good and still be annoying. It was strange yet amusing to see the glows of Coruscant reflect off Kole, turning him every shade of the rainbow and those in-between. If she squinted in the right light he almost looked like one of her own.

No. He'd have made a terrible Zeltron, same way she was.

"Whatever you say." Lynnori mused in response to his statement. For the eighth time that morning she longed to have her telepathic abilities work. Did he even know of those abilities? They probably would be useful in the hours to come. But admitting they even exist meant that she'd have to fumble through explaining how it didn't work on him, then, well...

Then it got awkward.
Coruscant, Level 1313, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Spave-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

​If there was anything that Kole knew about these lower-levels, it was that luck was involved with a lot of things. It wasn't just the gambling, no. His Speeder? It could be placed in the most strategic area imaginable, but if someone wanted it they were to have it either way. You could place it within the Casino, for they were bound to have storage for the sort, but what if things went south? Luck. It wasn't Kole's favourite factor to rely on, but what else did he have? None. It was because of this, and maybe something else, that Kole had slid the Speeder into the Casino Parking Lot. It lined itself up alongside a number of vehicles that Kole could never afford, the kind that a 'nyahey there's the high roller' owned, and maybe owned several. That, however, was a fact Kole looked past as he departed the Speeder. Even if this wasn't where they stayed, they could leave it here for some time.

As he happened to depart the vehicle first, his head became to peer in every which direction, his eyes -- of course -- following suit as he awaited Lyn's exit. Not a sound escaped him, he knew he was in the belly of the beast, but he'd been there before. Kole's head ultimately turned over his shoulder, facing Lyn, "You can cheat in this, right?" Obviously referring to her species innate ability. If she could cheat, she could win, if she could win, she could attract the attention of those out back. That brought them out, made it easier.

Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Lost Cause | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Ghost Town ~ "And now I know my heart is a ghost town."


The Zeltron's head flipped about to look at him with eyes that were momentarily confused, before becoming startlingly clear, "Oh. Um... Yeah, probably," Briefly she looked over the speeder to him, forearms resting against the roof, "You're thinking we show up, get the ones in charge to notice us winning, maybe they show us where the real betting's happening." Lyn's gaze turned to the casino. It was 1313, so it wasn't anything special, but it was safely in the slightly-more-wealthy section of the level. No doubt every credit than ran through this place was illegally obtained and had someone's blood on it, but that's just the nature of the underworld. This was where the rats could play as kings for a day, and now they were among them.

"Guess we're playing Sabacc. Works best there. Can tell when someone's about to choke."

Yeah, she's cheated before. She just didn't expect Kole to ask her to do it. Sliding her bag over her shoulder and stepping around the speeder with a posture more refined than before, she unexpectedly-- Or, expectedly --moved to slip her arm through his, "I guess you'll be escorting me this fine morning."

"Right, and -- I'm also broke, so I hope you have something I can put up for entrance."
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Spave-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

Kole hadn't the first clue. Maybe this was something he should of thought more about, but that wasn't the case. You could start small, build your way up. Or, well, cut the line and jump right into the deep end. It wasn't a prospect Kole found comforting, especially since it seemed as if he was the one paying for one reason or another. Didn't she have any credits? Eh, hardly mattered. Gentlemen​ rules apply, it seems. There was, however, something that forced some degree of comfort, and it was the fact he believed he could trust Lyn. There was something about her, and it was likely the pheromones. There wasn't anything the Zeltron had done to either earn it or cause him to think otherwise, as of now. Unfortunate, really.

It was with their arms slinked together that Kole and Lyn stuffed across the stone flooring of the parking area, moving in the direction of two glass doors that shone a bright light through it's transparent nature. "Right." He replied, his spare hand moving to his face, essentially cupping his face and dragging downwards. A deeper exhale escaped him in a moment of thought. "Right." He furthered, moving inside as the doors parted before them.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Earning It | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Ghost Town ~ "Died last night in my dreams."

Trust was, like many things, a two-way street. She equally found herself trusting Kole, seeing as he did the same to her, despite the absence of her pheromones or empathetic abilities. It was always amusing to enter a new locale and see the other patrons adjust to the chaotic presence of one of her kind in their midst. The way eyes lingered, attention was pulled. Her mind was attuned to the vibe at once -- Money, money, money. Greed. A desire for credits that would naturally fill a place like this, but, of course, there were different desires too. All types of vices. Some made her skin crawl, others she could relate with.

For half-a-second, her eyes flicked up to Kole. Nothing. Still nothing. A flare of her nostrils and Lyn's gaze fell to the tables they passed, briefly tugging on Kole's sleeve to call his attention.

"There. Can join there." Her pink chin jerked over to a game occurring in the corner, the smoke of cigarras quite strong and probably coming from there. That seemed to be the game worth infiltrating, the one if won, would grant them access to the deeper echelons of the casino that Maltoya must have infiltrated prior to his murder.

Even as they meandered over she took another glance up at him, blinking, blinking again, before tentatively squeezing his upper arm with her hand and murmuring, "Trust me."

It really was like she could read his mind; but it had been her own doubt fueling that short statement.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Spave-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

The HRD glanced about the Casino idly, watching, observing, noting. He wasn't the, or a, gambler and so the tables were all the same to him. There was stench in the air, one of unhealthiness, one he internally scowled with disgust at. Kole prided his own health, for he couldn't remember ever falling ill. To think he was going to sit here and inhale a ludicrous amount of second-hand smoke was dissatisfying to say the least. There was a sense of quietness, even in the Casino, not many talked and it was often the sound of cards and chips moving that drew his attention. Lyn and Kole were joined at the arm, and whilst others moved out of her path it seemed as if they were intent on forcing Kole to do same, but for them. He wasn't entirely large, and so an alien of taller stature was certainly a battering ram in comparison. Although, Kole could hit like a truck if the need ever arises.

He found himself being tugged in a direction, his head snapping to Lyn at the sound of her voice. He hadn't responded with words, but a blank expression that simply followed along. There was a certain nervousness to Kole's mind in this moment, the thought of losing all that he owned to a case such as this. Maybe Lyn was going to take off with the credits, never to be seen again; it sounded like his kind of luck, now didn't it?

Kole's head peered down, locking eyes with Lyn as he simply I replied, "I do."

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