Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was looking up at the far end of the area where overlooking them was the imposing sight of it all, the massive structure was being designed as a fortress of stone, hijarna stone and everything else they could do. A bastion of defenses that the jedi could use as well as a number of improvements, much like the citadel they were reconstructing and setting it up to have the massive areas of research, study and everything to survive a siege. Built into the mountainside and section itself.
The haulers that had been bringing supplies and all of their things across the galaxy were on display with larger sections that tey would be able to work with. Presenting a better section of new equipment that was being used as well as some walkers that they could get access to. Wanting some fo the largest as well as some of the large tanks that they would be able to use. "THey have been making good progress with the creation of the tunnels correct?" She was wondering what harmony was displaying.
The haulers that had been bringing supplies and all of their things across the galaxy were on display with larger sections that tey would be able to work with. Presenting a better section of new equipment that was being used as well as some walkers that they could get access to. Wanting some fo the largest as well as some of the large tanks that they would be able to use. "THey have been making good progress with the creation of the tunnels correct?" She was wondering what harmony was displaying.