Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slip on Through to the Otherside

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking at more of the things they had set up the defensive autoturrets that were being developed for some more of the things that they had been doing. She wanted to work with it and buy some of the better walkers or droids that they could do around the area. The more things they had getting developed and the more things they had developed. Arctic walkers with weapons and some sections they had been developing until she looked at Harmony for a moment walking around inside the halls.

The massive citadel would serve for a few new things wen they were providing work to the ones testing the early versions fo the suits. Setting up and establishing all of it until she arrived in the lab watching them standing tall and ready. Attention to the details of the armor that were being displayed for the screens until she was sitting down with some fo the other researchers giving ideas. "So what new work have we been doing, I know you were working on more of the things and bio ship components."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"We have been developing and working on more of the bioship itself for a way that the bioarmor will be able to properly work on and be focused on upgrading itself and using the presented materials to convert and break them down. The droids that self replicate off of the biomasses sie allowing them to work together and the droids will maintain the size of the biomass for the armor. The droid will keep it from overgrowing and they will replicate to allow new technology to be used within the armor itself."

Hmm Matsu was thinking about it and if the biomass of the armor was going to keep growing as it fed then using the droids to work and maintain the control of the armor. It would give them a number of upgrade chances to work with so the suit itself could develop and stay current instead of going obsolete within a week or a month or even a year because someone wanted to wotk and develop a number of new things for the armor. They had developed things such as the thrusters and shielding.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"They have also been making progress in some of the other areas for analyzing the biomass that is the charon armor to work on the shape changing capabilities. We have more phase II trials and testing that will be needed but with the correct application of energies and resources from all of the projects that we have been working on. We will be able to get new information and new products to make it from these. More information from other bio-organic equipment will be needed to properly work with it."

Matsu continued to work with the droid as she was showing her all of the information and they entered the room to observe the armored suit that they were working on with a nod of her head. They were developing parts of the armor to test with it when they were letting the others out of the suits and sections. The display showing the feedback that needed to be worked on to provide better treatments as well as a better understanding of what needed to be done to the users of the suits.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was wanting to work with a number of the things here and it was all so exciting as the feedback from the suit and where it was harming those who were looking at the damage done to them. Matsu had stayed with a number of things until she was embracing the newer ideas for what they wanted to do. "We'll have to develop several procedures to make the people who will be wearing the suit more able to handle the strain. It could endanger them and we don't want to have that."

"The medical drawbacks of the armor shall be requiring that we work on different procedures, the muscles and strain on the bones will be there. Their mental health will be dangerous if it becomes damaged from the strain and we are detecting neural waves from the bioarmor itself. Likely in the form of a more dangerous side effect in using and creating a living suit of armor is the risk of intelligence. Much like with vong biots this will have the same effect though a single mind instead of many."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
That was unexpected in some of the things that they were doing, she was uncertain of what might come from it or what might be able to happen with it if they were unsure. The jedi master was looking over the information she was getting from harmony as she held her hand out prepared to work on some of the things provided. She wanted to understand what the neural signatures and pathways were provided it could give the armors an advantage if the mind could be controlled or worked with.

"This is an interesting thing to have to work with." She was staying with some of the thing that they were doing and the jedi master was now thinking about it but they would have to do more with it to properly learn what they were doing or how they would be able to communicate with it. If the armor and by extension the other armors that they were be working with and making. "Alright though, we'll see about it and work with the ones who are developing for themselves in the procedures. A psucom unit to better communicate."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Hmm Matsu was rolling over the ideas in her head of what they would be able to do before she tapped her screen trying to compared the logs and the different sources of information. She was wanting to work on more of it all when she was pulling it up to the computer screens with a nod of her head. "Alrigt I think we can work with this." She was staying with all of it there at the station now as she could use her lab work, use her expertise to develop it and she might have to call on some help from other masters.

She wanted to work with some of the droid scientists so that they would be able to work on some of the things. They were setting up a nuber of things here and there in making the AI"s so communicating with them for many of the things. "I think we will have to start working on many of the things that we have been developing in terms of AI and how to communicate with them. THis might not be any different from that, teach it, communicate with it, control it and work with it to become stronger."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu continued to pull up the information as well as some fo the data that they had been working on more before she pulled up what information they developed for the biot armor and the Ishimaru. That was a piece of ancient tech that no one really thought about when they were working on many things since it worked with maintaining and handling the armor for the padawan that was having to use the special skills. Matsu wanted to make sure that they wouldn't be like this and almost be starved.

THey would have to continue to work with it, to continue to improve upon the design daily as well as the information in testing. Phase I trials of it on some of the animals would be interesting to see a biomass of armor work with say a womp rat or something like a jako beast but it wouldn't be for long or they might be able to hook up the bioarmor itself to the machines and test it to get it to form and reform into different shapes for what they wanted it to do. Matsu was prepared to test a few of the other things there.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking at the screen for several hours working with harmony and the other researchers while they were giving ew and exciting information to all of the other ones. To work on it and develop themselves itno something but an alert came by for them about the Citadel as she looked up breaking her own concentration from the screen. "Oh how long has it been that we have been here working on this?" She said it as one of the watch members appeared on the screen. "Several hours master Ike."

She was surprised at that and well she was trying to think about it, with a lot of work they had made some progress before they were going over all of the different things observed. She was rising up from her seat where they had been working on all of the bioarmor before she set it back in the casing they were working with for the oter things and there might have been a few things there to work on. She hadn't found a way to communicate with the biomass yet but they would have an idea soon enough.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The time spent inside the lab hadn't just benefited her it was also being used for the citadel construction droids themselves who were working on even more things to develop and set up for them. Wanting to push the construction faster a little though the engineers had swapped out the human's for the droids as they could work near round the cloak and not tire. SO the watch could have their home back and be provided with even more interesting things in the longer run. She'd have to check out the mess hall next.

Walking through the citadel itself while they got to take in the rest of what had been developed Matsu could see the holographic training rooms put to good use. Sections dedicated for teaching as well as a way to interact and learn important social skills that jedi needed to function in the galaxy and the real world itself. Often times they spent so long in meditation and the temples it seemed the common traits like loyalty or effort to a cause were lost on many of them. All wanting to move so fast.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They were doing so much around the citadel she wasn't certain what she miht be needed for, coming in and around with some of the bigger things as there were some reports of interest flagged at the console when she arrived to meet the one member of the watch. her daughter was usually here with them and providing a number of things that were of interest when they were helping out. "So how are things looking out beyond the wall?" She liked how it sounded so ominous and mysterious but just snow.

"There isn't much to report and it seems more like it could just be the isolation or the temperature. Small reports of things being moved around, sounds at night but nothing conclusive, no tracks, no real evidence of other people but some padawans and knights think there might be some ghosts or force spirits here that like to screw with people." He said it and she understood that idea as the normal answers of another species or someone else dind't make as much sense and force spirits could be strange.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking at the reports about what had happened and hearing the information a bout everything going on around them. Here on the world she was able to find things as well as well there were things that many of the species on the world might serve a purpose. She'd have to work with some of them when they were moving forward into the room and she had a better idea with a small grin on her face. "I think I'll investigate and search or try to find whatever it might be. Who knows we might find something interesting."

Matsu was prepared for that and more, she was rather liking the idea of getting her expectations going for the possibility of a new species, of a new thing to find or meet. She would have to temper that with a chance of there being nothing but the reports seemed varied and wide enough it wasn't just one or two people misplacing things. She would have to investigate after this, Rhen Var was still a planet covered in chances for mysterious things that could happen. She'd just have to have some fun with it and make a day of it all.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Well if there is anything that can be found out there master Ike then I am certain you will be able to find it with us helping you." She stuck it up with a couple of things while she was going over the information until she spoke up looking over some fo the others things they were developing. "Yes, that will be the hope. For now though lets talk about the improvements that are being done here as well as what the cloak of the watch will be looking like. We have been developing it for you and want to get you input."

Matsu saw a small nod from the man and grinned to herself while she brought it up, the display of the Watches cloak... full length from neck to boots with it able to wrap around them and tempered with climate regulation equipment at the neck so anyone using it could be warm in the cloak or even cool when it was really hot. That was just how she rolled when it came to helping the jedi oout so they could go anywhere. "We started with the cloak itselfm synthmesh with jakobeast furr and hide. It will enhance their force abilities."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"What are we hoping to work with master Ike in all of the things?" He seemed inteerested and just having Jakobeast fur and tusks with the outfit wouldn't be enough. They needed to be able to properly outfit and use it for the numerous things that they were developing to go with it. The cloak would have the outfit underneath it and present itself to the others within the watch as a means for them to be distinctive and still have the same benefits that the rest of the order enjoyed when it came to serving the lightside of the force.

More so she was even looking at the bigger and more fun things they would be able to do here as the construction of the citadel was working on more of the things. Developing parts of the citadel to hold the mirror when she led him into the room to show it off. "Tis is the kagami mirror we have developed for each main planet of the silvers. Using the force you can see across an entire world and scout areas with the force instead of risking others who might die or worse give away the information."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
It was all being provided for them it seemed before they stopped and now Matsu could look over with him at all of the things they had been doing. The mirror was gleaming where the light struck it but it wasn't reflecting their images in the surface that was a polished hypergem along the full length mirror. Matsu stood as it was taller then er and more ornate before she touched it. "We designed it to respond to the lightside of the force, with it you focus on an area of the planet and a reflective surface is important."

The watch member was looking at her and they were looking at the impressive parts of it. Staying with it before she touched the surface and focused all of the energies into the mirror before it started to resonate and glow with the force energies. "Now lets see where we want to look." She stayed with it while they were staying over a couple of the things, putting the image from the surface when it was looking in on the watches courtyard where several of the members were training including her daughter.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The watch member seemed concerned and amazed at the same time when they were shifting images and sifting through them like slides across the world to peer into and see the different locations. The construction droids that were working, one of the tombs that was being explored and marked, the citadel itself where they were working on the construction and the different pathways for the trams and transports to take that would go across the world or the number of defenses across the planet.

The watch member was starring at it deeply and Matsu spoke touching his shoulder with a nod of her head. "Careful nod, the hypergem is imbued and enhanced to do something else but you can still run the risk of seeing it and your mind, most minds cannot comprehend the complexity of the hyergem itself." She let him understand and it had been known to in its raw natural form to drive others mad but there was less of that here unless you really tried to only ever use the mirror.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was staying there with them, focused for the other jedi so that they would be able to move around and look at it. There was the view ports they could look over the citadel itself when Matsu was providing some of the new places for them to look. She stayed with it when they were looking out on the other areas. "You and the watch have been doing very well, we will be able to work with many of the things we have been working on." There were some of the other parts when the droids were moving around.

Matsu watched more of the probe and mapping droids that were moving while she provided some better ideas, they were going back outside and being jumped by the one in the bioarmor. The first tests of the micro thrusters in an open area as the watch members were providing things for him to dodge. A jedi with these skills all set up and let them move through cover. "THey have been doing good and we should be able to develop some good reaction times for the ones in the armor when they are going around the course."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The different watch members that were around and working on many of the things to set it up had a very nice and impressive looking area in the courtyard. The herald who was standing there ready to go had the thrusters working on their armor before they were prepped and ready to go. From the AI and information they didn't have the procedures to improve the ones in the armor or augment them as needed but they would have to work at it when she held up a hand ready for him to go and start the course they had made.

er hand came down the the subject was moving, fast and quick the grace and attention before he ran at one fo the walls of the citadel and kicked off of it using the thrusters to dash up higher and to the side quickly. Dodgeing a shot from a watch member before he was thrown down into the snow with a swift kick and the armored figure backflipped using the resistance from his chest to launch himself up while a thruster spun him around faster to land on the ground so they could move around safely.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The movement he had going was impressive before the jedi master tossed up a glow ball for them to see, she wanted to be able to observe all of it and the Courtyard was grey and dark in places more often then nought. While she was looking over more of it and saw the herald jump up off a wall to get up with the thrusters before she saw him go up and roll shifting for some of the targets the arms into a blade and hammer to pummel and fight against the target droids. Using the designed mesh to resist the training sabers.

The herald was moving with most of his attention to the fighting when she could see the shifted weapons remaining set up and not the most pristine looking but they were going to be effective as the armor went from soft malleable to a solid state of armor that developed itself to block and slash the droids into two pieces. They were moving before the different jedi in the watch were staying up and over with move of the things, he kicked off the wall and dropped down towards the ground smashing into the ground with the others.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The small shockwave that was generated from the impact came as a small surprise to her then how quickly they were moving with him. A blur of black and silver among the cloaks of the watch and some of the droids that were moving around. She was keeping track of the force energies being used as the one in the armor were working hard. She could almost see it as a dance while they were moving in unison and with the heightened reaction time, the speed of movements that could come from the armor itself.

Tey were working hard and the exercise of the armor here int he citadel was continuing for several hours to test the endurance and limits of the one wearing the armor. THey were not augmented which meant with all of the projections that they shouldn't and likely wouldn't be as impressive as one who was fully decked out to handle the strain from their bones outwards to their own body itself. The snow even started to come with the sun peaking through the massive clouds that were coming in.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The sun peeked through as it was shining off of the snow for a moment and painted the bioarmor in its black with the white carapace of the armor for it. The sectons closer to the body were presented and designed to work around the underlay that the soldiers would be using that had the different weaves and plates. The biomass would feed off of them and they would feed it but all of it would allow them to see better from using the cornea implants themselves so that they would be able to see better with it.

She was letting the demonstration continue for everything that they were working with while her hands were behind her back observing it. The lessons and exercise would continue for as long as they needed it to for the testing phase here and then they would begin working on once they had the procedures ready and people who wished to be part of it in the armor. Someone developed and set up to be the first of Project herald so that they would be become. The citadel itself was a beautiful place when she relaxed.

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