Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Solution on Scarif [Imperial Remnant T2 Dominion of Scarif and Kowak]

Her eyes snapped open as she felt the violent rumble of the ship. Feet quickly swung from the uncomfortable foam mattress to the floor standing up with haste. A second shot came, this time lights went out for a short moment with a worse rumble and loud noises. Her door slid open as she looked left and right as she exited her room. Two body's had been charred from the ruptured pipes blowing flames. A smile creeped on her lips been able to smell the glorious sent of burning flesh.

The armory was very close by. She had no armor just weapons. If this ship was in danger she wasn't going to leave her true friends. By friends she ment guns that had been used to rack up her astonishing kill count. The sound of metal bending and twisting could be heard and felt vibrations through the ship. It had sustained major damage but she wasn't sure where. As she entered the amory that was on her floor it had seemed she wasn't the only one with the same idea. One other from her unit was present and several others from the storm trooper core. "Major? your orders?" Erica would give a cold look to the woman. "Get your things. We are getting an escape pod. These idiots are already in their grave." She said getting looks. For most theyd say it's not the time or place but it was only the other month she slit the throat of a trooper for saying she was wrong whilst in the heat of battle.

She got her arc caster and mortar launcher swinging them onto her back by their straps before her hands settled around the grip of the E-11. Her grip was firm as she turned for the door and a cadet bumped into her. She swung the butt of the gun round in a wide arc hitting the teen in the cheek. The kid would fly back onto his ass and hands clearly in panic and shock. "Insolent little shit." Erica said bitterly stepping over the kid the one from her unit was trying to contain a giggle. With the one squad mate they both rushed down a few levels to the escape pods. There was lines forming. Most of them storm troopers and personnel who worked the ship. Erica however had no intentions to que. "Mam you have to get in line like the rest." Her gun pointed up at him. "Mam don.." His words got cut short as she squeezed the trigger. The woman was relentless and cold hearted. She held no value for life even if it was people that where considered allies. Erica hadn't killed the man. He wouldn't been following orders. Instead she had simply stunned him. The others began to squabble amongst themselves now the wall had been taken down that was stopping them from getting in an escape pod. Erica had already moved to the front when she shot the officer. So she was now already climbing into one along with her squad mate. The girl knew to keep quite unless it was relivent. It's why she was selected.
Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: Search for Data​
Location: Scarif Surface​
The U-Wings start to touch down outside the ruined Imperial facility. Teams of technicians climbed out of the sides of the U-Wings and started to look around the area. Aran being the last one out of his ship, paused to look at the ruined beauty of the area. The scale of the destruction was amazing, and terrifying. He started to wonder if any data was still around, or even if anything could have survived this fallout. Hopefully the rumors of how strong old Imperial data vaults could be, were true. Other wise he came all this way for nothing.​
"Team One take grid five. Team Two take the ruins of the data center. Team Three you are on grid two."
The team leaders nodded and started to move out. Aran followed shortly behind Team Two, he wanted to investigate the Data Center himself. He had heard of what happened here through the stories passed down in his family. Yet he could believe he was actually on the planet where the first "public" test of the Death Star was done. It was something of both pride and fear flowing through his mind. Knowing the power that the Death Star had this was incredible, but at the same time knowing what the Death Star could do to entire planets this was the fear he saw. If the Galactic Empire stopped the plans from getting off here they could have kept the Galaxy in their control and could possibly be still in control to this day. Alas that wasn't the case.​
[member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Aram Kalast"]​
Lucien Galtier sat aboard the Bel'reen in the medical wing. He had had his whole left side replaced with cybernetics. Now he was Up and fully operational. Upon awakening he was approached by someone who claimed to be from the Research division. They stated that he qualified for the Dark Trooper project. He signed up and soon discovered that this was in fact why his body had been so fully replaced with cybernetics. Apparently they had replaced some parts of him that hadn't suffered injury... The Research division had planned on him saying yes from the very start. Lucien merely shrugged at this. It was free tech and while he was still recovering he discovered that his cybernetics were much stronger then his human side and they never got tired.

Lucien stood from the medical bed and flexed both his arms. Their was a slight delay from his cybernetics, but all seemed well. Lucien prepared to go on his daily run when the vessel began to shake vehemently. "We are going down!" Someone shouted as they ran past Lucien. Lucien's face turned grim as he raced towards the armory. He donned his new armor and equipped his jet pack. Lucien grabbed an EE-4 and ran to the nearest escape pod. He entered the pod and discovered it half full already. Another few men entered and someone pressed the launch button.

Gida Freetaa

Post: 1
Location: Kowak orbital construction site
17th Imperial Rapid Response Fleet (4100m)
x1 Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (1,600m)
x2 Dreadnaught-class MKII Heavy Cruiser 2x600m (1200m)
x2 Imperial II-class frigate 2x400m (800m)
x2 Lancer-class frigate 2x250m (500m)
Massive amounts of civilian ships

Commodore Gida and her 17th IRRF were left to supervise the finalisation of the Cardan 5 station that was being built, it was a dull posting and quite frankly she didn't appreciate being out here. There was a couple nice benefits however, like now, she actually got to take advantage of the bath that she had in her refresher. It was nice to relax in the warm water and take things at slower pace for once, and took a few extra moments to appreciate it before getting out and drying off. She pulled on her uniform and sat at her desk to browse through the general updates and any priority messages, like yesterday, and the day before, and the one before that, there was nothing. It was time for another boring day on the frontier, with a little luck she would be out of here with in the week, two if there was another construction accident.
His ship design facility was located on Scarif. Darren sat in his high rise office overlooking the many little islands of Scarif and the facility. The door opened to his office and a tall muun by the name of Reyzar Kep, the vice chairman of Jarok Shipyards. He had a dire look on his face, something was wrong..

"Mr. Jarok, Imperial forces are inbound, Shall I open the compound for them? They could use the facility as a small base of operations."

Darren looked up to see him. He was thinking about the reason the remnant was here. Yes, he was a proud member of the remnant boasting the rank of Commodore. Darren remembered something about Scarif. The planet had a very tall tower a little farther from Jarok's facility. They were after that for sure. Darren knew it.

"Get a message to [member="Travis Caalgen"]. Tell him that he's welcome to this facility along with any other Imperials. And Reyzar, Deploy the probe droids to the Citadel."

Darren pulled up some holograms with the cameras of the probes. He watched the Imperials near scarif. The CEO began reviewing schematics for a new Prototype weapon.
[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Jaegis Volasses"]Location: On board the Bel’reen, en route to Scarif
Objective: Go to designated squad for impending confrontation with First Order

The Agent heard incoming communication. A higher up, designated Watcher 3, routed information to his receiver. The half Chiss was intrigued by the news that he was given. He was assigned to the squad of Baron C’artyom. Interesting in that he was placed with another Chiss blooded, even more so that the officer in question was the hero of the Hypori conflict.With that in mind, Thanom gathered up his blaster pistol and headed out of his quarters. He was routed a number for the Baron's quarters aboard the ship.

He walked briskly and authoritatively, trying to avoid the mess of trooper battalions and squads hustling to battle stations. By now, the news of the First Order ship had been relayed to Stormtroopers and other military officers. It still angered him that pretenders to the Empire had the audacity to try to claim what was rightfully the Remnant's. He came to the Baron's door and pressed the comm button.

“Baron C’artyom. This is Agent Thanom. Operating number IA-657. I've been given orders to join your squad for the time being.” He said calmly through a modulated voice, “I request access to your quarters so that we may do so.”

“I’ve managed to go deeper into the communications Director, we seem to be dealing with an independent…” The voice of a First Order offer opened up clearly to Kalast as he continued to look into the arrival of a First Order ship. However what the final message would be was unknown to the Director as the ship shuddered, rocked and plunged into darkness as the lights went out.

Alarm klaxons began to spread as Aram realised the ship was in a dire situation. “Initate emergency protocols.” He spoke out loud to the room as a whole which began to pull monitors into the walls and a sliding door disappeared to reveal a small hatch in which Aram began to enter.

A strap was secured across his chest automated as the walls began to fill with a strange padded air pocket. He had to assure his protection, yet the real fear was of the tank nearby, the one that contained his most secretive of desires. He just hoped that with this issue he would still be able to carry out his plans for Scarif.

This was really inconvenient.
[member="Travis Caalgen"]

The pod launched but within seconds a chunk of the ship had smashed into the two fleeing from the sinking ship. They where now part of the rubble drifting down with speed. Reverse thrusters had been lost and lights on the display showed the parachute flap had also been hit. As it had entered the atmosphere the escape pod began relentlessly spinning with flames wrapping around it. It was impossible to tell what was outside as it was all a blur. The metal would glow a brilliant red till the parachute flap ripped off along with the chute inside.

Erica had an idea although it had to be timed they would also required the help of lady luck. "The flotation systems. We can use it to cushion our fall and roll." The other woman nodded. "Pull it on my mark." They both could only reach one side of the terminal. Any other movement was extremely hard due to been pulled against the chairs. The clone woman watched the console counting down the meters. As they hit nine hundred meters she'd look at the other and nod. She spoke loudly but calmly. It felt like ages but it was a few moments when they hit the ground rolling sand would kick up around them along with parts of the ship crashing around them. It was ironic that they had rolled into the ocean. Erica's hands came up to her face brushing her hair back with her slender fingers. She caught the sight of blood on her palm as she brought them down. Something had hit her in the head at some point. Her focus was to centered on staying alive. She'd raise her hand up to her head again feeling around for a gash. It was on the back of her head and quite deep.

The woman unbuckled herself and reached up for the medpack. Taking out the kolto spray she sprayed some over the wound. "What now? Wanna look for survivors?" "Just the one in charge. The others can feth it." The other woman would open the hatch and climb into the water. Erica however wrapped her guns into a water tight bag. One of the few things standard on escape pods. Standing at the ledge she took a dive into the water going under the top layer then surfaced swimming for the shoreline.
Meanwhile In the Imperial Capitol

“Another glass Sir?” The words came from a young green fleshed woman who was stood near the end of the long black gloss table. In her hands she held, almost like a mother would an infant, a large jug that had so far allowed the three individuals sat at the table a full allowance of wine from the vineyards of Naboo.
“No, thank you Seline.” The one at the head of the table replied, proving her question had not been in ernest. Like the serving girl he resembled a human only in structure, his skin was a darkened blue tone, eyes a contrasting red. “You may retire for the night.” A hand was waived dismissively and the girl moved away with a bow of her head.

“Thurman.” One of the others at the table announced the name of the blue skinned humanoid, red eyes turning to the greying human whose uniform matched his in all but the pins on his chest. Governor Larian was his name, a low-born steward raised into power through public opinion on Hypori after a long and hard fought political campaign. He was also one the newly assigned members of the lower Moff Court and in Thurman’s opinion a great asset to his own ambitions within the Imperial system. “I have settled several of the trade disputes among the Grifan Trade Agreement, some replacements were needed but I have made sure that those now in charge are fully responsible to the Imperial Courts.” He seemed smug at his announcement, Thurman took in the way he chugged down nearly half a goblet in enthusiasm, and followed with the other awaiting Thurman’s response.

He let the silence press for a moment, red eyes focused on his plate rather than either of the two sat at the sides of the table. He didn’t miss Larian glance towards the other matched uniform opposite him, both exchanging looks of questioning theory.
“Very good.” He finally spoke and the collective gasp of released breath could be heard along with the easily spotted grins of achievement. Yet it would not be all victory for the hard working Governor, Thurman would be sure to make that certain. “However these new replacements are all willing to pay the increase in taxation across the trade in sector, am I right?” He saw the smile fade from Larian’s face almost instantly, a strange noise coming from his throat. “Naturally with the conflicting parties now settled proper trade practices can commence? With the taxations that were lowered by your governments need for credits to be poured into the Trade disputes rightfully raised to match the standard of the sector as well as fuel the Imperial taxation for your membership within our system.” He went quiet and stared Larian down. He would have his answer, he already knew it he just had to make sure Larian knew it first.

“The taxations are already so high on Hypori, surely the Imperial Court can do without the tariffs for another year or two?” Lorian’s argument was full of worry, maybe a hope that if he sounded worse off Thurman would agree to his terms. “Then once the economy has had time to expand under the local taxations we can pursue the increase in Imperial Membership tax?”

“My dear Governor Lorian.” Thurman readjusted his positioning, creating a more relaxed posture. “Hypori is to be the seat of control for the entire sector, it will be a technological development hub and along with the continued growth of the Imperial territories can see potential growth beyond that which it has known in decades.” He paused, shifting his glass of wine away with the push of a finger. “Yet here you tell me that the local government, a collective who welcomed us with willing arms would be unwilling to pay simple taxation tariffs to better the Imperial System and therefor by extension the Sector and Hypori itself? I find myself somewhat disappointed.”

“I am not refusing?” He shook his head, thin whips of sweat had started to show across his skin, glistening under the bright lights of Thurman’s quarters. “I was simply suggesting that perhaps local tariffs would…”

“Be enough to line your own pockets while not having to move the credit line up to those whom you owe?” He had him, he could tell. He just had to seal it. “I am sorry Lorian, but the Remnant does not deal as openly in corrupt officials as other Imperial states may claim. The Imperial Taxation will be put back in place tomorrow morning. It will be placed on every import and export out of Hypori and the planet will be the newest seat of power within the Imperial Territories. Have I made myself clear Governor?”

“Y-y-yes.” The Governor wiped his brow with his sleeve, a notable disgust from Thurman causing him pause. “I shall see to the preparations of the Imperial delegate and get the systems in place. Thank you.” He stood and left like a child to time out. He would remember the day, Thurman knew his sort, already plans of revenge would be flowing across the man’s mind like an out of control train.

The other, who had so far remained silent went to speak but was interrupted by the door reopening to the dining quarters. A black uniformed Imperial moving with purpose to the side of Thurman and leaning down to quietly speak to the Chiss.

“The Bel’reen was shot down over Scarif.”

Thurman’s world just got a lot more difficult. He closed his eyes and hid the sigh from leaving his lips.

So much more damn difficult.
[SIZE=11pt]Desmond C’artyom paced around the room warily.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Well it appears the fun has ended,” Desmond said to Jaegis. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Chiss was just getting used to the comfortable bedding and luscious suite he had been given. But, all good things had to come to an end eventually. So, Des would not complain to much. He walked to a locker that sat at the foot of his bed. He opened it and withdrew his phrik weave stealth cloak. He threw the cloak on the bed then rifled through the locker some more. He found the pieces of black plastoid armor and placed them over his black jumpsuit. When he was all suited up he placed the stealth cloak over his armor and prepared to leave. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But, as soon as he reached the door the buzzer rang. It was the newbie. Thanom made introductions and Desmond opened the door for him. The man was dressed in a menacing outfit and Des wondered exactly how well it actually protected the man. He merely shrugged. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Good to finally meet you [member="Thanom"],” Desmond sighed[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Suddenly the ship began to shake. People began to run in a chaotic panicked fashion and Des wondered what the hell was going on. Another volley raked the ship and it began to shake again. This time a power coupling exploded and the hall was rended open. Desmond felt the sharp tug as wind was sucked through the tear.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Bulkheads all over the ship closed to keep the breach contained and Desmond Cursed. They were trapped within the hall and oxygen was quickly depleting. The Chiss trudged with all his might against the roaring wind towards the only open door left. His limbs felt like wet noodles and his eye sight was becoming hazy. He wasn’t sure if he’d make it, but through sheer force of will he managed to enter the room.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He turned back to Thanom and [member="Jaegis Volasses"] he waved to them with his free hand while his other kept him propped up against the wall. “Come on!” He shouted. Desmond turned from the doorway and studied the small room. It was an escape pod. Desmond sat down in the pilot seat and prepared to launch as soon as the others were aboard.[/SIZE]



When Aut-X's vast armada had finally reached the Scarif system, there was a loud boom as dozens of droid vessels came out of hyperspace above the planet in a tight knit formation. "Sir! We've picked up a distress beacon from Director Caalgen's frigate. It appears their ship has been shot down by unknown elements from the planetary surface. And it appears the First Order have just arrived as well.", OM-5 chirped out loudly. Aut-X arose from his command chair, gazing at the large Star Destroyer ahead of them. "Our quarrel is not with the First Order. Activate the automated non-aggression signal and continue as planned. I'll proceed down to the crash site personally with a portion of our occupation force to the crash site to aid our injured comrades. T-634, you have the bridge. Do not engage the First Order unless I give the command.", Aut-X said commanding, a lone T-Series Tactical Droid sitting down upon the command chair while the High Moff made his way to the hangar bay to board his personal shuttle, a pair of IG-100 Magnaguards following close behind him.

As soon as the order was given and Aut-X had boarded his shuttle, swarms of Vulture Droids and Tri-Droids surged out of the hangars of the ships amongst the fleet, followed by the wings of C-9979 Landing Craft carrying the droid armies to the surface of Scarif below. As soon as they entered the atmosphere of Scarif, the C-9979's began landing in a cluster around the old Imperial data facility, their sizeable fighter escorts securing the perimeter while droid troops and their assigned vehicles were unloaded. Aut-X himself landed near the crashed Imperial frigate, along with his bodyguards and a sizeable squad of BX-series Droid Commandos. They began to fan out to aid the injured, each squad member carrying a medical kit to administer basic first aid where required, while the High Moff moved to locate Director Caalgen....

[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Erica Yeager"]
[member="Aram Kalast"]
[member="Darren Jarok"]
[member="Gida Freetaa"]
[member="Lucien Galtier"]
[member="Aran Piett"]
[member="Travis Caalgen"]

Gida Freetaa

Post: 2
Location: Kowak orbital construction site
17th Imperial Rapid Response Fleet (4100m)
x1 Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (1,600m)
x2 Dreadnaught-class MKII Heavy Cruiser 2x600m (1200m)
x2 Imperial II-class frigate 2x400m (800m)
x2 Lancer-class frigate 2x250m (500m)
Massive amounts of civilian ships

With no updates Gida got up from her desk and began walking towards the officer's mess, today she was scheduled for R&R, only needing to do a handful of basic tasks before being relived of duty for the day. The hallway was fairly empty as most of the crew was either at their stations or catching extra bunk time with their R&R. The food in the mess wasn't bad but it could have been better, the eggs were too runny, the nerf steak was too tough, and worst of all, the caf was weak. Depositing the tray and dishes over near the garbage reseptical she grabbed a pastry to eat while heading up to the bridge for a quick briefing from the station Forman before being able to enjoy the day.

Jaegis Volasses

IR Captain of the 705th Company
| [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Thanom"] |

The Echani had only sipped his wine when the newcomer had arrived: fresh meat, and a terrifying looking soldier named Thanom. He was to join their ranks, amongst the 705th and Desmond's Purge Squadron. There was little time for greetings as the alarms went off, and Captain Jaegis watched as Desmond made his way precariously across the airlocked, windy gap from his room to the ship's conveniently placed escape pod. He turned to Thanom and nodded in greeting, before looking to Desmond and snarling. "There'll be plenty of time for introductions when we survive this, Agent Thanom! Come, we're escaping this crashing craft!"

Jaegis felt for his commlink at his side and activated it, speaking into the speaker as he checked the gap between the suite and the pod. "Sergeant Halls, prepare the 705th for Deployment and Evacuation; we aren't staying on the ship, I refuse to lose more of our newly reformed Company. Make way for the Escape Pods and Landing craft, we will meet you on the surface. Good Hunting!"

"Understood, Captain! Good Hunting!"

The Captain returned his commlink to his belt and readied himself to breach the gap, taking hold of the wall as the air brushed past him. Using all of his inner strength, for he was a formidably strong man, he held onto the wall and hanging chords from the roof to cross the gap, pulling a few down for the Imperial Agent following them to take. "Quickly, Thanom! Get across!"

Travis Caalgen



All he could see was water.

The director was awoken from his state of unconsciousness by the light crashing of waves nearby. The sun both blinded him and warmed his face as he opened his eyes, a sharp contrast to the artificial light of the Bel'reen, soft white sand shifted beneath him when he sat up. Travis almost thought he had died, until pain radiated from his lower abdomen; crimson blood had stained his perfectly white uniform, where the remainder of a metallic shard seemed to be lodged into his side. Several minutes later, and Caalgen was up and walking, having found a canister of bacta gel for his wound after pulling the foreign object out of his body.

The cool, turquoise salt water washed around the director's boots while he trudged through the shallow ocean between two islets, almost soothing the pain of the crash; it was as if he was experiencing hell in paradise. The repercussions of the 'emergency landing' were quite obvious around him, hunks of metal and the floating bodies of stormtroopers and crewmen polluted the otherwise pristine ocean. He didn't move out of his way to assist many, there was the odd being floating in the water that showed little or no injuries; those were the ones that he made an effort to lay on dry land until they woke up or died, the others though, the ones who had visible gashes or were floating face down, he already knew they were gone.

None of the living or dead corpses he passed were of his contingent of death troopers, which meant they were either dead somewhere else or alive. Those forlorn thoughts were immediately pressed to the back of his mind when he spotted a man-made object in the distance. A black tower, destroyed both by time and war; it didn't take long for him to piece together that this was the old Imperial data vault a few kilometers away, where the First Order were currently sifting through their secrets. The director's blood boiled just at the thought, and he continued to trudge towards this structure; determined to put a stop to it.

[member="Aran Piett"] | [member="Aut-x"] | [member="Aram Kalast"] | [member="Erica Yeager"] | [member="Jaegis Volasses"] | [member="Thanom"] | [member="Thurman"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Gida Freetaa"] | [member="Bruce Aar"]

Gida Freetaa

Post: 3
Location: Kowak in transit to Scarif (moving at the speed of plot)
17th Imperial Rapid Response Fleet (4100m)
x1 Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (1,600m)
x2 Dreadnaught-class MKII Heavy Cruiser 2x600m (1200m)
x2 Imperial II-class frigate 2x400m (800m)
x2 Lancer-class frigate 2x250m (500m)

"THE DIRECTOR WHAT!?" Gida shouted to her second in command.

All of a sudden the man felt very small "His ship crashed on Scarif Ma'am, there's been no contact, First Order ships are present."

Gida pressed the comm and called the bridge "Helm, plot the fleet a course for Scarif, you may jump as soon as you are ready. This is a priority one code move the fleet at flank speed." She cut the comm before she could get a response.

Director Caalgen was the second most important man in the Remnant, if he were to die it would be a blow that they would never recover from, so the 17th IRRF would do what they did best, rapidly respond to this emergency. Gida clenched her fists this was not going to be a pleasure voyage.
Still on The Imperial Capitol of Kamino

“When did this happen?” Thurman asked aloud. Before him a projection of the planet Scarif and what was the expected situation of the Remnants most current situation. It had displayed the Bel’reen approaching the planet, it had also shown the Star Destroyer enter the planets orbit with speed before disappearing from their long range sensors. It was clearly a situation no matter how many theories were being put onto it.

“Four standard hours ago. We managed to get the news fast thanks to an unknown encrypted channel opening.” Covody, a captain in the administration on Kamino stated. The young human was one of Thurman’s own office. Assigned to the Diplomatic Corp it was clear that he was very good at his job, a trait that was helped by the lesser known association with Imperial Intelligence.

“Does the Grand Moff know?” Thurman had to ask, surely having just happened their was a window here that the only people who knew of the Bel’reen actually going down was those aboard the ship and the two currently in the room. “Or have we bypassed Graf on this one?” He frowned awaiting the answer hoping it wasn’t what he knew it was.

“There is a chance he already knows, however Scarif is of a particular nature. Although assigned to Director Caalgen it still falls under your jurisdiction and as such this whole situation is under your discretion.” Covody explained quiet simply as the hologram replayed the situation again and again to the High Moff and Captain. “There is also several other concerns.”

“An Imperial ship was shot down over a planet that has been assigned to Imperial Space. What could honestly be of more concern Captain Covody?” Thurman’s hand ran along his forehead, it was giving him a headache, the paperwork alone was going to keep him busy for the next week but hostilities in his own sector meant he had to make decisive action.

“The issue lies within the Bel’reen’s passenger list.” The young captain leant forward and pressed his finger against the console currently showing the hologram and allowed it to change to a streaming list of assigned passengers. He didn’t need to say his next words for Thurman to notice the issue, it was staring right at him. “The Director of Advanced Weapons Research was onboard.”

“Frakk.” For once Thurman slipped, his usually calm and stoic appearance breaking at the news. Caalgen was not only a friend of the High Moff but one of the Remnants VIP listed associations. He was a valuable member of the Imperial Court and if he was shot down there was a risk he was lost to them, or worse captured which opened a whole new kettle of issues. “Is there anything else Captain? Surely this whole thing is just waiting to explode upon the Hypori Sector’s reputation. I need to know, can we contain it?”

“We can, Scarif is listed as protected under Intelligence protocols. Any transmission to and from the planet are blocked by filters within the Intelligence Department so you have no risk of those who don’t need to know knowing. However there are several other concerns I would like to point out. The first is the listing of a Lieutenant G. Deesat.” Again the passenger list stopped, yet Thurman saw nothing out of place over a normal listing of a Lieutenant aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer, so he merely looked on with a curious glance. “Admiral G. Deesat was a distinguished member of the First Order navy who was killed in action when the Rebels attacked the Prevail, destroying it and all hands on board. It is also the favoured code-name of Director Kalast.”

He almost wanted to swear again, so not only had they crashed a Star Destroyer in his jurisdiction and potentially lost a Director but now there was another Director involved and Intelligence would be crawling all over it like lice to a travellers hair. “Of course he would be. This is starting to slip out of control Covody, do you have any good news attached to this report?”

“Not particularly sir.” The Officer gave an apologetic look. “I just need your direction forward.”

“Keep the news suppressed for now,” Thurman said simply, it was probably for the best. He had some work to do before the other Moffs and high ranking members of the Remnant started picking over Scarif. “I’m going to go and talk to the Grand Moff. If he doesn’t know already he should, besides we need this dealt with as fast and quietly as possible.”

“As you wish sir.” The display disappeared and the Captain saluted before leaving with echoing footprints to remind Thurman how suddenly alone he was. A sigh escaped his lips before he slid away and made for the centre of everything Imperial, The Imperial Court. There he knew he would find the Grand Moff and hopefully some answers on how to proceed. Hypori was a valuable part of the Imperial Plan, but two directors missing, that was worth even more.

At the entrance to the Court it was clear that [member="Tanomas Graf"] was present by the guards posted by the durasteel door. He was told to wait for admittance, a demand he would usually ignore, but it was best if he kept the Grand Moff on his good side this day.

The taste in his mouth was infuriating, a painful drying sensation that only intensified with each gasp for reality. He wrapped his tongue across his upper lip, feeling the course feeling of caked on something that hit him hard and carried on the increased dryness.

Against his ears the sound of lapping water, it matched the sensation of cool, damp wet that made his uniform hug his body, a chill creeped down his back as the sensation returned to a body that had moments before been like a washed up corpse.

His eyes struggled to open, finding only blinding light as they did. The one that had lost all sight painfully reminding him as such as the other refused to focus or indeed pry its lids away in combat with the sun that pour down upon him.

“Emergency Protocols activated. Reserve Beacon launched. Emergency Protocols activated. Reserve Beacon launched.” The voice was mechanic at best, calm and accented like many traditional Imperial systems, it ran across the otherwise tranquil setting and caused Aram’s head to raise. Had it always been there during his struggle back to consciousness? He turned and rolled onto his back, a painful grunt as he released his leg was giving him more pain then it ever had the right to do. Yet sit up he did.

So this was Scarif.

He was sat in the shallows of the tide, the soft wet sand beneath him in the constant process of drying and getting wet as the waves lapped against it, his face was covered in sand, sticky and course it only pushed his want for fresh water as the salt in the waves made his mouth sting. Around him pieces of mechanical equipment lay abandoned and destroyed, including a large processing console that was emitting the strange mechanical conversation. How it still had power was a mystery, yet one he had not the time to solve.

There was no way he could walk on his leg, so with his single arm and pure determination Aram pulled himself away from the waves and towards the processing console, not pausing until he, trail behind him and reached the unit. From his position he could reach the lopsided controls and began to search for any form of transmissions he could. Yet only found automated SOS controls and worried gibbering as individuals found themselves lost among the now impossible chain of command.

Yet he had to do something.

He transmitted a call, less automated then the one that was being dispatched at the moment. Instead it would indicate the location of the console and instructions that there were stranded Imperial Officers nearby. Hopefully that would get someone’s attention.

With that in place he switched the frequency to one more private and known to few.
“Caalgen. Caalgen come in.”
[member="Jaegis Volasses"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

Soon after introducing himself, the Agent felt the ship shake. He held onto the side of the wall, bracing for impact. They were crash landing onto Scarif. Between the brace and the actual collision, he blanked out. The next thing he knew, he heard the two comrades he was with getting his attention. The ship had been fired upon and slowly starting to teeter into the pitfall He knew the next thing was to get out of the ship. The power systems to the ship were failing, meaning the artificial oxygen was running out.

He stood and followed his comrade's direction, taking hold of the cords and crossing the gap with them. He nodded to the two of them before following them to the escape pods, wherever that they were...

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