Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Solution on Scarif [Imperial Remnant T2 Dominion of Scarif and Kowak]

Desmond C'artyom activated the pod's emergency door blast doors as the last of his comrades made it aboard. He hit the launch button and the pod jettisoned forward. They floated through the inkling void of space fore a brief moment. The stars shone like diamonds in the sky and the destruction of the Bel'Reen was dwarfed by the vastness of them all. Then the pod breached the stratosphere and as it made its way through the atmosphere it began to glow red hot. Turbulence rocked the pod and battered the occupants. Desmond found it hard to steer, but managed to roughly aim the pod towards an island with a large black tower on it. They crashed with a bang.

The pod skipped across the white sand several times. It's super heated hull turning the sand beneath to glass, before finally sliding to a halt in front of the jungle fauna. Desmond exited the pod and surveyed the situation. They were on some sort of archipelago continent. The salty scent of the ocean greeted his nostrils and he thought it a pleasant world. The sun was bright and the sand soft. He even spied what appeared to be a mermaid, but dismissed it as an illusion. A real paradise. At the crash of the pod the jungle creatures had grown silent, and he wondered what kind of predators it may hold. So, the Chiss gripped his weapon tightly and turned to address his comrades.

"Well boys, it appears we landed closer to the objective then we could've hoped. Shall we go do some exploring?" The Chiss asked the pair in his thick Imperial accent.

[member="Jaegis Volasses"]



Aut-X and his rescue team quickly picked up on Aram's distress call, and moved quickly through the palm trees and long grass on the island the ship had crashed upon to the position the transmission was sent from. At the main crash site itself, another landing craft had arrived, dispatching waves of medical droids to assist the injured quickly and save as many lives as possible. Wounded and dying Imperial crewmen and stormtroopers lined the sands, desperate for aid. Triage was enacted due to the circumstances, the medical droids treating those who had a chance of survival while granting those who had no hope a quick, efficient death via injection. They were droids, after all. Hesitation was something they were not programmed with.

A wave of shuttles arrived in orbit from those Imperial ships that'd accompanied Aut-X's automated fleet, quickly touching down on the archaic and rather wrecked data facility's main landing pad, which had thankfully remained largely sturdy after all this time. As their boarding ramps descended, newly created squads of Shoretroopers quickly exited the shuttles. Their role was a special one. High Moff Aut-X had assigned them to capture the facility and claim it for the Remnant, forming the first initial units of the special planetary defence force the Moff Council had requested once the facility was fully rebuilt. They were reinforced by a squad of Death Troopers, who were initially supposed to join Director Caalgen on the surface after he and the expeditionary teams had arrived, though with his current status unknown, Aut-X had thought it best to have them aid in the facility incursion. They quickly made their way into the wrecked facility, accompanied by teams of Imperial data technicians and several KX-series Security Droids who'd been assigned to help carry some of the larger data retrieval equipment. They were followed by a cloaked figured, garbed in a long black cape and hood and wearing the black standard-issue armour of a member of the Inquisitorius...

Eventually, Aut-X and several of his Magnaguards arrived at Director Kalast's position, a lone medical probe that had followed them moving to quickly administer aid to Aram, treating his wounded leg. "Director Kalast! I am pleased to see you have survived. We've a problem. We can't seem to locate Director Caalgen among the crash site. It is possible his pod may landed upon one of the islands further away from the tower. My forces will attempt to locate him. In the meanwhile, we've secured the perimeter around the ruined data tower and Imperial troops are already moving into the facility. The structure is damaged, but remains standing. We may yet retrieve some data....", the droid said politely to Aram, a lone B1 Battle Droid quickly rushing over with a Hoverchair to aid in moving the wounded Director of Military Intelligence.

[member="Aram Kalast"]
[member="Gida Freetaa"]
[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Jaegis Volasses"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Erica Yeager"]
[member="Aran Piett"]

Travis Caalgen


The director had been wading through the ocean for several minutes until he finally stepped foot on loose sands once more. He knew the destroyed data vault was an estimated eight kilometers away from his position, but instead of open island all he could see was palm trees and heavy vegetation. Making up his mind, the director unstrapped his belt holster and pulled out a pristine DT-29 heavy blaster pistol that had never been used due to the presence of his death troopers, but the man knew exactly how to use a blaster and he was quite good at it.

The blaster made an audible click as he slipped a blaster pack into the mechanism and loaded it into the chamber. Travis used his gloved hands to move the plant leaves aside when he passed by them, his boots crunching the dirt and grass beneath him. His ears were tuned to hear almost everything around him, it was a survival instinct, and it paid off because his heart almost jumped out of his chest when voices filled the air.

Several blaster barrels were pointed straight at him and rebel soldiers shuffled out of the underbrush, each with their aim at the director. "Stop right there, murderer! For crimes against the denizens of the galaxy, the Rebellion sentences you to execution!" One of them, a woman, yelled at Caalgen. The director had his blaster concealed beneath his duster, so he closed his eyes and prepared to die fighting, by revealing his blaster at lightning speeds and taking aim at the soldiers.

Exactly six blasts sounded throughout the jungle.

[member="Aran Piett"] | [member="Aut-x"] | [member="Aram Kalast"] | [member="Erica Yeager"] | [member="Jaegis Volasses"] | [member="Thanom"] | [member="Thurman"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Gida Freetaa"] | [member="Bruce Aar"]
Darren looked to the sky and saw the pods dropping. He was angered. Smashing his fist on his desk he yelled at Reyzar.

"Get the Makos in the air!" He shouted.

With that, a large swarm of Mako starfighters took off from the hangers of the facility. Then purposed Jarok Shipyards AT-ACTs came marching out the front door. They were painted with the Jarok Shipyards logo. One Mako flew over the location of [member="Travis Caalgen"]. The Mako fired heavy laser blasts into the sand hitting rebel soldiers. The rebels would take shelter. The heavy fighter circled the area. Darren's red and black Lambda shuttle landed close to the zone. A squad of Stormtroopers ran forward to secure the area. Darren came out the back with his Black Uniform and DL44 that he favored for missions. The men heard the blaster shots. They raised their rifles and ran forward. Darren spotted a rebel soldier. He aimed his pistol at the rebel. He clicked the safety off. A loud blaster shot rang out into the air. The bolt had hit the rebel in the chest killing him. The stormtroopers ran to cover the director.

Tanomas Graf



T H E I M P E R I A L C I T A D E L , K A M I N O

The Imperial Court was an expansive circular room, dozens of comfortable looking seats lining the walls in raised rows. In the middle was a large table with a glowing emerald Imperial Crest surrounded by an ever changing amount of chairs for the inhabitants. Currently there were nine chairs for the eight moffs of the Kamino sector, since Moff [member="Bruce Aar"] was currently on an expeditionary trip to Scarif. "I am telling you, while the Remnant is expanding past this sector, the lack of Imperial forces due to it will leave our own system vulnerable to the reported rebel elements!" Moff Ijaaz, a dumpy-looking bothan who governed Krant, bellowed to the rest of the councilors, a vein figuratively popping out from his furred forehead.

"Dangerous to your star system, perhaps; but not to the rest of the sector. The facilities at Kamino and the shipyards at Kothlis and Void Station will provide us with enough of a military to acquire the entire oversector, so long that you provide them with raw materials from Krant." Moff Vermillion, the iridonian governor of Roon, smugly uttered, staring straight into the eyes of her colleague. Ijaaz's demeanor did not change in the slightest as a result "These insurgents, or the Rebellion as they are calling themselves across the galaxy; have shown ability to effectively combat the Imperial Navy and will continue to sabotage our expansion and solidification of power in the Outer Rim until they succeed or are destroyed!" He croaked "Unless we find a way to flush them out of the oversector, the Alliance will see it as a sign of weakness and-"

The bothan immediately swallowed his words when a lightly wrinkled and fair skinned palm ascended from its place against the table into the air. The other six moffs stared in confusion until they traced Ijaaz's fearful stare back to the grizzled, bearded face of Grand Moff Graf. All of them were silent while he lowered his extremity and cleared his throat "The Galactic Alliance is of no concern to our Empire, they were forced to flee with their tail in between their legs and return to Sullust during the Invasion of the Mustafar Sector. Any being with semi-sentience can predict that they will be too busy with the First Order to attack us in our own territories." Tanomas proclaimed, taking a gander at each individual in his court as he did so.

"While there have been worrying incursions into our space by the pitiful Outer Rim Coalition, neither them or the Alliance will be involved in our controversies. Our enemy, first and foremost, is the Rebellion, and if they manage to receive the support of a close resident; the Order of the Sacred Lotus will be too. The rebels are a nomadic faction, therefore we must-" At that point the grand moff himself was delayed by the entrance of an Imperial non-comm officer in a pitch black uniform who approached Tanomas and bent over to whisper something into the ear of the head of state. Graf acknowledged before turning back to his audience "I believe the time is apt for a short, thirty minute recess; Leave us." He ordered, darkly enunciating the last words.

Outside, the Imperial novatroopers stationed in guard positions stood to the side when the large blast door opened with a hydraulic hiss, all eight of the moffs strode ought holding their various documentation, with some of them glancing at High Moff [member="Thurman"] on their way out, the others just moving past to part ways with each other. The black-uniformed returned to the outside of the Imperial Court, nodding to the High Moff and uttered "He will see you now" before returning to his duties in the guard station.
[SIZE=11pt]Lucien and his small makeshift squad of Imperial personnel strapped themselves in as the pod launched from the ship. It began to gracefully drift towards the planet below. The sight of pristine blue ocean and beautiful sandy beaches could be seen through the viewport. Lucien thought it might be a good place to catch some R&R and wondered what kind of fishing could be had here. But, these thoughts were mere dreams as their was never truly any rest for the Imperial commando turned Dark trooper. Just as his thoughts began to drift towards peace the pod’s sirens began to wail.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Lucien shot forward in his seat and his hands danced across the controls. Through the viewport he spied a trail of smoke racing towards them. It was a missile. Lucien jerked the steering wheel left and the pod began to spiral violently, but the missile missed them. Lucien felt like he would hurl as the pod continued to spin ever downwards. Through fading vision he spied the radar. The missile was coming back around. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]CHIT! [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Lucien thought, his thoughts racing. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He unbuckled himself from his chair and began a steep climb towards the rear of the pod. Gravity weighed heavy on his bones and he had to push with every ounce of his strength to make it. “Where are you going!” Someone shouted. Or at least that’s what it sounded like to Lucien. He couldn’t quiet make it out over the wailing of the alarms. “I’m sorry!” Lucien shouted back. He opened the rear of the pod and wind whipped inwards to greet him. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Lucien’s vision was spinning, his limbs felt like wet noodles, he jumped. Lucien activated his jet pack just as the missile collided with the pod. The explosion rocked the Dark trooper to his very core. He looked back for only a moment[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]At least it was quick…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]In vicinity [/SIZE]

[member="Darren Jarok"]
[member="Travis Caalgen"]
Darren heard the explosion of a missile nearby. He gestured for some troopers to locate the source of the explosion. The troopers discovered what was left of [member="Lucien Galtier"] pod. They spotted the Dark trooper on the ground. They didn't know what to think of it. One reached for his radio and muttered something into it. Another stormtrooper appeared. This one had red markings indicating it was a medic. He ran forward to Lucien. He waved his hand infront of his face. The medic began doing his work. His injuries would have to be treated back at the facility now. The medic gestured to the troopers and told them to carry him back to the shuttle

The Commodore fired shot after shot with his troops by his side. Bolt after bolt had hit those rebels. The troopers covering [member="Travis Caalgen"] grabbed him while covering him from any blaster fire. The pulled him with them back to the shuttle.

"All of you get back to the shuttle!" Darren yelled into his comm.

The troopers fell back to the shuttle. They shot the rebel who said Murderer. All of the troopers who were there had entered the shuttle. Darren yelled at the pilot to go. The shuttle lifted up fast hitting a few trees too. It get high enough to expand its wings. They headed back to the facility where the alarms began blaring. The Makos were flying over the oceans and islands searching for any pods. Darren looked to the Director.

"Director Caalgen, are you alright?" He asked.

Thurman received several distinct looks from members of the Moff Council as they dispatched from within the Imperial Court. It was easy enough for any to see that among the normality their was a slight discord among the higher ranks, not so easily dismissed without reason. Among those who gave Thurman a stare was that of Moff Vermillion, the iridonian who had taken Roon beneath his guard and so far protected his own political and financial interests because of that.
“The Grand Moff is far too busy to speak to you Moff Thurman.” He spoke with his usual smugness. “Besides, should you not have been at the seating. Your place was seeming rather empty and…vulnerable.” There was a vileness in his words, for it was no secret that Vermillion coveted the seat of Hypori as did many of the other Moffs upon the council.
“I was dealing with several alterations to Imperial law within the main sector. The Grand Moff was more then aware of my need for absence.” Thurman replied as he continued to allow others to pass, his own form closed with his arms crossed across his chest. “Beside’s if you would kindly continue on I do believe…” He turned on his heel and departed towards the door. “My private audience has been arranged.” He refused to look back, knowing the sneer that was following him would burn a million worlds.

The Court itself when not in session was immensely quiet, echoing the sound of Thurman’s boots as he entered into the vast expanse that housed the central command chain of the entire Imperial Remnant, it was at the head of this that red eyes had already fallen upon the seated silhouette of the Grand Moff.
“Grand Moff Graf.” Many wouldn’t have considered addressing Tanomas as he slid into his own seat at the left of the Grand Moff’s position running down one of the sides facing a particularly large red, black and white banner baring the Imperial Bendu. “I do hope the rest of the council have been keeping it civil and not getting too excited about the absence in the seat of Hypori?”

He cracked his fingers by forming a fist and clicking his knuckles into place. A slight twitch to his neck was also offered to remove an annoying firmness, it was a ritual he would do every time he sat in his seat at this table.
“We have a situation of Scarif.” He slid across the data chip he had been given by his agent. “I figured this may need to be more need to know then officially on council.” He paused, if Graf knew about Scarif Thurman could not read it. “I would obviously prefer to discuss before proceeding, the situation is ah, more delicate then I originally anticipated.”

[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Aut-X"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"]

The agent heard blaster fire and explosions off in the distance. Seems the false inheritors, those disgraceful First Order, had fired upon the sons of the Remnant. Or so he was to believe. He turned to his fellow Chiss, staring through the dark helm of his armor. “Indeed. Be watchful. Call it intuition, but we may have resistance.” He pulled his blaster pistol from its holster on his hip and pressed forward toward the tropical jungles of Scarif.

The cover of the various mangroves and tropical trees would provide ideal cover if a skirmish was to occur with enemy forces en route to the objective. A dark tower that stood like a bastion of the ancients, seeming a bit decayed from years of jungle growth and erosion from the salty sea air. He tapped on his communicator in his wrist armor, trying to connect to any known Remnant channels. He had limited connection, and decided to use it wisely.

“Attention Imperial communications. This is IA-657, Imperial Intelligence. My comrades and I have survived the wreckage...”
He said in a somewhat hushed tone,”We are currently heading towards some sort of ancient complex. Looks Old Imperial. Believe it to be Objective. Sending coordinates. Long live the Empire.”

He finished the transmission by sending rough coordinates of where he stood before the connection cut out. He believed it would be enough for their fellows to breadcrumb their way to himself and his fellows. He looked to his other loyalists with a nod. “Let's hope that worked. If so, and our fellow officers are alive, we may have the calvary at our backs.”

He pressed forward, keeping his eyes peeled for any sort of First Order, or even hostile natives. He did not seem to recall there to be any sort of sentients on Scarif, but what knowledge he knew was limited and likely extremely outdated. He kept his blaster close, knowing that, for now, his squad was on their own and mistakes were deadly.
The fortunate appearance of Aut-X had allowed Aram a moment to gather himself and his surrounds. Even the pain of his injury was fast residing as Bacta pads were attached to his exposed flesh.
“There is no point running off into the tree lines yet.” He spoke with concern towards the droid. “We need to establish our position and begin rounding up our survivors.” He gave the beach a look over, it was rough but would make do.

“Get me thirty men. I will establish a beachhead here, a mobile centre which we can use as a rally point.” He relaxed in his hover chair. “The rest should go with you, we need to secure the facility. In the absence of Caalgen the directive falls on us unfortunetly.” He gave a sigh.

This was not going as they hoped it would.


Travis Caalgen


Caalgen raised his blaster and fired two times in rapid succession, both shots impacting into the chests of two Rebel soldiers respectively. He was about to finish the job with the others until explosions rocked the ground beside him and sent earth flying through the air, the remaining soldiers either running or being flung, dead on contact, into the surrounding trees and vegetation. Travis shielded himself, looking around confusedly for the source of the explosions, his eyes finally setting upon the Lambda-class T4-c shuttlecraft as it landed, a man whom he recognized as Commodore [member="Darren Jarok"] of the Imperial Navy.

He allowed himself to be ushered into the shuttle along with a person that he also knew as a new subject within the revived Dark Trooper Project, Sergeant [member="Lucien Galtier"]. Once aboard and in flight, he turned towards the commodore when he was addressed "I'm fine, but we must make due haste to the ruined Imperial Data Vault. The First Order is in the midst of an unauthorized data extraction, they are our allies but this is unacceptable. Do you have a spare communicator?" Director Caalgen queried, a neutral but worried expression present on his face.

[member="Aram Kalast"] | [member="Aran Piett"] | [member="Aut-x"] | [member="Erica Yeager"] | [member="Thanom"] | [member="Jaegis Volasses"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: Search for Data​
Location: Scarif Surface​
"Captain Piett, I think we found what we were looking for."
Aran rushes over to the Technician.​
"What is it?"
"Sir we found data about an old alliance stash in First Order space, and found data on an old Imperial shipyard as well."
"Good, gather the data, rip the Alliance data and just copy the Imperial data, and leave a marker on the Imperial Remnant's frequency as well so the can find this as well."
"Aye understood sir."
The technicians started to gather the data from the ruined data center. Ripping the Alliance to Restore the Republic's data would come up if the Remnant looked for it, but Aran hoped they wouldn't and be more interested in the Imperial shipyard data. Aran looked over the data as it was pulled from the console, both locations had what he was looking for in each location so it was perfect. Hopefully before the Galactic Alliance pulled their next assault Task Force 191 would be just how Aran wanted it, and this data would help with that.​
[member="Travis Caalgen"]​

Tanomas Graf


T H E I M P E R I A L C I T A D E L , K A M I N O
Tanomas lightly chuckled, a rare sound emanating from the most powerful man in the sector "Indeed, though Ijaaz and Vermillion seem to be determined to grasp each other by the throat at every meeting, it would be very entertaining if there weren't more serious matters to discuss, speaking of..." He trailed, gently setting his hands in his lap as he glanced at the chiss before him, expecting whatever the high moff was about to say. When the news was delivered of the situation on Scarif, the green glow from the table complimented the frown that formed on the old man's features.

"Yes... situation indeed. I was alerted by Imperial Intelligence when the report came in, the last information they received was the Bel'reen losing its shields. I designed that ship class myself, the only thing capable of piercing the standard issue warship shields is a highly concentrated blast of energy, a planetary-scale turbolaser." Tanomas determined. "But alas, Thurman, Scarif is in your sector. And it is under your jurisdiction as the newly appointed high moff, therefore I wish that you take the reigns on this incident. If I personally oversaw every operation, nothing would get done, besides; I have much larger...plans...for this day." He cryptically informed, casting a glance back at the man.


Visser Chernykh

No one makes the hero bleed.
Post Count: 1
Location: Scarif
Objective: Search for data, find Imperial survivors and what the hell just happened.
Allies: @Thanom @Aran Piett [member="Travis Caalgen"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

It's always a fething jungle, thought Lt. Visser Chernykh of Inferno Squadron. One minute they'd been entering atmosphere over Scarif. Then all hell had broken loose and he'd been forced to punch out. There hadn't been time to find out much of anything.

Just grab his DC-15s and get to the escape pod. I suppose I'm lucky I had pants on. He'd been about to catch some rack time when it all happened. Dress down fatigues were a lot better suited to a jungle than boxer shorts.

It kept the blood suckers off of him. Theoretically anyway. He grimaced as he heard them buzz around his ears. Damned bugs were the bane of his existence.

He remembered them well from Kashyyk. But he forced that memory back down hard. That was another time and place. He wasn't on that jungle world anymore. He was on this jungle hellhole.

They'd been assigned to go find old Imperial data supposedly destroyed by Rebels. Scarif had once helped develop the Death Star's super laser a long time ago. Who knew what remained of the information. Imperial tech was a lot tougher than many would believe.

That had been Inferno Squad's assignment. Now he just had to find the others through the thick vegetation. And he had to avoid whatever had shot them down. He didn't know who or what it had been but probably not friendly.

He took cover behind the bole of a massive tree. His blue-grey eyes took in his surroundings as he popped his head around a sliver. Just enough to see into the small clearing. Just enough to get his head blown off by a sniper.

Visser would've strongly preferred the cockpit of his TIE Avenger. Unfortunately that wasn't an option and he needed to get the hell out of this jungle for it to be. For now he was a ground-pounder. Something he thought he'd never be doing.

But life took all kinds of twists and turns. Inferno Squadron had come knocking and you couldn't say no to that. So training kicked in and he was skulking through the fauna and sweating like a pig....
Inside the shuttle with Commodore [member="Darren Jarok"] stood the tall Deathtrooper TK-4259. He held onto a long, black, shiny sniper rifle. TK-4259 was with Darren at his facility. The trooper was informed they were landing in the jungle near [member="Travis Caalgen"]. The shuttle stopped and opened its door midair. Darren had ordered him to jump out and take out the rebels from a distance. The deathtrooper nodded and jumped into the jungle. He rolled on the jungle floor with his sniper. The shuttle flew off to the location where the director was. He looked up before making his way to a vantage point where he saw Travis. TK-4259 was laying belly down zoomed into the rebels. He fired at the ones not close to the Director. A blaster shot rang out in the jungle sending a bolt right into the head of a rebel. He did the same with a few others. The outer ones were taken care of. The shuttle had shown up then with an escort of Mako heavy fighters. Once the small skirmish was over, he boarded the shuttle with the others once again. The shuttle was gone. Darren looked at the director when he asked for a communicator.

"Here you go, Director." Darren said.



"Worry not, Director Kalast. Your own troops have breached the ruined Data Center via the main landing pad entrance. Meanwhile, my own forces have already moved to secure the surrounding islands. We've met little to no resistance. This seems to have been a small scale attack by a lone cell. They will be dealt with easily enough.", the High Moff said confidently. A large shadow soon covered the data facility and the islands around it as a large Providence-class Dreadnaught entered the atmosphere, flying only a few thousand feet above the data facility below. Swarms of Vulture and Hyena Droids flew out of it's hangar bays, moving to secure the skies around the data facility and restrict movement of any unauthorised craft while patrolling for any rebel positions.

On the ground, Aut-X's forces had quickly fortified their landing zones, dispatching companies of Battle Droids reinforced by AAT tanks to patrol and quarantine the vicinity around the Data Facility. Any rebel insurgents found were quickly eliminated by the superior numbers of the droid army.

[member="Visser Chernykh"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Aran Piett"]
[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Aram Kalast"]
[member="Darren Jarok"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]

Thurman released a small smirk, a twitch of his mouth that momentarily flashed perfect white teeth. “Ijaaz and Vermillion will be kept in check soon, their holdings will be safe enough to exclude them from the security meetings which should allow for less exposure to their power grabbing that they believe is rightfully theres.” He enjoyed his role as High Moff, especially when it came to the political intrigue of the Imperial Court, there were few who could play it better.

He listened intently to the Grand Moff’s explanation of the Bel’reen’s destruction, fitting the pieces together with his own theories which only increased the belief that it was no accident. “I thought as much. As much as the council would love to see the potential for the First Order blamed against our loss I was cautious against even mentioning their presence. The attack clearly came from the planetary surface which of course brings a worrying conclusion. The rebellion is clearly growing bold if they are attempting to hold Scarif, perhaps the reports of them forming to become more than a scattered cell network holds proof.”

He was told to take the reigns. For reasons yet foretold to the general populace. Again a smirk.
“Naturally Grand Moff. I merely wished to run the situation by yourself, I know Director Caalgen is held in particular regard by all on the council and did not wish to be stepping on any toes before we truly tested my standing within my sector.” He paused and leant back in his chair. “I will crush the Rebellion on Scarif in one fell swoop, a victory that we can use as you launch our announcement. We can use it to show that we offer the security and protection that the galaxy is so desperately lacking.”

He stood and offered the Grand Moff a salute.

“May Imperial banners reign supreme across the entire galaxy.”

[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[SIZE=11pt]Desmond waited for the rest of his comrades to exit the pod. Then he noticed something moving in the bushes. Desmond activated his stealth cloak and motioned for Thanom to do the same. That’s when he heard it [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I think the pod crashed over here,” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The voice didn’t sound Imperial and Desmond it must be enemies coming to check the crash site. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Chit [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Desmond cursed inwardly. He raised his disruptor rifle and prepared for the enemy to approach. The first of them appeared and Desmond shot the man with a disintegration shot to the chest. The man's torso began to dissolve and he coughed up blood as he stared down at his chest horrified. Another emerged from the bush and attempted to drag the man back, but he was already dead. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The tree line exploded with blaster fire and Desmond took cover behind the pod. He primed a grenade and lobbed it into the jungle. It exploded and Desmond ran as it did. He entered the jungle and discovered much of the vegetation had been cleared by the blast. Most of the rebels had fled or were dead Desmond gathered from the few corpses scattered here and there. He opened up his HUD on his helmet and noticed a friendly tag nearby. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He had also received a transmission. Purge squadron was merging with Inferno squadron. Their first objective as the new squadron. Find and destroy the Rebels. Desmond glanced back to the friendly tag and sighed. Whoever the tag belonged too they were part of Inferno squad. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“We must link up with our comrades [member="Thanom"],” Desmond said to his fellow Chiss[/SIZE]

[member="Visser Chernykh"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Thurman"] [member="Tanomas Graf"]

"Let us hope your strategic ability is as keen as your patriotism, Thurman." the slithering voice of Irridius mused, "A shame if the navy had to take matters into its own hands because terrorists remained unopposed in your sector" The Grand Admiral approached, hands tucked behind his uncannily crisp, white uniform. He offered no salute, he had reason to, he was a sovereign in his own right as far as he was concerned. Instead, he offered only a snake charmer's smile to the Grand Moff as his protection unit of death troopers marched to his sides.

"A pleasure to see you again, Grand Moff, I was just about to inquire into the Scariff situation myself. I heard that terrorists were encountered in the system, but the Intelligence Committee was reluctant to share much else. Perhaps you could indulge me with the intelligence the Bureau was so greedily clinging to, it would spare me the trouble of confronting the Moff Council myself."

Irridius held an interesting position in which he could command the entirety of the Imperial Navy on a whim but was denied the intelligence allowing him to do so effectively. It was beyond simply engaging, it made him absolutely apoplectic. Yet, this was the price he paid for seeking to become the torchbearer in a brighter, more efficient Imperial Society. One worthy of the recognition the ancient Galactic Empire held.

Visser Chernykh

No one makes the hero bleed.
Visser continued on through the vegetation with pistol primed. The hyper-awareness gave everything a surreal quality. Every colour was crisper and every rustle of leaves sounded almost thunderous. Someone not trained would surely lose their mind.

What the pilot didn't know what exactly how close he was to his squad mates. That was the problem with these places. Everything was just so dense to the point where the passage of time was even hard to distinguish. Then came the first explosion.

Call-sign 'Fenris' dove for cover on instinct. It was over....there, he realized. Several hundred meters just to the left. Explosions and small arms discharges. Whoever it was that'd shot them down maybe.

That meant his fellow Imperials. He began to creep those last few hundred meters cursing that he'd not had a chance to retrieve his armour. Vis had to link up with them if he was going to make it out....

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Thanom"]

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