Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spare Time? What's That?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay furrowed her brows while [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] spoke of what was bothering him. She wrapped an arm around his shoulder while he continued, not interrupting at all, and just let him get it all out. It brought back memories of the Conclave that Veiere held. It all ended in turmoil and arguments, when he had just wanted the Jedi to all be on one page. But there were those that liked power too much.

"We all have our demons. I don't know what I'd do if I saw my husband's killer again. I would probably run.

But....I know that I have a few people that I could trust more than anyone. You are one of them, Joshua. And I would do my best to not let you down."
He hadn't meant to just... Let it all out like that. But with Kay he just felt... Comfortable. Like he could say what was on his mind and he wouldn't be judged for it. He would lean against her as she spoke, and just slowly nodded, his eyes no longer on the sky but on the ground now. He wanted to run, but he knew he couldn't... He wanted to run from all the suffering, all the pain he had endured. But he couldn't. All he could do was rely on who he knew he could, trust nobody else... And hope for the best.

And then he would smile at her last words. "Thank you" He spoke softly. "And you, I."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay squeezed [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] a bit with her arm while she smiled. "Good, because otherwise I might have to kick your butt." She laughed a little, hoping that it would cheer him up. "You'll be fine. And you can always come here when you need a vacation."
He stuck his tongue at her. "If I weren't a taken man, that'd have earned you a spank right there" He joked in turn with a laugh. It seemed she'd cheered him up indeed. "And trust me, whether spanking or kicking... I hit hard. You don't want me kicking, either. You won't sit down for a week."

He smiled then, and nodded his head at her offer. "Thank you. I really do appreciate that. Can I look forward to your company when I do?" He teased in turn.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay gasped in an over-the-top mocking manner. "You would dare hurt a President?? Oh for shame. And here I thought that you were one of the good guys."

She then smirked at his question on whether or not she would be there for his vacation. "Maybe...It's hard to say...If security finds out that you want to kick me, well, they might not let you near me." Kay folded her arms across her chest, while looking away from [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] with her nose up in the air.
"Oh fine. I'll be GENTLE, geez" He would remark with mock annoyance, as he folded his arms across his chest and looked away from her to exactly match her himself.

"Geez, you politicians are so damn stingy. Let your hair down and take a break from gouging people for pocket money, will ya?" He joked.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smirked as [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] mocked her and copied her. She just stuck out her tongue and gave him a raspberry as she turned to him. Of course he was a bit close, so some of her spit landed on his cheek. She wiped it off with her sleeve. "Oops! Sorry! But you know, gouging people for pocket money is part of my job description. I am a politician."

At least this plan was working. She wanted an afternoon of laughs and of not being spied on. Joshua was a great help for that.
A laugh escaped him at her response, clearly finding this whole thing amusing. He didn't seem to acknowledge her getting a bit carried away, but well, Jedi were known for their patience, after all. It was a funny thing to consider, really. If she did manage to piss him off, he was a trained warrior, and had been since he was a child. Behind the laughs and the joking around, and the snark - lay one of the most proficient and skilled lightsaber masters in the galaxy right now. If she did manage to piss him off, even with Kay's own mastery of the Force, it was very likely that Josh would have the upper hand. While Kay put her time mostly into her work, combat was his work. Still, it was a funny thing to think about, how patient he was when he could probably have been incredibly dangerous if he were to actually be pissed off.

But here he was, laughing and joking around with a politician without a care in the world. But that was Josh. He'd always been docile as not to hurt a fly, until given reason to.

"Fair point" He remarked with a light chuckle. "Do you guys not get paid if you don't?" He joked.

It'd been a fun afternoon, indeed. He didn't like to say it but he needed the break as much as she did.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Aha....that is a politician's secret that I cannot divulge.'ll just have to be satisfied with not knowing." She kept her arms folded across her chest and just nodded to [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] as though she was just affirming her point.

Now Kay changed the subject again. It wasn't as though she was uncomfortable, but she had something else that she needed to do. She began removing her boots and socks. "Not afraid to get a little wet, are you? I want to show you something." It was the right time of day for it, afterall.
"That pretty much answers my question in itself anyway" He teased back, with a light smirk. The topic was entirely jokingly, of course. It was the both of them making fun of politicians in general really, and Josh was fully aware that Kay was nothing like that. Though when she would change the subject, he quirked a brow as she began to undress.

"Wouldn't be the first time" He joked, shooting her a cheeky grin as he would remove his armored boots - a loud CLANG emitting as they hit the ground. Removing his socks then, he would stretch out as he got up, and motion for her to take the lead into the water.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She snickered at his comment and then rolled up her trousers till they were just below her knees. Her boots and socks were left behind while she headed down the beach.


The tide was out, which was what they needed. "People come from all over just to see these and even buy them. But they aren't so easy find or acquire. We should be good today though." Kay led [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] along the beach and then started heading into the water towards the jagged rocks. The warm water only got to her mid shins, so that was fine. "We only have about an hour before the tide starts to come back again. So fingers crossed." No doubt he had no idea what she was talking about.
"Do you want my shirt too while we're stripping down?"

The comment was quick and sudden, though if she turned around, she'd see him shooting a joking grin toward her as he would wade after her in the water, leaving shoes and socks behind.

Though he would listen as he walked behind her and she spoke, talking of people coming from places to see something... And buy them?

"And buy what, exactly? And what are we crossing our fingers for, might I ask?" He would inquire, the accent on his a's more prevalent then ever.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay laughed and shook her head. She knew that [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] was joking. She could tell by the tone of his voice and just by the way of his personality.

To his second question, she looked over her shoulder while she walked. "That they got enough light, of course." She smirked as she turned her head to face forward again. Finally they hit the mouth of a cave hidden within the jagged rocks. Almost quietly, she waded slowly into the water, trying to cause the least amount of ripples as possible. "Move carefully out of the sunlight. Let your eyes adjust to the dark. Then you'll see them." Hopefully. Kay followed her own instructions, looking downward into the water. She smiled as she spotted about a dozen of them, iridescent salt flower crystals in a rainbow of colours. She reached down into the water and plucked out two of them, one yellow and one orange. Kay held them out in her open palms, each flower crystal a couple of inches in diameter. "For you and your lady friend. They will hold their inner light for a few weeks, then they must be placed in salt water and catch the moonlight in order to regain their glow. But even without their light, they look pretty."

Well, of course he was. Why wouldn't he be? Joking was Josh 101, jokes, teases, flirts, well, maybe less the flirts now that he was with Shmi of course, practical jokes, pranks, maybe not pranks so much, but certainly the others... Oh! And don't forget the playful banter! That was Josh to a tee in terms of his shenanigans, and Lady Kay had known him more then long enough to know full well when he was just kidding around.

But when they entered the caravan, and were graced by the sight of the flowers, his eyes brightened. "Wow..." He spoke softly. "They're... They're beautiful" He would speak, and would quirk a brow as she would hand him two. "Are... Are you sure we can just take these? I don't know... I guess it feels wrong, somehow. But you did mention that people do this often..." He would admit, and took a breath. And then he would smile.

"I'm sure Shmi will love it."

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Shmi Labooda"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay shrugged her shoulders a bit. "Only the people that know when and where to look come and take them, but yes, it's perfectly legal. They aren't a part of the ecosystem and they aren't alive, so it will cause no harm. More will form in it's place in time. So don't worry." But they were worth a pretty credit, that's for sure.

Soon she turned and left the cave, wading back through the shallow water. "We should probably start heading back before the tide causes us to swim."

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
"I... I suppose you're right. I guess it just feels wrong, taking something so naturally beautiful, and so well hidden. But I suppose if you're sure, then... Then it should be alright" The Jedi Master would speak softly as he would gaze upon the flowers for what felt like hours, before he would nod to her inclination that they should leave, turning and following behind her as he safely tucked them away.

"Well, a swim would be nice, but perhaps not as far as would be required" He remarked with a chuckle. "You'd probably prefer it properly dressed and while I have no shirt anyway" Was the next joke to come out of his mouth. Back to his old self already, huh?

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay blinked while she walked. It was a type of salt crystal. Sure it was beautiful and expensive for the moment, but it wasn't valued as much as some other crystals and gemstones. "And what of all of the lightsaber crystals that get harvested and used? There are far more of those that get taken than these, I assure you. And they form in less of an amount of time."

She smirked at his remark about swimming. "Of course I'd rather be properly dressed. And for my safety, you should be too. Wouldn't want your lady to think that we are more than friends." Kay laughed a little to herself. The very idea of her trying to steal another's boyfriend was quite absurd.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
"Fair point. I guess with their beauty, it's a bias on what they may be worth, it fools people, I suppose" He would admit, chuckling lightly as he scratched his head. "It's true, Force crystals are important. Granted... For many force users, they're a necessity, instead of a luxury. Some look for more powerful ones, granted, and they're more luxury, but if we didn't take the crystals in general, how would Padawans make their first lightsabers? For us, we need to take them. These? We don't have to, we want to."

He took a breath. "But I suppose that's my bias. I'm a Jedi, after all. A lightsaber is part of our culture. And I've been a Jedi my entire life pretty much, so to me, a lightsaber and the parts required are a part of us."

To her quip however, the subject changed and he would only chuckle in turn. "Yeah... Though really more for your own safety. I've never seen Shmi be violent out of anything other then the greater good but... Something tells me that Shmi attacking from a personal reason would be terrifying."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay listened to [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] while they walked. It took a moment for him to get to the point that she would have made. A lightsaber is part of the culture, but not a need. Of course he didn't say the latter bit, but that's how she felt. She hardly used her lightsaber and rarely used the Force in front of others, so it wasn't so much of a need for her as it was to other Jedi or Sith. Tea was her need, more than anything, and her freedom.

"Oh I can only imagine. But...I'm no homewrecker, so everyone can count themselves lucky."

It wasn't long before they were back at the beach. The tide was already coming in, yet their boots and socks were safe. She sat up on a rock and began drying up her feet with her sleeve before getting them dressed. "We should be heading back before Einon thinks that you've kidnapped me. Did you want to drive?"
Of course, Kay had to remember that they were very much different in terms of how they had approached the Jedi life. Kay was a former member, long removed, who while still practicing in the Force, primarily focused more on her political life. For Josh? Being a Jedi was his life. He had been a Jedi since the age of five. To him, naturally, a lightsaber was almost like a need. He knew it wasn't, deep down, but at the same time it didn't feel right without one. It was as part of him as his arms and his legs, and he had trained as such. Josh had not ceased being a Jedi, even when he had left factions and organizations and gone to others. The Jedi philosophy had still been his entire life from an early age. Perhaps if he ran away as he said he was tempted to, he would feel the same detachment after a long period of time as Kay did. But right now? They would never be able to understand one another in that department.

He supposed it was time to get back indeed, but when she asked him to drive, he would stop. And stare at her. Long and hard.


[member="Lady Kay"]

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