He had served the Republic for a very long time. For 15 years, he served... He saw it all. He saw the corruption, he saw the power grubbing, the whim to stab one another in the back. His father, too, had served... Though in what capacity? That was an interesting question... Seeing as he didn't talk about his family very much. Josh had been a singular entity, for all people knew of him... Naught, nothing more.
But he'd seen attempts to be honest in the Republic... Even in their Jedi, they didn't last. They were always snuffed out in favor of greed and selfishness. Actual selfishness. Not accidental. There was nothing accidental about what the Senators did...
"Yes, but your intention is to help others. You don't think much of how it helps you. Me? I never have. And generally, I don't tend to get anything in return. It's always the honest ones who end up alone, and stabbed in the back when they think they're protected, when they think they've received something in return for what they've done, even if they didn't mean to have that in return...
Look at me, Kay. Look in my eyes for a moment, truly... Truly look me in the eyes and appraise me. In most ways, I am alone in this world. I spent my entire life serving a cause that threw it all back at me when my views didn't agree with theirs. All the friends I made, all the protections I held, everything... All shattered. Gone. What do I have to show for my years? Nothing. I receive nothing in return for the scars on my body, and the scars that haunt my very soul. I did, for a time... But in the end, it's usually just... Gone. Gone to the selfishness of man, of women, of... People.
I have very few friends. Very few I can call people I trust. And even those, I barely see. Usually... Just when they need something. It's almost always a need. A desire for something, tangible or intangible. Generally tangible. When I'm not on mission, I don't go be a social butterfly. It's rare that I do. Rare that I'm on a social call, as am today, which I really do appreciate that I am for once. If not on mission... There's always a need from somebody. Most of which who would cut contact when they no longer see something I can offer them. But rare that I'm there because I'm wanted for myself, and not for knowledge, or for something tangible.
I suppose I should thank you... For being a friend. A true friend."
He then smiled.
"Truly a gem among the shit, as I called it before" He joked quietly with a cheeky smirk. "I just wish there were others like you. Many others like you."
"And not just because you're beautiful" He joked again, a laugh escaping him this time.
But he knew every laugh would be fleeting. Before long, he knew he'd be back on the ship, back to an eternal livelihood of service, a life that was all that he knew... Alone.
It was funny, that... The ones who laughed the most... Were usually the ones who felt the most pain deep inside.
[member="Lady Kay"]